BREAKING: One of the Witnesses at the Trump Bedminster meeting testified they had no memory of Trump displaying Classified Documents to interviewers

Only in this case he signed a warrant that almost any judge would find overly broad and doesn't allow for 4th Amendment protections against illegal search and seizure.

They didn't show Trump the warrant and didn't allow his lawyers to see it before the search. They didn't provide a list of items seized after the search before leaving. And this list must be taken back to the magistrate who issued the warrant. Many of the items weren't listed. The FBI claims that those items were classified, so they couldn't be listed.
Trump’s lawyer did indeed see the warrant and was given a copy of it as well as a list of things that were retrieved.

What is overly broad about the warrant? Documents with classified markings is pretty specific.
Papers get unintentionally intermingled from time to time.

Someone put them in that folder but no one knows who, when or where that happened. Until you figure that out, you don’t really have a case.
Sure, they do....but we aren't talking about a bunch of boxes moved from one residence to another...we are talking about specific documents in some cases, put in specific personal's a little further, and more damning...much more akin to the items in the shoplifters pocket, and not just in the cart
Again......The NARA didn't take possession of whatever docs they wanted because the NARA was filled with Democrats.

I saw a story the other day that Trump is the first president that the NARA refused to cooperate with during the transition period since the PRA was passed and signed into law.
NARA is a small agency and doesn’t tell the president how to manage their records. They take receipt of records, process and store them.

The administration is responsible for complying with the law.

NARA didn’t refuse to cooperate with Trump. His administration just didn’t really give a shit about their requirements with the law and therefore the process for complying with the records act was a haphazard sloppy job.
Sure, they do....but we aren't talking about a bunch of boxes moved from one residence to another...we are talking about specific documents in some cases, put in specific personal's a little further, and more damning...much more akin to the items in the shoplifters pocket, and not just in the cart
We are talking about papers shoved in a folder shoved in a box shoved in a closet.

We have good evidence of Trump’s actions, going through his boxes and looking through the classified documents which demonstrates willfulness.

You have none of that with Biden.
There you go. So NARA can take possession of them before he leaves office.

Failure to separate presidential from private before leaving office makes everything comingled presidential records, subject to review by the archivist.
Again.....And I'm Repeating This....the NARA was supposed to give an exit brief to the Trump administration and refused.
Again......And I'm Repeating This....The NARA was supposed to take possession of Trump's records before he left office AND THEY REFUSED!!!
We are talking about papers shoved in a folder shoved in a box shoved in a closet.

We have good evidence of Trump’s actions, going through his boxes and looking through the classified documents which demonstrates willfulness.

You have none of that with Biden.
No, we are talking about a file, labeled personal, on his private desk...there were more in his office's that private office....and more in boxes in his garage, and more in his office in his house.

Yes, the trump team went through boxes that were piled together after a move, at the request of the NARA. Very different cases, agreed. Trump's case more akin to unpaid groceries in the cart as they walk out the grocery store, xiden's more akin to items found in the shoplifter's pocket.
No, we are talking about a file, labeled personal, on his private desk...there were more in his office's that private office....and more in boxes in his garage, and more in his office in his house.

Yes, the trump team went through boxes that were piled together after a move, at the request of the NARA. Very different cases, agreed. Trump's case more akin to unpaid groceries in the cart as they walk out the grocery store, xiden's more akin to items found in the shoplifter's pocket.
What’s your source that Biden’s file was “on his private desk”?

Trump went through the boxes personally after he was formally instructed to turn over all his documents at the demand of a grand jury subpoena. It’s clear direct evidence he was hiding these documents from the DoJ.
NARA is a small agency and doesn’t tell the president how to manage their records. They take receipt of records, process and store them.

The administration is responsible for complying with the law.

NARA didn’t refuse to cooperate with Trump. His administration just didn’t really give a shit about their requirements with the law and therefore the process for complying with the records act was a haphazard sloppy job.

Everyone seems to have the same problem. Sloppy paperwork. Biden and Pence included.


Trump felt that he was going to win when he went to bed midnight on election night....and was way ahead. But then the election was halted in several states and vote tallies started flip-flopping.
Trump felt he was robbed.
Most of his efforts were geared toward whatever he needed to do to reverse a stolen election.
Leaving was the last thing on his mind.
Members of the White House staff started quitting and it it multiplied the workload.
Compounding that was refusal of the NARA director to do his job.
They even told the Trump team to Fedex their documents to NARA. Trump's team refused to do so, saying that was ridiculous.
The NARA began trying to retrieve Trump's documents in Jan 2022. Why did they wait so long?

Probably because they wanted to bring indictments against him to prevent him from running for POTUS again.
Are you not aware of the concept of presumption of innocence?

Until you can prove that Biden took the documents knowingly and willingly, you don’t have a case against him.

Jack Smith has gone through great lengths to make a case that Trump knowingly and willingly took classified documents.

To charge Biden, you’d have to do the same thing.
Ok sport, let’s see if you have anything, ANYTHING to support you batshit crazy theory that all these classified documents accidentally ended up in multiple locations controlled by Biden.

Let‘s look at the facts;

  1. Senators and VPs can only view classified documents in a SCIF, This is a fact and has been documented in this thread.
  2. The procedures of a SCIF makes it almost impossible to remove a classified document by accident, or otherwise. The odds of ONE document being accidentally removed is next to zero. The number of classified documents Biden ended up with as Senator and VP that was hidden in several locations being there by accident is impossible. No way. No how.
  3. As Senator and VP, Biden had no authority to have classified documents anywhere outside a SCIF, much less in boxes by his Corvette.

