BREAKING NEWS: Arlen Specter switching parties to give Democrats 60 votes in Senate

Well, the Republicans had almost total power in Washington, and they completely failed. Now it looks like the Dems are going to get total power in Washington and we'll see how they do....

But if they turn out as bad as the Republicans, I'll guess we'll have to give the socialists a chance next....


Well the sentiment in that position rests wholly in how you're defining 'bad'... If runaway irresponsible spending is at the root of 'bad' then the Dems have already destroyed the level of 'bad' the idiot 'centrists' of the GOP did...

So how are YOU defining 'bad'?

It may be that the Dems have a record of 'tax and spend', to some degree, but the programs that the dems spend the tax payers money on recycle the money back into the economy stimulating markets and maintaining a healthy economic cycle.

The Republicans have a policy of NOT taxing, but spending even more then the dems do. Most of which goes to a few select cronies and has almost no positive effect on the overall economy.

Now, I understand, that in your fervour of endless greed and selfishness, you feel that you have no responsibilty to the society that you live in, that has provided you with the freedoms that you enjoy, and therefore resent having to pay taxes for things like the wars that you supported or children's education or anything else that doesn't directly benefit you.

But can you at least understand that while 'tax and spend' may not be something that you like, NOT taxing and spending is PLAIN FUCKING IDIOTIC? That is one of many reasons why the Republicans under Bush were the worst governement this nation has had in recent history.

Of course you'll blame it all on Bush. No doubt that you, like almost all the other wingnuts, were a fanatic supporter of the Bush Republicans until they started losing elections, and then all you wingnuts abandoned them like rats from a sinking ship.

Where were your criticisms of the Bush Republicans before the 2006 elections? He was your baby.

But, if you still don't get it, let me try to explain it in language that you and the other wingnuts will understand:

Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...Oink...Oink, oink... Oink, Oink, Oink...Oink...

Got it?!?!?!?



I for one, critiscized the former administration. I thought the spending was out of control, and I wouldn't have pulled the trigger on the iraq war. But it took a lot of democrats along with republicans to get where we are today. It's your democrats now that are spending money we don't even come close to having. There is no reason to have a stimulus bill that will be spending money 10 years out, that isn't stimulus. Your grandchildren will be paying for this. By they do you know swine talk so well, hmmm?
Just a side not for you...Carter was the worst president in my lifetime...hands down.
Do you think that the dems will let Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and John McCain join their club???? GOOD RIDDENS I sure hope so, these people have been parading around in a traditionally conservative party dressed up as Republicans and now the real conservatives are on to them.

Did you see Specter trash his republican base in Pennsylvania, I have earned this job, by god no one is going to throw me out, I have been here 29 years how dare you evil Republicans. Problem is he has been there 21 years TOO LONG. Does this not speak for term limits or what. This creep feels he is entitled now, it shows. Maybe if he would actually have represented his constituents in his state this would not have happened. What a novel idea, the government in which he is a part is supposed to vote the way his constituents want him to. We are the boss of them not them the boss of us. He does not get that and the arrogance is coming on strong.

No way, the Dems are going to vote him in. By the time he comes up for a vote all of Pennsylvania will be soooooo pissed off by all of this spending that there won't be a moderate anyone left. This country is going to turn so hard right that it will essentially make a U turn.

THE REASON REPUBLICANS LOST THE MAJORITIES IN THE CONGRESS AND SENATE WAS NOT BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO CONSERVATIVE IT WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO MODERATE AND SPENT LIKE A BUNCH OF DRUNKEN SAILORS DURING THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION. Then they throw up John McCain????? I could have died when I saw that happen, I knew before he stepped foot on the campaigne trail that there was no way he was gonna win. Sarah Palin saved his ass from an humiliating loss, he should be forever grateful to her, if it had not been for her joining the ticket he would have been lucky to carry his own state of Arizona.

To all Conservative thinkers, we need Ronald Reagans up there, fiscal conservatives, smaller government, reduced taxes, personal responsibility, integrity, honesty, straight talkers and the desire to get the hell out of the way and let Americans and American ingenuity grow this economy. It's the only way we will ever recover. Vote conservative people, fight the good fight because the good fight is the right fight.
When he releases those pictures and we see the fanatics dancing in the streets chanting death to Americans, believe me, this will be a no issue.
Well, this is what the Small Tent Republicans wanted.

Let's see how relevant they can be in a filibuster-proof Senate.

The bigger concern is how long will we continue to have a Republic with one party in control and no one to stop them.

The Republican Party is dying, thankfully, so until the conservatives get a 3rd party for themselves and/or until the Democratic Party becomes too centrist and the Liberals create a 3rd party for themselves.

The war is over. Coke won. Ford won. And now the Democrats have won.

for now....sooner or later they will fuck up again....they cant help it...they are politicians,and politicians,no matter what their party WILL FUCK UP EVENTUALLY...
So what, they have a filibuster majority, they WILL hang themselves with their own rope.
he's got some shit to eat,, and lots of it, you don't sell your soul to the devil without eating lots of shit. he's come out publicly against the "free voter act" the unions are gonna shove that shit right down his pansy throat..

but he has changed his ways he is for it....
Spector would do anything within his means to keep his seat, a man with no backbone.

Does he speak for his constituents or for the Grand Obstructionist Party?

You Republicans will do much better when you learn to govern as well as you play politics.

And your game lately has been weak too.

