Breaking: NY Times Busted Selectively Editing Version Of Bundy's Truthful Comments

Fellas, there is no out of context with these words...

Unless you prefaced it with -- "It would be really fucking stupid and racist to say this:"
And I want you to explain to us HOW is this racism? he can not wonder? I MYSELF often wonder if the slavery was as bad as they make it look AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BLACKS in my case, because I wonder about the working class of today, and the culture in general, where one dingbat playing sports makes 1000 times more than average hard working man, where rapping and lying is a legal profession, where nation survives only by robing other nations and serving international bankers - DO YOU SIR have the guts to answer MY POST in full without running away? because all people like you ever do is run away or change the subject every time you run into a poster like me.

Oh and by the way, I LOVE Louis Farrakhan, and am anticipating to ask him some questions on Twitter tonight. so don't try with any of your racist bull shit.

If you can't see the racism there, and "often wonder" if OWNING A FUCKING HUMAN BEING is "as bad as they made it look," you are worthy of only contempt. There is no discussion to be had on this.

Get this birdbrain: OWNING human beings as property is a crime against humanity,

and if you for one second think putting a man, woman or child on an auction block, bought and sold as you would a cow, stripped of all rights, beaten, whipped and raped as the "owner" sees fit, families torn apart, reduced to farm equipment status and enslaving the body and soul for profit intergenerationally

-- wasn't "as bad as they made it look" --- you deserve to reside in the lowest parts of hell, as far as I'm concerned.
Fellas, there is no out of context with these words...

Unless you prefaced it with -- "It would be really fucking stupid and racist to say this:"
And I want you to explain to us HOW is this racism? he can not wonder? I MYSELF often wonder if the slavery was as bad as they make it look AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BLACKS in my case, because I wonder about the working class of today, and the culture in general, where one dingbat playing sports makes 1000 times more than average hard working man, where rapping and lying is a legal profession, where nation survives only by robing other nations and serving international bankers - DO YOU SIR have the guts to answer MY POST in full without running away? because all people like you ever do is run away or change the subject every time you run into a poster like me.

Oh and by the way, I LOVE Louis Farrakhan, and am anticipating to ask him some questions on Twitter tonight. so don't try with any of your racist bull shit.

If you can't see the racism there, and "often wonder" if OWNING A FUCKING HUMAN BEING is "as bad as they made it look," you are worthy of only contempt. There is no discussion to be had on this.

Get this birdbrain: OWNING human beings as property is a crime against humanity,

and if you for one second think putting a man, woman or child on an auction block, bought and sold as you would a cow, stripped of all rights, beaten, whipped and raped as the "owner" sees fit, families torn apart, reduced to farm equipment status and enslaving the body and soul for profit intergenerationally

-- wasn't "as bad as they made it look" --- you deserve to reside in the lowest parts of hell, as far as I'm concerned.

isn't it funny that the people who whine the most about "freedom" are the ones who think the ultimate loss of freedom is just dandy if the recipient of the loss of freedom is black.

the fact that the loons can say that without irony is beyond pathetic.
Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

it does. except to racists.
Wrong! Bundy explains how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was. It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. And just as importantly, you’ll at the end of the video he gives passionate praise and defense of hispanic illegal aliens, lauding them for “better family structures than most white peoples’” Racist? Why is he praising Mexicans as better than whites, if he’s some sort of white supremacist racist?

Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

it does. except to racists.
Ok, congratulations on labeling me a racist, good luck with your politicians and the political correct people.
I can't beleive I've even in a thread where the inbred OP sports the racist monkeyface of the President as his avatar -- and expects people to take him seriously...and even gets attaboys by the slap-happy resident miscreants.
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Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

it is 100% clear Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton

but that the federal government has created conditions for them so terrible

that their current situation may actually be worse.
THANK YOU! but taken out of context they can turn him into a racist and CNN had it on top of their front page last 24 hours as news.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

it does. except to racists.
Ok, congratulations on labeling me a racist, good luck with your politicians and the political correct people.

if you opine that slavery may have been better for blacks, yes. you're a racist. i'm sorry if that offends you. frankly, I don't much care.

and it isn't "political correctness" to think it's not ok for a human to own another human.

well, except to racist loons.
Doesn't matter. The left creates a lie and the dependable kool aid drinkers run with it.
Fellas, there is no out of context with these words...

