Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

Hillary Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields
Apr 6, 2017, 7:44 PM ET

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out Thursday about how she would respond to Tuesday's chemical attack in Syria, promoting U.S. action to prevent further attacks with civilian casualties.

Speaking at the Women in the World summit in New York City, Clinton said that the U.S. "should have been more willing to confront [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad]," before Russia got involved in the country's civil war and with Iran's participation limited to ground-based assistance.

Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields

Yeah, and Trump used to call her a warmonger during the campaign.
Apparently pictures of dead children work wonders with Trump. There were also plenty of pictures of dead children back when Trump was telling President Obama to stay out of Syria.

So um... what are your views on abortion?

Whatever a pregnant woman decides. It's her choice. She has first priority - and the law on her side.

So, I guess the images of aborted babies don't "work wonders" with you. Amazing what you are willing (and not willing) to call a child.
I wonder how many Russians were killed, and what sort of fall-out this will bring...
I've heard some Russians were killed

This was unwise

Russia's complicity in this makes it deserved. Russia has no business backing governments that are willing to murder their own citizens at the drop of a hat.

I don't care if Putin himself fired the gas. Starting a war with Russia over Syria makes no sense. There are countless governments throughout the world that kill their own citizens. We aren't intervening there. Why should we here?
The only mistake was Obama being a coward......this just sends them a small message Trump isn't weak like Obama....weakness is deadly
I hope so. I also hope this is the right move.
This is a joke, why do we always have to do this shit? The whole damn thing is on emotion and we are fitted with the bill that we cannot afford.
Our lawmakers are sitting in their safe spaces tonight… lol
Sure they are. But was it the right move? That's what my concern is right now. Did we hit the right place and people? If so good job. Did we just escalate the situation? That may not be so good. I'm all for hitting people that need hit and just walking away. What I don't want is another fucked up country we have to babysit.
50 or 60 Tomahawk missiles at almost Million and 1/2 a piece, What if they all missed?
This is all kinds of fucked up… That's what happens when a country uses Emotion to determine military action.

What makes you think they miss? Doesn't your GPS tell you where you are?
Hillary Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields
Apr 6, 2017, 7:44 PM ET

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out Thursday about how she would respond to Tuesday's chemical attack in Syria, promoting U.S. action to prevent further attacks with civilian casualties.

Speaking at the Women in the World summit in New York City, Clinton said that the U.S. "should have been more willing to confront [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad]," before Russia got involved in the country's civil war and with Iran's participation limited to ground-based assistance.

Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields

Yeah, and Trump used to call her a warmonger during the campaign.
Did you expect a strongly-worded letter?
Pajama boy is gone.
I don't care if Putin himself fired the gas. Starting a war with Russia over Syria makes no sense. There are countless governments throughout the world that kill their own citizens. We aren't intervening there. Why should we here?

And what price will the world pay if we step aside and do nothing? What price would we pay?

Are we going to suddenly strike this passive stance each time a brutal government decides to commit genocide against their own people? Putin is a dictator, Assad is a dictator, both are willing to murder their own people to serve their own ends.

Russia should have known better than to try America's patience. Russia is a murderous regime which supports another murderous regime and would be therefore deserving of the losses they suffered.
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Keep alive the possibility that this is some Obama originated plan with ISIS to "false flag" America into an attack that may involve us in something we do not need. Is there nothing our (former) Kenyan President might not to to try to screw Trump and, incidentally, the nation?
In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.

How did you know that?
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriots system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
You're not a legitimate American...your opinion does not matter...shut the fuck up foreigner.

How the fuck you know that you racist piece of shit. Your opinion doesn't have any credibility here. So shut the fuck up idiot. You don't know shot asshole.
Tell that to the people where the missiles struck.

Tell Assad another chemical attack, and he and his palace are incinerated.
Where is Jake Starkey and what have you done with him??
I told you hard right freeks I would support Trump when he was right. Finally, I can.
This action will be picked apart...

