Breaking News: Congress Has a DACA Deal

Another failed BS thread started by a hate Trump liberal........
Interesting that Congress would do that, highlighting the Pres as a "big meanie."
I know he wants a Wall, but saying no to a clean DACA bill is not good optics, no matter how much you argue.
Fuck that.

You want DACA? We want something in return.

Don't like it? Fuck those shitty little Mexican brats. They are on the bus tomorrow.
I’ve always said the left doesn’t know how to negotiate. Or better the objective
it’s a clean bill too. No wall included. The GOP caved. Great news.

No link available yet.
Trump won't sign the Bill if no Wall is included. One more time, snowflake, no deal.

From Trump earlier!

Donald J. Trump
The United States needs the security of the Wall on the Southern Border, which must be part of any DACA approval. The safety and security of our country is #1!
He’s already flip flopped twice today on another issue. He’ll sign it. He’ll sign anything. He doesn’t even care what it is.
False! No Wall, no DACA deal. Trump will not sign it.

The problem with that is that the gutless and spineless GOP will join the democrats and over rule his veto.
Poll: 86 percent support Dreamers staying in the country

If 86% of Americans want those worthless shits to stay, then 86% of America should have no fucking problem giving us measures to keep more of those worthless little knee-biters from polluting our nation.
DACA: Trump rejects bipartisan pitch on immigration - CNNPolitics

This makes trump look so bad.
Why do we have a Congress for?

More proof of the dictator wannabe.
Ha ha ha!!!!

Melt, bitch!!!


No "negotiator" worth a squirt of piss would agree to a clean bill with nothing in return. That's like:

1st Guy: "I will pay you $1,000."

2nd Guy: "For what?"

1st Guy: "Nothing. I will just pay you $1,000."

2nd Guy: "Deal"

I was immediately skeptical when I read the OP.

But, I an still not optimistic that Trump will hold his ground. He may get something in return, but what if it's a huge, smelly bag of hyena shit?
No one expects Trump will do the right thing.
He hasn't in 12 months.
DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment, and pay taxes into Social Security and other tax coffers.
Again, there’s every reason to suspect that the OP is full of his usual shit, but if he isn’t it’s also possible that this is an election ploy by the GOP. I’d like to see who the GOP are that agreed to this thing, and who was against it. It’s possibke that those in states with large Hispanic populations voted for it just to keep their seats knowing that it won’t get past Trump. We have seen the GOPdo this shit before with overturning 0bamacare.

It’s possible.
DACA: Trump rejects bipartisan pitch on immigration - CNNPolitics

This makes trump look so bad.
Why do we have a Congress for?

More proof of the dictator wannabe.
Ha ha ha!!!!

Melt, bitch!!!


No "negotiator" worth a squirt of piss would agree to a clean bill with nothing in return. That's like:

1st Guy: "I will pay you $1,000."

2nd Guy: "For what?"

1st Guy: "Nothing. I will just pay you $1,000."

2nd Guy: "Deal"

I was immediately skeptical when I read the OP.

But, I an still not optimistic that Trump will hold his ground. He may get something in return, but what if it's a huge, smelly bag of hyena shit?
No one expects Trump will do the right thing.
He hasn't in 12 months.
DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment, and pay taxes into Social Security and other tax coffers.
If they are in documented, then how are there stats to quote?
Poll: 86 percent support Dreamers staying in the country

If 86% of Americans want those worthless shits to stay, then 86% of America should have no fucking problem giving us measures to keep more of those worthless little knee-biters from polluting our nation.
Thanks for proving you're not only an asshole you're an ignorant asshole.
DACA recipients are highly productive, serve in the military and hold down full time jobs. They're more productive than your worthless ass
Again, there’s every reason to suspect that the OP is full of his usual shit, but if he isn’t it’s also possible that this is an election ploy by the GOP. I’d like to see who the GOP are that agreed to this thing, and who was against it. It’s possibke that those in states with large Hispanic populations voted for it just to keep their seats knowing that it won’t get past Trump. We have seen the GOPdo this shit before with overturning 0bamacare.

It’s possible.
I reported the news exactly how it happened and the link I provided proves it.
Interesting that Congress would do that, highlighting the Pres as a "big meanie."
I know he wants a Wall, but saying no to a clean DACA bill is not good optics, no matter how much you argue.
Fuck that.

You want DACA? We want something in return.

Don't like it? Fuck those shitty little Mexican brats. They are on the bus tomorrow.
I’ve always said the left doesn’t know how to negotiate. Or better the objective
the 2018 gop led senate cannot get ANYTHING done beyond breaking filibuster or passing something in reconcillation without dems, and McConnell knows it. That's why the gop senators are for being soft on DACA. And I'd like it if they addressed soc sec and medicare in a bipartisan manner.

The deal won't get done cause the Oranguton wants his wall. And to do that, he's gonna have to see 8 dems break ranks.
No one expects Trump will do the right thing.
By "the right thing" you grant amnesty to all 11 million squatting illegal Mexican assholes?

When you live with your head up your ass and stupidly repeat everything you are spoon fed like the dumbass OP, you are unable to determine for yourself what is right and what is wrong.
No one expects Trump will do the right thing.
By "the right thing" you grant amnesty to all 11 million squatting illegal Mexican assholes?
Let me kick you in the balls once again: DACA 2012 has been an unqualified policy success, allowing over three-quarters of a million recipients to continue their education, receive professional licensing, find employment, and pay taxes into Social Security and other tax coffers.
Is DACA really unconstitutional, as the Trump administration claims?
Interesting that Congress would do that, highlighting the Pres as a "big meanie."
I know he wants a Wall, but saying no to a clean DACA bill is not good optics, no matter how much you argue.
Fuck that.

You want DACA? We want something in return.

Don't like it? Fuck those shitty little Mexican brats. They are on the bus tomorrow.
I’ve always said the left doesn’t know how to negotiate. Or better the objective
the 2018 gop led senate cannot get ANYTHING done beyond breaking filibuster or passing something in reconcillation without dems, and McConnell knows it. That's why the gop senators are for being soft on DACA. And I'd like it if they addressed soc sec and medicare in a bipartisan manner.

The deal won't get done cause the Oranguton wants his wall. And to do that, he's gonna have to see 8 dems break ranks.
We all know that. Got to give to get. It’s called negotiating. Where everyone wins. Thought libs like that?
Thanks for proving you're not only an asshole you're an ignorant asshole.
DACA recipients are highly productive, serve in the military and hold down full time jobs. They're more productive than your worthless ass
Oh, I am an asshole. I will freely admit that.

You're just pissed because we don't give a fuck about worthless illegal shits, nor are we required to give said shit. We have our own families to take care of.

You want to "do the right thing?" Then give have your communist overlords get with the dog-shit GOP, and get us a bill that deprives all illegals of all services (including ER), or (as a consolation remedy) a border wall. Then you can have your feely feel-good charity at our expense.

There better not be ANY clean DACA bill.
Is DACA unconstitutional?
The short answer is, the Supreme Court has yet to rule on its constitutionality, so calling it “unconstitutional” is presumptive. And while the program has vocal opponents, legal experts largely argue that the program is not only constitutional but based on commonplace practices.

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