Breaking: NY Times Busted Selectively Editing Version Of Bundy's Truthful Comments

And he made another good point.

And what point is that? People are going to be offended when you say black people should learn to pick cotton.

That's not MLK's fault. That's his own racism saying something that is offensive to black people. He wasn't making any good points, only that black people aren't capable of taking care of themselves and are lazy. How is that not racist?
When a person states something accurate concerning a person or persone of some other race, religious or nationality does it become inaccurate because you don't like either the person making the statement or because you are unable to accept the truth?
The democrats are dividing classes and creating scapegoats has worked for them very well. They divide races, create mythical victims, give them enough to remain their constituency and seize power.

Their pawns clap blindly cause they are brainwashed. The democrats use their good intentions and manipulate the masses.

Those brainwashed sheep will not know nor care that the poor class has greatly expanded. Millions more on food stamps, illegals (automatic left wing votes), destroying the middle class (liberals call them rich...dividing classes), gain more control over them by controlling their healthcare, insulated by an agenda driven left wing press, and their goal is more and more realized.

You can tell by every thread. Especially this one.

Why did bsnbc only show Trayvon's 13 year old photos, doctor the 911 tapes, and put white in front of hispanic when they found put Zimmerman was half hispanic? Why did ABC along with the other national media not put this full context of Bundy?

Liberals are truly hopeless.

Except you are forgetting the fact that CLIVEN BUNDY SAID THIS ON HIS OWN. No one forced him to, he said it. It's racist because he used a negative part of our history as something black people should learn as if they don't have skills. How does he know the people in West Las Vegas weren't on their off day? Or were going into work later that day? Or have already worked that day?

Instead he assumes that if they are sitting on the porch, they are on welfare and have no job. That's not true. So making a negative assumption about an entire race is racism. It's the definition of racism.
Except you are forgetting the fact that CLIVEN BUNDY SAID THIS ON HIS OWN. No one forced him to, he said it. It's racist because he used a negative part of our history as something black people should learn as if they don't have skills. How does he know the people in West Las Vegas weren't on their off day? Or were going into work later that day? Or have already worked that day?

Instead he assumes that if they are sitting on the porch, they are on welfare and have no job. That's not true. So making a negative assumption about an entire race is racism. It's the definition of racism.

Are you finding it easy to ignore the entirety so you can judge in context or is it just that you're not allowed to see the entirety?

And he made another good point.

And what point is that? People are going to be offended when you say black people should learn to pick cotton.

That's not MLK's fault. That's his own racism saying something that is offensive to black people. He wasn't making any good points, only that black people aren't capable of taking care of themselves and are lazy. How is that not racist?

Especially out of the mouth of a welfare cowboy who has been sucking off the government teat for decades.

That's offensive to everyone.

This is classic damage control. Nothing more.
When a person states something accurate concerning a person or persone of some other race, religious or nationality does it become inaccurate because you don't like either the person making the statement or because you are unable to accept the truth?

How is it accurate? How do you know that every single person that he saw that day in West Las Vegas, NV had 1) No job and 2) Were living off government subsides?

What if the person was a college student taking a break from their studies to sit outside on a nice day?

What if the people he saw had just gotten off of work? Have to go into work later in the day?

The fact is he doesn't know them and to paint a broad brush over an entire race of people because of one afternoon years ago in West Las Vegas is wrong and unacceptable in the 21st century.
Some libs sounding might defensive here today....perhaps the talking points are arriving too fast for them to keep up. Benghazi obviously did nothing to improve the efficiency of The Ministry of Truth.
When a person states something accurate concerning a person or persone (sic) of some other race,

You mean when he said blacks are better off as slaves ???

Yeah, OK - I'm done with THIS guy.
When a person states something accurate concerning a person or persone (sic) of some other race,
You mean when he said blacks are better off as slaves ???

Yeah, OK - I'm done with THIS guy.

See, selective editing again.

Have you learned NOTHING today?

Wait....that really shouldn't come as a surprise, now should it! Silly me.
And he made another good point.

And what point is that? People are going to be offended when you say black people should learn to pick cotton.

That's not MLK's fault. That's his own racism saying something that is offensive to black people. He wasn't making any good points, only that black people aren't capable of taking care of themselves and are lazy. How is that not racist?

