Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Stops Gay Marriage In Utah

Jake knows that social factors and especially childrens' welfare WILL influence SCOTUS. It's why gay lawyers played on the heartstrings of the Justices last year to a noted response in the positive from at least one of them.

If child welfare turns the heads of the Justices around, they need to read this again:

The fact remains that heterosexual adults violate children in their tens of thousands each year.

Ban heterosexual marriage so the pervs can't adopt.

The facts are simple; religion and Natural Law and cult crap do not influence SCOTUS decisions.

Once again you are purposefully missing the point. When a hetero perv molests a girl, he isn't elevated to icon status. In fact, he's put into protective custody for a reason. The general hetero population would be a threat to his life. It speaks volumes about the general hetero population's feelings about child molestors.

Then there is the cult of Harvey Milk. They know what he did and elevated him as their cultural icon. Adding insult to injury to the cause of protecting children, they require children as a matter of law to celebrate his sexuality in schools. They defend him to this day. There's the critical difference.

Get it? I know you do, you're just pretending not to, which is adding even more insult to injury...

SCOTUS is not concerned with those who argue as you do.
Jake knows that social factors and especially childrens' welfare WILL influence SCOTUS. It's why gay lawyers played on the heartstrings of the Justices last year to a noted response in the positive from at least one of them.

If child welfare turns the heads of the Justices around, they need to read this again:

Once again you are purposefully missing the point. When a hetero perv molests a girl, he isn't elevated to icon status. In fact, he's put into protective custody for a reason. The general hetero population would be a threat to his life. It speaks volumes about the general hetero population's feelings about child molestors.

Then there is the cult of Harvey Milk. They know what he did and elevated him as their cultural icon. Adding insult to injury to the cause of protecting children, they require children as a matter of law to celebrate his sexuality in schools. They defend him to this day. There's the critical difference.

Get it? I know you do, you're just pretending not to, which is adding even more insult to injury...

Yes, Children's welfare will come into play when marriage equality reaches the SCOTUS again...but it won't be what you think.

"DOMA humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives."~ Supreme Court Justice Kennedy

Kudos to you, Seawytch, and most likely nationally.

The cult of hetero-fascism will be overturned in Utah law.
The cult of HM exists only in your perverted mind. Be very careful of how you refer to the folks on this Board.

I can point to actual laws that enshrine Harvey Milk as "the embodiment of the LGBT movement across the nation and the world". I can speak about this CULTure in a general way as much as I want. Anyone who apologizes for a child predator or worse, enshrines his behavior as the embodiment of their cult-ture is going to hear about it. Kids come first. Remember we are all required by law to speak out when we just suspect children may come to harm...

Bill Text SB 572


"..Perhaps more than any other modern figure, Harvey Milk’s life and political career embody the rise of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) civil rights movement in California, across the nation, and throughout the world...

..SEC. 2.
Section 37222 of the Education Code is amended to read:
(b) On each of the days designated in subdivision (a), all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to observe those days and to conduct suitable commemorative exercises as follows:

...(4) May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day....

...(4) On Harvey Milk Day, exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments, and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state.

•2010: For the 1st annual Harvey Milk Day, Badger Springs Middle School in Moreno Valley planned a week’s worth of events. Beginning on Monday, May 17, GSA members made daily announcements including quotations from Harvey Milk and statements about how homophobia hurts everyone. During lunchtime, students were encouraged to attend showings of “Journey to a Hate Free Millennium” in several teachers’ rooms. The GSA distributed information and MILK duds, malted MILK balls and MILK chocolate to students. On Friday they showed selected segments of the movie, “Milk.”

"Want some candy little boy?..."

Harvey Milk's "contributions to the state" were sodomizing a minor and other vulnerable teen orphans/homeless boys who were on drugs; and his holding a public office while openly declaring his sexuality as "gay". Discussions of this will continue. What happens when some 5th grader wants to check out the biography of Harvey Milk to do a book report on the more accurate details of his "sexual achievements"? Will that kid be turned away from the library and told that account is x-rated? What will that child discover if he gets ahold of the book and wants to really get into the details of Milk's "love for youth"?

Direct quote from Milk's biography:

"Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems" [page 180]. And it gets worse and more lurid from there. GREAT example the LGBT cult-ure is forcing children to celebrate...

The biography even goes into details of how Milk himself was molested as an impressionable youth by men in a theatre.

