Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.
Where_R_my_keys continues to affiliate our gay and lesbian Board members as pedophiles with the notion that she supports the normalization of the sexual abnormality which seeks gratification through sexual relations with children? Reported.

This is a rules violation, in my opinion.

Don't know if it's a rules violation or not - but the fact of the matter is that Gay Men are the number one molesters of Boys. Homosexual Men, who comprise less than 3% of the population are responsible for 30 to 35% of all pedophilia cases against Male Children.

Homosexual Men are a dangerous and devious lot and should not be left alone with young Children.

^^^^myth, not fact^^^^

Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation

The Link you posted has been debunked time and time again on various forums as well as by peer review. It was an article based on a study which was conducted with the sole purpose on arriving at a pre-determined conclusion by a Gay Activist and is not science . The "Researcher"involved has been criticized repeatedly for failing to maintain anything even resembling Scientific Objectivity.

It is Junk Science and worthy of any more of my time. If you wish to look at some OBJECTIVE Studies , conducted by researchers who were wholly unbiased and initiated their studies with no intent of predetermination or in criminal lingo - which the article you cited should be considered "Malice of Forethought"

His team looked at rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents....

“Our study confirms earlier work carried out in the UK, USA and Holland which suggests that non-heterosexual people are at higher risk of mental disorder, suicidal ideation, substance misuse and self-harm than heterosexual people.”

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

Therapist Calls Homosexuality "Mental Illness"

Population-based studies

Several large population-based public health studies are discussed in the November American Psychologist (Vol. 56, No. 11) by Susan Cochran, PhD, an epidemiologist in the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health, who authored or co-authored many of the studies. Specifically, the studies find:

Higher rates of major depression, generalized anxiety disorder and substance use or dependence in lesbian and gay youth. Higher rates of recurrent major depression among gay men. Higher rates of anxiety, mood and substance use disorders, and suicidal thoughts among people ages 15 to 54 with same-sex partners. Higher use of mental health services in men and women reporting same-sex partners.

New data on lesbian, gay and bisexual mental health

Keep in mind that the data from the APA is watered down and laced with Gay apologist interjections as it comes from a Gay controlled organization, but even they couldn't entirely mask the Truth.

N.E. Whitehead, Ph.D.,
A strong case can be made that the male homosexual lifestyle itself, in its most extreme form, is mentally disturbed. Remember that Rotello, a gay advocate, notes that "the outlaw aspect of gay sexual culture, its transgressiveness, is seen by many men as one of its greatest attributes." Same-sex eroticism becomes for many, therefore, the central value of existence, and nothing else--not even life and health itself--is allowed to interfere with pursuit of this lifestyle.

Your accusation of dishonesty is misplaced. Positions taken by the APA or WHO are not related to the science; those organizations are politicized (see politicized science). What matters is the research.

Additionally, your reference to a biological basis is incorrect, as scientists have yet to find one - despite media campaigns about a "gay gene", the research points away from genetics.

Rates and predictors of mental illness in gay men, lesbians and bisexual men and women

Studies from North America, often based on community samples, suggest that gay men and lesbians are more vulnerable to anxiety, depression, deliberate self-harm and substance misuse than heterosexuals (Hershberger & D'Augelli, 1995; Fergusson et al, 1999; Lock & Steiner, 1999; Cochran et al, 2003).

Netherlands Mental Health Survey and Incidence Studies Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms Jan. 2014

The aim of this study was to examine whether sexual minorities are at increased risk for psychotic symptoms and to explore mediating pathways. The study concluded that homosexual orientation is most definitely associated with psychotic symptoms and further states that the study adds to the growing body of literature linking minority status with psychosis and other mental health problems. In an effort to remain politically correct the paper presented goes on to suggest that their findings are possibly due to experiences of discrimination and social exclusion.

The risk of psychotic symptoms is two to three times greater among homosexual participants in the study than among heterosexual participants. The researchers found this result using data from the Netherlands Mental Health and Incidence Studies (NEMESIS-1 and NEMESIS-2), two large-scale epidemiological studies which aim to investigate how often mental health problems occur in the general population. Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms

Dr. Apu Chakraborty of University College London, UK.

This Study explored the rates of mental disorder among 7,403 adults living in the UK, whose details were obtained from the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey 2007. Rates of depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, phobia, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and alcohol and drug dependence were significantly higher in homosexual respondents. Hookers "study" only used two groups of 30 men each, and the homosexual respondents were hand picked, where as in the University College Study they were not. Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals

Elevated levels of psychiatric problems in nonheterosexual people are "very worrying and call not only for a response by professionals in primary care and mental health services but also efforts at prevention," Apu Chakraborty, PhD, MSc, MRCPsych, of the Department of Mental Health Sciences, University College London, United Kingdom, and colleagues conclude.
The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

You're not only an Asshole Fucker , You're a Fucking Asshole !