Actually he screwed his "constituents" over when he changed parties. They didn't vote for the democrat party line.
why shouldn't he keep his seat?

the repub party wants everyone to be a radical right winger.... and they were going to stick it to him by giving him a primary.

Quite the false assumption there, jill

you presume both that it's false and that i'm making an assumption.

2. Pennsylvania (R-Specter)
There's been some contradictory polling in Pennsylvania, with Quinnipiac placing conservative challenger Pat Toomey, who would be a heavy underdog in the general election, 14 points ahead of Arlen Specter. Franklin and Marshall, meanwhile, gives Specter a 15-point lead. I don't know that there's any a priori way to say which poll is correct. Polling primaries is intrinsically pretty difficult, and polling races more than a year in advance is intrinsically pretty difficult, which means that polling primaries a year in advance is really difficult. If you simply average the two numbers, you get the Republican primary being a toss-up. Each of these polls, it should be noted, were taken before Specter's intention to vote against the Employee Free Choice Act became known to voters, a position which will presumably help him the primaries while probably harming him with Pennsylvania's fairly union-friendly general electorate.

Let's do some fuzzy math here. Assume that there is a 80 percent chance that Specter's health is such that he chooses to run for re-election. If Specter runs for re-election, there is a50 percent chance that he survives the primary. If he survives the primary, there is a 80 percent chance that he wins the general election, where the Democratic opposition has been a bit disorganized. If he loses the primary, however, or chooses not to run, the Republican nominee (presumably Toomey) will probably only have about a 10 percent chance of retaining the seat for the Republicans. Run all the numbers, and that yields a 62 percent chance that the Democrats pick up the seat. Granted, it's fairly dubious to imply any sort of precision when we're dealing with guesstimates like these. But my impression is that the Democrats' odds in New Hampshire, with Hodes now having the primary field to himself, are a just a touch better than that. Also, Specter's nay vote on EFCA probably eliminates the chances of the Democrats picking this seat up through a party switch.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: Senate Rankings, April 2009 Edition

plus, the dems will then owe him H-U-G-E... because it gets rid of the filibuster.

and he won't have to vote against the Employee Free Choice Act just to win a primary.

brilliant political strategy.

So then he has no actual principles or values other than the selfserving kind then...figures.
Yeah, but this time it's much more serious. :razz:
oh it is?.....geezus Sara are you that foolish to think the Dems have your back?...that they care about anyone BUT THEMSELVES? Pelosi might open your eyes....well with you i dont know....
"On this state of the record, I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate."

LOLOL What a freakin' coward. He didn't seem to mind when the Pennsylvania Republican primary elctorate gave him his seat in the first place. The man has no real convictions as he said just a few weeks ago that he wouldn't switch parties. This man's only concern is for his personal career. LOLOL Dems are welcome to him.

It's not surprising. The Republican party has made it very clear that it will tolerate no dissent from the party line.

You are too funny. Dems don't tolerate "dissent" at all either. Nice try though.
I wonder how many more the GOP will lose before 2010? Still, the party with absolute power will need to control the urge to "rule absolutely." This is a bit of a scary time for the Dems. I hope Obama realizes the danger and reigns in the far left wing of the party.

So I guess there is no stopping the investigation of the "torture memos" now.
You Republicans will do much better when you learn to govern as well as you play politics.

acoording to Bobo the Dems know how to sorry i guess he hasnt seen what is happening to California since they have been in charge....
I've always voted for the man, this will make it easier now that he's come over from the dark side party. I heard only 21% claim to be republicans today, amazing how a party that had so much power sank so fast. Best thing republicans can do is stay on the fringes and pretend they know a bit about governance, just don't let them govern. :lol:

yea but just let the Dems do all the governing....stupid ass....
Sore loser. Why can't you have class and say "You guys won - but we still have valid ideas and I think it's time the Republicans stopped being the party of NO and the party of working together."

Of course, because you have no class.

The party that once claimed to be the "moral majority" has no morals.

so the Dems are the party of working together,and have MORALS?? sorry i must have wandered into Bobos "left wingers 101".....
Yeah that's right, there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs, just look at how the Repubs have agreed with everything the Dems are doing. Right?

Oh that's right the Repubs don't agree with anything that the Dems want to do, nevermind...

With the exceptions of Arlan Spector, Susan Collins, Olympia Snow & John McCain-who was all for closing GITMO & against enhanced interrogation technics.

I am sick & tired of wooosy Republicans--Get rid of all of them-& get someone in there--& I could care less if they're republican or democrat I just want some conservatives on capital hill that have some COMMON SENSE for a change!

There used to be Eisenhower Republicans. Good sane conservative men with consciences, and a sense of duty. Todays Rupublican has a sense of duty only to Mammon.

ROFl.. Watch this kids...

Would the member please provide a specific explanation wherein the SPECIFIC DISTINCTION in terms of principle, which were observed by the "IKE GOP" and the current US Conservative... which the GOP SOLELY represents.

LOL... Enjoy the disembling to follow...
The bigger concern is how long will we continue to have a Republic with one party in control and no one to stop them.

The Republican Party is dying, thankfully, so until the conservatives get a 3rd party for themselves and/or until the Democratic Party becomes too centrist and the Liberals create a 3rd party for themselves.

The war is over. Coke won. Ford won. And now the Democrats have won.

for now....sooner or later they will fuck up again....they cant help it...they are politicians,and politicians,no matter what their party WILL FUCK UP EVENTUALLY...

Yeah, the Republican party isn't going away. It's going to be irrelevant for awhile, at least in Washington, but it isn't going away.

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