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abusedabusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
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1. Laws that recognize LGBT achievements enshrines nothing and recognizes no cult.
2. If you “speak about this CULTure” on the Board in a way that suggests anyone on this Board is a pedophile or supports pedophilia because they support LGBT, you will be in violation of the Rules.
3. No law requires you to do any such thing on the Board.
4. Get active with your school and state library board policies on Harvey Milk literature in elementary and middle schools if that bothers. You can home school or private school as an alternative.
I wish you will continue to post civilly on this, child endangerment, topic, pointing out that both heterosexual and homosexual adults can be, and some are, a danger to children.
1. Laws that recognize LGBT achievements enshrines nothing and recognizes no cult.
2. If you “speak about this CULTure” on the Board in a way that suggests anyone on this Board is a pedophile or supports pedophilia because they support LGBT, you will be in violation of the Rules.
3. No law requires you to do any such thing on the Board.
4. Get active with your school and state library board policies on Harvey Milk literature in elementary and middle schools if that bothers. You can home school or private school as an alternative.
I wish you will continue to post civilly on this, child endangerment, topic, pointing out that both heterosexual and homosexual adults can be, and some are, a danger to children.

Reality seems to conflict with your assumptions. The following gives the specific mandates from each separate state that the readers here can use to determine who should report suspected abuse or conditions that might result in abuse:

Approximately 48 States, the District of Columbia, American
Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and
the Virgin Islands designate professions whose members are
mandated by law to report child maltreatment.1 Individuals
designated as mandatory reporters typically have frequent
contact with children. Such individuals may include:
• Social workers
• Teachers, principals, and other school personnel
• Physicians, nurses, and other health-care workers
• Counselors, therapists, and other mental health professionals
• Child care providers
• Medical examiners or coroners
• Law enforcement officers
Some other professions frequently mandated across the States
include commercial film or photograph processors (in 12 States,
Guam, and Puerto Rico), substance abuse counselors (in 14
States), and probation or parole officers (in 17 States).2 Directors,
employees, and volunteers at entities that provide organized
activities for children, such as camps, day camps, youth centers,
and recreation centers, are required to report in 11 States.3
Seven States and the District of Columbia include domestic
violence workers on the list of mandated reporters, while seven
States and the District of Columbia include animal control
or humane officers.4 Court‑appointed special advocates are
mandatory reporters in 10 States.5 Members of the clergy now
are required to report in 27 States and Guam.6
Four States now have designated as mandatory reporters
faculty, administrators, athletics staff, and other employees and
volunteers at institutions of higher learning, including public and
private colleges and universities and vocational and technical

Reporting by Other Persons

In approximately 18 States and Puerto Rico, any person who
suspects child abuse or neglect is required to report. Of
these 18 States, 16 States and Puerto Rico specify certain
professionals who must report but also require all persons to
report suspected abuse or neglect, regardless of profession.8
New Jersey and Wyoming require all persons to report without
specifying any professions. In all other States, territories, and the
District of Columbia, any person is permitted to report. These
voluntary reporters of abuse are often referred to as “permissive

...The circumstances under which a mandatory reporter must make
a report vary from State to State. Typically, a report must be
made when the reporter, in his or her official capacity, suspects
or has reasons to believe that a child has been abused
neglected. Another standard frequently used is in situations in
which the reporter has knowledge of, or observes a child being
subjected to, conditions that would reasonably result in harm to
the child
. Permissive reporters follow the same standards when
electing to make a report....


As to specifically child sexual abuse, these guidelines are given:

It is critical to draw upon a wide range of strategies to
begin to impact this highly complex problem. In
reviewing the current status, it is clear that many more
resources exist in certain areas than in others. A truly
comprehensive approach to preventing child sexual
abuse must involve adults and children; males and
females; individuals, groups and organizations; and be
offered in a variety of formats and settings that are
culturally appropriate. We must also implement a range
of prevention strategies including those designed to
prevent adults from ever abusing a child; those giving
children some skills and language to report potential
boundary violations; and tools to reduce the likelihood
of high-risk behaviors from escalating into sexual abuse.
All adults and every organization and community needs
to assume personal responsibility for preventing child
sexual abuse. We must make it our business to ensure
the safety of children in every venue including homes,
schools, churches and neighborhoods....

