Breaking: NY Times Busted Selectively Editing Version Of Bundy's Truthful Comments

The left wing, yet again and with out any disappointment revealing to everyone their stupidity, their hypocrisy and the fact they stand for nothing.

There is nothing else to really say about them. They are all losers.
Do not be drawn into this Racist Crap................

It's liberal tactics 101...................

Whether Bundy is a Racist or not doesn't matter at all.................

It's about too much power of the Department of the Interior and their past and current land grabs...............

The Dems are trying to DIVERT using Racism.............

Tell them to pound dirt.
Bundy was wrong from the start. The court orders said so. The redneck "militia" aimed firearms at Federal agents from behind human shields to defend a rich racist criminal. Now the right-wing is still trying to defend Bundy so that they don't look like a bunch of uninformed American-flag waving, anti-government psychopaths for jumping to a rich racist criminal's defense without actually knowing the situation.

Thankfully those old slackjawed inbred yokels are dying off

Check it out everyone. A stereotyping hypocritical, liberal loser.
Thankfully those old slackjawed inbred yokels are dying off
Along with WWII Vets too, huh?


So his teahadist clown posse is WWII Vets? :cuckoo:

WWII Vets defended America and bundy's slack jawed mutants have nothing in common with them.

But the old racists are sure dying off fast ,just look at the demographic shift, you don't need a weatherman to know the way the wind blows

Don't see a lot of young people defending this old half dead moron

strange how this is his clarion call for all white trash to come out of the woodwork and swam to his ranch , all sorts of half dead overweight pasty faced bitter old rightwing kooks ,a real freak-show
The Racists YOU refer to are OLD GUARD Democrats. And yourself Thanks for playing Guano.:eusa_hand:

You assholes refuse to FOCUS on the land grabs by this government and have to rely upon the old and tired racist past that got you all this far.

Another funny thing about liberals and their hypocrisy. They talk about how they are not racists and the reason they think they are not racists is because they always call white southerners rednecks or any white man with a cowboy hat a redneck. They also cling to the notion that every person that is not white is a victim of whitey righty. Therefore, they think they are not racists. Yes, they are that simple. Look at all of the stupid posts that parrot the left wing talking points in this thread and basically every thread.

They of course ignore the blatant racists in their pathetic party. You know and I know that when a Kennedy runs for office, he basically automatically wins. Regardless of how blatantly racist they are. Again, they do not care. They do a great job of getting themselves to actually believe they are not racists. Yet, they are. I mean how can we convince these moronic hypocrites that when they convince a black person (oh I am sorry..."African American") they are a perpetual victim that it actually does more damage. They are far from intelligent enough to understand that they are pawns carrying out the Democrat platform and plan to capture the minority vote.

Dating back to LBJ....

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again."


But how come nobody called Jackie Kennedy a racist, when she made comments about Martin Luther King that were even more offensive and vitriolic, than Bundy?

Jackie Kennedy: Martin Luther King Jr. "phony" - CBS News

How many are aware that John F. Kennedy, failed to invite black entertainer, Sammy Davis Jr. to his inaugural ball, despite the fact that Davis worked extremely hard in the electoral campaign of 1960 to get him elected? How many are aware that Bobby Kennedy authorized J. Edgar Hoover, to spy on Martin Luther King's private life. The fat alcoholic, Ted Kennedy, whom I hope is burning in hell at this moment, supported pro-abortion laws that killed 50 million American babies, many of them black, over the past 40 years. Why are they not called racists?

I am sick and tired over how the liberal media and academia, has fawned over the evil Kennedy Family, which has produced some of the most horrible people in American history, including murderers and rapists.

When Ted Kennedy murdered Mary Jo Kopechne, he was not the first Kennedy to commit murder. There are allegations that his two elder brothers may have murdered more people, including Marilyn Monroe. I have always believed that, as evil as Ted Kennedy was, Jack and Bobby were even worse.


The long list of shit from the scumbags on the left that illustrates their blatant racism, the fact that they are pawns to keep the black man (ooops sorry, African American) voting for democrats.

