BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

Sure but death, death threats or bodily harm should not be one of them. You don't get to break the law because someone insulted you. And before you deny you are saying that, you are blaming the victim and the result is the same.


I have made exactly two posts in this thread. It should not be too hard for you to find where I've "blamed the victims".

Well, you supported the post of someone who is blaming the victim.

I did? How so?

As far as I'm concerned, my only actions in this thread have been to reply to a single, asinine post. I don't believe that I have "supported" anything.

Really? You don't see it even if you read this line of discussion again?

Of course I don't "see" it, it's not there. You're seeing what you want to see.

The only thing that I have said in this thread is that the idea that "speech doesn't have consequences" is simply ludicrous.

I have not even mentioned anything about the events at the "cartoon contest", or anything close to it.

Agreed, anyone who intentionally causes someone to be murdered by taunting known killers shares culpability in their deaths. The person flapping his gums should be sued at the very least.

If I call some woman with a very abusive husband, knowing full well that he might harm her, I would be guilty of negligence.

How the fuck do you get ANY of that out of My posts? I don't respect Hillary for ANYTHING much less her idiotic ideas of Mormonism or any other stupid religion.
The left mocked Romney for his religion and you all bitched about it, and rightfully so. No everyone has decided that hypocrisy is the word of the day and is now praising someone else for their disrespectful message.

More & more I am finding myself alone on this site when it comes to NOT BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE

Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
Agreed, anyone who intentionally causes someone to be murdered by taunting known killers shares culpability in their deaths. The person flapping his gums should be sued at the very least.

If I call some woman with a very abusive husband, knowing full well that he might harm her, I would be guilty of negligence.

So, we should coddle violent sociopaths, but punish those who are peaceful and law abiding? :thup:

Say, you voted for Obama, dinja?
amazing a self professed genius like you can't grasp what it means to 'demand'.

ValeRavi - you're stupid as a fucking brick.

From the party press;

Those two men were would-be murderers. But their thwarted attack, or the murderous rampage of the Charlie Hebdo killers, or even the greater threat posed by the barbaric killers of the Islamic State or Al Qaeda, cannot justify blatantly Islamophobic provocations like the Garland event. These can serve only to exacerbate tensions and to give extremists more fuel.

Some of those who draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad may earnestly believe that they are striking a blow for freedom of expression, though it is hard to see how that goal is advanced by inflicting deliberate anguish on millions of devout Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism.}

Is that not the fucking dNYc Times condemning free speech? The voice of your filthy, pile of shit fucking anti-liberty party?

For all those who are not Rati, thus dumb as a fucking rock; this puts it into perspective:

“The Book of Mormon,” a long-running Broadway smash in left-wing New York City, is the intellectual equivalent to Pam Geller’s Draw Muhammad Cartoon Contest. Both use art and satire to poke a finger in the eye of a particular religion. The only difference between the two is that the mainstream media loves to mock Mormons even as they vigorously defend Islam. And there is of course the little matter of Islamic savages threatening to behead cartoonists.

There is just no getting around the fact, though, that unless you are appeasing terrorists or carving out special protections for a certain religion, Muhammad cartoons and “The Book of Mormon” are the exact same approach towards two different religions.}

NYTs Condemns Offending Islam Profit From Mormon Bashing - Breitbart
Why are you so afraid of free speech?
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

I agree and I completely support it.

Fuck Islam, FUCK MOHAMMAD and FUCK the low-rent, burka wearing, prayer rug kneeling cult that needs to kill everything that disagrees with it... and THE SOCIALISTS THEY RODE IN ON!
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

I agree and I completely support it.

Fuck Islam, FUCK MOHAMMAD and FUCK the low-rent, burka wearing, prayer rug kneeling cult that needs to kill everything that disagrees with it... and THE SOCIALISTS THEY RODE IN ON!
Funny since your beliefs and their's are twins.

How the fuck do you get ANY of that out of My posts? I don't respect Hillary for ANYTHING much less her idiotic ideas of Mormonism or any other stupid religion.
The left mocked Romney for his religion and you all bitched about it, and rightfully so. No everyone has decided that hypocrisy is the word of the day and is now praising someone else for their disrespectful message.

More & more I am finding myself alone on this site when it comes to NOT BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE

Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
You are a projecting moron. I haven't defended ANYONE. You say fuck Muhammad? I'll do you one better fuck EVERY single supposed God or prophet. They are ALL LIARS and anyone who believes any of them is a complete weak minded fool.

