Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.

HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.

Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.

You keep saying I'm naive? You don't think Trump told Sessions how to handle this in order to troll McCabe by waiting until the last minute to fire him? Good lord...
You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

LMAO! If you think that Mueller is a truth seeking, honest above all reproach "investigator"? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I am willing to let go for pennies on the federal reserve note.
I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

LMAO! If you think that Mueller is a truth seeking, honest above all reproach "investigator"? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I am willing to let go for pennies on the federal reserve note.

Funny how just 12 months ago Mueller was well respected by BOTH parties in Washington... but suddenly he's changed?

Uh no he hasn't. In fact nothing has changed, and that includes how fucking partisan some people are in this country that they couldn't see the truth if it was some snatch sitting on their face.
He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.

Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.

You keep saying I'm naive? You don't think Trump told Sessions how to handle this in order to troll McCabe by waiting until the last minute to fire him? Good lord...

Horowitz was the one that advised that McCabe should be fired because he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit. Unless you can prove otherwises? Well, you are just a "conspiracy theorist"!!!
You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.

Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.

You keep saying I'm naive? You don't think Trump told Sessions how to handle this in order to troll McCabe by waiting until the last minute to fire him? Good lord...

Horowitz was the one that advised that McCabe should be fired because he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit. Unless you can prove otherwises? Well, you are just a "conspiracy theorist"!!!

Yeah and it just so happened that the case wrapped up, and he was fired late Friday night, less than 48 hours before he was to retire? If you believe that I have a chemtrail pilot's phone number I'll give you to call and ask questions.
Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

LMAO! If you think that Mueller is a truth seeking, honest above all reproach "investigator"? I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I am willing to let go for pennies on the federal reserve note.

Funny how just 12 months ago Mueller was well respected by BOTH parties in Washington... but suddenly he's changed?

Uh no he hasn't. In fact nothing has changed, and that includes how fucking partisan some people are in this country that they couldn't see the truth if it was some snatch sitting on their face.

I have known that Mueller was a swamp rat when I "woke up" as to how things really work. He helped cover up the false flag that was 9/11/01. He worked for BCCI and covered up the drug laundering operation of the CIA back in the early 90's....always the same POS working for both bought and paid for political parties. The CEO of USA.INC may change every four to eight years but the same players are always in positions of power.
Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.

HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
Flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills, you fucking dumbass.
So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.

Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.

You keep saying I'm naive? You don't think Trump told Sessions how to handle this in order to troll McCabe by waiting until the last minute to fire him? Good lord...

Horowitz was the one that advised that McCabe should be fired because he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit. Unless you can prove otherwises? Well, you are just a "conspiracy theorist"!!!

Yeah and it just so happened that the case wrapped up, and he was fired late Friday night, less than 48 hours before he was to retire? If you believe that I have a chemtrail pilot's phone number I'll give you to call and ask questions.

Sounds like a conspiracy, Lewed-Dog and you have claimed that they don't would take too many people involved to pull it off.......correct?
Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.

HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
Flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills, you fucking dumbass.

Why did he do that instead of using some of the money he has hidden in foreign bank accounts?
McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.

Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.

You keep saying I'm naive? You don't think Trump told Sessions how to handle this in order to troll McCabe by waiting until the last minute to fire him? Good lord...

Horowitz was the one that advised that McCabe should be fired because he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit. Unless you can prove otherwises? Well, you are just a "conspiracy theorist"!!!

Yeah and it just so happened that the case wrapped up, and he was fired late Friday night, less than 48 hours before he was to retire? If you believe that I have a chemtrail pilot's phone number I'll give you to call and ask questions.

Sounds like a conspiracy, Lewed-Dog and you have claimed that they don't would take too many people involved to pull it off.......correct?

No... it would take 3 people. That's not all that difficult.
Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.

You keep saying I'm naive? You don't think Trump told Sessions how to handle this in order to troll McCabe by waiting until the last minute to fire him? Good lord...

