Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

Obviously it was dirty money. It was a payoff to McCabe.

Payoff? How so? Proof? Did Hannity tell you that?

Let's see: McCabe let Hillary off the hook for obvious criminal behavior, and he gets $700,000 from the Clintons' best buddy in the whole world. Nothing suspicious about that, right?

'Move along. folks....nothing to see here........
The only thing he knows is what his secret inside information man in the Charlottesville Police Department tells him.

It is surprising how many people don't understand that plea bargaining to a guilty plea deal is voluntary.
Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.
Yeah, right. accept this plea bargain or we destroy you financially. That's certainly my definition of "voluntary."

They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Every administration since Washington has done the same damn thing, moron. Probably the first thing that happens to a newly appointed administration is that they are deluged with calls from foreign governments.

They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?
She accepted money for her campaign from the clintons while her husband was supposed to be investigating hilary for yet another one of her innumerable crimes. That's just stupid. Stupidity used to be a Capitol Offense. Now, with modern technology it rarely is, but in her case she's going to get burned.

Which one of the "Clintons" gave her "campaign" money to run for elected office? What was illegal?
Terry McCauliff gave her the money, and you can't get any closer to the Clintons than him.

Duh, yeah, so not the Clintons. So why trash Dr. Jill McCabe for legally accepting campaign money to run for elected office in Virginia?

Obviously it was dirty money. It was a payoff to McCabe.

Payoff? How so? Proof? Did Hannity tell you that?
How so? It was $700,000 to the man who did everything possible to let Hillary off. He's guilty of obstruction of justice.
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Doesn't matter... When the prosecutor and the judge collude to get a false conviction by plea there is hell to pay and its coming fast now that it has been exposed..

Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.
Yeah, right. accept this plea bargain or we destroy you financially. That's certainly my definition of "voluntary."

They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.
Every administration since Washington has done the same damn thing, moron. Probably the first thing that happens to a newly appointed administration is that they are deluged with calls from foreign governments.

They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?
Every administration since Washington has done the same damn thing, moron. Probably the first thing that happens to a newly appointed administration is that they are deluged with calls from foreign governments.

They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

I bet you would dance if the other options was ten years dodging butt darts in a federal klink
Do you understand a plea deal isn't worked out in open court? A plea bargain is VOLUNTARY.
Yeah, right. accept this plea bargain or we destroy you financially. That's certainly my definition of "voluntary."

They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.
They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

I bet you would dance if the other options was ten years dodging butt darts in a federal klink

I've said it over and over in this thread that Flynn should be more than happy he was offered the deal he was. What's your point? He was given a favor.
They have? Prove it.

It's funny to watch in this thread two of you supporters are arguing with me about this, with one saying he never did it, because he didn't have the authority to, and then you saying he did it but it is ok because every incoming administration does it.

Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.
Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

I bet you would dance if the other options was ten years dodging butt darts in a federal klink

I've said it over and over in this thread that Flynn should be more than happy he was offered the deal he was. What's your point? He was given a favor.
You are a giant economy sized idiot and douchebag.
Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.
No, they're pissed because one of their guys is wriggling on the hook. I'm not pissed at all. In fact, I'm delighted.
Yeah, right. accept this plea bargain or we destroy you financially. That's certainly my definition of "voluntary."

They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.
He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

I bet you would dance if the other options was ten years dodging butt darts in a federal klink

I've said it over and over in this thread that Flynn should be more than happy he was offered the deal he was. What's your point? He was given a favor.
You are a giant economy sized idiot and douchebag.

Coming from you? That's pretty funny. :abgg2q.jpg:
Yeah, right. accept this plea bargain or we destroy you financially. That's certainly my definition of "voluntary."

They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Well you've got to admit, libs have been pulling crap out of their butt's for months.
They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.
They did him a favor. He should be sitting in a federal prison right now, and instead he's traveling the country campaigning.

...and you supporters are here crying about it. That's amazing.

You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Well you've got to admit, libs have been pulling crap out of their butt's for months.

Yeah but it is fucking sad that people on here will just get desperate enough when they are backed into a corner, that they just start accusing anyone, and everyone, of saying shit they've never said.

