BREAKING NEWS: Arlen Specter switching parties to give Democrats 60 votes in Senate

If you are a republicans, and you're saying the same kind of things you have been saying for the past three years..........

you'll keep losing.

Change directions.

Really? So if the immutable principles that you're espousing are rejected by 'The People'... depart from the advocacy of immutable principle?

Really? And your basing this on what? Or have I misunderstood your point?

Your signature is too long. It screws up the threads.

So I didn't misunderstand your point and you ARE advocating that immutable principle should be abandoned because it falls out of favor by a LOT of idiots...

Not good for the viability of your nation, or your income potential... not good at all.
Imagine when the Senate gets 2/3 Democrat majority. Then treaties and amendments can be passed without Republican support. :lol:

oh i can hardly wait have 2 parties run by assholes who only care about themselves,and how much fucking of the citizens they can get away with.....and this guy is happy one of them is going to be making all the policy for this country....unimpeded....and hes happy....:eusa_eh:
Well, the Republicans had almost total power in Washington, and they completely failed. Now it looks like the Dems are going to get total power in Washington and we'll see how they do....

But if they turn out as bad as the Republicans, I'll guess we'll have to give the socialists a chance next....


Well the sentiment in that position rests wholly in how you're defining 'bad'... If runaway irresponsible spending is at the root of 'bad' then the Dems have already destroyed the level of 'bad' the idiot 'centrists' of the GOP did...

So how are YOU defining 'bad'?

It may be that the Dems have a record of 'tax and spend', to some degree...
WHOA... I gotta stop ya right there... "TAX AND SPEND IS THE ONLY RECORD THE LEFT HAS... and all of your rationalizations will never provide a valid basis for the left usurping the rights of individuals, in their confiscation of the product of one person's labor for the subsidy of another...


And spare me the lame ass infrastruture rant... taxation for reasonable and necessary infrastructure is NOT the moral equivilent of stripping someone of their income to subsidize someone else. One is promoting the general welfare, the other is simply WELFARE in general.

The issue is not Rep-v-Dem... it is RIGHT-v-WRONG...
Yeah that's right, there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs, just look at how the Repubs have agreed with everything the Dems are doing. Right?

Oh that's right the Repubs don't agree with anything that the Dems want to do, nevermind...

Bobo 101 at work....
Well, this is what the Small Tent Republicans wanted.

Let's see how relevant they can be in a filibuster-proof Senate.

Amen... I say give the left everything they want... If it were in my power I would RUN the REST of the lightweights out of the GOP senate and give them a SUPER-Majority...

The LAST thing Americans need is to be ANYWHERE NEAR POWER when the wheels come off.

If we're even ON THE SCENE the left will blame it on us... For Pete's sake the media spent three days last week telling us how Bawney Fwank has ALWAYS been a proponent of RENTAL UNITS for low income people... and that it was the CONSERVATIVES that demanded that the Fed force banks to lower their lending standards to FOOL the POOR INTO TRYING TO GET LOANS FOR HOMES THEY KNEW THEY COULDN'T AFFORD!

So the farther Americans are from power... the better.

Now some may be worried that 'what if the economy comes back around?'...

ROFLMNAO... well that's fine with me... cause the only way that is going to happen is IF those in power GET OUT OF THE MARKET and OFF THE THROATS OF BUSINESS and since the VAST pool of business talent that IS the US Government, as is presently being portrayed by the Socialists... are in the process of BUYING UP THE MAJOR US BANKS AND INDUSTRY... and given their business savy... that seems fairly unlikely.

No... it's MUCH better to stand on bed-rock principle on this one and let the chips fall at the feet of the purveyors of cultural catastrophe.

Moral clarity is what's needed here and it's going to be hard enough to do what is going to have to be done, without the left being able to roll the blame over on those who will be standing as their earthly judges.
It took the Dems who we booted in the 80's 20 plus years to get corrupt and bad.

It took the GOP no time at all. I say they came in to power in 2000 already corrupted.

if it took the dems 20 years Bobo and "WE" booted them out in the 80's....what the hell happened in 94?.......perhaps the GOP learned from those guy's "WE" booted in the 80' would have to be pretty damed stupid to actually think these current guys are any better OR to think they have actually learned to be a little more for the country then their party or themselves......"they are Politicians....they know not what they do".....Christ said we have know for at least 2000 years....
Yeah that's right, there is no difference between the Dems and the Repubs, just look at how the Repubs have agreed with everything the Dems are doing. Right?

Oh that's right the Repubs don't agree with anything that the Dems want to do, nevermind...

With the exceptions of Arlan Spector, Susan Collins, Olympia Snow & John McCain-who was all for closing GITMO & against enhanced interrogation technics.

I am sick & tired of wooosy Republicans--Get rid of all of them-& get someone in there--& I could care less if they're republican or democrat I just want some conservatives on capital hill that have some COMMON SENSE for a change!

There used to be Eisenhower Republicans. Good sane conservative men with consciences, and a sense of duty. Todays Rupublican has a sense of duty only to Mammon.

and of course Rocks the Dems have tremendous sense of duty dont they?....
Wow, that is big news.