Unless you prefaced it with -- "It would be really fucking stupid and racist to say this:"
And I want you to explain to us HOW is this racism? he can not wonder? I MYSELF often wonder if the slavery was as bad as they make it look AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BLACKS in my case, because I wonder about the working class of today, and the culture in general, where one dingbat playing sports makes 1000 times more than average hard working man, where rapping and lying is a legal profession, where nation survives only by robing other nations and serving international bankers - DO YOU SIR have the guts to answer MY POST in full without running away? because all people like you ever do is run away or change the subject every time you run into a poster like me.

Oh and by the way, I LOVE Louis Farrakhan, and am anticipating to ask him some questions on Twitter tonight. so don't try with any of your racist bull shit.

If you can't see the racism there, and "often wonder" if OWNING A FUCKING HUMAN BEING is "as bad as they made it look," you are worthy of only contempt. There is no discussion to be had on this.

Get this birdbrain: OWNING human beings as property is a crime against humanity,

and if you for one second think putting a man, woman or child on an auction block, bought and sold as you would a cow, stripped of all rights, beaten, whipped and raped as the "owner" sees fit, families torn apart, reduced to farm equipment status and enslaving the body and soul for profit intergenerationally

-- wasn't "as bad as they made it look" --- you deserve to reside in the lowest parts of hell, as far as I'm concerned.
In other words you can NOT answer my question, so google who owns America, the banks, the politicians, the media. "owning and fucking a human being" never ended, they are STILL owned and fucked. Human beings AND their properties - you can hide behind your liberal hypocrisy, but I cared enough to make a VIDEO about these black people losing their land to liberal filth who under their hypocrisy bought up their properties:

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It is amazing that the folks who swallowed the whole "You didn't build that" campaign that was built on an out of context sentence fragment, are accusing the NYT of taking Bundy out of context.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

it does. except to racists.
Wrong! Bundy explains how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was. It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. And just as importantly, you’ll at the end of the video he gives passionate praise and defense of hispanic illegal aliens, lauding them for “better family structures than most white peoples’” Racist? Why is he praising Mexicans as better than whites, if he’s some sort of white supremacist racist?
Exactly. these liberal trolls already labeled me a racist and told me I belong in hell for understanding a rancher. I also happen to be a man who understands people such as Louis Farrakhan, something even you don't, but UNDERSTANDING IS NOT IN THEIR INTEREST, TRYING TO SOUND SMART IS in their interest.
No. You're wrong again like Cliven Bundy and the white trash inbred "militia". The former sheriff was Arizona douchemonkey Richard Mack, mindless right-wing dumbass who stood against the United States government and the laws that he swore to uphold.

There is nothing right about the right-wing.

you are so fucked in the head it is impossible to know when you post something that resembles coherence, Mack is far from being a mindless right-wing dumbass i bought his book, i have talked to him at length (about an hour+), he is NOT a right winger, he is a fucking demorat who has been infused with some common sense and patriotism, very rare for a lefty.
Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

Frankly, it makes him an ignorant racist.

Like these pillars of society?

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.”

"A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee"

The country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama -- a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

Frankly, it makes him an ignorant racist.

Like these pillars of society?

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.”

"A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee"

The country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama -- a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

"I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words"


"I nebber said cotton picking"
The democrats are dividing classes and creating scapegoats has worked for them very well. They divide races, create mythical victims, give them enough to remain their constituency and seize power.

Their pawns clap blindly cause they are brainwashed. The democrats use their good intentions and manipulate the masses.

Those brainwashed sheep will not know nor care that the poor class has greatly expanded. Millions more on food stamps, illegals (automatic left wing votes), destroying the middle class (liberals call them rich...dividing classes), gain more control over them by controlling their healthcare, insulated by an agenda driven left wing press, and their goal is more and more realized.

You can tell by every thread. Especially this one.

Why did bsnbc only show Trayvon's 13 year old photos, doctor the 911 tapes, and put white in front of hispanic when they found put Zimmerman was half hispanic? Why did ABC along with the other national media not put this full context of Bundy?

Liberals are truly hopeless.
Frankly, it makes him an ignorant racist.

Like these pillars of society?

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.”

"A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee"

The country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama -- a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

"I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words"


"I nebber said cotton picking"

Translation: Crap, good thing liberals don't expect much...I'll just lie and pretend I regret my honesty.
Like these pillars of society?

“I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy.”

"A few years ago, (Barack Obama) would have been getting us coffee"

The country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama -- a 'light-skinned' African American 'with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."

"I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words"


"I nebber said cotton picking"

Translation: Crap, good thing liberals don't expect much...I'll just lie and pretend I regret my honesty.

you suck at this. continue failing at running interference for crash bundycoot.

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