Homosexual Men = 2.5% of the Population
Homosexuals Men commit 35% of the Child Molestation
I hereby resign from any further discussion on this thread. And this website.

As I will not associate with or in any way aid in the promotion of the legalization of child predation.

This matter has gone well beyond an intellectual exercise and it appears to me that there may be serious issues in play. It was not my goal, nor my purpose to cause anyone any trouble, but I will not stand by when children are at risk. Nor will I entertain those who seek to justify the behavior of those who clearly advocate for such.

So long.
I hereby resign from any further discussion on this thread. And this website.

As I will not associate with or in any way aid in the promotion of the legalization of child predation.

This matter has gone well beyond an intellectual exercise and it appears to me that there may be serious issues in play. It was not my goal, nor my purpose to cause anyone any trouble, but I will not stand by when children are at risk. Nor will I entertain those who seek to justify their behavior.

So long.

Don't let the door his your arse on the way out! Ciao!
The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

You're not only an Asshole Fucker , You're a Fucking Asshole !

Homosexual Men = 2.5% of the Population
Homosexuals Men commit 35% of the Child Molestation

^^^Myth not fact^^^

According to the American Psychological Association, "homosexual men are not more likely to sexually abuse children than heterosexual men are." Gregory Herek, a professor at the University of California, Davis, who is one of the nation's leading researchers on prejudice against sexual minorities, reviewed a series of studies and found no evidence that gay men molest children at higher rates than heterosexual men.

Anti-gay activists who make that claim allege that all men who molest male children should be seen as homosexual. But research by A. Nicholas Groth, a pioneer in the field of sexual abuse of children, shows that is not so. Groth found that there are two types of child molesters: fixated and regressive. The fixated child molester — the stereotypical pedophile — cannot be considered homosexual or heterosexual because "he often finds adults of either sex repulsive" and often molests children of both sexes. Regressive child molesters are generally attracted to other adults, but may "regress" to focusing on children when confronted with stressful situations. Groth found that the majority of regressed offenders were heterosexual in their adult relationships.​

10 Anti-Gay Myths Debunked
You're not only an Asshole Fucker , You're a Fucking Asshole !

Homosexual Men = 2.5% of the Population
Homosexuals Men commit 35% of the Child Molestation

Provide a credible link to back up your bullshit...shouldn't be hard....

Actually don't bother. I've had this argument so many times on this board it's getting boring...

Yup...time to stop feeding the trolls. Nothing these three are blathering about has anything to do with marriage equality.
Greenbean may be a closet gay fighting with his inner self-loathing, not aware he has nothing loathe.

Sil, Where_, koshergrl, and Greenbean are myth repeaters, nothing more.
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What matters...

Claim: Opposite-Sex Couples Make Better Parents

In their court briefs, the Utah state officials argued that the debate about same-sex parenting is still on-going, citing flawed studies by Mark Regnerus and Douglas Allen to suggest that same-sex couples might make inferior parents. “The optimal heterosexual parenting rationale,” they wrote, “is at least debatable,” but the “gold standard” is an intact, biological, married family. Judge Shelby did not even bother entertaining this so-called “dispute” about parenting, however, because it wasn’t even relevant to the marriage debate:

There is no reason to believe that Amendment 3 has any effect on the choices of couples to have or raise children, whether they are opposite-sex couples or same-sex couples. The State has presented no evidence that Amendment 3 furthers or restricts the ability of gay men and lesbians to adopt children, to have children through surrogacy or artificial insemination, or to take care of children that are biologically their own whom they may have had with an opposite-sex partner. Similarly, the State has presented no evidence that opposite-sex couples will base their decisions about having children on the ability of same-sex couples to marry. To the extent the State wishes to see more children in opposite-sex families, its goals are tied to laws concerning adoption and surrogacy, not marriage.​

Shelby went on to highlight that the amendment actually runs counter to the state’s goals of protecting children because it limits the support available to the 3,000 children already being raised in Utah by same-sex couples — just like, as Justice Kennedy wrote, DOMA “humiliates” the children of same-sex couples.

How A Federal Judge In Utah Adeptly Dismantled All Of The Arguments Against Marriage Equality
I hereby resign from any further discussion on this thread. And this website.

As I will not associate with or in any way aid in the promotion of the legalization of child predation.

This matter has gone well beyond an intellectual exercise and it appears to me that there may be serious issues in play. It was not my goal, nor my purpose to cause anyone any trouble, but I will not stand by when children are at risk. Nor will I entertain those who seek to justify the behavior of those who clearly advocate for such.

So long.