Oh and fuck you too douchebag
I'd believe that only if I saw it. Common sense has to trump individual rights - otherwise it would perfectly fine to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. Your freedom ends when it impinges on someone else. This is why the Muslim's right to expression by shooting and bombing or flying planes into buildings isn't supported. Yet, if you have a reasonable expectation of that outcome - and Geller surely did as seen by her forethought in providing a large security detail - why poke someone in the eye if not to simply provoke such an action? This isn't an exercise in free speech so much as one in thumbing one's nose at another's moral base. That, to me, is inexcusable.

Well stated, but WAY over the heads of right wing idiots who have found a "cause" to wrap themselves in the Constitution as if they understood that free speech carries responsibilities....

Why do we have libel laws? Why do we have laws against hate crimes?

Its just the same bullshit from right wingers who like to "talk" like they're patriots but have no concept of responsibility or the capacity to know the difference.

How the fuck do you get ANY of that out of My posts? I don't respect Hillary for ANYTHING much less her idiotic ideas of Mormonism or any other stupid religion.
The left mocked Romney for his religion and you all bitched about it, and rightfully so. No everyone has decided that hypocrisy is the word of the day and is now praising someone else for their disrespectful message.

More & more I am finding myself alone on this site when it comes to NOT BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE

Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
You are a projecting moron. I haven't defended ANYONE. You say fuck Muhammad? I'll do you one better fuck EVERY single supposed God or prophet. They are ALL LIARS and anyone who believes any of them is a complete weak minded fool.

Oh and fuck you too douchebag
Despite your semi-attack on Christianity...that was hilarious.
The radical left, as represented by the filthy democratic party, is dedicated to eradicating civil liberty. Nate fights to stop freedom of speech because that is the goal of his party. The Anti-Liberty left opposes all civil rights. Speech, religion, expression, etc. is viewed as privilege reserved for the groups favored by the party, not as rights that accrue to all citizens.

Did you come up with that "conclusion" when you looked down on your toilet bowl?

How the fuck do you get ANY of that out of My posts? I don't respect Hillary for ANYTHING much less her idiotic ideas of Mormonism or any other stupid religion.
The left mocked Romney for his religion and you all bitched about it, and rightfully so. No everyone has decided that hypocrisy is the word of the day and is now praising someone else for their disrespectful message.

More & more I am finding myself alone on this site when it comes to NOT BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE

Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
You are a projecting moron. I haven't defended ANYONE. You say fuck Muhammad? I'll do you one better fuck EVERY single supposed God or prophet. They are ALL LIARS and anyone who believes any of them is a complete weak minded fool.

Oh and fuck you too douchebag
Despite your semi-attack on Christianity...that was hilarious.
I'm still baffled at being accused of defending ANYONE. I am an equal opportunity asshole, I mock every religion.
Bottom line, I am so glad that the right wing idiots are powerless and just spewing their moronic, "I'm more of a patriot than you" bullshit with their cute little keyboards while sitting on their fat asses.

How the fuck do you get ANY of that out of My posts? I don't respect Hillary for ANYTHING much less her idiotic ideas of Mormonism or any other stupid religion.
The left mocked Romney for his religion and you all bitched about it, and rightfully so. No everyone has decided that hypocrisy is the word of the day and is now praising someone else for their disrespectful message.

More & more I am finding myself alone on this site when it comes to NOT BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE

Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
You are a projecting moron. I haven't defended ANYONE. You say fuck Muhammad? I'll do you one better fuck EVERY single supposed God or prophet. They are ALL LIARS and anyone who believes any of them is a complete weak minded fool.

Oh and fuck you too douchebag
Despite your semi-attack on Christianity...that was hilarious.
I'm still baffled at being accused of defending ANYONE. I am an equal opportunity asshole, I mock every religion.
They do it to me all of the are dealing with teapers. They are nasty, dishonest and despicable hate mongers.

How the fuck do you get ANY of that out of My posts? I don't respect Hillary for ANYTHING much less her idiotic ideas of Mormonism or any other stupid religion.
The left mocked Romney for his religion and you all bitched about it, and rightfully so. No everyone has decided that hypocrisy is the word of the day and is now praising someone else for their disrespectful message.

More & more I am finding myself alone on this site when it comes to NOT BEING A FUCKING HYPOCRITE

Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
You are a projecting moron. I haven't defended ANYONE. You say fuck Muhammad? I'll do you one better fuck EVERY single supposed God or prophet. They are ALL LIARS and anyone who believes any of them is a complete weak minded fool.