Why and by whom? You don't get to second guess and make demands. You are whining worse than a liberal.
Hillary Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields
Apr 6, 2017, 7:44 PM ET

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out Thursday about how she would respond to Tuesday's chemical attack in Syria, promoting U.S. action to prevent further attacks with civilian casualties.

Speaking at the Women in the World summit in New York City, Clinton said that the U.S. "should have been more willing to confront [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad]," before Russia got involved in the country's civil war and with Iran's participation limited to ground-based assistance.

Clinton calls for strikes against Syrian airfields

Yeah, and Trump used to call her a warmonger during the campaign.
So what you goofy squaw, she just wants to look tuff, I sure one of her cronies left over from the obongo admin. LEAKED that Trump launched a strike on syria, hillary is just a "C"...
In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.

How did you know that?
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriots system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
You're not a legitimate American...your opinion does not matter...shut the fuck up foreigner.

So what is your contribution here? What the hell do you know?
In case nobody noticed in the excitement, I'd like to point out that Syria's super-dupper impenetrable S-300 missile defense system didn't seem to work. The power that Trump weilds is magnificent.

How did you know that?
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriots system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
You're not a legitimate American...your opinion does not matter...shut the fuck up foreigner.

How the fuck you know that you racist piece of shit. Your opinion doesn't have any credibility here. So shut the fuck up idiot. You don't know shot asshole.

You've exposed yourself as an illiterate foreigner and you've lost all credibility here in the process. Go fuck yourself...your opinion DOES NOT MATTER!
I don't care if Putin himself fired the gas. Starting a war with Russia over Syria makes no sense. There are countless governments throughout the world that kill their own citizens. We aren't intervening there. Why should we here?

And what price will the world pay if we step aside and do nothing? What price would we pay?

Are we going to suddenly strike this passive stance each time a brutal government decides to commit genocide against their own people? Putin is a dictator, Assad is a dictator, both are willing to murder their own people to serve their own ends.

Russia should have known better than to try America's patience. Russia is a murderous regime which supports another murderous regime and would be therefore deserving of the losses they suffered.

I don't see how we pay any price letting them fight and kill one another.

However we do pay the price for bombing them. And if this escalates more we could pay the price in lives. For what exactly?
According to Trump it was O.K. to kill them with bombs--but then freaks out over nerve gas.
Well, for starters, nerve gas is a WMD. So yes, anyone with an ounce of intelligence would freak out over WMD's being deployed as opposed to just bombs.
I don't care if Putin himself fired the gas. Starting a war with Russia over Syria makes no sense. There are countless governments throughout the world that kill their own citizens. We aren't intervening there. Why should we here?

And what price will the world pay if we step aside and do nothing? What price would we pay?

Are we going to suddenly strike this passive stance each time a brutal government decides to commit genocide against their own people? Putin is a dictator, Assad is a dictator, both are willing to murder their own people to serve their own ends.

Russia should have known better than to try America's patience. Russia is a murderous regime which supports another murderous regime and would be therefore deserving of the losses they suffered.

I don't see how we pay any price letting them fight and kill one another.

However we do pay the price for bombing them. And if this escalates more we could pay the price in lives. For what exactly?

Sometimes taking life in order to save life is your only option. Because inaction could result in even greater loss of life. How can we say we care for life if we can't defend it? Assad, and by proxy, Putin, have demonstrated their lack of care for the same. People who don't value life don't deserve to live one.
Syria do not and never have a impenetrable system------------ Only one that I know that have Impenetrable system is Israel------- Plus the upgrade versions of Patriots system---------- Russia have similar system but not as good as the Patriot--------- The S-300 was designed to take down aircraft and cruise missile but that depends the location of the deployment.
You're not a legitimate American...your opinion does not matter...shut the fuck up foreigner.
I've asked that nitwit charwin95 dozens of times to admit what county she is from and she won't do it. Her English is atrocious though so she's clearly not American.

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