Breaking News Alert: Alleged Ted Cruz Mistress Promptly Deletes Her Cruz Twitter History

It's funny how the misinformed still claim Trump started this or behind it, when Rubio is the actual one who created the facts. Not to mention Cruz holding off on a lawsuit. biggest red flag of them all.

Rubio was "behind it" according to who, Breitbart? LMAO!!! That joke site is still pissed at the Rubio campaign for not being considered worthy of being credentialed as journalists....please. :rolleyes-41:

Give it fucking up and start checking out the complete list of media outlets that know it was Rubio's associates.

"The Cruz campaign reportedly knew for weeks, at least since January, about the allegations.

Kirsten Powers told FOX News someone else who was anti-Cruz AND anti-Trump was shopping the story.

“The Daily Beast reported it was shopped around by two — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-Trump, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”
e by name
Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Like I've said before, the rumor may have started by other people,

but the ONLY ONE with connections to perpetrate the rumor with the National Enquire, is Donald Trump with the head of National Enquirer and Roger Stone, the Trump advisor, is the only person mentioned as a source with name in the article....and Trump is the candidate this rag has endorsed and the editor told all reporters at NE not to run any scandalous articles on Trump, and then you have Trump when questioned on this scandal by the media, repeating over and over and over again the National Enquirer by his buddy lots of free press to sell a ton more magazines to get the story out a nice little 'payback' jester....then coupled with the Donald's tweets right before the article hit...

so, unless someone else is trying to make it look like Trump got the National Enquirer to run the article on the alleged Cruz scandal, Trump and team, did this....imho

But no. It was Rubio retaliating for Melania. Lets ignore all the problems with that. And then lets act as though Cruz and Fiorina are committing felonies to cover it up. That's much more reasonable than trump publishing a bogus story
Nothing spells out GUILTY as fuck like deleting the evidence when reality comes knocking.

No kidding. This one kills me.

The best part about all this is Trump isn't saying anything about this scandal. Let us voters find out for ourselves!
Now Amanda Carpenter on twitter is making up words saying harassment. When she's the one who has been harassing Trump through twitter mentions. Months before all this scandal. She needs to stop acting like the victim when clearly the Trump campaign had nothing to do with the affair she had with Cruz. Though the Trump supporters have been annoyed with her constantly bashing him unfairly since he first started. Hey lady, he's in the Republican party like you!
Nothing spells out GUILTY as fuck like deleting the evidence when reality comes knocking.

No kidding. This one kills me.

oh for goodness sake TinyDancer,

She's talking to someone about the Salon Article ''Why I date Married Men'' and quoting parts of the actual article...

Why I date married men

Years after I’ve last spoken with Jack, a friend and former co-worker mentions that he ran into him at a restaurant bar.

“How did he look?” I ask.

“He looked … old,” my friend says, and starts laughing, not cruelly but a little rueful.

I’m startled by my friend’s announcement, even though it’s been 15 years since I was involved with Jack. Whenever I’ve thought of him, he’s remained as he was then: middle-aged, yes, with no place else to head but older, then old, but if I didn’t witness the inevitable progression, then it hasn’t really happened, not to him, not to me.

Affairs with married men offer controlled companionship — there’s warmth and there’s space, there’s intimacy and there’s distance. I can’t control growing older. But as the other woman, I’ll always have an element of mystery, an invitation to a different narrative, like that lit-up window in the darkness.

Heather L. Hughes is a freelance writer living in New York City.
It's funny how the misinformed still claim Trump started this or behind it, when Rubio is the actual one who created the facts. Not to mention Cruz holding off on a lawsuit. biggest red flag of them all.

Rubio was "behind it" according to who, Breitbart? LMAO!!! That joke site is still pissed at the Rubio campaign for not being considered worthy of being credentialed as journalists....please. :rolleyes-41:

Give it fucking up and start checking out the complete list of media outlets that know it was Rubio's associates.

"The Cruz campaign reportedly knew for weeks, at least since January, about the allegations.

Kirsten Powers told FOX News someone else who was anti-Cruz AND anti-Trump was shopping the story.

“The Daily Beast reported it was shopped around by two — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-Trump, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”
e by name
Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Like I've said before, the rumor may have started by other people,

but the ONLY ONE with connections to perpetrate the rumor with the National Enquire, is Donald Trump with the head of National Enquirer and Roger Stone, the Trump advisor, is the only person mentioned as a source with name in the article....and Trump is the candidate this rag has endorsed and the editor told all reporters at NE not to run any scandalous articles on Trump, and then you have Trump when questioned on this scandal by the media, repeating over and over and over again the National Enquirer by his buddy lots of free press to sell a ton more magazines to get the story out a nice little 'payback' jester....then coupled with the Donald's tweets right before the article hit...

so, unless someone else is trying to make it look like Trump got the National Enquirer to run the article on the alleged Cruz scandal, Trump and team, did this....imho

Perpetrate a rumor? Well the heck are you talking about? This scandal was being pedaled for over six months.

