BREAKING NEWS: FBI's Comey did brief Trump on 2-page synopsis


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: FBI's Comey did brief Trump on the 2-page synopsis.

It was a personal one-on-one briefing.

Will update when a link is available.
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What 2 page synopsis? What breaking news? Is it from "Buzzfeed"? Does the left allege that the FBI director (who works for the Obama appointed A.G.) broke the law by sharing confidential information with a political candidate before the election?
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Oh boy, yet another 'I hate Trump' thread-starter from this OP. Please USMB, can we get some limits on this flooding stuff? These folks are killing the site.

Care to count all the I hate Obama threads? I'm pretty sure there have been more.

This post is a prime example of flooding. It's barely even a post. It has no substance at all. It's just a case of the OP flooding the Forum with repetitive same-themed thread-starters. USMB should take action.

Either that or you should just quit whining. If there were only some way that you wouldn't have to read posts like this. Try not clicking on them........that might work.'s endless fun watching you fucktard democrats believe your fake news....:lol:
Its truly weird that trump lies about things that are so easily checked. And then, when he's caught yet again, he just piles on more lies.
LOL, Alt Right, Fake News......these idiot Lefty's buy every meme that is tossed their way.
CNN's Anderson Cooper is laying out the facts and details.
Oh boy...oh guys stopped Trump now...Hillary will be POTUS now...oh boy..oh wow...the Russians did it...
Now liberals, click your heels three times and say " There's no place like home...there's no place like home..."

Maybe Salon, Mother Jones, CNN?

It's being reported live on CNN's Anderson Cooper NOW. Officials have confirmed that Comey personally briefed Trump one-on-one about the 2-page synopsis of Trump's foreign escapades.

BTW, Kellyanne Conway declined to respond.
The splitting hairs is rather amusing - was he told in person after the original briefing with the intelligence community was held - well according both to Trump at the press conference, as well as the original reports of CNN/Buzzfeed - yes he was.

So essentially, they are trumpeting something they had already claimed and reported as true, now finding out that yep that single line was true, and pretty much making a fool of themselves.

It's like a twisted version of musical chairs, except they talk over the first music round and don't notice when it quits playing so nobody takes their seats - confused the ref plays the music again and stops it, then they all run around like chickens and get their butts in chairs. Whilst they congratulate each other about a round well played, the rest of America just shakes their head at the stupid...
Part or all of this synopsis may become clearer if Putin wants to wholly take over the Ukraine or Belarus, and Trump meekly objects........LOL
Part or all of this synopsis may become clearer if Putin wants to wholly take over the Ukraine or Belarus, and Trump meekly objects........LOL

BTW, this 2-page synopsis of Trump's foreign perversion has not been proven to be UNTRUE. It still stands as UNVERIFIED. Many who know him say the source of this synopsis has a very credible reputation.
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MSNBC also confirming that Trump was personally briefed on the 2-page foreign perversion synopsis. So, why do Trump and Conway keep lying about it.

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