Breaking News: Congress Has a DACA Deal

Let me kick you in the balls once again: DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment,
All at our expense.

I don't give a rat fuck how successful DACA has been. You want it? Give us what we want.

Otherwise, fuck those little bastards. Back to Mexico with them. Don't even give them time to gather their shit and say goodbye.
"You can be a good President OR you can impress the NewYorkTimes." - Sneaky Ann Coulter
Let me kick you in the balls once again: DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment,
All at our expense.

I don't give a rat fuck how successful DACA has been. You want it? Give us what we want.

Otherwise, fuck those little bastards. Back to Mexico with them. Don't even give them time to gather their shit and say goodbye.
DACA recipients will stay and continue the productive jobs they were doing all along.
There will be no wall. You got duped by a carnival barker.
Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Boy did he see you coming.
Let me kick you in the balls once again: DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment,
All at our expense.

I don't give a rat fuck how successful DACA has been. You want it? Give us what we want.

Otherwise, fuck those little bastards. Back to Mexico with them. Don't even give them time to gather their shit and say goodbye.
I already educated you on that. It's not " at our expense"
They're productive, have good jobs, serve in the military and adding to the SS system and other coiffers.
"If Trump betrays voters on immigration, he can have as many rallies as he wants, but Americans will say, Been there, done that -- you screwed us. He will never escape the stink of broken campaign promises." - Sneaky Ann Coulter
Let me kick you in the balls once again: DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment,
All at our expense.

I don't give a rat fuck how successful DACA has been. You want it? Give us what we want.

Otherwise, fuck those little bastards. Back to Mexico with them. Don't even give them time to gather their shit and say goodbye.
DACA recipients will stay and continue the productive jobs they were doing all along.
There will be no wall. You got duped by a carnival barker.
Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Boy did he see you coming.
I dunno. The Oranguton could say no wall no daca. Then it'd be up to the dems to decide whether shutting down the gummit over Daca is worth it to them. My guess, is Schumer would have to release his moderates from places like ND, Mont and WVA to break. And then the dems would refuse any compromise on anything until after 2018 and perhaps 20.
Let me kick you in the balls once again: DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment,
All at our expense.

I don't give a rat fuck how successful DACA has been. You want it? Give us what we want.

Otherwise, fuck those little bastards. Back to Mexico with them. Don't even give them time to gather their shit and say goodbye.
DACA recipients will stay and continue the productive jobs they were doing all along.
There will be no wall. You got duped by a carnival barker.
Trump: I love my uneducated base.

Boy did he see you coming.
Huh? They’re undocumented right?
"Dreamers know no other home than America and had no control over their childhood arrival. Leaving them in jeopardy or using their lives for negotiating leverage is cruel." - Evan McMuffin
Flake jumped the gun.

He's already said the GOP isn't onboard with it yet.

Here's the scenario folks. He will get his wall. I don't
believe the GOP will cave on DACA without the wall being

They don't have to. The wall is their Trump card and the Dems
know it.

Then it will be up to the Dems to Put up or Shut up. I want to see
them shut down the government for 900,000 ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

That, alone will rally Trump's base to the polls in 2018. And Trump's
base is enough to keep the House and get the GOP 55 or 56 Senators.

Did anybody notice that ICE was in California yesterday raiding
7/11 franchisees. They got a load of illegals out of there.

7/11 ran for cover and pulled the franchise agreement of all the stores
not following Federal Law. Issued some statement of how Corporate
follows Federal Law to the letter.

A shot across the bow.

And...NO! The USA will not split up the families of DACA folks. On the contrary...we'll deport every one of their illegal asses out of here.
Blah blah blah...wall...blah blah blah...Trump....blah blah blah...Russia....blah blah blah...peeing school girls...blah blah blah.....soon.....
it’s a clean bill too. No wall included. The GOP caved. Great news.

No link available yet.
Enjoy having it vetoed LOL
Enjoy losing the Congress in November.
Just like we lost the 2016 election eh!? ROFLMAO
I love it when you BROADCAST your stupidity
Makes me smile.
86% of Americans favor DACA. Link readily available in this thread
If the idiot vetoes the bill... he and the GOP are dead men walking.
it’s a clean bill too. No wall included. The GOP caved. Great news.

No link available yet.
Enjoy having it vetoed LOL
Enjoy losing the Congress in November.
Just like we lost the 2016 election eh!? ROFLMAO
I love it when you BROADCAST your stupidity
Makes me smile.
86% of Americans favor DACA. Link readily available in this thread
If the idiot vetoes the bill... he and the GOP are dead men walking.
The problem is you use fake news polls,and you are a liar

Poll: Less Than 30 Percent of Americans Want to Give Amnesty to DACA Illegal Aliens
it’s a clean bill too. No wall included. The GOP caved. Great news.

No link available yet.
Enjoy having it vetoed LOL
Enjoy losing the Congress in November.
Just like we lost the 2016 election eh!? ROFLMAO
I love it when you BROADCAST your stupidity
Makes me smile.
86% of Americans favor DACA. Link readily available in this thread
If the idiot vetoes the bill... he and the GOP are dead men walking.
The problem is you use fake news polls,and you are a liar

Poll: Less Than 30 Percent of Americans Want to Give Amnesty to DACA Illegal Aliens
so the idiot runs right to......
Breitbart.... a white supremacist site.
Ha ha hahahaha ha haha

Americans back DACA by a huge margin

Poll: 86 percent support Dreamers staying in the country

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