Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

If anyone had been watching any of Nat Geo or some of these other shows over the last FOUR years--there have been dead kids everywhere. Russia has been bombing the shit out of them--and Trump called Hillary Clinton dangerous for insisting on a no fly zone. If she were in office instead of this Ass Clown there would have been a no fly zone, and the chemical attack would have never happened.

Trump even indicated that Assad at one time "wasn't that bad of a guy."

2000 Serian's were killed in this bombing, alone. There are no cities in Syria today--Russia has blown the shit out of them.


Now you know why there were Syrian refugees--that Trump & his supporters refused to help.

And Trump was snuggling up to Putin whom all along who was bombing the crap out of these people.


Trump just did this to deflect attention away from these Russian investigations. He did the exact opposite of what he campaigned on regarding Syria.

Have you been living in a very dark closet over the last 4 years? The FOX NEWS closet I presume.

This is what Russia has done to Syria.






This is what Putin has done to Syria. These are the people who you didn't want in this country. These are the people YOU refused to help. Mainly Christian Syrians. These are the people Trump said he didn't want in this country. This is the Ass Clown President who continually praised Vladimir Putin.

Now you get a good look at who Vladimir Putin really is.


And it was the Ass Clown that continually critizised Hillary Clinton for wanting to get tough with Assad--and insist on a no fly zone. If she were in office today, there would have been a no fly zone and this chemical attack would have never happened. According to Trump it was O.K. to kill them with bombs--but then freaks out over nerve gas.
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In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.

How did you know that?
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriot system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
Hillary Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields
Apr 6, 2017, 7:44 PM ET

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out Thursday about how she would respond to Tuesday's chemical attack in Syria, promoting U.S. action to prevent further attacks with civilian casualties.

Speaking at the Women in the World summit in New York City, Clinton said that the U.S. "should have been more willing to confront [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad]," before Russia got involved in the country's civil war and with Iran's participation limited to ground-based assistance.

Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

So um... what are your views on abortion?
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

If anyone had been watching any of Nat Geo or some of these other shows over the last FOUR years--there have been dead kids everywhere. Russia has been bombing the shit out of them--and Trump called Hillary Clinton dangerous for insisting on a no fly zone. If she were in office instead of this Ass Clown there would have been a no fly zone, and the chemical attack would have never happened.

Trump even indicated that Assad at one time "wasn't that bad of a guy."

2000 Serian's were killed in this bombing, alone. There are no cities in Syria today--Russia has blown the shit out of them.


Now you know why there were Syrian refugees--that Trump & his supporters refused to help.

And Trump was snuggling up to Putin whom all along who was bombing the crap out of these people.


Trump just did this to deflect attention away from these Russian investigations. He did the exact opposite of what he campaigned on regarding Syria.

Have you been living in a very dark closet over the last 4 years? The FOX NEWS closet I presume.

This is what Russia has done to Syria.






This is what Putin has done to Syria. These are the people who you didn't want in this country. These are the people YOU refused to help. Mainly Christian Syrians. These are the people Trump said he didn't want in this country. This is the Ass Clown President who continually praised Vladimir Putin.

Now you get a good look at who Vladimir Putin really is.

Those dead are collateral damage in the war on terror. Those dead are future breeders of terrorist. Muslims deserve no sympathy.
In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.

How did you know that?
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriots system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
You're not a legitimate American...your opinion does not matter...shut the fuck up foreigner.
In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.
Did you type this with a replica Donald Trump dildo jammed into an orifice?

Man up, you should be ashamed of having such a knee trembling man crush like this.
If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?

Because as of late, social conservative bloodlust can only be satiated with the lives of Muslims.
As I RECALL you and your buddies all DEMANDED Trump do something. You have been hawking for war with Russia since November.

Huh? You fucks control the government buddy. This was all you. Own it.


Democrats had the White House in 2013 when Assad decided he would gas 1400 people. You had the power to act against this and DID NOTHING.

More than 1,400 killed in Syrian chemical weapons attack, U.S. says
This is the right thing.

Fuck Assad. Fuck the Russians. Fuck the Alt Right.
No, I have a feeling this was a big mistake…

I hate this time in the tv news where only buttheads are giving their own opinion, pisses me off..

So why would this be a mistake Rustic
Why? Well,what first of all there is no proof on who done the chemical attack if there was even a chemical attack. Second there's no proof that anyone was injured or killed. Third we can not afford this shit. Fourth we can't use the emotion to determine military action. Fifth we are wading into a shit storm.... again

Why is your tail tucked between your legs, whining like a little bitch?
As loathesome as the gas attack was, I don't think a knee jerk retaliation is the best or smartest response either.

And how many chemical attacks would you have been willing to let Assad get away with before you ahem... for lack of a better phrase... grew a pair?

Americans weren't keen on getting involved before. In fact, the Senate voted against it. What's changed? What makes this gas attack more heinous that the ones that occurred when Obama was President?

I can't help but think this is more about Trump wanting to get some good press than him or the Republican Party actually caring about the civilians in Syria. Especially given the flat of refusal of Americans to help Syrian refugees.
On this, I think you are wrong. His NSA showed him the vids of they dying and dead kids, and it shook Trump up, very badly up. He had just voiced support four days before for Assad, and Assad proved him wrong.
The whole thing was fake news, and our federal government fell for it. Lol

Why do you think this could possibly be true?
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly

If we get us in to a war because of this is a sign of ---------- weakness and stupidity.
How can we get into a war? If we wanted to we could take out enough of the Syria military with missile strikes for the rebels to overrun what's left. I don't think the President intends to do that. I believe this was an opening gambit that is intended to get the Russians to negotiate seriously with us about getting rid of Assad and stabilizing Syria.

Agree about getting rid of Assad but getting rid of him militarily will only help ISIS.
Problem in ME is a total cluster fuck------- After this bombing only weakened Assad now what? I'm sure ISIS are celebrating. Putin will not just give up Syria loosing billion$ of arm sales -----------
There are no current alternative replacing Assad that favor west.
Without his air force, Assad will be gone in a few months even with Hezbollah and Iran and all the Shi'ite militias fighting on his side, and the US can sufficiently disable his air force with missile strikes to do that. So what will Russia's response be?

Assad doesn't have billions to spend on weapons; in fact he is using barrel bombs because he can't afford to buy military grade munitions. What Russia wants is its naval base at Tartus, which it holds under 49 year lease with Syria and which it is enlarging. If Putin is confident he can keep his port even with Assad gone, he has no reason to continue this expensive, unpopular war. So the right move is, imo, to tell the Russians the US will continue to weaken Assad until he can't continue, but we will also support Russia keeping its port. This will give the US and Russia a common interest in getting Assad out in the most peaceful way and stabilizing Syria after he is gone.

Wishful thinking ----------- Bombing doesn't accomplish anything but suffering of Syrians-------- Weakening Assad doesn't help either--------- There are no immediate or future replacement for Assad --------- So What is the purpose of keeping a Russian military base in Tartus just to have a base?
The ------- only and only --------- reason Assad used a barrel bomb in Aleppo bc its cheaper and rebels do not have anti aircraft to bring it down------ Its not bc they do not have sophisticated bomb --------- Putin has been supplying Syria and Iran for years.
Yes Assad senior and junior has a lot of money after decades of looting his own country and that include golds.

Russia's campaign in Syria leads to arms sale windfall
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Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

So um... what are your views on abortion?

Whatever a pregnant woman decides. It's her choice. She has first priority - and the law on her side.

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