Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. I showed that Trump as against Obama taking the same action that Trump took. Very hypocritical. I don't believe I said how I felt about the action either way.

As President Trump said, Assad crossed many, many lines when he bombed his own people with Sarin Gas. What would taking no action have accomplished? Stopped Assad, and every other tin pot dictator from using chemical weapons? Nonsense. Or, would destroying the base from which the attacks were launched in a matter of minutes send a clearer message?
Remember the good old days when Israel would bomb the living shit out of Iran, that's how you punish these thugs.
3 months into it--we have 3 ongoing investigations the house, the senate and the FBI--now we may be involved in another fucking WAR in the middle east.

Just a reminder Trump continually campaigned on we would not intervene into Syria's civil war--and blasted Hillary Clinton for insisting on a no fly zone. If she were in office there would have been a no fly zone--and a chemical attack would not have been possible, and this would have been unnecessary.

One Huge Ass Mistake America! I am not so certain that this manuever wasn't more just to deflect attention away from these investigations.


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If we get us in to a war because of this is a sign of ---------- weakness and stupidity.

We have been in a War on Terror since 2003. It is not going to end soon. Pretending that it did not exist was not a solution. When you're in a war the only victory is in completely decimating the enemy. When the enemy is totally destroyed, as with Germany and Japan, the war is over.

NO war is over simply because one party says, okay, on such and such a date, the war is over. Thank for your applause!

Are you going to war because of this? So what is this bombing has accomplished? This bombing only helps ISIS not the rebels ------- I can assure you ISIS are celebrating.

All those that have children in the military and voted for drumpf. All you voted for was for you to dig your own child's grave. The depravity of the men in the White House is on a scale not seen before. This is just the beginning. These people are ravenous to use the US military to destroy anything they can.

You conservatives that voted for drumpf but had reservations because, you know, he was obviously mentally ill way before the election, how are you feeling now. If you haven't watched The Dead Zone, the movie that the clip came from, it is well worth watching. More of a B movie but it has Christopher Walken and a very pertinent plot.

Congrats conservatives, the death toll you've been wanting for so long has finally begun. The only question now is will it be 10's of thousand, 100's of thousands, or millions.

Oh how Jesus must be celebrating.
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If we are supposed to be concerned about children being killed in wars, why aren't we militarily involved in about a third of Africa?

Because as of late, social conservative bloodlust can only be satiated with the lives of Muslims.
As I RECALL you and your buddies all DEMANDED Trump do something. You have been hawking for war with Russia since November.

Huh? You fucks control the government buddy. This was all you. Own it.
Once again, we'll be fixing the crap you democrats started.

How is dropping 59 bombs fix anything?
If we get us in to a war because of this is a sign of ---------- weakness and stupidity.

We have been in a War on Terror since 2003. It is not going to end soon. Pretending that it did not exist was not a solution. When you're in a war the only victory is in completely decimating the enemy. When the enemy is totally destroyed, as with Germany and Japan, the war is over.

NO war is over simply because one party says, okay, on such and such a date, the war is over. Thank for your applause!

Are you going to war because of this? So what is this bombing has accomplished? This bombing only helps ISIS not the rebels ------- I can assure you ISIS are celebrating.

It also helps Trump's poll numbers with his "poorly educated" base. After all, they are devastated that Obamacare wasn't repealed and replaced - even though they would suffer the most.
In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly

If we get us in to a war because of this is a sign of ---------- weakness and stupidity.
How can we get into a war? If we wanted to we could take out enough of the Syria military with missile strikes for the rebels to overrun what's left. I don't think the President intends to do that. I believe this was an opening gambit that is intended to get the Russians to negotiate seriously with us about getting rid of Assad and stabilizing Syria.

Agree about getting rid of Assad but getting rid of him militarily will only help ISIS.
Problem in ME is a total cluster fuck------- After this bombing only weakened Assad now what? I'm sure ISIS are celebrating. Putin will not just give up Syria loosing billion$ of arm sales -----------
There are no current alternative replacing Assad that favor west.
Without his air force, Assad will be gone in a few months even with Hezbollah and Iran and all the Shi'ite militias fighting on his side, and the US can sufficiently disable his air force with missile strikes to do that. So what will Russia's response be?

Assad doesn't have billions to spend on weapons; in fact he is using barrel bombs because he can't afford to buy military grade munitions. What Russia wants is its naval base at Tartus, which it holds under 49 year lease with Syria and which it is enlarging. If Putin is confident he can keep his port even with Assad gone, he has no reason to continue this expensive, unpopular war. So the right move is, imo, to tell the Russians the US will continue to weaken Assad until he can't continue, but we will also support Russia keeping its port. This will give the US and Russia a common interest in getting Assad out in the most peaceful way and stabilizing Syria after he is gone.