...Child sexual abuse is a wide-spread and very serious
public health threat with significant long-term
consequences. Child sexual abuse affects victims not only
while they are young, but throughout their lifetime with
a wide range of adverse physical and behavioral health
conditions, including poor academic performance,
depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and
risky sexual behavior. It may even shorten life expectancy
by heightening the risk of chronic and infectious disease.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) utilizes the public health model to address the
prevention of child sexual abuse with a focus on
primary prevention, preventing perpetration before it

...Efforts to prevent perpetration must include advances
in public health research. To provide a framework for
this research, CDC’s Injury Research Agenda, published
in 2003, highlights several focus areas:

. Examining how perpetration develops, risk and
protective factors for perpetration, and optimal
times and settings for prevention;

. Developing, evaluating, and disseminating
interventions to prevent perpetration;

. Identifying and changing societal norms that
support child sexual assault...

...In the 1970s, before the words ‘child abuse support for a variety of reasons. First, the widespread prevention’ had any generally accepted meaning, the denial of child sexual abuse resulted in a general concept began to take form in the minds of a few unwillingness to recognize its prevalence. Furthermore, isolated social workers and youth-workers. These the victims were not easily visible and cut across all individuals considered the prevalence of runaways, socio-economic levels. delinquents, and youthful drug abusers in their caseloads and began to question and notice some relationship between their clients’ behaviors and their reports of sexual abuse. In the span of a few years they began to discover that sexual abuse was all too common and not the rare occurrence it was thought to be...

From Harvey Milk's biography page 180: "Harvey Milk always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems".

Indeed, he sought them out, one after the other.


Until recently, convicted sex offenders living in the
community were not treated as if they posed a particular
threat. Sex offenders are often among the most polite,
compliant, apparently pro-social offenders on the
probation or parole caseload
. They are usually well-
educated, with no apparent substance abuse issues.
Unlike most other criminal offenders, they often have no
difficulty holding down a job. Sex offenders are able to
present themselves so differently from other criminal
offenders that those charged with their supervision in the
past were unaware of how dangerous they really were

They attracted very little attention and were able to
continue their sexually abusive behaviors with impunity....

...Need for Specialized Knowledge and Training: Sex
offenders are not like other offenders. Without training
on common sex offender behaviors and treatment
modalities, those charged with managing sex offenders
are less able to prevent reoffending

...CWLA’s program of Standards of Excellence for Services
defines child sexual abuse as
sexual activity by a parent,
caregiver, or other person with a child, including, but
not limited to, any kind of sexual contact through
, physical force, or other coercive means;
exploitation through sexual activity that is allowed,
encouraged or coerced
; and child prostitution or

SB 572 in California encourages children to celebrate Harvey Milk's socio-sexual "accomplishments". See my signature for details. And don't forget, he is "the embodiment of the LGBT civil rights movement across the nation and the world"..


believes that prevention efforts should be directed at
multiple levels to minimize endangerment, facilitate
healing, and promote restorative justice. This includes
community education that advances the notion that the
prevention of child sexual abuse is ultimately the
responsibility of every citizen..

...Public health offers us the tools we need to prevent
child sexual abuse before it is perpetrated. It is a
discipline designed to address the cause of the problem
of child sexual abuse: the development of sexually
abusive behavior. Public health examines the
development of risk factors—both individual and
societal—that lead to perpetration
, and identifies the
protective factors to mitigate those risks. Knowing what
the risk factors are allows us to identify the potential
development of sexually abusive behaviors.
factors serve as the building blocks for the design of
programs to intervene and prevent the perpetration of
child sexual abuse....

... The Smarter Adults—Safer Children™ program was created by The AGOS Group, LLC, for the protection of children and the prevention of wrongdoing. This program is designed to empower employees and volunteers to help prevent child sexual abuse and other forms of wrongdoing, and it includes a rigorous awareness program about the risks associated with child sexual abuse, offering proven methods for recognizing the warning signs of abuse and identifying the behaviors of both abusers and victims. Importantly, the program focuses on both the prevention of abuse and the timely and effective reporting of suspicious behavior. The Smarter Adults—Safer Children program offers multiple formats,
including a “train-the-trainer” approach..

Of all of Sil's arguments, I must say that the current "gays can't have equal rights because of Harvey Milk" is one of the most amusing.

It's almost as good as Rand Paul saying Hillary can't be President because, well...Monica. :lol:
Of all of Sil's arguments, I must say that the current "gays can't have equal rights because of Harvey Milk" is one of the most amusing.

It's almost as good as Rand Paul saying Hillary can't be President because, well...Monica. :lol:

If Bill and Hillary had made Monica Lewinsky the icon of their sexual movement, yes, you would expect to not see either of them near politics again.