Especially out of the mouth of a welfare cowboy who has been sucking off the government teat for decades.

That's offensive to everyone.

This is classic damage control. Nothing more.

it is classic damage control to go and blame mlk jr for retarded racist comments freely offered to the media?
Except you are forgetting the fact that CLIVEN BUNDY SAID THIS ON HIS OWN. No one forced him to, he said it. It's racist because he used a negative part of our history as something black people should learn as if they don't have skills. How does he know the people in West Las Vegas weren't on their off day? Or were going into work later that day? Or have already worked that day?

Instead he assumes that if they are sitting on the porch, they are on welfare and have no job. That's not true. So making a negative assumption about an entire race is racism. It's the definition of racism.

Are you finding it easy to ignore the entirety so you can judge in context or is it just that you're not allowed to see the entirety?

If you want to debate government subsidies and the vicious cycle of poverty, we can have that debate in another thread. (And yes both because they are interdependent on each other).

However, this is a thread started to say that the NY Times made up the quote of Cliven Bundy which they didn't. Then it turned into "Well, they took the quote out of context."

For future references for anyone debating this in a public forum. FREE ADVICE HERE.

If you say the words "Black people (or any other reference)" and "Pick(ing) Cotton" in the same sentence, people will take offense to that.

If you say "Black people picking cotton under slavery was a horrible chapter in our history." That's okay.

If you say "Black people should relearn to pick cotton to get off the government." That's racist and that's just another way to put what Cliven Bundy say.

So he should have let that part out but because he couldn't keep his mouth shut, he brought that criticism onto himself. He could have made a great point that I may of agreed with him on but when he said that statement, he lost control of the discourse of the debate.
hahah, the "it was selectively edited" meme surely is taking off.

that will enter into rightwing retard lore.
What he stated wasn't racist. Why are you so politically correct and hyper-sensitive for someone speaking the truth?

Why are you up in arms over a tax-dodging drunkard? :dunno:

What is your opinion of politicians such as Charlie Rangel not paying their taxes? Or are you just picking on Bundy because he's thumbing his nose at your Black Messiah?

Rangel paid his taxes. He also got in huge trouble. He was rebuked in the halls of congress.

Rangel also served his country honorably in Korea. He won the silver star.

Was Bundy in Korea? Or Vietnam?
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The imbeciles here are incapable of learning.

Holding truth up to them is like holding a crucifix up to a vampire.

Reason they're so against timber harvests is they know you need fresh wood to make good stakes.

They're only against timber harvests when it benefits other people. They have nothing against huge timber harvests that pad the pockets of the federally-employed environmentalists and their kith and kin.

Shit there's no old growth left...and the people who have historically lived here sure weren't the ones who wiped it out. Clear cutting still takes place..but it's under the fed that means it's okay. For them.
Instead of you subversives making yourselves look like the assholes you are, why don't you listen to what he actually said, IN CONTEXT. Anyone with half a brain can see he was actually advocating for them.... But, then again it takes half a brain, and all the subversives in here couldn't muster that!

[ame=]Cliven Bundy (Full) Controversial Remarks April 19, 2014 - YouTube[/ame]

It's a good thing he didn't say something like "Obama is Electable Because he is Light Skinned with no Negro Dialect." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
hahah, the "it was selectively edited" meme surely is taking off.

that will enter into rightwing retard lore.

We have been telling you all for years that the media and news run by the left in newspapers and Internet news are telling you only what they think you should know.
They are doing it in order to influence your opinions and we all are not getting the full information that we all should have.That is called freedom of the press. Not selective reporting.
They have been doing it in our schools also for 50 years.
They are doing it in order to push their ideology.
Tyrants and Dictators do the same thing to their people in their countries.
You all have the proof right now in front of you.
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hahah, the "it was selectively edited" meme surely is taking off.

that will enter into rightwing retard lore.

We have been telling you all for years that the media and news run by the left in newspapers and Internet news are telling you only what they think you should know.
They are doing it in order to influence your opinions and we all are not getting the full information that we all should have.That is called freedom of the press.
They have been doing it in our schools also for 50 years.
They are doing it in order to push their ideology.
Tyrants and Dictators do the same thing to their people in their countries.
You all have the proof right now in front of you.

thanks for sharing your wisdom.

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