Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

And yet court after court is finding in favor of marriage equality and are citing the 14th. Just how do you reconcile that with your musings?


Is it me, or is the member representing the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality standing upon Popularity, with seemingly NO CONCERN for a sound sustainable Morality?

Sure looks like it.

What she appears to be doing there is applauding: 'The Subjective Ruling by the judiciary, dismissing the objective 'will of the Peoples'.

That always tickles me.

A collectivist, who likely has spread throughout her record on this board, innumerable instances touting "DEMOCRACY", is standing today, upon judicial tyranny; an outright proponent AGAINST the representatives of "the Peoples', voting for that which the MAJORITY OF 'THE PEOPLES' WANT.

See how that works?

It's a subjective desire which could NOT CARE LESS about THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, and ONLY WHAT IS LEGAL.

Notice the trend. See this 'movement' for what it is.

And ask yourself, does the subjective 'RULING', over a case brought to court by a subjective advocacy, which contests an OBJECTIVE, DEMOCRATIC PROCESS.

Does it serve that which is GOOD? Does it promote a viable healthy, sustainable culture or does it serve divisiveness, dividing the culture?

Does it undermine the objective 'rule of law'?

Does it promote or subvert sound governance?

Does it HELP or HARM your means to reasonably expect that your government represents you? Does it help or harm your means to raise your children in a safe and morally sound, sustainable environment?

Yes, when civil rights are violated I support the judicial over-ruling the "will of the people" (see also tyranny of the majority).

Like here in 1967 when the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v Virginia. I agree with the court's decision in that case despite overwhelming public opinion to the contrary.


See where public opinion was in 1967? Do you see where "the will of the people" would have allowed blacks to marry whites?

When the "will of the people" violates the US Constitution, it is the job of the judicial to rule. See Heller if you're curious how it works.

What civil right is being violated?

Do you have a right to change the standard established by nature, to sustain a viable culture?

What are your sustaining responsibilities intrinsic to this right?


Does this in any way, relate to your behaving in a way that deviates from the biological standard?

How does your demand that the entire society pretend that your sexual abnormality is normal, sum to you being denied that which you are rightfully entitled?

My apologies Jake. The post to which I referred earlier, is not in the religious thread. It's on this thread.

I'm reposting on this page for your convenience:

(1) define cultism

Cult: A group or other organization with deviant and novel beliefs and practices; a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing, which cannot truly represent that which it claims. Presenting delusional adherence to what is readily demonstrated to be false.

(2) define relativism

the irrational doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's culture, society or historical context, and as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned absolutes.

Then show LGBT is a cult and that relativism has anything to do with it.

The Advocacy for the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality, often referred to as the LGBT Community advocate for the society to set aside the biological standard and pretend that what is abnormal, having deviated from that standard is otherwise NORMAL. This is an irrational position which sets aside objectivity and subjectively revises falsity to represent truth. This establishing the LGBT Community as a group with deviant beliefs and practices; along with a misplaced and excessive admiration for their deviancy, while presenting delusional adherence to what is readily demonstrated to be false.

I love toying with these far right reactionaries.

Reactionary: one who reacts. See: Jake Starkey react to my argument, through adherence to the very trait which he comes now to lament, projecting such upon his opposition. Proving himself to be an adherent to relativism, the political component of such being known as socialism.

Now, is there anything else I can do for ya?

'Cause I'm here for ya, I wantcha to know that.


(Edit: Jake, you have consistently avoided answering this. Perhaps your friend Seqbytch will help ya through it. IF ya ask nicely. )
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Gotta run out for a bit.

You guys and gals feel free to discuss this amongst yourselves. I'll catch up when I return.
Does anyone recall who it was the initiated the whole 'forced to marry' thing?

I ask, because Jake, here, is implying that its me. And he knows that its not true, yet he implies it as truth.

(Jake, just to help ya through this, cause I'm a compassionate person, that means that you're either a liar or a fool. It doesn't matter which, because both are equally unenviable and for the same reason.)

The homosexuality = socialism? and forcing people to marry?

The material came from your quote. If you don't believe homosexuality is akin to socialism, then say it.

And you lie, and you are a fool if you think anyone believes that you can turn this stupidity on anyone but you.

Seawytch is toying with you unmercifully.

Where do these far righty reactionary wing nuts originate? Their anti-American radical agendas are so easily exposed.

Tis what tis.
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Is it me, or is the member representing the Normalization of Sexual Abnormality standing upon Popularity, with seemingly NO CONCERN for a sound sustainable Morality?

Sure looks like it.

What she appears to be doing there is applauding: 'The Subjective Ruling by the judiciary, dismissing the objective 'will of the Peoples'.

