Breaking News: EBT To Shut Down Nationwide Starting November (USDA)

All I have to say for you working Americans who have been paying taxes and not living off the government

Soon you will learn that we ALL live off the government. Without it nobody works, there will be no economy.
That's the heart of it. the abuse is so rampant and obvious that it has pushed people who pay for it to the point that a lot of us just don't care if food stamp users die in the street. I'm okay with some form of a limited safety net, but it is hard for me to want that to continue when I see people use food stamps to buy carts of name brand foods and high end meats when I'm buying store brand and lesser cuts and I'm the one paying the taxes.

Yup and buying the new Kevin Durants and the new Grand Theft Auto 5.

Yeah, it will be worth a few million kids going unfed at night just to see those assholes who bought GTA 5 with their EBT whining.

did your account get hacked, cuz you are getting dumber by the day.

I don't help homeless people because I can't help but think they chose that lifestyle, that they are scamming everyone. I see a homeless person day after day at the same corner begging for food,m a sign that asks for food claiming that "anything helps." behind them is a string of trash, food that was given to them but simply tossed away behind them as they wait for cash donations only.

I would LOVE to take someone in, give them a job at my business, help them out... But They don;t want any of that and the amount there scamming out numbers the real people struggling by so much I can't even tell who is being honest.

So yeah G5, children will starve you fucking waste of political inferiority.
All I have to say for you working Americans who have been paying taxes and not living off the government

Soon you will learn that we ALL live off the government. Without it nobody works, there will be no economy.

Fucking retarded. The Government lives off us, the people that actually pay taxes. Notice politicians never talk about raising taxes on welfare people? Because they contribute nothing, they are worthless and a drain on society. The pool of people paying taxes is shrinking, more and more and more every year. Sure tax revenues go up, but only because the FED-R dumped over a trillion on the markets, that's a lot of tax revenue there. Take that away and you have an ever failing economy. Oddly, taking that spending out of the equation is a start to fixing the overall problem.
I don't care about those kids to be honest. I'm tired of watching this fraud and abuse and whenever someone pipes up about getting the standard "but what about the children" retort as though that somehow justifies the abuse and fraud.

Can't feed 'em? Don't breed 'em.

Thank you for being honest.
I don't care about those kids to be honest. I'm tired of watching this fraud and abuse and whenever someone pipes up about getting the standard "but what about the children" retort as though that somehow justifies the abuse and fraud.

Can't feed 'em? Don't breed 'em.

Thank you for being honest.

Why don't you petition the moderators for a "self ban"

You're as useful as a set of tits on a bull

In addition to being a fucking lying scumbag
I don't care about those kids to be honest. I'm tired of watching this fraud and abuse and whenever someone pipes up about getting the standard "but what about the children" retort as though that somehow justifies the abuse and fraud.

Can't feed 'em? Don't breed 'em.

Thank you for being honest.

Why don't you petition the moderators for a "self ban"

You're as useful as a set of tits on a bull

In addition to being a fucking lying scumbag

There you go, using that charm to win over the unbelievers.
I don't care about those kids to be honest. I'm tired of watching this fraud and abuse and whenever someone pipes up about getting the standard "but what about the children" retort as though that somehow justifies the abuse and fraud.

Can't feed 'em? Don't breed 'em.

Thank you for being honest.

Children grow up to be people like you and me, using them as some sort of great monolithic backdrop as to why we should support a bad idea (welfare) is oddly pathetic seeing as most people that believe in doing this, using the children, are also 110% pro abortion. I'm ok with abortion, but I also don't use children to ruin other people lives.
I don't care about those kids to be honest. I'm tired of watching this fraud and abuse and whenever someone pipes up about getting the standard "but what about the children" retort as though that somehow justifies the abuse and fraud.

Can't feed 'em? Don't breed 'em.

Thank you for being honest.

Children grow up to be people like you and me, using them as some sort of great monolithic backdrop as to why we should support a bad idea (welfare) is oddly pathetic seeing as most people that believe in doing this, using the children, are also 110% pro abortion. I'm ok with abortion, but I also don't use children to ruin other people lives.

I'm not going to let a child be hungry in the streets, but it's not my responsibility to raise them. Those kids the left is so concerned about are little more than pawns in a political game. For all the bleeding heart statements we get, it isn't like the left does anything about it besides pick my pocket. On that front, I'm far more concerned with making sure my kids are fed to worry about children I don't know and won't ever meet. It's horrible that they go without sometimes, but that's their parent(s) problem, not mine.
People are going to die within our inner-cities because of you republicans. There's going to be riots and violence like you can't believe.

You never should of done this.

You blame this all on the republicans? Obama won't do anything to compromise and has promised to veto any spending bill which gets through congress that doesn't include Obamacare. He won't even talk to them.

The only good thing is that once people are hungry, they will do something about taking back our government. (which is why I don't think it will happen.)
This is going to be catastrophic on epic levels. People on these EBT's are gonna go slap crazy and loot like we saw at the Walmart's over the weekend. This now makes me believe that the glitch in the EBT system over the past weekend was a test run. All I have to say for you working Americans who have been paying taxes and not living off the government and that is be careful for yourselves and your family when this takes place next month. This news has been confirmed by a letter that you will see in the link below.

