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Gold Member
Feb 12, 2017
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
probably not much longer. but then again trump and putin are buds. they'll talk on that wonderful backchannel and square this away pronto.
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
probably not much longer. but then again trump and putin are buds. they'll talk on that wonderful backchannel and square this away pronto.
Just because Putin is Trump's hero doesn't mean they are buds
The Empire needs another war.

Some of us had hoped Trump would keep us out of war, unlike the warmongering crazed pantsuit. Yet another disappointment, but not entirely unexpected.

The military/intelligence industrial complex runs the show.
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
probably not much longer. but then again trump and putin are buds. they'll talk on that wonderful backchannel and square this away pronto.
Just because Putin is Trump's hero doesn't mean they are buds
just because they talked before in their lives doesn't make them "connected" either.

you want this all 1 way, your way, but refuse to see it can easily go another.
I saw it on tv, then went to find a link and the only one I found was about the jet buzzing ours. We'll see how this plays out. I'm all for pulling all our troops out of ME and let them handle their own bullshit. They all hate each other over there anyway. We will never win in Afghanistan.
From what I gather it's all about southern Syria and who controls it. It's loaded with oil. It's easy to say the US wants it, maybe they do but keeping it out of Iran's hands is more likely, unless you automatically embrace the most nefarious motives to all things USA.

The US is backing anti-Assad forces and the Iranian puppets in all their forms. Putin wants the opposite. Russia can't party with the US on that level so it comes down to propaganda and shaping public opinion.
I saw it on tv, then went to find a link and the only one I found was about the jet buzzing ours. We'll see how this plays out. I'm all for pulling all our troops out of ME and let them handle their own bullshit. They all hate each other over there anyway. We will never win in Afghanistan.
We aren't trying to "win" Afghanistan. We are helping a more stable regime instead of letting it deteriorate into a bunch of rogue uncontrollable tribes like it was. We already know how that plays out.
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
Not anytime soon, neither we nor Russia want to get into a direct war with each other. Russia is by far the weaker militarily and they know it so Russia will bluster and bluff, puff out their chest and make a lot of noise. They might shoot down one of our drones but not one of our manned fighter jets, they're not that stupid. They do like to play games like the close flybys etc.
I saw it on tv, then went to find a link and the only one I found was about the jet buzzing ours. We'll see how this plays out. I'm all for pulling all our troops out of ME and let them handle their own bullshit. They all hate each other over there anyway. We will never win in Afghanistan.
We aren't trying to "win" Afghanistan. We are helping a more stable regime instead of letting it deteriorate into a bunch of rogue uncontrollable tribes like it was. We already know how that plays out.

And how many kids do you have or had stationed there in a country that really doesn't give a shit about the U.S?. 12 years or so to stabilize is going a little overboard.
People criticized Obama for his "pussy footing." But he was avoiding exactly this.
I guess, Let the games begin, although Syria and Russia weren't supposed to be the target. It was inevitable when Trump gave the generals the green light to make their own decisions.
People criticized Obama for his "pussy footing." But he was avoiding exactly this.
I guess, Let the games begin, although Syria and Russia weren't supposed to be the target. It was inevitable when Trump gave the generals the green light to make their own decisions.
You mean to say one thing, and then when it happens, ignore the threat he made? Lol, yea, that's "pussy footing" :D
The sad news is that we are finding that elections have consequences. Now I know a lot of you will immediately think I'm talking about Trump! But no, I am speaking of Obama. Nearly everything going on today is the aftermath of 8 years of that guy's failed policies. He tip toed around Syria and ISIS as long as he could, dealt with as little as possible avoiding it so that it could be dumped off on the next president, who now happens to be Trump. What we do next will depend on our level of PC tolerance.

I don't like what I'm about to say, but sometimes the best solution is to face things head on rather than drag them out. It might make things more painful in the short term, but could ultimately be cheaper and less costly in the long term. But it will likely get worse before it gets better.

In a world free of political correctness:

NORTH KOREA: We would go in with a covert stealth mission, kidnap 100 of their top officers, give them all brain-dead frontal lobotomies making them vegetables just like Otto Warmbier, then put them back all in one night. Just to let Kim know he don't fuck with us. The way to deal with evil is to always hit them 100X worse than they hit you. Very soon, they don't hit you anymore.

IRAN: Shooting rockets over Iraq is an act of war! It is a direct threat to every country in the region. Put a THAD in there and the next time Iran shoots some up, we knock them down over Iran territory landing on their own cities. Pretty soon Iran learns that it does not pay to shoot missiles at other people.

SYRIA: Can't fly west of the river? I'm sorry, but you have to call Russia's bluff on that. You go in with overwhelming force prepared for all out war. If Russia succeeds, Iran and Russia take over all of Iraq and Syria all the way to the Mediterranean. So what? We already acquiesced in the Crimea. This would give Russia a dominance and controlling influence in all of the Middle East. Iran would love to take control of that territory. A line must be drawn in the sand right now that Russia discovers our resolve that they go no further. Every win for Russia only makes them bolder and more aggressive. Same goes for Iran. The sweetheart deals are over.

RUSSIA: Want to fuck with us over the seas of Alaska? Want to fly within 5 feet of our jets? Just as with Iran dicking with our Navy ships, the game must stop here. You don't shoot down a Russian fighter, but what we CAN do is knock it out with high energy radio-MW jamming, disabling the fighter, taking it out of commission and forcing it to land. The jet would require extensive repairs before able to fly again.