All those that have children in the military and voted for drumpf. All you voted for was for you to dig your own child's grave. The depravity of the men in the White House is on a scale not seen before. This is just the beginning. These people are ravenous to use the US military to destroy anything they can.

You conservatives that voted for drumpf but had reservations because, you know, he was obviously mentally ill way before the election. How are you feeling now. If you haven't watched The Dead Zone, the movie that the clip came from, it is well worth watching. More of a B movie but it has Christopher Walken and a very pertinent plot.

Congrats conservatives, the death toll you've been wanting for so long has finally begun. The only question now is will it be 10's of thousand, 100's of thousands, or millions.

Oh how Jesus must be celebrating.

Amen! I expect the military draft will be reinstated before long.
Fair point. But the mistake we made in Iraq was that we stayed.

Correction, the mistake we made in Iraq was that we LEFT against all military advice. You must have forgotten that petulant former President Obama celebrated a victory as all our troops were pulled out, against all of his military advice.

Democrats on Iraq + WMD's (Weapons of Mass Destruction)

He [President Clinton] praised Bush and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld for their handling of the war, but said Bush should have waited longer before attacking for the "chance that either [Saddam Hussein] would have disarmed or . . . we would have had far more members of the Security Council with us."

Clinton also said Bush should not be faulted if banned weapons of mass destruction aren't found.

"I don't think you can criticize the President for trying to act on the belief that they have a substantial amount of chemical and biological stock. . . . That is what I was always told," Clinton said.

- Former President Clinton Wednesday, April 16, 2003

"Could Be One of the Great Achievements of This Administration" The vice president said he’d been to Iraq 17 times and visits the country every three months or so. "I know every one of the major players in all the segments of that society" he said. "It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."

- Vice President Joe Biden (D) Feb. 10, 2010

How has the war President Barack Hussein Obama said we SHOULD have been fighting going? How is the Middle East going now that President Obama is President? Oh, Afghanistan just crossed 2,330 American fatalities. Seventy percent of whom died since President Obama took office.

And now the Obama administration wants to TAKE CREDIT for the Iraq war…whew….
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.

This bombing doesn't change the dynamics of what is going on in Syria. NOT A THING.
If we get rid of Assad tomorrow the problem in Syria will get worst far more than you can imagine.---------- The problem in Syria is very very complex ------ these is no immediate solution. Remember after decades of dictatorship a very large portion of Syrian population support Assad.

There are more Syrians that support Assad than the number of rebels or against Assad in Syria.
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

If anyone had been watching any of Nat Geo or some of these other shows over the last FOUR years--there have been dead kids everywhere. Russia has been bombing the shit out of them--and Trump called Hillary Clinton dangerous for insisting on a no fly zone. If she were in office instead of this Ass Clown there would have been a no fly zone, and the chemical attack would have never happened.

Trump even indicated that Assad at one time "wasn't that bad of a guy."

2000 Serian's were killed in this bombing, alone. There are no cities in Syria today--Russia has blown the shit out of them.


Now you know why there were Syrian refugees--that Trump & his supporters refused to help.

And Trump was snuggling up to Putin whom all along who was bombing the crap out of these people.


Trump just did this to deflect attention away from these Russian investigations. He did the exact opposite of what he campaigned on regarding Syria.

All we need is another fucking war in the Middle East--with Russia on the other side.
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BREAKING NEWS: There were Russians stationed at the base the US struck in Syria tonight, but the US informed them beforehand. -More Info soon
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

If anyone had been watching any of Nat Geo or some of these other shows over the last FOUR years--there have been dead kids everywhere. Russia has been bombing the shit out of them--and Trump called Hillary Clinton dangerous for insisting on a no fly zone. If she were in office instead of this Ass Clown there would have been a no fly zone, and the chemical attack would have never happened.

Trump even indicated that Assad at one time "wasn't that bad of a guy."

2000 Serian's were killed in this bombing, alone. There are no cities in Syria today--Russia has blown the shit out of them.


Now you know why there were Syrian refugees--that Trump & his supporters refused to help.

And Trump was snuggling up to Putin whom all along who was bombing the crap out of these people.


Trump just did this to deflect attention away from these Russian investigations. He did the exact opposite of what he campaigned on regarding Syria.
Anyone that ever thinks there will be a need for a draft is crazy. War is no longer an in the trenches warfare type battle. Most fighting is done in the air and with drones and missile strikes.

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