You think Trump had to beg NE to run something this juicy?


I'm not giving you an opinion. I've been putting up facts. Data from anti Trump people like the Daily Beast, Salon and others who all confirm it was Rubio's people. Come on. The facts are that Rubio associates have been working this over for some time.

A scandal rag is going to run a scandal as hot as this without provocation.

And of course Trump has had to mention the bloody NE over and over again because everyone is asking him about it.
I'm not giving you an opinion. I've been putting up facts. Data from anti Trump people like the Daily Beast, Salon and others who all confirm it was Rubio's people. Come on. The facts are that Rubio associates have been working this over for some time.

A scandal rag is going to run a scandal as hot as this without provocation.

And of course Trump has had to mention the bloody NE over and over again because everyone is asking him about it.

TOTAL horseshit. It's playground tactics 101 to divert blame to another party. I was associated with the Rubio campaign here in Arizona and I can tell you the rules were cut and crap. Even after Cruz tried to portray Rubio as a fake Christian the boys from SC didn't respond. That's not how Rubio rolls. The rags you mention were terrified of him because they knew he'd take the minority and youth vote away from old Granny Pants. The DNC called him their "nightmare scenario". And in any year but this one, he'd have walked away with the nomination by now. Stop peddling this garbage.
Now Amanda Carpenter on twitter is making up words saying harassment. When she's the one who has been harassing Trump through twitter mentions. Months before all this scandal. She needs to stop acting like the victim when clearly the Trump campaign had nothing to do with the affair she had with Cruz. Though the Trump supporters have been annoyed with her constantly bashing him unfairly since he first started. Hey lady, he's in the Republican party like you!

She was busy setting up some sort of black list against Trump supporters. This bitch is a piece of work.
It's funny how the misinformed still claim Trump started this or behind it, when Rubio is the actual one who created the facts. Not to mention Cruz holding off on a lawsuit. biggest red flag of them all.

Rubio was "behind it" according to who, Breitbart? LMAO!!! That joke site is still pissed at the Rubio campaign for not being considered worthy of being credentialed as journalists....please. :rolleyes-41:

Give it fucking up and start checking out the complete list of media outlets that know it was Rubio's associates.

"The Cruz campaign reportedly knew for weeks, at least since January, about the allegations.

Kirsten Powers told FOX News someone else who was anti-Cruz AND anti-Trump was shopping the story.

“The Daily Beast reported it was shopped around by two — reporters by somebody who was a Rubio person. I also happen to know that one of the people who was shopping the story around very aggressively was somebody who was completely anti-Trump, and was anti-Cruz also, but who was not a person who in anyway was supporting Trump.”
e by name
Kirsten Powers: Anti-Trump Operative Was AGGRESSIVELY Shopping Cruz Sex Scandal (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit
Like I've said before, the rumor may have started by other people,

but the ONLY ONE with connections to perpetrate the rumor with the National Enquire, is Donald Trump with the head of National Enquirer and Roger Stone, the Trump advisor, is the only person mentioned as a source with name in the article....and Trump is the candidate this rag has endorsed and the editor told all reporters at NE not to run any scandalous articles on Trump, and then you have Trump when questioned on this scandal by the media, repeating over and over and over again the National Enquirer by his buddy lots of free press to sell a ton more magazines to get the story out a nice little 'payback' jester....then coupled with the Donald's tweets right before the article hit...

so, unless someone else is trying to make it look like Trump got the National Enquirer to run the article on the alleged Cruz scandal, Trump and team, did this....imho

Perpetrate a rumor? Well the heck are you talking about? This scandal was being pedaled for over six months.

You think Trump had to beg NE to run something this juicy?


I'm not giving you an opinion. I've been putting up facts. Data from anti Trump people like the Daily Beast, Salon and others who all confirm it was Rubio's people. Come on. The facts are that Rubio associates have been working this over for some time.

A scandal rag is going to run a scandal as hot as this without provocation.

And of course Trump has had to mention the bloody NE over and over again because everyone is asking him about it.

Huckabee said it best. Really... It's odd Cruz hasn't initiated a lawsuit toward NE. Could mean "majority" of it is true.

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