When a child tests it boundaries and calls your bluff, you either back down and make them bolder, like Obama did, or you nip it in the bud. I suspect we will do some, not all of the above, but enough to send the message. The future will be getting real interesting. Elections have consequences, but at least now instead of bureaucrats running our military, Trump has the Generals in charge.
Better hope they don't have an overzealous pilot. Coming within 5 feet of our fighters is pushing it awfully close.
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
Not anytime soon, neither we nor Russia want to get into a direct war with each other. Russia is by far the weaker militarily and they know it so Russia will bluster and bluff, puff out their chest and make a lot of noise. They might shoot down one of our drones but not one of our manned fighter jets, they're not that stupid. They do like to play games like the close flybys etc.
People criticized Obama for his "pussy footing." But he was avoiding exactly this.
I guess, Let the games begin, although Syria and Russia weren't supposed to be the target. It was inevitable when Trump gave the generals the green light to make their own decisions.
You mean to say one thing, and then when it happens, ignore the threat he made? Lol, yea, that's "pussy footing" :D
A non-military solution was offered and accepted. Someone dropped the ball on making sure the agreement was enforced, that's for sure.
Actually, no. Accept the fact we may be there for decades. We don't have a choice.
People don't want to understand what happens over there ultimately effects us here.
I saw it on tv, then went to find a link and the only one I found was about the jet buzzing ours. We'll see how this plays out. I'm all for pulling all our troops out of ME and let them handle their own bullshit. They all hate each other over there anyway. We will never win in Afghanistan.
We aren't trying to "win" Afghanistan. We are helping a more stable regime instead of letting it deteriorate into a bunch of rogue uncontrollable tribes like it was. We already know how that plays out.

And how many kids do you have or had stationed there in a country that really doesn't give a shit about the U.S?. 12 years or so to stabilize is going a little overboard.
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
probably not much longer. but then again trump and putin are buds. they'll talk on that wonderful backchannel and square this away pronto.
Just because Putin is Trump's hero doesn't mean they are buds

So you're saying Putin didnt try and influence the election....
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?


This occurs in a period the Bible calls "Perilous Times" where Wars and Rumors of Wars are CONSTANT and never ending War and conflict erupts on the globe.

Russia is actually involved in two major ones. They don't learn their lesson apparently the first time when they pretty much get decimated.

Armageddon is fought in The Middle East, and it is just one Battle of Many in The End Times in WWIII, but occurs closer to the end before the Final Battle and return of Christ.

So I don't think what we are seeing now is the beginnings of The Battle of Armageddon. It could be another battle concerning Russia Primarily called The Battle of Gog and Magog.

So this will confuse people who might only know a little about prophecy.

Concerning The Battle of Armageddon, the main players involved are Russia, Syria, Iran, The Lions of Tarshish (The British Isles and some of it's colonies). Satellite players are Put (Libya) Egypt, Saudia Arabia and some other ME countries.

The prophecies do not go in to great detail who is on what side in every battle, but it makes reference to Russia and those allied with Russia trying to attack Israel, who is defended by The Lions of Tarshish and their allies, and a country called "The Captain of 50", and Russia's Army is wiped out in that battle, but they rebuild to try it again later.

And somewhere along the line China tries to get involved too in one of these end time battles. Perhaps closer to the end in one of the Final Battles.

The return of Christ occurs somewhere around here, and somehow Divine Intervention preserves Israel despite wave after wave of enemies that come against it, and at the end of all of this, The Earth and those still left realize that there is a God, and that judgment day is upon them, and those enemies of God, Israel, and those have accepted The Law of Grace from the Creator, will be judged for their crimes against God and Humanity.

It's confusing even to people who study it, and the reason being is not that God's Word isn't True, but the Period of WAR AND RUMORS OF WAR, and the NUMBER of END TIME WARS AND BATTLES are many. In addition, God stated that he would cloud the minds of mankind so that only those people who followed God would have a clue about what is going on, but even they would not know the time, the hour, or the day when Judgment Day would come.

I found a decent website that explains some of the end time battles and who is involved..


Why are the nations located next to Israel not mentioned as allies of Russia? I believe the best explanation of this mystery is the one supplied by Bill Salus in his book, Isralestine. He proposes that the next end time prophetic war will be the one described in Psalm 83, a war between Israel and its neighbors. He believes this war will produce the conditions that are necessary for the war of Ezekiel 38 and 39, and I agree with that conclusion.

With that point clarified, let’s now take an overview of the end time prophetic wars in their likely chronological sequence.

1) The War of Extermination — Psalm 83
The psalm states that the immediate neighbors of Israel will launch a war for the purpose of “wiping out Israel as a nation” (verse 4). The nations described as being a part of this nefarious effort are those with a common border with Israel today (verses 6-8). The rest of the psalm is a prayer for the victory of Israel (verses 9-18).

The Wars of the End Times | Lamb and Lion Ministries
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We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
ask the libturds waging it.
We just shot down a Syrian drone over the U.S. coalition site in Syria. Also reported, Russia jet comes very close to one of our jets over Baltic Sea. They said on news 5ft, that's hard to believe.

So when will we have all out war?
probably not much longer. but then again trump and putin are buds. they'll talk on that wonderful backchannel and square this away pronto.
Just because Putin is Trump's hero doesn't mean they are buds

So you're saying Putin didnt try and influence the election....
he's probably saying he needs a bit to see how to spin this one.

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