Translation: you have had your head handed to you and are now going to take your ball and go home in a snit like a 5 year old. Coward.
You're not only an Asshole Fucker , You're a Fucking Asshole !

Homosexual Men = 2.5% of the Population
Homosexuals Men commit 35% of the Child Molestation

Provide a credible link to back up your bullshit...shouldn't be hard....

Actually don't bother. I've had this argument so many times on this board it's getting boring...

And you Keep Loosing !!!! LMFAO !

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.

You Keep Losing the Debate - Yet you keep re-doing it - sure sign of insanity !
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:lol: yeah okay dime store psychologist. Much better than barracks lawyers.

I can "get my rocks off" on the spin cycle of the washer. I don't fall madly, deeply, wholly in love with it like I do women.

Thank you, I now blame you for my cat clawing me!

Upon reading that, I spit water all over my cat! :eek:

My wife's input on that: "I must admit, I am not certain how she does it, but it sounds interesting."

Just think of it as a large vibrator. ;)
:lol: yeah okay dime store psychologist. Much better than barracks lawyers.

I can "get my rocks off" on the spin cycle of the washer. I don't fall madly, deeply, wholly in love with it like I do women.

Thank you, I now blame you for my cat clawing me!

Upon reading that, I spit water all over my cat! :eek:

My wife's input on that: "I must admit, I am not certain how she does it, but it sounds interesting."

Just think of it as a large vibrator. ;)

Mind you...this is just in theory...and maybe a Penthouse Form letter. :D
The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

Once again you are purposefully missing the point. When a hetero perv molests a girl, he isn't elevated to icon status. In fact, he's put into protective custody for a reason. The general hetero population would be a threat to his life. It speaks volumes about the general hetero population's feelings about child molestors.

Then there is the cult of Harvey Milk. They know what he did and elevated him as their cultural icon. Adding insult to injury to the cause of protecting children, they require children as a matter of law to celebrate his sexuality in schools. They defend him to this day. There's the critical difference.

Get it? I know you do, you're just pretending not to, which is adding even more insult to injury...
The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.
So you elevate the scotus to god status, instead of them working for the good majority who are their bosses within this nation ? Interesting!
Jake knows that social factors and especially childrens' welfare WILL influence SCOTUS. It's why gay lawyers played on the heartstrings of the Justices last year to a noted response in the positive from at least one of them.

If child welfare turns the heads of the Justices around, they need to read this again:

The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

Once again you are purposefully missing the point. When a hetero perv molests a girl, he isn't elevated to icon status. In fact, he's put into protective custody for a reason. The general hetero population would be a threat to his life. It speaks volumes about the general hetero population's feelings about child molestors.

Then there is the cult of Harvey Milk. They know what he did and elevated him as their cultural icon. Adding insult to injury to the cause of protecting children, they require children as a matter of law to celebrate his sexuality in schools. They defend him to this day. There's the critical difference.

Get it? I know you do, you're just pretending not to, which is adding even more insult to injury...
Jake knows that social factors and especially childrens' welfare WILL influence SCOTUS. It's why gay lawyers played on the heartstrings of the Justices last year to a noted response in the positive from at least one of them.

If child welfare turns the heads of the Justices around, they need to read this again:

The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

Once again you are purposefully missing the point. When a hetero perv molests a girl, he isn't elevated to icon status. In fact, he's put into protective custody for a reason. The general hetero population would be a threat to his life. It speaks volumes about the general hetero population's feelings about child molestors.

Then there is the cult of Harvey Milk. They know what he did and elevated him as their cultural icon. Adding insult to injury to the cause of protecting children, they require children as a matter of law to celebrate his sexuality in schools. They defend him to this day. There's the critical difference.

Get it? I know you do, you're just pretending not to, which is adding even more insult to injury...

Yes, Children's welfare will come into play when marriage equality reaches the SCOTUS again...but it won't be what you think.

"DOMA humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives."~ Supreme Court Justice Kennedy
The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

Once again you are purposefully missing the point. When a hetero perv molests a girl, he isn't elevated to icon status. In fact, he's put into protective custody for a reason. The general hetero population would be a threat to his life. It speaks volumes about the general hetero population's feelings about child molestors.

Then there is the cult of Harvey Milk. They know what he did and elevated him as their cultural icon. Adding insult to injury to the cause of protecting children, they require children as a matter of law to celebrate his sexuality in schools. They defend him to this day. There's the critical difference.

Get it? I know you do, you're just pretending not to, which is adding even more insult to injury...

The cult of HM exists only in your perverted mind. Be very careful of how you refer to the folks on this Board.
The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.
So you elevate the scotus to god status, instead of them working for the good majority who are their bosses within this nation ? Interesting!

Interesting you do not understand they are constitutionally (Art III) the final deciders by original jurisdiction.

Do not elevate yourself to god status.

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