Then again they are too stupid to understand that, cause they are so thoroughly brainwashed to think they are not.
Along with WWII Vets too, huh?


So his teahadist clown posse is WWII Vets? :cuckoo:

WWII Vets defended America and bundy's slack jawed mutants have nothing in common with them.

But the old racists are sure dying off fast ,just look at the demographic shift, you don't need a weatherman to know the way the wind blows

Don't see a lot of young people defending this old half dead moron

strange how this is his clarion call for all white trash to come out of the woodwork and swam to his ranch , all sorts of half dead overweight pasty faced bitter old rightwing kooks ,a real freak-show
The Racists YOU refer to are OLD GUARD Democrats. And yourself Thanks for playing Guano.:eusa_hand:

You assholes refuse to FOCUS on the land grabs by this government and have to rely upon the old and tired racist past that got you all this far.


Yep Democrats who minorities and progressive Whites vote for , the same democratic party that elected a Black man twice

Are you suffering from Alzheimer ?
So his teahadist clown posse is WWII Vets? :cuckoo:

WWII Vets defended America and bundy's slack jawed mutants have nothing in common with them.

But the old racists are sure dying off fast ,just look at the demographic shift, you don't need a weatherman to know the way the wind blows

Don't see a lot of young people defending this old half dead moron

strange how this is his clarion call for all white trash to come out of the woodwork and swam to his ranch , all sorts of half dead overweight pasty faced bitter old rightwing kooks ,a real freak-show
The Racists YOU refer to are OLD GUARD Democrats. And yourself Thanks for playing Guano.:eusa_hand:

You assholes refuse to FOCUS on the land grabs by this government and have to rely upon the old and tired racist past that got you all this far.


Yep Democrats who minorities and progressive Whites vote for , the same democratic party that elected a Black man twice

Are you suffering from Alzheimer ?

Yeah, democrats voting for a man, simply due to the color of skin, and not content of character is actually racist. You are obviously way too ignorant to understand that.

I do not see you crediting Bush for appointing a black woman as secretary of state. In fact, the beloved NAACP which is suppose to be neutral, has refused to honor in any real way.

You have no idea that patronizing people is insulting. Why do you not understand that? Cause you are fucking brainwashed hack who has NO ABILITY to think for yourself.

It is funny to me how you and people like you brag about being pawns. That is all you are too.
Right-wing redneck Republicans forced an armed standoff by hiding behind unarmed human shields to stop Federal agents from enforcing a legal court order against a rich racist criminal.

There is nothing right about the right-wing. Learn that.

Hey, here's a question for you:

Wouldn't calling us "rednecks" be just as bad as Bundy calling black people "Negroes?"

No, it's not. Stupid traitorous rednecks took up sniper positions and used unarmed human shields to force a standoff against Federal agents who were enforcing a legal court order against a rich racist redneck who threatened armed resistance against the US Federal government which he does not recognize as legitimate.

Stupid racist Republican rednecks need to stop being stupid racist Republican rednecks.

Wasn't your country established by racist (by virtue of the fact they owned slaves, etc.) traitors that took up arms against soldiers enforcing laws that your Founding Fathers did not recognise as legitimate?
For the first time I had to thank your post. I didn't need to see these videos to know the media was twisting his words (that is what they specialize in) but this was informing and interesting to watch. thanks.
Fellas, there is no out of context with these words...

Unless you prefaced it with -- "It would be really fucking stupid and racist to say this:"
Why are you up in arms over a tax-dodging drunkard? :dunno:

Well shit, so he's a drunkard now too! Is there anything this guy isn't? Because I can tell you one thing he isn't after seeing the full video and that's a racist.

In what world is he not racist?

I would love to hear your explanation about why "they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton" is not racist.

