Breaking: NY Times Busted Selectively Editing Version Of Bundy's Truthful Comments


Watch Bundy explain how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was. It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. Shame on NYT for not providing all the information.
Cliven Bundy (Full) Controversial Remarks April 19, 2014 - YouTube

Now watch the edited version of Bundy’s remarks as promoted by the left-wing Media Matters and as reported in the NY Times:

VIDEO: Cliven Bundy's Racist Remarks - YouTube

"negro" "black boys" "picking cotton"

And you are still defending him.....LOVE IT

You RW loons continue to make yourselves look like the idiots that you really are.


You that's bullshit because if he were, McGarrett certainly wouldn't be defending him.

Bundy appears to favor amnesty for illegal immigrants.

He's providing a great lesson in the dangers of over-generalization. He's doing some of it. And a whole lot of it is being done about him.
Well shit, so he's a drunkard now too! Is there anything this guy isn't? Because I can tell you one thing he isn't after seeing the full video and that's a racist.

In what world is he not racist?

I would love to hear your explanation about why "they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton" is not racist.

Please enlighten me :rolleyes:

Saying that you have to help poor black people by teaching them a trade like picking cotton again is not racist. Not at all. Just look at those poor black people sitting on their front porch. Doesn't anyone remember the good ol' days when those black people were a-singin' and havin' the best o' times pickin' cotton down yonder? Why can't we have them good ol' days back?

If you don't know what's racist about that line of thinking then it's pretty safe to say that you're a racist.

Not a direct quote as I don't have a full transcript.

I remember the Watts riots from the first fire to the last, we don't want to go back to that.

It's amazing to me you two idiots are saying a rancher, not some guy working in a corner office but a RANCHER who works out in the fields all day is disparaging someone else by suggesting maybe they would be happier doing the same type of work he does.

So you really don't see anything offensive about Bundy saying blacks could have learned from picking cotton? You are even more delusional than he is. You should go and move in with him.
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.
Everybody can learn from hard manual labor.

Not just blacks picked cotton, you know.

But after 200+ years of slavery with forced labor and seeing your children sold off, you think maybe the black community may be offended with Bald Face Racist Bundy reminds them what they should be doing?

You guys are as delusional as he is.
I nominate knb for the most brainwashed left wing hack on these boards.

He still thinks Bush lied about wmds even though democrats propagated the existence of wmds before Bush took office.

He still pretends water boarding is torture when even though it isnt. Our own soldiers are water boarded in training. Not that a cocksucking dickbag liberal would care about that. Brown terrorists? They are all hands across America in hypocritical unification. Our own soldiers water boarded and these morons do not care.

This knb is now in the lead.
Point by point, Republican.

1) Bush lied about WMD.

2) Torture is torture.

3) You didn't try to make any points after "waterboarding isn't torture" but here's another link that Republicans need:

Why do you people argue against this? This is the information that you need to effectively tear down the corrupt global power structure, without guns or bombs or bullshit. You hate the big government police state, right? You want to fight the big, oppressive 1% government, right? Legalize Cannabis Sativa again.
Foxnews has been Bundy's biggest fan, correct?

Well, they covered this latest development with a story that links to the short version of what he said,

directly from mediamatters:

Cliven Bundy under fire for racial comments | Fox News

I guess if Fox didn't have a problem with it, why should anyone else?

I read the entire link from FOX. They got it exactly right. Those on the right who are not running for the hills, may be in trouble.
Did you miss the part where stupid inbred racist rednecks drove from out of state to force a standoff with Federal agents trying to enforce a court order against a rich racist redneck who lost in court multiple times and threatened armed violence against the government of the nation that he lives in but doesn't recognize?

You missed all of that, huh? Or do you now just pretend that it never happened, like the Bush presidency?

Anyone notice something in this statement?
The former sheriff was Arizona douchemonkey Richard Mack, mindless right-wing dumbass who stood against the United States government and the laws that he swore to uphold.

There is nothing right about the right-wing.


Sheriff Mack won in court and the 10th Amendment was cited by the SCOTUS when he won. He was also guided by a federal judge, one who just suspiciously happened to be killed during the Cathy Giffords shooting --- Judge John Roll.

You are not right.


You that's bullshit because if he were, McGarrett certainly wouldn't be defending him.

Bundy appears to favor amnesty for illegal immigrants.

He's providing a great lesson in the dangers of over-generalization. He's doing some of it. And a whole lot of it is being done about him.


so that makes him consistent I suppose. Grazing on federal lands for free is none the federal government's business,

and coming across the border illegally is none of the federal government's business.

You that's bullshit because if he were, McGarrett certainly wouldn't be defending him.

Bundy appears to favor amnesty for illegal immigrants.

He's providing a great lesson in the dangers of over-generalization. He's doing some of it. And a whole lot of it is being done about him.


so that makes him consistent I suppose. Grazing on federal lands for free is none the federal government's business,

and coming across the border illegally is none of the federal government's business.


there ya have it :thup:

He even agreed that he's a welfare queen. The difference he notes is that he's a productive welfare queen. He wants other welfare queens like himself to know the feeling of being productive.
one obvious point that can be made from bundycoot's speechifying is that if you actually try to learn to know people then your prejudices can be overcome.

apparently clovis socialized with da spanish, but only looked down on "the negro" while doing a drive-by.
The former sheriff was Arizona douchemonkey Richard Mack, mindless right-wing dumbass who stood against the United States government and the laws that he swore to uphold.

There is nothing right about the right-wing.


Sheriff Mack won in court and the 10th Amendment was cited by the SCOTUS when he won. He was also guided by a federal judge, one who just suspiciously happened to be killed during the Cathy Giffords shooting --- Judge John Roll.

You are not right.
Former sheriff Richard Mack was on national television during the white trash redneck standoff telling the entire world that he and his fellow insurrectionist redneck "rebels" thought that the best idea was to use unarmed women as human shields so that if the BLM began firing, the unarmed women would get shot first and the redneck rebels would like big, brave heroes. This was the plan. He said it on national news.

Why is the right-wing always wrong?
Did you miss the part where stupid inbred racist rednecks drove from out of state to force a standoff with Federal agents trying to enforce a court order against a rich racist redneck who lost in court multiple times and threatened armed violence against the government of the nation that he lives in but doesn't recognize?

You missed all of that, huh? Or do you now just pretend that it never happened, like the Bush presidency?

Anyone notice something in this statement?
What did you notice? Please point it out.
Bundy never threatened violence. The feds did. And Bundy recognizes the national government, he just doesn't recognize federal authority over state lands.

Gads hysterical lefties are hysterical. And stupid.
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