BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

You're still deflecting. The question that you have so far refused to answer is: Do we condemn all of Christianity based solely upon the religious principles of a few thousand people which inspired the conflict in Ireland and the resultant attacks conducted on US soil? I don't believe that "It depends" qualifies as a proper response here.

No, I'm stating facts. Germans had no fear of the IRA blowing up a disco. Dancers in Bali had no fear of the Irish blowing up a night club. Office workers in New York had no fear of the IRA flying planes into buildings.

While you are desperate to excuse the Muzzie Beasts, you are trying to compare apples and Donny Osmond CD's. It just isn't a rational comparison.
You're still deflecting. The question that you have so far refused to answer is: Do we condemn all of Christianity based solely upon the religious principles of a few thousand people which inspired the conflict in Ireland and the resultant attacks conducted on US soil? I don't believe that "It depends" qualifies as a proper response here.

No, I'm stating facts. Germans had no fear of the IRA blowing up a disco. Dancers in Bali had no fear of the Irish blowing up a night club. Office workers in New York had no fear of the IRA flying planes into buildings.

While you are desperate to excuse the Muzzie Beasts, you are trying to compare apples and Donny Osmond CD's. It just isn't a rational comparison.
There we go... no need to even respond further.

Actually, it was a very valid comparison - I'm not comparing the IRA to AQ, I was comparing your reaction to the photo of an apparent Muslim wanting to kill someone to your view of an Irish Protestant who had the same aim. WHY isn't the question - although there are more similarities than you'd really accept at this point. WHO they want to kill isn't relevant.

You have consistently deflected on the question of whether all of Christianity should be condemned for the actions of some of it's adherents while claiming that all of Islam is guilty of being a terrorist for the actions of just a few. You don't want to think of yourself as being bigoted, and yet, if you answer the question truthfully it proves that you are. That uncomfortable feeling is called cognitive dissonance. It's up to you if you want to grow from this experience.
No one's asking you to support it, or at least no one should be. But you SHOULD stand up and defend their right to say it. We have to defend all speech, especially now.

Imagine what this forum would look like with no free speech. Some of you can keep dreaming about this, but it will never happen until all the intelligent people have been wiped off the earth.

Poster #1: Glad the Pubcrappe Pub dupes aren't allowed to post anymore. All hail Obama.
Poster #2: All hail Obama.
Poster #3: Isn't the new regime the best. I enjoyed my free lunch. Well, hopping on the monorail to head home to the commune. All hail Obama.
Poster #4: Does anyone know if any stores still have bread left? I'm hungry.
Poster #5: What are you talking about? The government has seen to it that there is enough and your complaining is uncalled for and I believe you forgot something. Must report this. All hail Obama.
Poster #6: Did anyone see the news. Some guy got caught holding church services in his basement. I hope he and his whacko friends all fry. All hail Obama.
Poster #7: Oh, that is terrible. Some just don't listen. Got to tune into State News and hear more about that. All hail Obama.
You left wing quivering cowards are defending a religion that murders innocent people, violates human right constantly, and has at its core the tenet that all people should be converted or killed. It is barbaric, misogynistic, and homophobic.

It deserves to be mocked by all rational, civilized and intelligent people.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Cowards.

If the above is ALL you got from what we on the left have been stating, go back and try to "graduate" from junior high school.

Truth hurts, doesn't it coward?
You left wing quivering cowards are defending a religion that murders innocent people, violates human right constantly, and has at its core the tenet that all people should be converted or killed. It is barbaric, misogynistic, and homophobic.

It deserves to be mocked by all rational, civilized and intelligent people.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Cowards.

If the above is ALL you got from what we on the left have been stating, go back and try to "graduate" from junior high school.

Truth hurts, doesn't it coward?

Another religious bigot heard from. Some Muslims fly planes into buildings (for political reasons, but they aren't Christian so these are immediately suspect of course) therefore ALL Muslims need to be exterminated.

I feel the same way about all those who have asked me if I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. But, that isn't the bulk of Christianity either - so the rest of you are safe. For now...
You left wing quivering cowards are defending a religion that murders innocent people, violates human right constantly, and has at its core the tenet that all people should be converted or killed. It is barbaric, misogynistic, and homophobic.

It deserves to be mocked by all rational, civilized and intelligent people.

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Cowards.

If the above is ALL you got from what we on the left have been stating, go back and try to "graduate" from junior high school.

Truth hurts, doesn't it coward?

Another religious bigot heard from. Some Muslims fly planes into buildings (for political reasons, but they aren't Christian so these are immediately suspect of course) therefore ALL Muslims need to be exterminated.

I feel the same way about all those who have asked me if I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior. But, that isn't the bulk of Christianity either - so the rest of you are safe. For now...

