Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

He negotiated nothing, dipshit......he didn't have the authority to do so even IF he wasn't a private citizen at the time.

BESIDES, if you are so worried about the violation of the Logan Act? How in the fuck did the Barrypuppet Admin and the Hildebeast get away with giving Russian operatives 20 percent of the uranium this country has while bypassing congress?

We are talking about Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador... while he was a PRIVATE citizen... talking about Obama kicking the Russians out of their properties and placing sanctions on them.. and how Flynn told them not to retaliate because once Trump got into office he would fix things. HE WAS CAUGHT ON RECORDED CONVERSATION saying it. He was trying to negotiate on behalf of the U.S. government when he wasn't authorized to do so.

Next time you talk to your buddy Flynn Jr., ask him how much jail time he was looking at for conspiring with a foreign government to kidnap a U.S. citizen and send him to Turkey...

He's a fucking traitor to his country.
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Flynn didn't have the authority NOR the power to make ANY kind of deal, dumb ass. So, what you are saying is that if I talk to anyone in a foreign country that any sanctions of them should be lifted that I am guilty of violating the Logan Act?

You are talking out of your ass as usual....

If he didn't have the authority to make promises with Trump's blessing, then why was the Russian Ambassador taking his call and talking to him about it?

Bless your heart.

How do you know who called who? Did it suddenly become against the law for private citizens to speak with the Russian ambassador? Why no it's not, by golly!
We are talking about Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador... while he was a PRIVATE citizen... talking about Obama kicking the Russians out of their properties and placing sanctions on them.. and how Flynn told them not to retaliate because once Trump got into office he would fix things. HE WAS CAUGHT ON RECORDED CONVERSATION saying it. He was trying to negotiate on behalf of the U.S. government when he wasn't authorized to do so.

Next time you talk to your buddy Flynn Jr., ask him how much jail time he was looking at for conspiring with a foreign government to kidnap a U.S. citizen and send him to Turkey...

He's a fucking traitor to his country.
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Flynn didn't have the authority NOR the power to make ANY kind of deal, dumb ass. So, what you are saying is that if I talk to anyone in a foreign country that any sanctions of them should be lifted that I am guilty of violating the Logan Act?

You are talking out of your ass as usual....

If he didn't have the authority to make promises with Trump's blessing, then why was the Russian Ambassador taking his call and talking to him about it?

Bless your heart.

BECAUSE Flynn's assignment was to get in touch with ambassadors of other countries and discuss the transition and transfer of power period. He had NO power to lift sanctions or place them on a country. The subject was broached but Flynn never said that they would be lifted........see how easy that was?

He was making deals to undermine the CURRENT administration's moves... when he didn't have the official capacity to. Have you read the Logan Act? It's not very complicated.
We are talking about Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador... while he was a PRIVATE citizen... talking about Obama kicking the Russians out of their properties and placing sanctions on them.. and how Flynn told them not to retaliate because once Trump got into office he would fix things. HE WAS CAUGHT ON RECORDED CONVERSATION saying it. He was trying to negotiate on behalf of the U.S. government when he wasn't authorized to do so.

Next time you talk to your buddy Flynn Jr., ask him how much jail time he was looking at for conspiring with a foreign government to kidnap a U.S. citizen and send him to Turkey...

He's a fucking traitor to his country.
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Flynn didn't have the authority NOR the power to make ANY kind of deal, dumb ass. So, what you are saying is that if I talk to anyone in a foreign country that any sanctions of them should be lifted that I am guilty of violating the Logan Act?

You are talking out of your ass as usual....

If he didn't have the authority to make promises with Trump's blessing, then why was the Russian Ambassador taking his call and talking to him about it?

Bless your heart.

How do you know who called who? Did it suddenly become against the law for private citizens to speak with the Russian ambassador? Why no it's not, by golly!

It is when you are a private citizen and you are trying to make deals you don't have the authority to do...
He negotiated nothing, dipshit......he didn't have the authority to do so even IF he wasn't a private citizen at the time.

BESIDES, if you are so worried about the violation of the Logan Act? How in the fuck did the Barrypuppet Admin and the Hildebeast get away with giving Russian operatives 20 percent of the uranium this country has while bypassing congress?

We are talking about Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador... while he was a PRIVATE citizen... talking about Obama kicking the Russians out of their properties and placing sanctions on them.. and how Flynn told them not to retaliate because once Trump got into office he would fix things. HE WAS CAUGHT ON RECORDED CONVERSATION saying it. He was trying to negotiate on behalf of the U.S. government when he wasn't authorized to do so.

Next time you talk to your buddy Flynn Jr., ask him how much jail time he was looking at for conspiring with a foreign government to kidnap a U.S. citizen and send him to Turkey...

He's a fucking traitor to his country.
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Every administration since Washington has done the same damn thing, moron. Probably the first thing that happens to a newly appointed administration is that they are deluged with calls from foreign governments.

They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.
We are talking about Flynn talking to the Russian ambassador... while he was a PRIVATE citizen... talking about Obama kicking the Russians out of their properties and placing sanctions on them.. and how Flynn told them not to retaliate because once Trump got into office he would fix things. HE WAS CAUGHT ON RECORDED CONVERSATION saying it. He was trying to negotiate on behalf of the U.S. government when he wasn't authorized to do so.

