Breaking: Obama Tells Companies They Can't Fire Anyone Unless IRS Gives Them Approval

In France it's pretty close to impossible to fire anyone for anything, no matter how serious a thing might have caused it.

So today O'Bozo spent with the president of France.

We can no longer say he's incapable of learning anything.
History will show Obama and his administration to be one of the worst ever.

What will be funny is when the GOP gets in there and uses the same unconstitutional crap to shut down abortion regardless of what the SCOTUS says.

SCOTUS says: Can't do that.

POTUS says: SCOTUS...go f**k yoursleves. What is SCOTUS going to do ? If they don't have a sympathetic congress....not a freaking thing.

Can't wait for this abuse to continue in the other direction.

Two wrongs are two wrongs.
For this and for businesses with 50-100 employees, the answer is yes. Buried deep within the IRS regulations pertaining to Obamacare, section 4980H of the IRS Code seemingly tells business to affirm the reasons why they are reducing their workforces to qualify for transitive relief from Obamacare. Many businesses are cutting jobs to avoid having to comply with the employer mandate, here though, these business are being told they cannot reduce the sizes of their staff without having a "bona-fide business reason" for doing so. If they somehow fail to meet this requirement or provide a sufficient reason to the IRS, they could be seemingly slapped with perjury charges.

This law is an overreach, simply telling employers they cannot drop below the 50 employer threshold to avoid the law and qualify for an exemption is the creation of a crime, something a neither a sitting President nor any other branch of government (except for the legislative) may do.

(1) Limited Workforce Size. The employer must employ on average at least 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) but fewer than 100 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) on business days during 2014. (Employers with fewer than 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) on business days during the previous year are not subject to the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions.) The number of full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) is determined in accordance with the otherwise applicable rules in the final regulations for determining status as an applicable large employer.

(2) Maintenance of Workforce and Aggregate Hours of Service. During the period beginning on Febr. 9, 2014 and ending on Dec. 31, 2014, the employer may not reduce the size of its workforce or the overall hours of service of its employees in order to qualify for the transition relief. However, an employer that reduces workforce size or overall hours of service for bona fide business reasons is still eligible for the relief.

Questions and Answers on Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act pp. 123-25

I tell you now: this is a pure act of desperation on the Obama Administration's part. Government has no right micromanaging the affairs of private businesses. So, is the Government telling you how to run your business?

You know it would be really nice to know--exactly WHO wrote this clause into Obamacare--because there is no better person than to "tar and feather" and run out of town on a rail.

The STUPIDITY and audacity of threatening business's in this country with the IRS--while interfering in their business financial decisions--that are simply based on gross sales--versus expenses. More expenses than sales or revenue coming in--means they close their business and EVERYONE loses their jobs.

I'll tell you--we wonder why Washington D.C. is in such a mess. It's because MORONS like the one who wrote this clause into Obamacare are running this country. And if this came from Barack Obama--he really needs to be impeached just for being dumb. This continual anti--business atmosphere coming from the current administration is killing American jobs in this country.

Does anyone really believe that a current employer with 30 employees is going to want to grow their business so they can face this kind of crap?- With the IRS all over their ass's should they decide to cut back employee hours or lay someone off? I don't think so.


Welcome to your hope and change! I cannot believe the idiots that voted for this economic moron twice.
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For this and for businesses with 50-100 employees, the answer is yes. Buried deep within the IRS regulations pertaining to Obamacare, section 4980H of the IRS Code seemingly tells business to affirm the reasons why they are reducing their workforces to qualify for transitive relief from Obamacare. Many businesses are cutting jobs to avoid having to comply with the employer mandate, here though, these business are being told they cannot reduce the sizes of their staff without having a "bona-fide business reason" for doing so. If they somehow fail to meet this requirement or provide a sufficient reason to the IRS, they could be seemingly slapped with perjury charges.

This law is an overreach, simply telling employers they cannot drop below the 50 employer threshold to avoid the law and qualify for an exemption is the creation of a crime, something a neither a sitting President nor any other branch of government (except for the legislative) may do.

(1) Limited Workforce Size. The employer must employ on average at least 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) but fewer than 100 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) on business days during 2014. (Employers with fewer than 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) on business days during the previous year are not subject to the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions.) The number of full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) is determined in accordance with the otherwise applicable rules in the final regulations for determining status as an applicable large employer.

(2) Maintenance of Workforce and Aggregate Hours of Service. During the period beginning on Febr. 9, 2014 and ending on Dec. 31, 2014, the employer may not reduce the size of its workforce or the overall hours of service of its employees in order to qualify for the transition relief. However, an employer that reduces workforce size or overall hours of service for bona fide business reasons is still eligible for the relief.