Nice deflection, coward.
In 2010 a cartoonist named Molly Norris suggested an Everybody Draw Mohammed day. The muslims have been trying to kill her ever since. And she never drew big mo the pedophile.

Every day should be everybody draw mohammed day.

On Not Forgetting Molly Norris
Abandoned to her fate for violating Islamic blasphemy laws in America.
March 9, 2016
Hugh Fitzgerald

Reprinted from Jihad Watch.

In Argentina, in the time of the right-wing generals, many Argentinians were made to “disappear” – that is, they were killed for their political views, often in such grisly ways as being thrown out of airplanes. They became known, in Spanish, as “los desaparecidos” (“the disappeared ones”). But there is another set of “los desaparecidos” — people who all over the advanced Western world, that world which prides itself on its protection of free speech — have been threatened with death because of what they dared to say or write about Islam, and have been forced to go into permanent hiding, changing their identities, “disappearing themselves.” It’s a sign of the times that there is no general outrage, no marches in support of those threatened with death for speaking their mind about Islam, no political leaders in the United States reminding us in public of this campaign of Muslim intimidation, that has destroyed the lives of those who were brave enough to speak out about Islam who had to “disappear themselves.”

Do you remember Molly Norris? She was the Seattle cartoonist who suggested, as a response to the death threats against Lars Vilks and Kurt Westergaard, two cartoonists who had dared to depict Muhammad, that there be an “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” as a lighthearted sign of solidarity with the threatened cartoonists. For her pains, she received death threats from Muslims, and she was advised by the FBI to change her identity, as reported by Mark Fefer in the Seattle Weekly:

The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, “going ghost”: moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program–except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab.

So Molly Norris no longer exists. But whatever name she now goes by, she can’t work as a cartoonist, because a cartoonist’s style is as recognizable as her handwriting – and in any case, what previous work, signed “Molly Norris,” could she submit in applying for jobs? Relatives and friends must worry about meeting with her, or communicating by phone or email, for they have to assume that Muslims determined to find Molly Norris will know who her relatives and friends were before she changed her identity and could conceivably be watching them, hoping they will lead to Molly Norris. She is “in effect, being put into a witness-protection program – except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab.”


On Not Forgetting Molly Norris
In 2010 a cartoonist named Molly Norris suggested an Everybody Draw Mohammed day. The muslims have been trying to kill her ever since. And she never drew big mo the pedophile.

Every day should be everybody draw mohammed day.

On Not Forgetting Molly Norris
Abandoned to her fate for violating Islamic blasphemy laws in America.
March 9, 2016
Hugh Fitzgerald

Reprinted from Jihad Watch.

In Argentina, in the time of the right-wing generals, many Argentinians were made to “disappear” – that is, they were killed for their political views, often in such grisly ways as being thrown out of airplanes. They became known, in Spanish, as “los desaparecidos” (“the disappeared ones”). But there is another set of “los desaparecidos” — people who all over the advanced Western world, that world which prides itself on its protection of free speech — have been threatened with death because of what they dared to say or write about Islam, and have been forced to go into permanent hiding, changing their identities, “disappearing themselves.” It’s a sign of the times that there is no general outrage, no marches in support of those threatened with death for speaking their mind about Islam, no political leaders in the United States reminding us in public of this campaign of Muslim intimidation, that has destroyed the lives of those who were brave enough to speak out about Islam who had to “disappear themselves.”

Do you remember Molly Norris? She was the Seattle cartoonist who suggested, as a response to the death threats against Lars Vilks and Kurt Westergaard, two cartoonists who had dared to depict Muhammad, that there be an “Everybody Draw Muhammad Day” as a lighthearted sign of solidarity with the threatened cartoonists. For her pains, she received death threats from Muslims, and she was advised by the FBI to change her identity, as reported by Mark Fefer in the Seattle Weekly:

The gifted artist is alive and well, thankfully. But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, “going ghost”: moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program–except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab.

So Molly Norris no longer exists. But whatever name she now goes by, she can’t work as a cartoonist, because a cartoonist’s style is as recognizable as her handwriting – and in any case, what previous work, signed “Molly Norris,” could she submit in applying for jobs? Relatives and friends must worry about meeting with her, or communicating by phone or email, for they have to assume that Muslims determined to find Molly Norris will know who her relatives and friends were before she changed her identity and could conceivably be watching them, hoping they will lead to Molly Norris. She is “in effect, being put into a witness-protection program – except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab.”


On Not Forgetting Molly Norris

And anyone who defends her will probably be threatened as well. Obama will not say a word. All he says is that Muslims are a big part of our history and that those who kill in the name of Islam are not Muslims. We are becoming a politically correct nightmare.

It's insane. It's still perfectly safe to bash other religions without fear of retaliation. Despite that, the left still insists that Christians are worse.

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