Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Then let me answer it for you. I was born gay.

Self diagnosis doesn't count in the legal arena. Check the title of the thread dear. Now check my signature. When children's welfare is at stake, we're going to need a little more proof in court than "It's true because I say so!"

I chose.

Like everyone else on the planet who's engaged in the sufficient outings relevant to the pharmaceutical arts, I've had flashes of desire for people of my own gender.

You know how it is, you're sittin' around with your buds, likely celebrating another Tuesday, or some victory and there's back slappin' and glad handin' over whatever conquest had been achieved and there, out of nowhere comes that flicker of whatever it is that induces the hots.

I don't give a dam' who ya are, if ya hang it out there far enough, long enough, its gonna happen where there are intense emotional relationships and enough dope, because that's the nature of gettin' hammered and screwin' with chemicals around people that ya really enjoy, like and love... assuming you're a being that operates on bio-chemical processes, of course.

Now when that happened, I CHOSE to not pursue that ERRANT INSTINCT.

I suppose for the females, sitting around with their besties, late into the evening that the same thing occurs. Given enough wine and cheese, and coke.

So yeah, I CHOSE... I made the choice to NOT pursue a hormonal induced foolishness.

I've long ago turned from the pursuit of happiness through modern chemistry. Few positives came out of it and as time passed it got harder and harder to get up and stay up. So after years of screwin' up I CHOSE to not ingest massive doses of crap that promised to make me feel better and LIED EVERY FREAKIN' TIME!

Does that make me a bad person?

Or should I have gone ahead and tongue kissed old Jimmer, towards the HOPE of obtaining that rarest of all pretenses: Normality gained through abnormal behavior?
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Self diagnosis doesn't count in the legal arena. Check the title of the thread dear. Now check my signature. When children's welfare is at stake, we're going to need a little more proof in court than "It's true because I say so!"

It's not a diagnosis. Who would know better? I can assure you that my sexual orientation is not a choice. Who are you to disagree? Did you choose?

"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

Who would know better? I am telling you in first person, eye witness accounting, that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I am telling you, as a gay person, I did not choose the attractions I've had from my earliest memories. I suffered no trauma, was not raped or abused, never had a bad experience with a man or any of the other ludicrous "reasons" you can pull out of your 4th point of contact.
Self diagnosis doesn't count in the legal arena. Check the title of the thread dear. Now check my signature. When children's welfare is at stake, we're going to need a little more proof in court than "It's true because I say so!"

It's not a diagnosis. Who would know better? I can assure you that my sexual orientation is not a choice. Who are you to disagree? Did you choose?

"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

I completely agree. Sil has spoken to this at length, posted up actual science on the issue and it confirms it. But it's truly common sense. With all of the 'Nuh-uhs' streaming in, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
It's not a diagnosis. Who would know better? I can assure you that my sexual orientation is not a choice. Who are you to disagree? Did you choose?

"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

Who would know better? I am telling you in first person, eye witness accounting, that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I am telling you, as a gay person, I did not choose the attractions I've had from my earliest memories. I suffered no trauma, was not raped or abused, never had a bad experience with a man or any of the other ludicrous "reasons" you can pull out of your 4th point of contact.

Would someone please ask her: "What is your first Memory?"

Because I recall as my first memory, my Grandmother falling down in the kitchen. That she professes hers to be somehow related to her sexuality, piques my curiosity.
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It's not a diagnosis. Who would know better? I can assure you that my sexual orientation is not a choice. Who are you to disagree? Did you choose?

"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

Who would know better? I am telling you in first person, eye witness accounting, that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I am telling you, as a gay person, I did not choose the attractions I've had from my earliest memories. I suffered no trauma, was not raped or abused, never had a bad experience with a man or any of the other ludicrous "reasons" you can pull out of your 4th point of contact.

FTR: The above is the basis for "I'm Normal" because she feels that is how she was born. She was born that way, thus that is HER NORMALITY.

This without regard to the incontrovertible FACT that her sexual proclivities DEVIATE from the biological DESIGN that represents the BIOLOGICAL, therefore SEXUAL, STANDARD.

It's a fallacious appeal to self interests, OKA: Subjectivity, the core of the addled species of reasoning known as RELATIVISM!
It's not a diagnosis. Who would know better? I can assure you that my sexual orientation is not a choice. Who are you to disagree? Did you choose?

"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

Who would know better? I am telling you in first person, eye witness accounting, that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I am telling you, as a gay person, I did not choose the attractions I've had from my earliest memories. I suffered no trauma, was not raped or abused, never had a bad experience with a man or any of the other ludicrous "reasons" you can pull out of your 4th point of contact.

They are not always cognizant memories, at times they are also suppressed. So much ado about your "first person eye-witness accounting" .
"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

Who would know better? I am telling you in first person, eye witness accounting, that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I am telling you, as a gay person, I did not choose the attractions I've had from my earliest memories. I suffered no trauma, was not raped or abused, never had a bad experience with a man or any of the other ludicrous "reasons" you can pull out of your 4th point of contact.