Questions and Answers on Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act pp. 123-25

I tell you now: this is a pure act of desperation on the Obama Administration's part. Government has no right micromanaging the affairs of private businesses. So, is the Government telling you how to run your business?

Wasn't this in that movie "Atlas Shrugged"?

Pfft, I've seen all this before.
History will show Obama and his administration to be one of the worst ever.

What will be funny is when the GOP gets in there and uses the same unconstitutional crap to shut down abortion regardless of what the SCOTUS says.

SCOTUS says: Can't do that.

POTUS says: SCOTUS...go f**k yoursleves. What is SCOTUS going to do ? If they don't have a sympathetic congress....not a freaking thing.

Can't wait for this abuse to continue in the other direction.

Two wrongs are two wrongs.

That is bullshit. Roe v Wade is over 40 years old now. We have had several Republican administrations with full houses--that didn't get near the courts decision on abortion or ever had a Republican President just sign an executive order to stop it.

Obama on the other hand has continually usurped his constitutional authority by single handedly changing a passed bill (Obamacare) without congressional approval. And he's done it 27 times.

Generally speaking, you get past the next election by changing your policies, by announcing new initiatives, but not by wantonly changing the law, lawlessly. I mean, this is stuff that you do in a banana republic. It’s as if the law is simply a blackboard on which Obama writes any number he wants, any delay he wants and any provision. It’s now reached a point where it is so endemic that nobody even notices or complains. I think if the complaints had started with the first arbitrary changes, and these are are not adjustments or transitions. These are political decisions to minimize the impact leading up to an election, and it’s changing the law in a way that you are not allowed to do. … It’s not incompetence. Willful breaking of the constitutional order — where in the Constitution is the president allowed to alter a law 27 times after it’s been passed?
Krauthammer: These ObamaCare changes are getting so endemic, ?nobody even complains? anymore « Hot Air

In all my 60+ years I have never seen a President do this. One who has disregarded and had so much distain for the U.S. Constitution as evidenced--and done it so blatantly. Our government structure was set up by our forefathers to prevent exactly what is happening now. Rogue actions by one branch of the government, specifically the POTUS can be stopped by adhering to the U.S. Constitution. If not, then consider this country to be a dictatorship.


Welcome to your hope and change!
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"Gulliver's Travels"by Jonathan Swift describes an intra-Lilliputian quarrel over the practice of breaking eggs.
The differences between Big-Endians (those who broke their eggs at the larger end) and Little-Endians had given rise to "six rebellions... wherein one Emperor lost his life, and another his crown". The Lilliputian religion says an egg should be broken on the convenient end, which is now interpreted by the Lilliputians as the smaller end. The Big-Endians gained favour in Blefuscu.
Lilliput and Blefuscu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today we see this totally idiotic interpretation another law!
Under threat of penalty.. by the IRS...
“Obama officials made clear in a press briefing that firms would not be allowed to lay off workers to get into the preferred class of those businesses with 50 to 99 employees.
How will the feds know what employers were thinking when hiring and firing?

Simple. Firms will be required to certify to the IRS – under penalty of perjury – that ObamaCare was not a motivating factor in their staffing decisions. To avoid ObamaCare costs you must swear that you are not trying to avoid ObamaCare costs. You can duck the law, but only if you promise not to say so.”
The move is being labeled as a 1984-esque move, laden with Thought Police implications, and others believe that employers are being greedy by firing people to avoid ObamaCare costs.
Companies must swear to the IRS why they are firing people - AGBeat

So a business owner WHO is letting people go because his health care COSTS escalate under Obamacare MUST have every other reason for cutting employees EXCEPT
his operating costs would go up due to Obamacare!
This is the biggest assault on the Constitution to date by these Socialists Humbugs.

Its an issue kind of hidden in the weeds, so the Socialist Media will help them get away with it....but it is a very dangerous precedent.
This is the first step in nationalization of businesses totally.
Remember if the business has an employee who complains that he was let go because his employer wanted to stay under the cap.
That employer will be at the minimum spend time and money defending the decision.
Jonathan Swift was one of the best political satirics of all times ( yes, "Gulliver Travels "ARE satire)
I crack my eggs in the middle, like any sane person does.
The Lilliputian religion says an egg should be broken on the convenient end, which is now interpreted by the Lilliputians as the smaller end. The Big-Endians gained favour in Blefuscu.

