Breaking: Protests Against Trump Across America

Me too. The more they make fools of themselves, the easier it'll be to win again next time. They aren't helping their cause at all. It's gonna result in the opposite effect. Supporters' loyalty to Trump will only grow stronger.

They should have handled their loss with class and dignity. But that's just not the Democrat way. So let em have their fun. They'll regret it when Trump wins in a Landslide next time around.
It is horrible. Blocking freeway on-ramps in Portland? What if Matthew is stuck and has to go to the bathroom? Actually what if sick or pregnant lady stuck? not funny.

Trump won fair and square. Enough Americans are fed up with having all their wealth taken and wasted, treated like dirt by the MSM "elite" what a freaking joke. Now the MSM is glamorizing these maggot protesters. They don't even know what they are protesting when interviewed.

The posters here are starting to go bezerk also. You can try to be nice but I don't think it can work. You can't reason with these sorts. They have built-in training. I am reluctant to post the following. I have been saving it for some of the most twisted posters. I will not name them but this is for "them" and MSM.

its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away.
You have "NO NEED FOR GUNS?" You don't hunt? Do you know anyone that does hunt? Do you know any single women that want a gun to protect themselves? Do you know anyone that likes to target shoot? Do you know anyone that inherited guns from family? etc, etc, etc...

Or how about you tell us about a successful revolution or war that was ever, EVER, won, WITHOUT guns.

Do you EVER stop to think how STUPID you actually sound to the rest of the NATION?
You're the one who cannot read. True courage does not come from the barrel of a gun but from the human heart and a righteous mind. You guys like to talk defiance by arms while the rest of us talk of defiance by the force of ideas. You can't kill an idea but fascists like you have certainty tried. Get used to that label, you earned it by voting this fucking authoritarian maniac into office.
It is horrible. Blocking freeway on-ramps in Portland? What if Matthew is stuck and has to go to the bathroom? Actually what if sick or pregnant lady stuck? not funny.

Trump won fair and square. Enough Americans are fed up with having all their wealth taken and wasted, treated like dirt by the MSM "elite" what a freaking joke. Now the MSM is glamorizing these maggot protesters. They don't even know what they are protesting when interviewed.

The posters here are starting to go bezerk also. You can try to be nice but I don't think it can work. You can't reason with these sorts. They have built-in training. I am reluctant to post the following. I have been saving it for some of the most twisted posters. I will not name them but this is for "them" and MSM.

View attachment 97755

I predicted Democrat violence if Trump won. So i'm not surprised. But we're the 'Deplorables.'
I predicted Democrat violence if Trump won. So i'm not surprised. But we're the 'Deplorables.'

I never even considered it until the "new guy" actually DID something? Like start rounding up muslim for shipping out to ME? or forbid any muslim entry....I hope so.

The wall.......or 100% secure border is a must. Kill those bad EO & REGS on day 1.
They should have handled their loss with class and dignity. But that's just not the Democrat way.
Remember the tea party? The biggest most irrational spasm of racist fear that any of us has ever seen? Organized protests against Obama and his socialistcommienazimuslim (black) agenda started before he ever took office. No sir, Baron Trump and his disciples have earned all the opposition he is going to get. Get used to defending him, it's not nearly as much fun as the constant irrational attack you people have been doing for 8 years.
Lol "bottomfeeders."

Meanwhile, red states have the highest participation in welfare and food stamps in the nation.

Thats' because the stupid SOB (NAFTA) sent all their jobs out. They can't afford to move to LA or NY or SF and live with the elite. They are stuck. No jobs. Need more.
Government may start enforcing law and order.
Government may stop making it rain with free hand-outs and low-lifes may have to go to work.
The liberals have woke a sleeping giant with all their pushy bullshit...they got the division they wanted and now they're shitting their pants in fear...haha!

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote--that's not good for Trump. He will be called the Illegitimate
President, and they aren't going to forget it. As far as bottom feeders it was ridge runners that elected Trump, and this nation is in total shock, and disgusted to be Americans today. We are the laughing stock of the world.

In fact, the Canadian Immigration web-site crashed tonight. Americans are looking for an alternative country other than this one. I imagine they're a huge donating chunk of the tax payer base in this country. The number one hit today was this.
How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen

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They should have handled their loss with class and dignity. But that's just not the Democrat way.
Remember the tea party? The biggest most irrational spasm of racist fear that any of us has ever seen? Organized protests against Obama and his socialistcommienazimuslim (black) agenda started before he ever took office. No sir, Baron Trump and his disciples have earned all the opposition he is going to get. Get used to defending him, it's not nearly as much fun as the constant irrational attack you people have been doing for 8 years.

I don't need to defend him. He's the man now. So you better get used to being his lil bitch. You're not in charge anymore. Deal with it.

I don't need to defend him. He's the man now. So you better get used to being his lil bitch. You're not in charge anymore. Deal with it.


Except so far you are have been his little useful, gullible bitch, not us.

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