Oh and fuck you too douchebag
Despite your semi-attack on Christianity...that was hilarious.
I'm still baffled at being accused of defending ANYONE. I am an equal opportunity asshole, I mock every religion.
They do it to me all of the are dealing with teapers. They are nasty, dishonest and despicable hate mongers.
That's odd since you constantly call me a teapier
Your position is one of fucking hypocrisy.

You attack one person for doing something, while you are silent on another person doing the identical thing - based on the victim.

There is nothing even slightly wrong with what Geller did - it's called "being an American."

Fuck Muhammad - may he burn in hell. And fuck anyone defending him. I have no problem with a play mocking Mormonism - this is America. I have a BIG problem with those who openly support such a play turning around and attacking someone for mocking Islam. I have a problem with someone who is silent on the play but attacks others for mocking Islam.
You are a projecting moron. I haven't defended ANYONE. You say fuck Muhammad? I'll do you one better fuck EVERY single supposed God or prophet. They are ALL LIARS and anyone who believes any of them is a complete weak minded fool.

Oh and fuck you too douchebag
Despite your semi-attack on Christianity...that was hilarious.
I'm still baffled at being accused of defending ANYONE. I am an equal opportunity asshole, I mock every religion.
They do it to me all of the are dealing with teapers. They are nasty, dishonest and despicable hate mongers.
That's odd since you constantly call me a teapier
Just trying to get you to see the light.
I'm all too aware of the difference. The dead security guard's corpse is lying in it. And violence is exactly the kind of reaction Pamela was trying to provoke.

Its unreasonable and foolish to intentionally try and provoke folks to violence.

I agree with that 100%. She walked into that event knowing full well and with ample evidence to support a reasonable expectation that it would cause the irrational crazies to come out.

I fully support free speech, but she should be held culpable at least and maybe even legally liable for the results of her ignorance and intolerance. Sure, I have the right to walk through the streets of Oakland in blackface. Is there any doubt that someone wouldn't add a little blue and red to it? Maybe the real tragedy here is that a security guard caught a bullet that should have found Pamela - at least then she would have been held personally accountable for her insanity.

Complete and utter bull shit. If free speech is curtailed for any reason then we don't have free speech. If I walk down the street in black face, NO ONE has the right to lay a finger on me.

If I decide to draw a picture of Mohammed giving blow jobs to pigs the n I gave that right and no one has a right to shoot me. Nor should they receive sympathy from freedom loving people.
Let's try this from another angle then. The SCOTUS recently decided that 1st amendment protections could be conveyed onto tangible items (such as political fundraising donations). One could then pose the argument that the response to Geller's ignorance would also be so protected.

Here's something that isn't bullshit: if you showed up in Oakland wearing blackface and were hospitalized for 2 weeks after a gang beating, do you really think that people would be carrying signs denouncing your beating as a violation of your 1st amendment rights or would it be more credible that people would simply shake their heads, call you a fool, and decide you got what was coming to you? Sure - they had no RIGHT to beat you up, but you had no REASON to expect anything different.

They should not. If you did it, I would come to your defense. People who would shake their heads and blame you are cowards who don't deserve their freedoms.

I'd believe that only if I saw it. Common sense has to trump individual rights - otherwise it would perfectly fine to yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. Your freedom ends when it impinges on someone else. This is why the Muslim's right to expression by shooting and bombing or flying planes into buildings isn't supported. Yet, if you have a reasonable expectation of that outcome - and Geller surely did as seen by her forethought in providing a large security detail - why poke someone in the eye if not to simply provoke such an action? This isn't an exercise in free speech so much as one in thumbing one's nose at another's moral base. That, to me, is inexcusable.

The reason to poke Islam in the eye, is that Islam deserves to be poked in the eye. And if Islam doesn't like being poked int he eye, then Islam can rise up and do something about it.

And in THAT, you find the reason that Geller is taking her stand. She and everyone else has a right to criticize, condemn and demean Islam. We, the Americans... are sick and tired of being told that Islam is some fragile child, OR ELSE.

Islam is the embodiment of pure evil and that fact is validated by the evil that is the ideological Left supporting it...

We have fought Islam blindfolded, with our hands and feet tied... The time is coming when Islam will be engaged by every measure and it will be annihilated... burned from the heart of humanity and erased from the face of the earth.
You can support free speech without supporting the morons that abuse it.

Pamela had every right to draw despicable cartoons of another religions prophet. Doesn't make it a cause I have to support.

No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.

Now and always. If you don't stand for the speech you hate, you stand for nothing at all.

Tough call.

A wise man once said, just because you have the right to speak does not mean you must.

Did someone hit you over the head?



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