So let me get this straight... you're supposed to crack the shells on those things BEFORE you eat 'em? and all this time I thought eggs were supposed to be crunchy.. who knew?
Hope and Change baby

wasn't this your AMERCIAN dream when electing the first black President?
For this and for businesses with 50-100 employees, the answer is yes. Buried deep within the IRS regulations pertaining to Obamacare, section 4980H of the IRS Code seemingly tells business to affirm the reasons why they are reducing their workforces to qualify for transitive relief from Obamacare. Many businesses are cutting jobs to avoid having to comply with the employer mandate, here though, these business are being told they cannot reduce the sizes of their staff without having a "bona-fide business reason" for doing so. If they somehow fail to meet this requirement or provide a sufficient reason to the IRS, they could be seemingly slapped with perjury charges.

This law is an overreach, simply telling employers they cannot drop below the 50 employer threshold to avoid the law and qualify for an exemption is the creation of a crime, something a neither a sitting President nor any other branch of government (except for the legislative) may do.

(1) Limited Workforce Size. The employer must employ on average at least 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) but fewer than 100 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) on business days during 2014. (Employers with fewer than 50 full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) on business days during the previous year are not subject to the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions.) The number of full-time employees (including full-time equivalents) is determined in accordance with the otherwise applicable rules in the final regulations for determining status as an applicable large employer.

(2) Maintenance of Workforce and Aggregate Hours of Service. During the period beginning on Febr. 9, 2014 and ending on Dec. 31, 2014, the employer may not reduce the size of its workforce or the overall hours of service of its employees in order to qualify for the transition relief. However, an employer that reduces workforce size or overall hours of service for bona fide business reasons is still eligible for the relief.

[...Questions and Answers on Employer Shared Responsibility Provisions Under the Affordable Care Act pp. 123-25

I tell you now: this is a pure act of desperation on the Obama Administration's part. Government has no right micromanaging the affairs of private businesses. So, is the Government telling you how to run your business?

B]here is the law from the affordable care act you decided whats being done here [/B]
Part III – Administrative, Procedural, and Miscellaneous
Request for Comments on Shared Responsibility for Employers Regarding Health
Coverage (Section 4980H)
Notice 2011-36 --
Many provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable
Care Act) that are designed to promote expanded, affordable health coverage become
effective beginning in 2014. These include provisions for shared responsibility for
employers regarding health coverage, coverage to be offered by State Exchanges,
premium tax credits to assist individuals in purchasing coverage through State
Exchanges, and related provisions. As part of the process of planning for
implementation of these provisions, the Department of the Treasury (Treasury), the
Department of Labor (DOL) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
(collectively, the three Departments) are working in concert to develop regulations and
other administrative guidance that will respond to questions and assist stakeholders
with implementation.
This request for comments is intended to initiate and inform the process of
developing regulatory guidance regarding the shared employer responsibility provisions
in § 4980H of the Internal Revenue Code (Code). Those provisions, which apply for
months beginning after December 31, 2013, refer to certain standards relating to the
offering of health coverage by employers to their full-time employees. Under § 4980H,
an “applicable large employer” that does not meet those standards may be liable for an
“assessable payment” if at least one of its full-time employees is certified as having
enrolled in health insurance through a State Exchange with respect to which a premium
tax credit under § 36B of the Code, a cost-sharing reduction under § 1402 of the
Affordable Care Act, or an advance payment of such credit or reduction under § 1412 of
the Affordable Care Act is allowed or paid.
This notice does not constitute guidance. Instead, it describes potential
approaches, which could be incorporated in future proposed regulations, to certain
discrete issues under § 4980H, particularly the issue of who is a full-time employee, and
invites comments on these approaches. Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) intend to publish such proposed regulations both on the § 4980H issues
addressed in this notice and on a broader set of issues under § 4980H. This notice also
invites comments on the interpretation of the 90-day limitation on waiting periods for
group health plans and health insurance issuers offering group health insurance
coverage under § 2708 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act, and on how the
interpretations of that section and of § 4980H should be coordinated. The three
Departments are coordinating their efforts in developing the regulations and other
guidance on the shared employer responsibility provisions (Treasury/IRS guidance), the
90-day limitation on waiting periods (three Department guidance), automatic enrollment
for employees of large employers (DOL guidance),1 and other Affordable Care Act
1 Section 18A of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), as added by § 1511 of the Affordable Care Act,
requires employers subject to the FLSA that have more than 200 full-time employees and that offer
enrollment in one or more health benefit plans to automatically enroll new full-time employees in one of
the plans offered (subject to any waiting period authorized by law), and to continue the enrollment of
current employees in the employer’s plan. Under FLSA § 18A, which is enforced by the DOL, any
automatic enrollment program must include adequate notice and the opportunity to opt out of any
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