So, I’m not gonna ask you for evidence this wasn’t done willfully by Biden because you already admitted you have nothing. So, explain your theory. How do you THINK all these classified documents were removed from a SCIF and ended up in multiple locations owned by Biden “by accident”.

Put up, or STFU.
What’s your source that Biden’s file was “on his private desk”?

Trump went through the boxes personally after he was formally instructed to turn over all his documents at the demand of a grand jury subpoena. It’s clear direct evidence he was hiding these documents from the DoJ.
Yes, Trump and his team went through the moving boxes at the request of the NARA, they were cooperating with the NARA....unlike Xiden who had documents dating back to his time as a US Senator hidden for years all over the East Coast, including hidden in files he labeled "personal" - which shows an attempt to convert the stolen property.
Ok sport, let’s see if you have anything, ANYTHING to support you batshit crazy theory that all these classified documents accidentally ended up in multiple locations controlled by Biden.

Let‘s look at the facts;

  1. Senators and VPs can only view classified documents in a SCIF, This is a fact and has been documented in this thread.
  2. The procedures of a SCIF makes it almost impossible to remove a classified document by accident, or otherwise. The odds of ONE document being accidentally removed is next to zero. The number of classified documents Biden ended up with as Senator and VP that was hidden in several locations being there by accident is impossible. No way. No how.
  3. As Senator and VP, Biden had no authority to have classified documents anywhere outside a SCIF, much less in boxes by his Corvette.

So, I’m not gonna ask you for evidence this wasn’t done willfully by Biden because you already admitted you have nothing. So, explain your theory. How do you THINK all these classified documents were removed from a SCIF and ended up in multiple locations owned by Biden “by accident”.

Put up, or STFU.
well dembots seem to think guns can fire themselves, so of course they can believe that documents can magically pop up all over Xiden's personal property up and down the east coast
Trump’s lawyer did indeed see the warrant and was given a copy of it as well as a list of things that were retrieved.

What is overly broad about the warrant? Documents with classified markings is pretty specific.
They weren't allowed to READ THE SEARCH WARRANT till after the search was completed. And the itemized list wasn't provided to them when they left the Mar-a-Lago compound.

Trump’s lawyer did indeed see the warrant and was given a copy of it as well as a list of things that were retrieved.

What is overly broad about the warrant? Documents with classified markings is pretty specific.

They didn't provide the affidavit that the FBI presented to Judge Reinhart to get the search warrant.

And the fact remains that the FBI didn't just take documents with classified markings, but personal files of the president with attorney-client privilege, and his passports.
They were even going thru Melania's closets (sniffing her underwear).
She had to replace her entire wardrobe because those sweaty assholes got their grubby paws all over her cloths.

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What’s your source that Biden’s file was “on his private desk”?

Trump went through the boxes personally after he was formally instructed to turn over all his documents at the demand of a grand jury subpoena. It’s clear direct evidence he was hiding these documents from the DoJ.
Can you prove this?
We are talking about papers shoved in a folder shoved in a box shoved in a closet.

We have good evidence of Trump’s actions, going through his boxes and looking through the classified documents which demonstrates willfulness.

You have none of that with Biden.
Can you prove this?

No you can't.
You copied and pasted a hoax. What a dumbass.

§ 2202. Ownership of Presidential records

The United States shall reserve and retain complete ownership, possession, and control of Presidential records; and such records shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

You see that? The UNITED STATES owns presidential records. NOT the President.

Moving on:

From Section 2203:

(g)(1) Upon the conclusion of a President’s term of office, or if a President serves consecutive terms upon the conclusion of the last term, the Archivist of the United States shall assume responsibility for the custody, control, and preservation of, and access to, the Presidential records of that President.

You see that? When a President leaves office, his records are turned over to the custody of the Archivist. The President does NOT get to take our nation's defense secrets to his bathroom at Mar-A-Largo.

Nor does he get to show classified documents to visitors with no security clearance just to impress them.

Now stop making a goddam fool of yourself!
We're just repeating ourselves here.
Going over and over the same material....

The archivist refused to take custody of Trump's presidential records.

And President Trump didn't take his records to read in the shitter or show classified documents to visitors, you lying cuck. :auiqs.jpg:
Both of those claims are outright fraud.

.Now stop making a goddam fool of yourself.
This is a flat out lie.
No it isn't. Several articles I've read on this have surfaced stating as much.

Course it's pretty much par for the course.
Every GD head of every institution in Washington is on the Deep State payroll.
Trump was an outsider. He wasn't a member of the cult.
When it comes to Donald Trump, nobody is doing what they're supposed to do.
When Biden gets caught red-handed hanging onto TS documents from the last 20 years the NARA cooperates with him and doesn't call the FBI. Nobody's squawking about him about missing documents.
But when it's Trump, they called the FBI and discovered that the FBI was already conducting an investigation.
The FBI never had to become involved. But archives decided that they don't like Trump. So they threw a temper-tantrum and claimed he stole documents.
No it isn't. Several articles I've read on this have surfaced stating as much.
It has been well established your propagandists are profligate liars. And I would bet your "sources" are simply parroting Trump's false claims.

Did you even read the indictment?

Of course you didn't, and this is why you are so easily hoaxed by your lying propagandists.

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