That always tickles me.

A collectivist, who likely has spread throughout her record on this board, innumerable instances touting "DEMOCRACY", is standing today, upon judicial tyranny; an outright proponent AGAINST the representatives of "the Peoples', voting for that which the MAJORITY OF 'THE PEOPLES' WANT.

See how that works?

It's a subjective desire which could NOT CARE LESS about THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, and ONLY WHAT IS LEGAL.

Notice the trend. See this 'movement' for what it is.

And ask yourself, does the subjective 'RULING', over a case brought to court by a subjective advocacy, which contests an OBJECTIVE, DEMOCRATIC PROCESS.

Does it serve that which is GOOD? Does it promote a viable healthy, sustainable culture or does it serve divisiveness, dividing the culture?

Does it undermine the objective 'rule of law'?

Does it promote or subvert sound governance?

Does it HELP or HARM your means to reasonably expect that your government represents you? Does it help or harm your means to raise your children in a safe and morally sound, sustainable environment?

Yes, when civil rights are violated I support the judicial over-ruling the "will of the people" (see also tyranny of the majority).

Like here in 1967 when the Supreme Court ruled in Loving v Virginia. I agree with the court's decision in that case despite overwhelming public opinion to the contrary.


See where public opinion was in 1967? Do you see where "the will of the people" would have allowed blacks to marry whites?

When the "will of the people" violates the US Constitution, it is the job of the judicial to rule. See Heller if you're curious how it works.

What civil right is being violated?

Do you have a right to change the standard established by nature, to sustain a viable culture?

What are your sustaining responsibilities intrinsic to this right?


Does this in any way, relate to your behaving in a way that deviates from the biological standard?

How does your demand that the entire society pretend that your sexual abnormality is normal, sum to you being denied that which you are rightfully entitled?


Equal treatment under the law. can you ask that question when Federal Court after Federal Court is finding that anti gay marriage laws violate the Constitution?

Marriage is a fundamental right. The fundamental right to marry the consenting adult of our choice is being denied to gays and lesbians in some states. Over 40% of the country, however, currently correctly applies the 14th Amendment to include it's gay and lesbian citizens. (and growing rapidly)
Wanting to have sex with a member of another race is a behavior. Were they born with that behavior to want to have sex with someone of another race or did they choose it?

There's nothing preventing you from getting married legally.

Just find a person of the opposite gender and apply for a license. Fill it out. It's automatically approved, then you find a person who is licensed to marry folks and PRESTO! You are legally married.

(Notice folks, that this is the end of the line for her most recent deceitful rationalization, because if she responds to this point, her only option is to discuss what she claims is a private matter, IN PUBLIC.)

Don't you agree SW?

There was nothing preventing individuals from getting married legally under interracial bans.

Just find a person of the same race and apply for a license. Fill it out. It was automatically approved, then they find a person who was licensed to marry folks and PRESTO! They were legally married.

Don't you agree WRMK?


Chief answered that quite succinctly for me. Thanks Chief!
This is indeed great news to hear. I am glad the SCOTUS stepped in and overruled a radical judge's ruling. Gay marriage should not be tolerated in the United States since it is a abomination. What we all should be promoting is the traditional marriage between man and woman. This is a win for moral family values and common decency.

Supreme Court puts gay marriage on hold in Utah | Fox News

The Supreme Court on Monday put gay marriage on hold in Utah, giving the state time to appeal a federal judge's ruling against Utah's same-sex marriage ban.

The court issued a brief order Monday blocking any new same-sex unions in the state. The ruling comes after a Dec. 20 ruling by U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby that the state's ban on same-sex marriage violates gay and lesbian couples' constitutional rights.

I s this ruling real?

do you believe it really happened?
You are worthless to this country if you refuse to deal with the facts.

Your party cheats in elections.

that makes you traitors
Does anyone recall who it was the initiated the whole 'forced to marry' thing?

I ask, because Jake, here, is implying that its me. And he knows that its not true, yet he implies it as truth.

(Jake, just to help ya through this, cause I'm a compassionate person, that means that you're either a liar or a fool. It doesn't matter which, because both are equally unenviable and for the same reason.)

The homosexuality = socialism? and forcing people to marry?

The material came from your quote. If you don't believe homosexuality is akin to socialism, then say it.

And you lie, and you are a fool if you think anyone believes that you can turn this stupidity on anyone but you.

Seawytch is toying with you unmercifully.

Where do these far righty reactionary wing nuts originate? Their anti-American radical agendas are so easily exposed.

Tis what tis.