Hillary and Bill have broken laws for years... all the way back to the Mena air strip used to run illegal drugs and guns. BUT, that doesn't mean other people who break the law should get off the hook too. We aren't going to clean up the government until we start holding some of these lying crooks responsible for their actions.
You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Lewed-Dog, the accusation that Flynn conspired to swap a Turkish dissident in exchange for 15 million dollars is a very serious matter and IF there was any "teeth" to that accusation that could be proven AND the fact that Flynn was working with Trump? They wouldn't have let Flynn off....they would have dragged him over the coals. The fact that deep state swamp rat James Woolsey is involved and talking about it, definitely sets off my bullshit detector. It was the Barrypuppet admin that was using Qatar and Turkey as a conduit to funnel weapons to ISIS to fight against Assad. So what you are REALLY saying is that Flynn, the Barrypuppet and other deep state players are on the same page and same team......and I don't buy that shit for even a second.

Wrong. They'd rather give him the benefit of the doubt in return for his years of military service, and give him a chance to cooperate with the investigation in order to get a bigger fish.

Flynn and his son should be thanking God right now.

Flynn should be thankfull that Herr Mewler fucked him up the ass and destroyed him financially? McCabe should be thankful that he's being given a chance to show that he isn't a criminal and a traitor.
Did what? All we know is that he spoke to the Russian ambassador. Until you post a recording of the conversation, that's all you know. All I've said is that incoming administrations have conversations with foriegn governments before they are inaugurated. Only a profound moron would deny that it happens.

He got FIRED for it by Trump. Let me repeat this one last time. He got FIRED for it. If it was an innocent call where he didn't discuss sanctions, then why did he LIE about it?

He was fired for lying about it, moron. He lied because all the snowflake hysteria in Washington made him think it would be a problem. Comey was already trying to blackmail Trump with the infamous "dossier," or don't you recall that?

You guys in this thread make Flynn out to be a fucking scared ass spineless piece of shit, while still defending him. He lied because he is scared of snowflakes?

So it's OK to destroy Flynn financially because he's a big pussy if he complains about it, but we're supposed to cry about McCabe getting his just rewards? Is this what passes for logic in the snowflake brain?

McCabe was fired by Trump days before he was supposed to retire and the President of the U.S. acted like a fucking child on Twitter about it. THAT'S what people are pissed about.

Trump didn't fire McCabe, dumb ass.......Jeff Sessions did after being advised by the Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz that McCabe was a dishonest, lying sack of shit.
You are not " judge and jury", dumb ass....and you don't even know the entire back story of what was done to Flynn. I find it HILARIOUS that you are so adamant about laying down the hammer on Flynn while acting totally oblivious to Uranium One, the illegal coup of the Ukraine, the killing of Ghaddi and the pillaging of the country's 300 plus tons of gold that disappeared under the watchful eye of the E.U and the Barrypuppet (like a fart in the wind) that then used Benghazi to arm ISIS to wage a proxy war against Syria WHILE getting all butthurt that Russia took Assad's are a joke, ignorant, hypocritical sack of shit.

I hate to tell you this, but Uranium ONE has NOTHING to do with what someone else does to violate the law. Why can't you stick to the topic? Flynn and his son are TRAITORS to the U.S. They were making a deal with the Turkish government... for MILLIONS of dollars to kidnap an American citizen and send them to Turkey to be killed. That's the pieces of shit you are defending.

Yeah, it has EVERYTHING to do with the topic. As far as Flynn accepting 15 million dollars to kidnap a Turkish cleric? How in the fuck would he be able to pull that off? I haven't seen a single article that hasn't been anything more than unproven accusations with no substantiated proof. The only POS that I see on this thread is you and the ones that you blindly defend like the Clintons, Barrypuppet and other deep state swamp rats.

Yeah... this idea of them doing this was just pulled out of thin air. :abgg2q.jpg:

Funny I never said the exact amount, yet you just did. So obviously you've been reading about it. So why are you asking me questions you've already read?

I've NEVER defended Hillary Clinton... when she is guilty of something. I've said she belongs in jail for stuff she has done.

You and the other dudes on here look dumb as fuck when you just make shit up to try and advance your argument. Of course that's what conspiracy nuts do.

Well you've got to admit, libs have been pulling crap out of their butt's for months.

Yeah but it is fucking sad that people on here will just get desperate enough when they are backed into a corner, that they just start accusing anyone, and everyone, of saying shit they've never said.

Hillary and Bill have broken laws for years... all the way back to the Mena air strip used to run illegal drugs and guns. BUT, that doesn't mean other people who break the law should get off the hook too. We aren't going to clean up the government until we start holding some of these lying crooks responsible for their actions.

The FBI took the first step Friday night.

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