Next time you talk to your buddy Flynn Jr., ask him how much jail time he was looking at for conspiring with a foreign government to kidnap a U.S. citizen and send him to Turkey...

He's a fucking traitor to his country.
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Every administration since Washington has done the same damn thing, moron. Probably the first thing that happens to a newly appointed administration is that they are deluged with calls from foreign governments.

They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Flynn didn't have the authority NOR the power to make ANY kind of deal, dumb ass. So, what you are saying is that if I talk to anyone in a foreign country that any sanctions of them should be lifted that I am guilty of violating the Logan Act?

You are talking out of your ass as usual....

If he didn't have the authority to make promises with Trump's blessing, then why was the Russian Ambassador taking his call and talking to him about it?

Bless your heart.

How do you know who called who? Did it suddenly become against the law for private citizens to speak with the Russian ambassador? Why no it's not, by golly!

It is when you are a private citizen and you are trying to make deals you don't have the authority to do...
He can tell the ambassador what the administration plans to do when it gets into office. No one has ever been prosecuted for violating the Loban act, not even by Herr Mewler. Have at it if you think that's a good road to go down.
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right.

He will have plenty of due process during the trial

What trial?

The criminal trial after he is arrested and/our the civil trial for his wrongful termination action
This reminds me of when saddam rounded up all his rivals and had them executed

Of course it does....drama queen.

The corruption has been allowed to go on for far too long. Hopefully, McCabe's firing is just the beginning.
Do any posters on this thread have any sympathy for the McCabe family? We all know Trump doesn't. Just curious...

For his kids? Absolutely. For his wife and mccabe? Not one bit. Sadly kids can't choose their parents.

Why not the wife? What did she do? Dr. Jill McCabe sounds like an awesome lady.

Andrew McCabe’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.
You can't quash a conviction. What fantasy world is it you live in?

The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.
Yeah, right. accept this plea bargain or we destroy you financially. That's certainly my definition of "voluntary."

They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.
As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Every administration since Washington has done the same damn thing, moron. Probably the first thing that happens to a newly appointed administration is that they are deluged with calls from foreign governments.

They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?
In the history of just plain dick moves, this one takes the freaking cake. McCabe is a goddamn Republican.

McCabe is part of the swamp, dumb ass.........try to stop looking at everything as a repulicrat versus democon issue. Both establishment types from these bought and paid for political parties are up to their neck in corruption and treason.
God I hope he’s a republican. Is he? Then fucking a great

Yes, he's a Republican. That's one of the differences in the parties.....corruption is perfectly acceptable to Democrats.
You're quite the hypocrite.
Do any posters on this thread have any sympathy for the McCabe family? We all know Trump doesn't. Just curious...

For his kids? Absolutely. For his wife and mccabe? Not one bit. Sadly kids can't choose their parents.

Why not the wife? What did she do? Dr. Jill McCabe sounds like an awesome lady.

Andrew McCabe’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

“Breaking Wind from CNN!” he wrote. “Andy McCabe offered deal for lying to FBI and won’t get pension but will get passage in overhead bin on United flight to Oakland to work for scofflaw mayor.”

For his kids? Absolutely. For his wife and mccabe? Not one bit. Sadly kids can't choose their parents.

Why not the wife? What did she do? Dr. Jill McCabe sounds like an awesome lady.

Andrew McCabe’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

Obviously it was dirty money. It was a payoff to McCabe.
Why not the wife? What did she do? Dr. Jill McCabe sounds like an awesome lady.

Andrew McCabe’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

Obviously it was dirty money. It was a payoff to McCabe.

Payoff? How so? Proof? Did Hannity tell you that?
For his kids? Absolutely. For his wife and mccabe? Not one bit. Sadly kids can't choose their parents.

Why not the wife? What did she do? Dr. Jill McCabe sounds like an awesome lady.

Andrew McCabe’s Family: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

HOLY shit!!!! You can't see that it was a payoff using swamp rat Terry "McGuppie", a DNC crook and insider, to funnel the payoff cash? You REALLY are fucking STUPID.
She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

Obviously it was dirty money. It was a payoff to McCabe.

Payoff? How so? Proof? Did Hannity tell you that?

Let's see: McCabe let Hillary off the hook for obvious criminal behavior, and he gets $700,000 from the Clintons' best buddy in the whole world. Nothing suspicious about that, right?
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Flynn didn't have the authority NOR the power to make ANY kind of deal, dumb ass. So, what you are saying is that if I talk to anyone in a foreign country that any sanctions of them should be lifted that I am guilty of violating the Logan Act?

You are talking out of your ass as usual....

If he didn't have the authority to make promises with Trump's blessing, then why was the Russian Ambassador taking his call and talking to him about it?

Bless your heart.

How do you know who called who? Did it suddenly become against the law for private citizens to speak with the Russian ambassador? Why no it's not, by golly!

It is when you are a private citizen and you are trying to make deals you don't have the authority to do...
He can tell the ambassador what the administration plans to do when it gets into office. No one has ever been prosecuted for violating the Loban act, not even by Herr Mewler. Have at it if you think that's a good road to go down.

Just because no one has been prosecuted for it, doesn't mean no one has violated it.

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