Horowitz was the one that advised that McCabe should be fired because he was a corrupt, lying sack of shit. Unless you can prove otherwises? Well, you are just a "conspiracy theorist"!!!

Yeah and it just so happened that the case wrapped up, and he was fired late Friday night, less than 48 hours before he was to retire? If you believe that I have a chemtrail pilot's phone number I'll give you to call and ask questions.

Sounds like a conspiracy, Lewed-Dog and you have claimed that they don't would take too many people involved to pull it off.......correct?

No... it would take 3 people. That's not all that difficult.

Horowitz? A Barrypuppet appointee turned on McCabe?
Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.

HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
Flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills, you fucking dumbass.

Why did he do that instead of using some of the money he has hidden in foreign bank accounts?
What difference do your imbecile cracks make? Defending himself has obviously cost him a lot of money. Yet, you think we are all supposed to feel sorry for the dirtbag traitor McCabe.
Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.

HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
Flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills, you fucking dumbass.

Why did he do that instead of using some of the money he has hidden in foreign bank accounts?
What difference do your imbecile cracks make? Defending himself has obviously cost him a lot of money. Yet, you think we are all supposed to feel sorry for the dirtbag traitor McCabe.

Flynn has made millions of dollars off working as an "advisor" for foreign governments. If you don't think he has some of that money hidden in other countries like Manafort did you are about as dumb as a box of rocks.
Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.

HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
Flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills, you fucking dumbass.

Why did he do that instead of using some of the money he has hidden in foreign bank accounts?
What difference do your imbecile cracks make? Defending himself has obviously cost him a lot of money. Yet, you think we are all supposed to feel sorry for the dirtbag traitor McCabe.

Flynn has made millions of dollars off working as an "advisor" for foreign governments. If you don't think he has some of that money hidden in other countries like Manafort did you are about as dumb as a box of rocks.
You don't know how much he made, and you don't know that he has it hidden anywhere. As usual, you make accusations lacking any visible means of support. You are totally shameless. There is simply nothing too sleazy for you to claim.
HOW? How did he fuck him financially? Flynn is out making money working for Trump still. I guess you'd rather Flynn be in Leavenworth?
Flynn had to sell his house to pay his legal bills, you fucking dumbass.

Why did he do that instead of using some of the money he has hidden in foreign bank accounts?
What difference do your imbecile cracks make? Defending himself has obviously cost him a lot of money. Yet, you think we are all supposed to feel sorry for the dirtbag traitor McCabe.

Flynn has made millions of dollars off working as an "advisor" for foreign governments. If you don't think he has some of that money hidden in other countries like Manafort did you are about as dumb as a box of rocks.
You don't know how much he made, and you don't know that he has it hidden anywhere. As usual, you make accusations lacking any visible means of support. You are totally shameless. There is simply nothing too sleazy for you to claim.

No, I don't know EXACTLY how much money he's made... but I do know that he isn't this innocent fucking scaredy cat you guys are trying to defend here. He didn't need to sell his house, but if he paid for his fees with money that the government didn't know he has, he would have been fucked with yet another legal problem.
Why shouldn't Flynn lose his military pension and benefits? He dishonored the uniform!
Honestly, I feel like McCabe is an idiot. He should have sucked up more to his boss. Like he should have enough life experience to know how these situations play out. All he had to do was make friends with Trump, maybe not advertise to the world that he was going to work until the day he officially received his pension, and quietly gone off on his own way after a reasonable duration, like how most smart normal people handle these types of employment situations. Honestly, I think he could have handled the situation a lot better if he really wanted his pension or whatever. I'm not going to say firing him was in the right - it definitely looks bad. But he was the former Deputy Director of the FBI. For his title, that demonstrated an extreme lack of people sense. I agree that it sucks if he has worked every day in his life, until this point, but stuff like this happens all the time. If he really wanted his pension, he shouldn't have taken it for granted. Honestly, I'm not sure if this guy just did it for the attention. With that type of reputation honestly, I don't see why he should have any real issues in life... imagine how much he would charge for consulting or legal counsel.

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