Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Can it, you filthy neo-leftist.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.
Its a worrisome advance into a very complex civil war. I can see where the anxiety comes from. I for one think assad needs to go. But what are we involving ourselves in, really, and for how long?
Assad needs to be taken out. Demolish his regime and leave. Let the Syrian people dictate their fate from there on out.

Assad is a bastard, no question. But you can't "take him out" and leave a vacuum. We should have learned that from Iraq. There are NO good solutions really.
Fair point. But the mistake we made in Iraq was that we stayed.

I think issues like these must be answered with surgical precision, via force if necessary.
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

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And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
And since you hate everything he says, you must love everything he does!

If you are trying to sound dumb, you have succeeded.
I guess it went over your head. If he does the opposite of what he says, as you claim, and you hate what he says, as you seem to, then you must love the opposite of what he says, according to you, what he does. I hope I've been able to help you understand just how stupid your previous post was.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.
I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.
Its a worrisome advance into a very complex civil war. I can see where the anxiety comes from. I for one think assad needs to go. But what are we involving ourselves in, really, and for how long?
Assad needs to be taken out. Demolish his regime and leave. Let the Syrian people dictate their fate from there on out.

Assad is a bastard, no question. But you can't "take him out" and leave a vacuum. We should have learned that from Iraq. There are NO good solutions really.
Fair point. But the mistake we made in Iraq was that we stayed.

I think issues like these must be answered with surgical precision, via force if necessary.

I don't think so. The mistake we made in Iraq was entering in the first place. When you leave a power vacuum, then you open it up to warlords, groups like ISIS, etc. and stoke further regional instability.
THIS attack is a series of attacks, more to come.

hide and watch.

when Don Cheeto was on the campaign trail I said he was a loose cannon. He would start some shit with somebody in 6 months ... I was wrong ... less than 4 months.
Time to let someone else carry that International Policeman badge for a while.

Sure, since Russia is doing a bang-up job, let them do it, right? How about China? They're already primed and ready to take over the world. Any country in Europe? Hell, they couldn't even slow down being conquered the last time they were in a fight.

So you tell me, if not us, then who?
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
How many lives did Obama's cautious approach save? I'm sorry to ask...

It seems to me that approach failed.
Trump encouraged Obama to not attack.

Will we live to see Trump mature into a 10-year-old? I guess it depends on which TV channel he watches.
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
And since you hate everything he says, you must love everything he does!

If you are trying to sound dumb, you have succeeded.
I guess it went over your head. If he does the opposite of what he says, as you claim, and you hate what he says, as you seem to, then you must love the opposite of what he says, according to you, what he does. I hope I've been able to help you understand just how stupid your previous post was.

Didn't go over my head. I just don't care what you might post.

Trump is an unpredictable and self-contradictory loose cannon.

Trump has courage to protect children from being gassed by a tyrant. Obama was a chickenshit.
Will Trump protect Palestinian children when Israel next rages war in Gaza, I wonder.
How many gas attacks on Jewish children will the Palestinians be launching?

Jewish children in California are quite safe.
It is good to see President Trump sending Tomahawk missiles because Muslim men, women, and children, and beautiful babies were gassed by Assad.
You have no clue, and no life.....................
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
How many lives did Obama's cautious approach save? I'm sorry to ask...

It seems to me that approach failed.
Trump encouraged Obama to not attack.

Will we live to see Trump mature into a 10-year-old? I guess it depends on which TV channel he watches.

Go back to your teepee Pocahontas
We won’t dive deeply into what is generally known: The United States has launched a military strike against Syria.

The burning question is, “What does this mean? What is going to happen next?”

Right now, Russia doesn’t know how to respond. They are surprised that the Untied States did anything. This is a major change from the previous US Administration. Russia is trying to figure out what to do that expresses strength, but does not unduly escalate things, especially in the light of not knowing how the US President will respond to their response.

Is Russia willing to go to the mat over Syria? How far is the United States willing to go if Russia takes action outside the current theatre?

At this time, we are holding at DEFCON 5. We continue to monitor, and are waiting to see what Russia will do.

Although Russia has stated that this represents and escalation, we do not believe that this will be more than a minor incident. We do believe Russia will do something, but may be more on the diplomatic front rather than militarily.

We do not believe there is any cause for undue public concern at this time.

We will continue to monitor and report as necessary throughout the night.

Syria event – The DEFCON Warning System

Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
Time to let someone else carry that International Policeman badge for a while.

Sure, since Russia is doing a bang-up job, let them do it, right? How about China? They're already primed and ready to take over the world. Any country in Europe? Hell, they couldn't even slow down being conquered the last time they were in a fight.

So you tell me, if not us, then who?

So we continue to waste billions of dollars and see tens of thousands of American lives ruined? And for what? When have we been successful in the ME? I mean other than the times we installed dictators to further our own agendas?
We just sided with ISIS doing this, The shadow Government/ Democrats sucked him right into their Trap and he fell for it . This is what they wanted him to do . He just royally F....... up.

We have hundreds of troops on the ground in Syria right now. What happens if the Russians aid Assads forces in locating them?

You should listen to SYRIAN GIRL she said this was going to happen awhile ago.

56 minutes? No thanks.

All you gotta do is scroll to her part you can see it where she starts at LOL she doesn't talk that damn long.

A lot of stuff i can't verify. I'll wait to see how this all plays out. Syrian Girl's kinda hot though.

Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
Trump is sending a clear message that we, along with our NATO allies, won't tolerate the use of chemical weapons. Obama (the dumb faggot) drew a 'red line' that quickly became a joke.
I dream of President Hillary Clinton. Trump gives us chaos. Hillary would have given us stability.

Hillary Clinton Calls For Strike On Syrian Regime’s Airfields
By doing the same thing Trump just did?

Egads, Lakhota, you're a blithering idiot.

Duh, but remember when he was criticizing Hillary by saying she would do such things if elected president?
Wouldn't that have meant that she was more like Trump than you'd care to admit?

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