Breaking News: 300 Former Obama Staffers Urge Faux Squaw Elizabeth Warren To Run For President

Yep. I've been commenting on the moves Warren has been making for some time. She is behaving exactly as someone who is pondering a run for the presidency would behave.

Here's the key effect: A Warren challenge will force Hillary to move further to the left during the primaries.

That may be all Warren wants to achieve, or she may actually want the Big Prize for herself.
Yep. I've been commenting on the moves Warren has been making for some time. She is behaving exactly as someone who is pondering a run for the presidency would behave.

Here's the key effect: A Warren challenge will force Hillary to move further to the left during the primaries.

That may be all Warren wants to achieve, or she may actually want the Big Prize for herself.

We already elected a one term Senator. I think she will go for the VP slot.
Will she run as a native American or the women that fully understands who built America, or at least from the progressive view point before government exceeded their intended powers?
"Oh look at me! I'm voting for a Woman! See how Forward Thinking and Progressive I am? Get out of here with that "Banker Whore" talk you Sexist Pig!"
Will she run as a native American or the women that fully understands who built America, or at least from the progressive view point before government exceeded their intended powers?

Maybe she'll just run on her credentials. No need for posturing like Palin, or pontificating like Cruz, or continuing a dynastic disaster like Jeb Bush.

"""""Warren taught at the Rutgers School of Law–Newark during 1977–1978, the University of Houston Law Center from 1978 to 1983, and the University of Texas School of Law from 1981 to 1987, in addition to teaching at the University of Michigan as a visiting professor in 1985 and as a research associate at the University of Texas at Austin from 1983 to 1987.[26]

She joined the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1987 and became a tenured professor. She began teaching at Harvard Law School in 1992, as a visiting professor, and began a permanent position as Leo Gottlieb Professor of Law in 1995.[26]

In 1995 Warren was asked to advise the National Bankruptcy Review Commission.[27] She helped to draft the commission's report and worked for several years to oppose legislation intended to severely restrict the right of consumers to file for bankruptcy. Warren and others opposing the legislation were not successful; in 2005 Congress passed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.[28]

From November 2006 to November 2010, Warren was a member of the FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion.[29] She is a member of the National Bankruptcy Conference, an independent organization that advises the U.S. Congress on bankruptcy law.[30] She is a former Vice-President of theAmerican Law Institute and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.[31]"""
Warren harps on the same three priorities everywhere she goes, which is a brilliant tactic. Reagan did the same thing. Keep the list short, and bang away at it over and over.

Warren's issue list:

1. Wall Street "reform".

2. Student loan reductions.

3. Taxing the rich more.

Yes, we can't miss how much Liz hates America and free enterprise

If Citigroup gets their way you can kiss free anything and everything goodbye, because they, JP Morgan Chase, B of A, Goldman Sachs, et al. will just take what they want from the taxpayers with complete impunity.
She's the female Obama: a sociopath, a pathological liar with a shady past, a hatred of American free enterprise and a true believer in government forced redistribution

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