Please enlighten me :rolleyes:
I would also love to hear your explanation about how if I say to you "pussy" how am I insulting you? because what I said before you quoted me out of context was, my pussy cat was stolen by a drunk politician. some people instead of working and understanding, grab onto the sound bites (on TV usually) and go party with them. Yesterday I thought the rancher was racist, today after watching the OP's video, I know he is NOT. you are insulted by picking cotton because in your view work is demeaning RAPPING is what they are entitled or supposed to do, rapping or being a professional liar or politician - that is acceptable way not to go to jail.
Fellas, there is no out of context with these words...

Unless you prefaced it with -- "It would be really fucking stupid and racist to say this:"
And I want you to explain to us HOW is this racism? he can not wonder? I MYSELF often wonder if the slavery was as bad as they make it look AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BLACKS in my case, because I wonder about the working class of today, and the culture in general, where one dingbat playing sports makes 1000 times more than average hard working man, where rapping and lying is a legal profession, where nation survives only by robing other nations and serving international bankers - DO YOU SIR have the guts to answer MY POST in full without running away? because all people like you ever do is run away or change the subject every time you run into a poster like me.

Oh and by the way, I LOVE Louis Farrakhan, and am anticipating to ask him some questions on Twitter tonight. so don't try with any of your racist bull shit.
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Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.

Watch Bundy explain how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was. It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. Shame on NYT for not providing all the information.
Cliven Bundy (Full) Controversial Remarks April 19, 2014 - YouTube

Now watch the edited version of Bundy’s remarks as promoted by the left-wing Media Matters and as reported in the NY Times:

VIDEO: Cliven Bundy's Racist Remarks - YouTube

you can see the full version here

Bundy Ranch Saturday, April 19 | Jasonpatrick11 | Bambuser
Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.
Who cares? He could believe Bette Midler is the 12th Imam, it doesn't change the fact that the government has sent SWAT teams to collect a tax bill from a free citizen. Thoughts of a BLACK woman!

I Don't Care if Cliven Bundy is a Racist - YouTube

Apparently we do everything in our lives because we hate Obama because he is black. How many times have we heard this or seen this written about conservatives?

Then the libs have the unadulterated gall to claim conservatives are simplistic.

Well, Republicans did start the drug war, right after their own special committee concluded that America would be better off with marijuana being legal. Yet even now in 2014, Republicans still think that marijuana is dangerous.

The right-wing hasn't had any problem with SWAT teams raiding homes and even killing people over marijuana at any point in the last 40 years. The right-wing didn't have any problem with domestic spying at any point in the last 40 years if it was to catch marijuana growers. The right-wing didn't have any problem with bloated government budgets and increasing deficits at any point in the last 40 years if it was to stop marijuana growers.

Why now does the right-wing choose to bear arms against the US Federal government to protect a rich man's right to not recognize the government of the country in which he lives?

Democrats fought just as hard as Republicans against Americans who use non government approved recreational substances. Just saying.......
Funny, that sounds just as racist as before. History shows that slave families were often broken apart when a husband, wife, or children were sold. So to Clive, yes, they are better off now than as slaves.
FINE, but that still does not make him a racist for wondering.

it is 100% clear Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton

but that the federal government has created conditions for them so terrible

that their current situation may actually be worse.

Watch Bundy explain how we need to keep things from going backwards for blacks, and how the Federal government has created a neo-slave class via entitlement dependency that is so bad it is arguably worse than plantation slavery was. It is 100% clear that Cliven Bundy is not saying that blacks should be slaves picking cotton, but that the Federal government has created conditions for them so terrible, that their current situation may actually be worse. (If you are person of low intelligence, the fact that that is his point might be too hard for you to understand.) And he’s not blaming blacks for the issues of abortions, and crime and broken families, he’s blaming the Feds. This is the exact opposite of a racist, this is an advocate for the welfare and best interests of blacks. Shame on NYT for not providing all the information.
Cliven Bundy (Full) Controversial Remarks April 19, 2014 - YouTube

Now watch the edited version of Bundy’s remarks as promoted by the left-wing Media Matters and as reported in the NY Times:

VIDEO: Cliven Bundy's Racist Remarks - YouTube

This man is fucking retarded.

They put their young men in jail

Seriously this guy must be retarded.

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