Or there's a little role-playing going on. Promote the absurd in the opposition to make your cause look sane by comparison. Seen it a million times.
How can you believe ONE decision from the SCOTUS exists and then pretend another one is not real?

because you on the right have no moral code
why do you on the right pretend one scotus decision is real and another isn't?

this alone proves you people are traitors to this country
the scotus said the republican party needs to be punished further for cheating voters.

You just pretend its not real.

bad info in means bad decisions out.

Your worthless if you cant absorb FACTS
This is indeed great news to hear. I am glad the SCOTUS stepped in and overruled a radical judge's ruling. Gay marriage should not be tolerated in the United States since it is a abomination. What we all should be promoting is the traditional marriage between man and woman. This is a win for moral family values and common decency.

Supreme Court puts gay marriage on hold in Utah | Fox News

The Supreme Court on Monday put gay marriage on hold in Utah, giving the state time to appeal a federal judge's ruling against Utah's same-sex marriage ban.

The court issued a brief order Monday blocking any new same-sex unions in the state. The ruling comes after a Dec. 20 ruling by U.S. District Judge Robert Shelby that the state's ban on same-sex marriage violates gay and lesbian couples' constitutional rights.

January 14, 2013

just last year.

now why do you refuse these cold hard undeniable facts?

how can you pretend one is not real while believing the other is real?

The case began in 1981 when the RNC created a “national ballot security task force” that, among other things, undertook mailing campaigns targeted at black and Latino neighborhoods in New Jersey. If mailers were returned undelivered, party activists put those voters on a list to be challenged if they showed up to cast a ballot. In addition, the party was alleged to have hired off-duty law enforcement officers to “patrol” minority neighborhoods on election day.

The DNC sued the RNC in federal court, alleging its activities violated the Voting Rights Act and were intended to suppress voting among minorities. Rather than fight the charges in a trial, the RNC agreed to a consent decree promising to “refrain from undertaking any ballot security activities … directed toward [election] districts that have a substantial proportion of racial or ethnic minority populations.”

The consent decree has remained in effect, and DNC lawyers say they have gone to court in states such as Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana and Pennsylvania to challenge Republican activities that appear to target mostly black precincts. Both sides agree, however, that the consent decree does not forbid “normal poll watching” by Republican officials.
And FWIW: miscegenation and the laws against it, were not comparable to Homosexuality.

Homosexuality is a BEHAVIOR, NOT a GENDER or a FUNCTION OF SKIN Color.

A black person is black. They're black no matter who they screw.

Just as a female remains a female no matter who she screws, same with a male.

This is a function of biology. A natural, immutable fact.

Now homosexuality is the ONLY notion which someone can bring to the table and expect 'special status', wherein there is ABSOLUTELY ZERO BIOLOGICAL INDICATORS. At BEST it reflects a hormonal malfunction. Meaning that it is little more than AN ATTITUDE.

One can be queer as the King one day and straight as an arrow the next.

I have SEEN IT, FIRST HAND! WITNESSING THE DAY TO DAY TRANSITION OF A FEMALE, FROM STRAIGHT TO HOMO, consistently cycling, sometimes inside a single 24 hour day.

It's all nonsense.

You want to nibble the notch, FINE... just shut up and do it and keep it to yourself and your ADULT twisted sister.

Because when you ADVERTISE it, you INFLUENCE OTHERS, who may be less capable of understanding that what you're DOING is harmful to YOU and your twisted ass partner. THE KIDS for instance.

Anything gettin' thru here?

Your ignorance, hate, and stupidity are getting through loud and clear.

And you make the same mistake as others hostile to equal protection rights for same-sex couples, by incorrectly perceiving this as a ‘biology’ issue, when in fact it’s an issue of individual liberty concerning the right of citizens to self-determination, where whether one is gay as a consequence of birth or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant:

It suffices for us to acknowledge that adults may choose to enter upon this relationship in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons. When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.

the scotus said the republican party needs to be punished further for cheating voters.

You just pretend its not real.

bad info in means bad decisions out.

Your worthless if you cant absorb FACTS

The Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments regarding the revoking of the Consent Decree have nothing to do with the topic.
There is no evidence that anyone is denying the validity of the Supreme Court's decision not to view the case.
The decision not to hear the Consent Decree case with no dissent and without comment was not a ruling.

To say that anyone is accepting a ruling ... At the cost of not equally accepting another ruling ... Would require two rulings as well as some kind of evidence that it wasn't accepted by the people you assume are objecting to it.
Try to better understand what you are posting ... And Have A Good Day!

this is about scotus decisions.

You cant SITE one and pretend another didn't take place
You cant just limit what you believe is real to what makes you feel all warm inside

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