Breaking: Protests Against Trump Across America

Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.

So you're despised. That's why you got your ass kicked in the election. People hate traitorous, lying pigs.
The people voted in a majority for Hillary, Trump won by electoral college....
Hillary barely won the popular vote.

Trump easily won the electoral college(all that matters).

Trump won. Shut up.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

A down the road looting will become the norm. Christmas is coming and over hatred of Trump they can smash windows and get stuff. Like they always do.
Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.

So you're despised. That's why you got your ass kicked in the election. People hate traitorous, lying pigs.
The people voted in a majority for Hillary, Trump won by electoral college....
Hillary barely won the popular vote.

Trump easily won the electoral college(all that matters).

Trump won. Shut up.
Hillary only won the popular vote because of her election fraud machine.

Here's a sweet example:

EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Gov. Pardons 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.
snow season is coming soon. lets see if they protest then.
They have four whole years to fight your new God Emperor before he is voted out. The masses never go away but thankfully despots usually have short careers. Your man has said a lot of shit that indicates he has little respect for dissenting voices and first amendment right of protest, the only Americans who still value our civil rights are going to put him to the test.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
The first four words really says it all (They will accomplish nothing).
These are people who are basically pampered kids and their lazy parents. They believe in "safe-spaces" on college campuses, they are easily offended and toss out made up words like, micro-aggression when they hear a word or sentence they don't like. They invented the word "Islamophobia" to make legitimate concerns regarding the global Islamic threat seem irrational. Sweden, has become the rape capital of Europe, with an Islamic theocracy assured to run that nation in the near future, rendering women slaves to males and the rest of Europe isn't far behind, all because of its "open borders" policy. Yet here...the liberals, liberal women included, don't care, or don't grasp the gravity of the situation.
They pay monumentally close attention to idiotic reality shows like the Kardashians and Jersey Shore, hold extremely minimal conversations via Twitter that limits them to 129 characters. They pay more attention to their cellphones rather than actually getting out, meeting and talking to people of all ages.
They're going to whine and cry over their candidate who would have assuredly dragged this nation down the path of Europe, with her open borders idiocy. For those of you who have grieved Clinton losing, look no further than Sweden and Lebanon to see what happens when you call out to Muslims to freely enter the country.
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Some of the ugliest hatefull people have posted on this thread..I hope you pray to your God for forgiveness of your sins...

The reaction on this forum in general since Trump won has been nothing short of ugly and disgusting. You would think that they would be happy but their man won, but it seems to have only fueled their anger and vitriol.

So you're despised. That's why you got your ass kicked in the election. People hate traitorous, lying pigs.

I wouldn't exactly call Hillary winning the national popular vote getting "my ass kicked." You've been particularly disgusting, revolting and sickening since he won. You have a screw loose.

Go celebrate. Oh yeah, you have no friends.
Loss of the Presidency, house, senate and two more governorships. Yeah that's an ass kicking.

Which leaves the left only violence to get their way like every other thug gets what he wants.

And yet, Trump couldn't win the national popular vote.

And yet, liberal propositions and questions won all across the country, ranging from increased gun control to legalizing Marijuana.

Only on planet conservatard does that constitute as an "ass kicking."
You watch how much the Supreme Court changes for a generation and get back to us on that.

You were playing for all the marbles and you lost the only ones that matter long term.
Although there is little point in protesting, it does indicate that Trump is going to have a hard time once he actually starts his job. His supporters will dry up pretty fast because most of them didn't like him to begin with. He was just the lesser of two evils.
Sure, whatever you say.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

I do too, just shows how childish regressive snowflakes are. Wear you ignorance with pride. LMAO
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.
snow season is coming soon. lets see if they protest then.
They have four whole years to fight your new God Emperor before he is voted out. The masses never go away but thankfully despots usually have short careers. Your man has said a lot of shit that indicates he has little respect for dissenting voices and first amendment right of protest, the only Americans who still value our civil rights are going to put him to the test.
You do NOT have a RIGHT to PROTEST without a PERMIT.
You do NOT have a RIGHT to VANDALIZE.
You do NOT have a RIGHT to LOOT and STEAL.
You do NOT have a RIGHT to be VIOLENT.

Shall I go on, or does that get through your thick fucking leftard skull?
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

trophies for second place = ghey s0n!!:bye1:

Tonight........Trump fans dominate the landscape and the progressives cant do dick.:coffee:

Indeed...........we are taking bows!:deal::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

What are they protesting? That the voters chose someone other than an incredibly corrupt Hillary Clinton? Why don't they all march on Debbie Wasserman Schultz's house...or maybe Donna Brazile's?
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
They'll go on until the first atom bombs start going off.

Don't forget to plan a bug out spot.

Yo s0n.........hows that big old knobby cucumber feeling about now?!!!:coffee:

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