Is sidestepping the issue of iconizing Harvey Milks behaviors a habit for you? And by the way, they aren't "my arguments". They are links to professional reports on the mandates to report and be aware of potential child abuse. I had nothing to do with their publication or enactment into laws. However, I, like everyone else, am mandated to follow those laws...
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And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.
And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...
And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

I knew you would back away. Talk about HM all you fucking want. Cross the line with the insinuations. Choices have consequences.
And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

That's a sure sign you've won - when the lefties cry foul and want to report you to "The Authorities" - However USMessage boards are the only ones that truly honor Free Speech . Trust Me - I've been bounced off several others because the left didn't like my opinions. Keep up the Good Work Silhouette !!!
And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

Please do, it’s further confirmation of the fact that gay Americans are subject to unwarranted attacks on their civil liberties, and fosters the cause of recognizing equal protection rights for same-sex couples.
And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

That's a sure sign you've won - when the lefties cry foul and want to report you to "The Authorities" - However USMessage boards are the only ones that truly honor Free Speech . Trust Me - I've been bounced off several others because the left didn't like my opinions. Keep up the Good Work Silhouette !!!

And please continue to exhibit your ignorance and hate as well, it will provide the same benefit to gay Americans seeking their comprehensive civil rights.
And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

I knew you would back away. Talk about HM all you fucking want. Cross the line with the insinuations. Choices have consequences.

So do threats. Again, thanks for exposing the achilles' heel in the legal arguments for the petitioners in Harvey Milk vs Utah.
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And if bunny rabbits gave strawberry smelling farts, that would as much sense as the Mona Lewinsky remark.

Iconizing is your term, not any one else's. Yes, they are your arguments, and your interp of professional reports and duty to inform does not include suggesting that anyone who supports LGBT is an a cult of pedophilia.

Sil, if you insinuate again that anyone who supports the LGBT movement is prone to pedophilia, you will be reported.

Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

That's a sure sign you've won - when the lefties cry foul and want to report you to "The Authorities" - However USMessage boards are the only ones that truly honor Free Speech . Trust Me - I've been bounced off several others because the left didn't like my opinions. Keep up the Good Work Silhouette !!!

Don't worry. I will. I have to. I can be prosecuted for failing to notice that the church of LGBT has as its messiah a child sex predator and that they want access to adopt orphans through marriage.

Also, feel free to join in. When this all washes out you will no doubt want to come down on the side of erring in order to protect children. After all, the law requires you do that.
Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

That's a sure sign you've won - when the lefties cry foul and want to report you to "The Authorities" - However USMessage boards are the only ones that truly honor Free Speech . Trust Me - I've been bounced off several others because the left didn't like my opinions. Keep up the Good Work Silhouette !!!

Don't worry. I will. I have to. I can be prosecuted for failing to notice that the church of LGBT has as its messiah a child sex predator and that they want access to adopt orphans through marriage.

Also, feel free to join in. When this all washes out you will no doubt want to come down on the side of erring in order to protect children. After all, the law requires you do that.

Milk has been elevated to sainthood by the leftist gay community. The problem is that Harvey Milk was an habitual serial child abuser.

Randy Shilts , a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle and a close friend of Milk’s. In his biography of Milk he wrote,

“Harvey always had a penchant for young waifs with substance abuse problems.” One of those “waifs” was a 16 year old runaway from Maryland who Milk picked up on the streets of San Francisco. Of their relationship Shilts wrote,”… Sixteen-year-old McKinley was looking for some kind of father figure. … At 33, Milk was launching a new life, though he could hardly have imagined the unlikely direction toward which his new lover would pull him.”

Harvey Milk continued to publicly advocate for Jonestown cult leader Rev. Jim Jones. Using his influence as an elected member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Milk wrote a letter to then-president Jimmy Carter, demanding that investigations into Rev. Jones' cult compound in Guyana be stopped. The Legacy of Harvey Milk: 918 Murder Victims


Thank You Dan White !
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That's a sure sign you've won when the lefties cry foul and want to report you to "The Authorities" - However USMessage boards are the only ones that truly honor Free Speech . Trust Me - I've been bounced off several others because the left didn't like my opinions. Keep up the Good Work Silhouette !!!

The USMB has rules. I don't care if she believes in anything or not. But certain boundaries exist here. We all have to live with it. So will you, noob.
Report away. I will continue to air the Harvey Milk/LGBT connection that exists as I always have. By the way Mr. Lawyer, thanks for showing your weak scale...

I knew you would back away. Talk about HM all you fucking want. Cross the line with the insinuations. Choices have consequences.

So do threats. Again, thanks for exposing the achilles' heel in the legal arguments for the petitioners in Harvey Milk vs Utah.
I notice you are following the rules. good on you.

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