BREAKING NEWS!!!!! A real shocker

Regardless of how right wing nitwits try to spin it, NO ONE on the left is condoning terrorist behavior and killings......likewise, NO ONE on the left is trying to silence the Gellers of this world.....HOWEVER, NO ONE on the right should stop me or others from calling Geller a media whore and self-aggrandizing idiot.

No one is.
Regardless of how right wing nitwits try to spin it, NO ONE on the left is condoning terrorist behavior and killings......likewise, NO ONE on the left is trying to silence the Gellers of this world.....HOWEVER, NO ONE on the right should stop me or others from calling Geller a media whore and self-aggrandizing idiot.

Its just typical binary reasoning, typified so simplisticly by ol' GW: "you're either with us, or you're with the terrorists'.

Well, what if you think its foolish to intentionally try to antagonize someone to violence, don't support anti-Islamic bigotry and oppose Islamic extremism?

You're certainly not with the anti-islamic bigots. But you're not for the terrorists.
Its just typical binary reasoning, typified so simplisticly by ol' GW: "you're either with us, or you're with the terrorists'.

Well, what if you think its foolish to intentionally try to antagonize someone to violence, don't support anti-Islamic bigotry and oppose Islamic extremism?

You're certainly not with the anti-islamic bigots. But you're not for the terrorists.

Well stated.....and, speaking of antagonism, wasn't good ol' GWB the one who decided to call 3 countries the "axis of evil"???

Now, there's a way to abolish any chance for any dialogue.
Regardless of how right wing nitwits try to spin it, NO ONE on the left is condoning terrorist behavior and killings......likewise, NO ONE on the left is trying to silence the Gellers of this world.....HOWEVER, NO ONE on the right should stop me or others from calling Geller a media whore and self-aggrandizing idiot.

its a free country

who the fuck cares what you say or think


Hey jon....if you didn't have dyslexia and a low IQ you'd see that the moron sassy was rebuked....Ask a grown up to help you.

And by "rebuked" you mean that you brutally slammed you ass against her foot all over the board.. :thup:

Getting thrashed is a way of life for "Gnatty", but he continues thinking he is "rebuking" with his child like insults.
Want to show pictures of dangerous people with signs?
Here's a few. These are Christians supporting Christian ideals. How do you feel being judged by this?

Westboro Baptist Church - total membership at peak - 7 members. Started by Fred Phelps - a radical left democrat who ran for Senate on 4 occasions, AS A DEMOCRAT each time.

The problem with you leftists is that you have no integrity - and are generally demagogues of a level that would make Goebbels blush. Just like Stephen Colbert or Norman Lear's "Archie Bunker," Phelps and his "church" were a caricature intended to smear Christians.

Either you are really fucking stupid, or you already know this but are utterly lacking in integrity - so slander and libel regardless of facts.
Do you think they should be killed? I don't see any sign saying non-Christians or FAGs should be killed.

Phelps was a scumbag, as leftists tend to be. His schtick was slander and libel Christians. BECAUSE Christians never act the way leftist want them to act, Phelps created a false church to feed the leftist bigotry - just as Colbert did on Communist Central.
Indeed, from the Spanish Inquisition to the Salem witch trials.

And if we add all the deaths together from both events, do they equal the number that Islam did, say YESTERDAY?

The left shares a common enemy with Islam - the American people - so you coddle and embrace the terrorist as your allies. You try to equate this;

{No one knows exactly how many people perished because of the Inquisition, but it is thought to be between 3,000 and 5,000 people during the 350 years of its existence. }

The Spanish Inquisition Debunking the Legends Strange Notions

So that works out to 14 people killed per year. Look, you're just a leftist demagogue - you don't deal in fact or reality - you slander and libel to promote your party - I get it. But name a single DAY that Islam has not murdered 14 people in the name of Allah? You know you can't.

Oh, and we rightly call the time of the Inquisition the "Dark Ages," yet you hold the Dark Ages up as justification for your terrorist buddies.
No more than any of these would (presumably) be yours. And so I promise not to judge you based on what others of your faith might tend to believe.

The Westboro scam never killed or harmed anyone - just a small group of fuckwad democrats slandering the Christians they hate (as the party hates.)

Try again sploogy.
Ah - I guess the point was too subtle. Maybe I should have used the Klan photos instead?

The point is that you can't make a prediction on the behavior of millions of people based solely upon the actions and viewpoints of a small subset of those people. When you do, it's called prejudice and bigotry. Are you saying you're a prejudiced bigot?
Ah - I guess the point was too subtle. Maybe I should have used the Klan photos instead?

The point is that you can't make a prediction on the behavior of millions of people based solely upon the actions and viewpoints of a small subset of those people. When you do, it's called prejudice and bigotry. Are you saying you're a prejudiced bigot?

The problem here is that you're stupid.

You can't even come up with real Christians to promote your bigotry - so you leftists had to invent them.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolla, Al-Shabab, these are all very real, and very evil with hundreds of thousands of active people.
Ah - I guess the point was too subtle. Maybe I should have used the Klan photos instead?

The point is that you can't make a prediction on the behavior of millions of people based solely upon the actions and viewpoints of a small subset of those people. When you do, it's called prejudice and bigotry. Are you saying you're a prejudiced bigot?

The problem here is that you're stupid.

You can't even come up with real Christians to promote your bigotry - so you leftists had to invent them.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolla, Al-Shabab, these are all very real, and very evil with hundreds of thousands of active people.
Ah - I guess the point was too subtle. Maybe I should have used the Klan photos instead?

The point is that you can't make a prediction on the behavior of millions of people based solely upon the actions and viewpoints of a small subset of those people. When you do, it's called prejudice and bigotry. Are you saying you're a prejudiced bigot?