They are not always cognizant memories, at times they are also suppressed. So much ado about your "first person eye-witness accounting" .

So...not a choice even if that were true...which it's not.

I'm not repulsed by or hate men. Sex with men was pleasant...below the waist.
Beanie, your problem is that you think being gay is about sex.

Oh here we go. "It's complex". Because being gay isn't about sex. It's about 'loving' someone of your own gender.

I love other men. There's my Dad, sons, my life long pals.

I would lay my life down for any of 'em.

Of course, I don't have romantic interests in them.


Romantic: inclined toward or suggestive of the feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love, emphasizing emotion over libido.

Libido: sexual desire


Sorry kids, turns out, it's not complex AT ALL. And "BEING GAY" IS, MOST DECIDEDLY: About SEX!
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Who would know better? I am telling you in first person, eye witness accounting, that I did not choose to be attracted to women. I am telling you, as a gay person, I did not choose the attractions I've had from my earliest memories. I suffered no trauma, was not raped or abused, never had a bad experience with a man or any of the other ludicrous "reasons" you can pull out of your 4th point of contact.

They are not always cognizant memories, at times they are also suppressed. So much ado about your "first person eye-witness accounting" .

So...not a choice even if that were true...which it's not.

I'm not repulsed by or hate men. Sex with men was pleasant...below the waist.

"Sex with men was pleasant...below the waist." So actually seahag , whether you realize it or not, you've just betrayed a deep inner cause of your Dementia - possibly psychotic , possibly more deeply traumatic - The subliminal aspects of your Psyche fears Men - perhaps your early Childhood Trauma was not of a sexual nature , perhaps something else you experienced or witnessed , perhaps more than one instance imprinted on your impressionable young mind.

Violence ,or violent acting out by a male relative - it doesn't even have to be physically violent , just something that would generate fear within a pre-cognizant or semi-cognizant infant or Toddler could trigger a severe phobia directed at the Male sex, so much so that your inner defense mechanisms even generates a revulsion of the Male - face 2 face sex with men was not pleasant for you - but you still got your rocks off by the intercourse.

You sound like I girl a boinked b4 I got married - have we met b4 ?
"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

You mean all those really good looking guys on the Gay Parade floats could bang any woman they want but choose not to? They are attracted to women, but would rather bang men?

"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

You mean all those really good looking guys on the Gay Parade floats could bang any woman they want but choose not to? They are attracted to women, but would rather bang men?


I was talking about Dykes not Queers - two differing Dementia's
Trust me Barb, ignore is your friend. He's not interested in debate, just trolling.

So I'm a troll, because in the process of conveing sound argument, I posed a series of queries, that required the contributor to respond by either, confirming or rejecting, the notion that she supports the normalization of the sexual abnormality which seeks gratification through sexual relations with children?

Those who may have wondered "What does Relativism actually look like?", the contribution to which I am responding is a first class example of it.

Folks this is so twisted, that I can barely find the stomach to even look at it anymore.

If an objective reader would like to re-consider the last 6 or 7 pages and offer their opinion on how my reading of this is, misguided of otherwise incorrect, I would sure appreciate the feedback.

Where_R_my_keys continues to affiliate our gay and lesbian Board members as pedophiles with the notion that she supports the normalization of the sexual abnormality which seeks gratification through sexual relations with children? Reported.

This is a rules violation, in my opinion.

Don't know if it's a rules violation or not - but the fact of the matter is that Gay Men are the number one molesters of Boys. Homosexual Men, who comprise less than 3% of the population are responsible for 30 to 35% of all pedophilia cases against Male Children.

Homosexual Men are a dangerous and devious lot and should not be left alone with young Children.
"It's true because I say so!" is about all these pathetic and sad excuses for Human Beings have . I find it highly unlikely anyone is Born Gay There is no Gay Gene although homosexuals attempt to cling to half baked theories about hormone levels and etc... the fact remains that Gays are Made not Born

Homosexuality is the result of complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence . In many cases the Homosexual was molested by another homosexual as a small child - Childhood traumatic experiences of which the person is cognizant of , as well as suppressed traumatic memories are key suspect factors.

You mean all those really good looking guys on the Gay Parade floats could bang any woman they want but choose not to? They are attracted to women, but would rather bang men?


I was talking about Dykes not Queers - two differing Dementia's

Irrelevant. Neither suffer from dementia...
Prove it.

Been there - done that - many times.

Try checking out the link below, and its linked to studies and articles
if you're not a pre-programmed Big Brother Parrot incapable of Independent Thought Perhaps you'll get an Education.

Is Homosexuality a Disease

Class Dismissed - see you later .

When you can quote from a reputable source that has links to reputable sites, get back to me.


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