States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November
Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon |

Translation: Now that the Reactionary Left has enslaves people by turning them into Government Dependents, Obama will hold those people hostage...just like a terrorist hiding in a group of children.
Thank you for being honest.

Children grow up to be people like you and me, using them as some sort of great monolithic backdrop as to why we should support a bad idea (welfare) is oddly pathetic seeing as most people that believe in doing this, using the children, are also 110% pro abortion. I'm ok with abortion, but I also don't use children to ruin other people lives.

I'm not going to let a child be hungry in the streets, but it's not my responsibility to raise them. Those kids the left is so concerned about are little more than pawns in a political game. For all the bleeding heart statements we get, it isn't like the left does anything about it besides pick my pocket. On that front, I'm far more concerned with making sure my kids are fed to worry about children I don't know and won't ever meet. It's horrible that they go without sometimes, but that's their parent(s) problem, not mine.

I can't help but think that most of those kids wouldn't be in need of help if the government didn't pay teenage girls to have babies out of wedlock as a career choice.
Children grow up to be people like you and me, using them as some sort of great monolithic backdrop as to why we should support a bad idea (welfare) is oddly pathetic seeing as most people that believe in doing this, using the children, are also 110% pro abortion. I'm ok with abortion, but I also don't use children to ruin other people lives.

I'm not going to let a child be hungry in the streets, but it's not my responsibility to raise them. Those kids the left is so concerned about are little more than pawns in a political game. For all the bleeding heart statements we get, it isn't like the left does anything about it besides pick my pocket. On that front, I'm far more concerned with making sure my kids are fed to worry about children I don't know and won't ever meet. It's horrible that they go without sometimes, but that's their parent(s) problem, not mine.

I can't help but think that most of those kids wouldn't be in need of help if the government didn't pay teenage girls to have babies out of wedlock as a career choice.

Beats the hell out of being useful.
I don't care about those kids to be honest. I'm tired of watching this fraud and abuse and whenever someone pipes up about getting the standard "but what about the children" retort as though that somehow justifies the abuse and fraud.

Can't feed 'em? Don't breed 'em.

Thank you for being honest.

Now if only the rest of you who pretend to care were as honest, we might make some progress.
Guvmint flatbeds, stocked with watermelon and chitlins, should pull into WalMarts nationwide. Feed the unemployed/lazy/uneducated/criminal-minded masses.

Problem solved.

I do not want to be near you when karma hits.
Thank you for being honest.

Children grow up to be people like you and me, using them as some sort of great monolithic backdrop as to why we should support a bad idea (welfare) is oddly pathetic seeing as most people that believe in doing this, using the children, are also 110% pro abortion. I'm ok with abortion, but I also don't use children to ruin other people lives.

I'm not going to let a child be hungry in the streets, but it's not my responsibility to raise them. Those kids the left is so concerned about are little more than pawns in a political game. For all the bleeding heart statements we get, it isn't like the left does anything about it besides pick my pocket. On that front, I'm far more concerned with making sure my kids are fed to worry about children I don't know and won't ever meet. It's horrible that they go without sometimes, but that's their parent(s) problem, not mine.

shouldn't they be the responsibility of the the mother and father? But you see, thsi is the problem that has been created by a welfare nation. They should be the responsibility of the parents, but we have taken that responsibility away. we have created a segment of the population who now thinks - hey, who is going to take care of my kids? We have taught them it is someone elses responsibility.

we'll never end entitlements in the current generation. but we have to start weaning future generations off of it
Former Louisiana House Representative David Duke warned us years ago that this would take place and we would see chaos in the streets and violence upon the working taxpayer who will get retaliated on by these government leaches in a panic. His prediction has come true.
This is going to be catastrophic on epic levels. People on these EBT's are gonna go slap crazy and loot like we saw at the Walmart's over the weekend. This now makes me believe that the glitch in the EBT system over the past weekend was a test run. All I have to say for you working Americans who have been paying taxes and not living off the government and that is be careful for yourselves and your family when this takes place next month. This news has been confirmed by a letter that you will see in the link below.

States across the country are being told to stop the supplemental nutrition assistance program for the month of November
Utah families on food stamps could be cut off soon |
You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if the government shut down.
You ignored the warning to shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
You cheered when the government shut down.
Now you are bitching about the shut down you wanted and caused.
If there is a dumber and more ignorant group of people in this world I am not aware of them.

I's suggest they are the most dishonest group of people in America, though some are truly stupid. Most don't care to think beyond their emotional response and consider the consequences - both intended and unintended - of callous conservatism. Those who do think, lack empathy and are sociopathic or evil.
Former Louisiana House Representative David Duke warned us years ago that this would take place and we would see chaos in the streets and violence upon the working taxpayer who will get retaliated on by these government leaches in a panic. His prediction has come true.

I don't give a crap what David Duke has said.

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