The problem here is that you're stupid.

You can't even come up with real Christians to promote your bigotry - so you leftists had to invent them.

ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolla, Al-Shabab, these are all very real, and very evil with hundreds of thousands of active people.
Yes they are. They are evil and they may have hundreds of thousands of people associated with them - although, I'm unaware of anything other than estimations as to how many exactly.

MY bigotry? So far you haven't established that. But I can certainly come up with a huge list of "real Christians" who were devoted to ending the existence of those who did not believe as they did. Belfast is STILL bubbling - and both sides of that issue (Protestant and Catholic) have committed terrible atrocities - some of which were directed against us in the US. Here we have hundreds of thousands of "active" members too. Is it then proper to condemn all of Christianity for their terrorist actions?
Yes they are. They are evil and they may have hundreds of thousands of people associated with them - although, I'm unaware of anything other than estimations as to how many exactly.

Who are al-Shabab?
Al-Shabab means The Youth in Arabic.

It emerged as the radical youth wing of Somalia's now-defunct Union of Islamic Courts, which controlled Mogadishu in 2006, before being forced out by Ethiopian forces.

There are numerous reports of foreign jihadists going to Somalia to help al-Shabab, from neighbouring countries, as well as the US and Europe.

It is banned as a terrorist group by both the US and the UK and is believed to have between 7,000 and 9,000 fighters.}

Who are Somalia s al-Shabab - BBC News

{The Institute of Strategic Studies estimates that al Qaeda's total strength exceeds 18,000 terrorists. }

JOURNAL An Estimate of Al Qaeda s Current Strength - Global Guerrillas

{Hamas' primary base of operation is in the Gaza Strip, the coastal enclave of 1.7 million Palestinians,}

So, there are millions.

MY bigotry? So far you haven't established that.[/quote[

The second you floated the Westboro fraud - it was established beyond any question. Only leftist Christophobes float that bullshit.

But I can certainly come up with a huge list of "real Christians" who were devoted to ending the existence of those who did not believe as they did. Belfast is STILL bubbling - and both sides of that issue (Protestant and Catholic) have committed terrible atrocities - some of which were directed against us in the US. Here we have hundreds of thousands of "active" members too. Is it then proper to condemn all of Christianity for their terrorist actions?

Actually, the conflict in Ireland was political and the violence ended long ago. Also, the Irish contained their conflict to themselves (and the Brits they were fighting.)

Quite a different scenario than your Muslim allies.
Yes they are. They are evil and they may have hundreds of thousands of people associated with them - although, I'm unaware of anything other than estimations as to how many exactly.

Who are al-Shabab?
Al-Shabab means The Youth in Arabic.

It emerged as the radical youth wing of Somalia's now-defunct Union of Islamic Courts, which controlled Mogadishu in 2006, before being forced out by Ethiopian forces.

There are numerous reports of foreign jihadists going to Somalia to help al-Shabab, from neighbouring countries, as well as the US and Europe.

It is banned as a terrorist group by both the US and the UK and is believed to have between 7,000 and 9,000 fighters.}

Who are Somalia s al-Shabab - BBC News

{The Institute of Strategic Studies estimates that al Qaeda's total strength exceeds 18,000 terrorists. }

JOURNAL An Estimate of Al Qaeda s Current Strength - Global Guerrillas

{Hamas' primary base of operation is in the Gaza Strip, the coastal enclave of 1.7 million Palestinians,}

So, there are millions.

MY bigotry? So far you haven't established that.[/quote[

The second you floated the Westboro fraud - it was established beyond any question. Only leftist Christophobes float that bullshit.

But I can certainly come up with a huge list of "real Christians" who were devoted to ending the existence of those who did not believe as they did. Belfast is STILL bubbling - and both sides of that issue (Protestant and Catholic) have committed terrible atrocities - some of which were directed against us in the US. Here we have hundreds of thousands of "active" members too. Is it then proper to condemn all of Christianity for their terrorist actions?

Actually, the conflict in Ireland was political and the violence ended long ago. Also, the Irish contained their conflict to themselves (and the Brits they were fighting.)

Quite a different scenario than your Muslim allies.
I'm not going to debate the estimates of the number of crazies out there. I'm also not going to school you in the current political causes which drive AQ. That just isn't the issue at this point.

As to Belfast, 17 years isn't that long really and the conflict was never fully resolved.

But, you're deflecting. Do we, based on the actions of hundreds of thousands of Christian Irish terrorists condemn all of Christianity?
I'm not going to debate the estimates of the number of crazies out there. I'm also not going to school you in the current political causes which drive AQ. That just isn't the issue at this point.

As to Belfast, 17 years isn't that long really and the conflict was never fully resolved.

But, you're deflecting. Do we, based on the actions of hundreds of thousands of Christian Irish terrorists condemn all of Christianity?

At the time, I condemned the Catholic church for not taking a stand. And again, the Irish were NOT engaged in random terrorism. They were fighting the Brits.
I'm not going to debate the estimates of the number of crazies out there. I'm also not going to school you in the current political causes which drive AQ. That just isn't the issue at this point.

As to Belfast, 17 years isn't that long really and the conflict was never fully resolved.

But, you're deflecting. Do we, based on the actions of hundreds of thousands of Christian Irish terrorists condemn all of Christianity?

At the time, I condemned the Catholic church for not taking a stand. And again, the Irish were NOT engaged in random terrorism. They were fighting the Brits.
You're still deflecting. The question that you have so far refused to answer is: Do we condemn all of Christianity based solely upon the religious principles of a few thousand people which inspired the conflict in Ireland and the resultant attacks conducted on US soil? I don't believe that "It depends" qualifies as a proper response here.

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