Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

View attachment 120626
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.

As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. I showed that Trump as against Obama taking the same action that Trump took. Very hypocritical. I don't believe I said how I felt about the action either way.
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
How many lives did Obama's cautious approach save? I'm sorry to ask...

It seems to me that approach failed.
Screen Shot 2017-04-06 at 10.17.54 PM.png
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

View attachment 120626
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
And since you hate everything he says, you must love everything he does!

If you are trying to sound dumb, you have succeeded.
Same thing I've said here since the day I joined this site. Drop all meddling in the Middle East.
Yeah, and let's stand by and watch as brutal, ruthless dictators gleefully murder their own people en masse. Where's the liberal compassion here?
But the GOP was fine with that last week as long as they could still hold hands with daddy Vlad...
Can it, you filthy neo-leftist.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

View attachment 120626
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.
Its a worrisome advance into a very complex civil war. I can see where the anxiety comes from. I for one think assad needs to go. But what are we involving ourselves in, really, and for how long?
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?
Goddammit! Can we not stay out of another war until we bring all the people home from the last one?

Or maybe stay out of wars altogether?

I thought you Libs were globalists. LOL

I thought you might be able to read. But since you automatically labelled me a Liberal, I guess I was mistaken.

Then don't bother sounding like one.

Oh? So pro-2nd amendment sounds Liberal to you? Pro-smaller gov't too? How about fighting to reform the tax system and stop more gov't intrusion into our lives? That sound Liberal to you? No. You see one slice of a topic on which we disagree, and rather than add something worthwhile you go right to the name-calling.

And yes, I think we should stay out of wars, especially in the ME. We have been trying to reform, tame, control, or bring order to that region for decades. How have we done? What is the old saying? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Sounds like our actions in that region.

And why is it that the US is the one who has to always pony up the money and the young men to die? Time to let someone else carry that International Policeman badge for a while. We have huge financial problems here in the US. How many veterans are commiting suicide every day? And we can't afford to take care of them, but we can afford to blow almost $80 million in a publicity stunt?
Can it, you filthy neo-leftist.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

Trump is irrational. Always have been and alway's will be.
lol As compared to the Democratic leadership which rigged the primaries to give the nomination to the most hated woman in America and Clinton who spent the last few days of the campaign at dinner parties with donors while Trump was campaigning hard in the swing states that gave him the presidency.

You mean the dems "rigged" the primaries by edging out someone who's not a dem? Wow, crazy.

That being said, my heart breaks that bernie sanders is not our sitting president.
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

View attachment 120626
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.

As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. I showed that Trump as against Obama taking the same action that Trump took. Very hypocritical. I don't believe I said how I felt about the action either way.
Your ignorance is astounding. When you're the president, your perspective changes once you see all the classified intel detailing the barbarity governments like Syria have engaged in against their own people.

Silence is complicity.
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly

If we get us in to a war because of this is a sign of ---------- weakness and stupidity.
How can we get into a war? If we wanted to we could take out enough of the Syria military with missile strikes for the rebels to overrun what's left. I don't think the President intends to do that. I believe this was an opening gambit that is intended to get the Russians to negotiate seriously with us about getting rid of Assad and stabilizing Syria.
I personally don't think Assad needs to go, at least not by our hand. (I don't give a fuck what the bastards over there do to themselves/each other) However, if we abuse him to set an example I consider that Karma.

Personally I hope this is just a reminder (aka spanking) to keep Assad in line and that'll be the end of it.
Yeah, and let's stand by and watch as brutal, ruthless dictators gleefully murder their own people en masse. Where's the liberal compassion here?
But the GOP was fine with that last week as long as they could still hold hands with daddy Vlad...
Can it, you filthy neo-leftist.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.

View attachment 120626
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.
Its a worrisome advance into a very complex civil war. I can see where the anxiety comes from. I for one think assad needs to go. But what are we involving ourselves in, really, and for how long?
Assad needs to be taken out. Demolish his regime and leave. Let the Syrian people dictate their fate from there on out.
Everyone bitches about Obama's overly cautious approach to this...

I think it's important to ask the Trump Administration what it's End Game is in Syria?
" overly cautious approach"
Are you being serious?

Tycho - what's the end game with Trump's approach? IS there one? this a quick draw response? The fact that there has been no clearly articulated policy here, or any thought about long term plans is worrisome don't you think?

Trump Faces First Foreign Policy Challenge After Syrian Chemical Attack
GREENE: So Trump had long been critical of President Obama's handling of the war on Syria. I mean, he's not telling us what he's going to do. But, I mean, is he really facing the same frustration that President Obama did, few, if any, options?

MONTANARO: Well, it's easy to be critical when you're out of power and campaigning. It's a lot harder when you're actually governing. And, as he says, now it's his responsibility. He - the big question here is, what does he learn from Obama's presidency?

Obama was criticized for being somebody who was maybe too cautious when it came to Syria. But the lesson Obama had learned was from George W. Bush, to say that if you don't have a big, multilateral group of major countries involved in a country to nation-build, then it's a fool's errand. So what does Trump take away from this because the options for him in Syria and any president, frankly, are bad and worse?
But the GOP was fine with that last week as long as they could still hold hands with daddy Vlad...
Can it, you filthy neo-leftist.
Didn't I hit a nerve? Have you been missing daddy Vlad, comrade?
You know, if Trump was really a Putin stooge, do you really think Trump would have taken a risk like this in angering him?

Go fuck yourself.
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.
Its a worrisome advance into a very complex civil war. I can see where the anxiety comes from. I for one think assad needs to go. But what are we involving ourselves in, really, and for how long?
Assad needs to be taken out. Demolish his regime and leave. Let the Syrian people dictate their fate from there on out.

Assad is a bastard, no question. But you can't "take him out" and leave a vacuum. We should have learned that from Iraq. There are NO good solutions really.
And? Where were you when Obama decided to attack Libya?

Oh. War is only good when Democrats wage it, right?

I would ask you the same question. Amazing how much Trump does just the opposite of what he has said before.
Very interesting how liberals like you are losing their minds over this.

As usual, you have no idea what you are talking about. I showed that Trump as against Obama taking the same action that Trump took. Very hypocritical. I don't believe I said how I felt about the action either way.
Your ignorance is astounding. When you're the president, your perspective changes once you see all the classified intel detailing the barbarity governments like Syria have engaged in against their own people.

Silence is complicity.

Wouldn't it have been nice if some country would have allowed those poor little babies to become refugees, so they didn't have to suffer this. What kind of sick bastards refuse to accept someone running from things like this?

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