Now all the Republicans have to do is persuade the Senators from Maine and the other state they excortiated for voting in favor of the stimulus bill, and the Republicans will make themselves trully impotent to do anything more that whine and criticize Obama's every breath.

Republicans will remember your insolence when they dominate the 2010-2012 elections.

2010 will see a landslide realignment, and 2012 is when the US Census takes effect giving Republicans a +32 advantage by all estimates of population adjustments.

Do you want to be remembered as a liberal douche complaining "where have all the flowers gone???" when Republicans have sweeping control over every branch of Government and begin to reshape America conservatively?
Republicans will remember your insolence when they dominate the 2010-2012 elections.

2010 will see a landslide realignment, and 2012 is when the US Census takes effect giving Republicans a +32 advantage by all estimates of population adjustments.

Do you want to be remembered as a liberal douche complaining "where have all the flowers gone???" when Republicans have sweeping control over every branch of Government and begin to reshape America conservatively?

If we're even ON THE SCENE the left will blame it on us... For Pete's sake the media spent three days last week telling us how Bawney Fwank has ALWAYS been a proponent of RENTAL UNITS for low income people... and that it was the CONSERVATIVES that demanded that the Fed force banks to lower their lending standards to FOOL the POOR INTO TRYING TO GET LOANS FOR HOMES THEY KNEW THEY COULDN'T AFFORD!:clap2:

I agree let's let them have it, they will eventually hang themselves by their own rope. They can't blame Republicans anymore so let's get out of their way. Remember the old saying, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. They got it, let them deal with it and I hope all those other republican moderates and liberals jump on that Obama band wagon and when those wheels come off they all go down together.

The ONLY reason that Republicans lost the house and the senate is that they were not conservative enough. To see these idiots like Spector say that it was because they were too conservative shows you just how out of touch he was with his constituents and the nation in general.

Americans, democrats, republicans and independents LIVE their lives conservatively for the most part. We go to work, we pay our bills, most of us do not spend more than we can afford, we cut back when we need to. We expect our Government to do the same. Americans will get madder and madder over time, even the Obama voters that I know are getting pretty concerned about this spending and a few have told me that they regret their vote. Hang in there conservatives this country is going to take a hard right turn here in 2010 and 2012.

Getting mad yet, we just spent $338,000 for Air Force One to buzz Manhattan and scare the be-jesus out of everyone and they did it to get a picture of the Statue of Liberty.
I figure that as long as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter continue to be spokespersons for the republican party, a once great party will be relegated to being the party of southern whites and Miami Cubans.

I suspect that the Miami Cubans will eventually grow up.
I figure that as long as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter continue to be spokespersons for the republican party, a once great party will be relegated to being the party of southern whites and Miami Cubans.

I suspect that the Miami Cubans will eventually grow up.

Really? Because the way I look at it...George Soros is the big gun for your democrats. Fact is that Soros has a lot more influence over the dems than Ann, or Rush do over the repubs. Care to refute that FOGGIE?
I figure that as long as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter continue to be spokespersons for the republican party, a once great party will be relegated to being the party of southern whites and Miami Cubans.

I suspect that the Miami Cubans will eventually grow up.

Really? Because the way I look at it...George Soros is the big gun for your democrats. Fact is that Soros has a lot more influence over the dems than Ann, or Rush do over the repubs. Care to refute that FOGGIE?

Billionaire Soros is a mostly behind the scenes money man that supports a lot of democratic issues. I've heard him speak a few times.

Rush and Ann are the current public faces of the republican party.

Which is more influencial? It's hard to compare apples and oranges.
I figure that as long as Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter continue to be spokespersons for the republican party, a once great party will be relegated to being the party of southern whites and Miami Cubans.

I suspect that the Miami Cubans will eventually grow up.

Really? Because the way I look at it...George Soros is the big gun for your democrats. Fact is that Soros has a lot more influence over the dems than Ann, or Rush do over the repubs. Care to refute that FOGGIE?

Billionaire Soros is a mostly behind the scenes money man that supports a lot of democratic issues. I've heard him speak a few times.

Rush and Ann are the current public faces of the republican party.

Which is more influencial? It's hard to compare apples and oranges.

Soros dictates the direction of the democratic party, don't be naive about that for one moment. He is shoving millions of dollars in one way or another to the party. That money ain't free, and it does have a price tag. I wonder how much Ann, and Rush are shoving to their party? In that respect it is apples and oranges. But to tell you the truth...I would go with the entertainment of Ann and Rush over the hard hand of Soros. just sayin...
Spector would do anything within his means to keep his seat, a man with no backbone.

why shouldn't he keep his seat?

the repub party wants everyone to be a radical right winger.... and they were going to stick it to him by giving him a primary.

when lieberman stuck it to the dems by running as an independent... no one on the repub side was much troubled by it because it kept us from dumping him.

A little difference between Liebermann & Spector. Most of the registered voters in Connecticut are registered INDEPENDENTS-not republican or democrat.

While democrats in Connecticut were furious with Liebermann's support of the Iraq war--it was independents that re-elected him.

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