Breaking: Protests Against Trump Across America

Awww poor little cupcakes are all upset they didn't get what they wanted welcome to the real world children and suck it up this won't be the only time in your life things don't go the way you want.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.
What exactly are they protesting?
Trump's victory, the possible roundup and deportation of possible illegals, no open borders, immigration restraints, you name it.
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away. it just me or does the Left need mobs for courage?
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.
You'll these people rioting and burning and looting before any one lays a single hand on them
It's free beer night.
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away.
You have "NO NEED FOR GUNS?" You don't hunt? Do you know anyone that does hunt? Do you know any single women that want a gun to protect themselves? Do you know anyone that likes to target shoot? Do you know anyone that inherited guns from family? etc, etc, etc...

Or how about you tell us about a successful revolution or war that was ever, EVER, won, WITHOUT guns.

Do you EVER stop to think how STUPID you actually sound to the rest of the NATION?
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away. it just me or does the Left need mobs for courage?
The keep calling America a democracy, which is mob rule.

Problem is America is a republic. Poor little brain washed snowflake pussies.
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.
snow season is coming soon. lets see if they protest then.
They have four whole years to fight your new God Emperor before he is voted out. The masses never go away but thankfully despots usually have short careers. Your man has said a lot of shit that indicates he has little respect for dissenting voices and first amendment right of protest, the only Americans who still value our civil rights are going to put him to the test.

Who has a problem with dissenting voices and the first ammendment right of protest? It's the left that always wants anyone who disagrees with them to STFU. And in this thread they call for the death of the protestors.


"Lakhota said: ↑
It's time for the feds to seriously kick some Bundy ass! Send them to meet David Koresh."

My response to Lakhota:
I bet you loved the smell of burning children. "

Bundys Are Back: A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away. it just me or does the Left need mobs for courage?
There's this thing called democracy, it's also known as strength in numbers. I'm sure you proudly like to think the people spoke yesterday but, hate to break this to you, it was not exactly unanimous. You wanted your man in charge of this glorious mess of a country, you got it, now prepare to ride the tiger. You are going to get exactly what you gave this country the last eight years, opposition, get used to it.
Government may start enforcing law and order.
Government may stop making it rain with free hand-outs and low-lifes may have to go to work.
The liberals have woke a sleeping giant with all their pushy bullshit...they got the division they wanted and now they're shitting their pants in fear...haha!
Once upon a time we were civil, respected those of differing opinion, won arguments, lost others, believed in a civil code of conduct and lived by it. Punished and ruined those that crossed the line. Won elections lost others yet remained civil. Then came the 60's, and by the 80's a newly accepted sense of vitriol outbursts, intolerance, disrespect, unrest, a belief that the ends justified the means, anything goes, the juicy sound bite, fabrication, and character assassination all in the name of politics and retention of political power?
What happened, was it the result of the Democrat machine loosing its 80 year strangle hold on the American political arena, assassination of the President, loss of our nations innocence? Conservatives were labeled as fascists, liberal's as communists and socialist sympathizers.
Is this the design, extension, and realization of Saul Alinski's new radical movement, SDS, and new progressive movements methodology employed to grasp and secure power in the attempt to create a new order? Today people use the word fascist and have no concept or understanding as to what fascism was or is, furthermore its application within the context of today's political, social, economic environment, yet it is used freely to identify those possessing beliefs counter to the progressive movement, whom choose to believe in freedom of choice, liberty, Constitution, and accompanying bill of rights. Do people really understand what the progressive movement represented at the turn of the 20th century, what it actually is?
The vitriol disrespect demonstrated and employed is killing this country. This past election was I hope the low point in the American experience and that the country will move forward to once again retain some sense of civility, but yet then again maybe its the indicator of further decay. America made a decision, as it did in the 20's, to reject the progressive movement. Now we see whom the intolerant, dis-respective, jack booted brown shirts are.
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.
snow season is coming soon. lets see if they protest then.
They have four whole years to fight your new God Emperor before he is voted out. The masses never go away but thankfully despots usually have short careers. Your man has said a lot of shit that indicates he has little respect for dissenting voices and first amendment right of protest, the only Americans who still value our civil rights are going to put him to the test.

Who has a problem with dissenting voices and the first ammendment right of protest? It's the left that always wants anyone who disagrees with them to STFU. And in this thread they call for the death of the protestors.


"Lakhota said: ↑
It's time for the feds to seriously kick some Bundy ass! Send them to meet David Koresh."

My response to Lakhota:
I bet you loved the smell of burning children. "

Bundys Are Back: A Militia Has Taken Over A Federal Building In Oregon
Quit using the Bundy clan as an example of free speech.
Predictable Democrat response. I fully expected rioting if Trump won. Democrats have committed violent acts all throughout this Election. So this shouldn't surprise anyone.
its freezing in all of them,,,in 3 days many of them will catch a real bad cold!!!!

Going to be a lot of protests for a long time. It will not be long before you will be cheering about Americans being beaten down in the streets by their government and the true fascist roots of the Trump phenomena will be on display for all to see.

Holy toledo on this very board libs were calling for the Bundy family and their friends to blown away. You know. To teach them a lesson for protesting. Don't play holier than thou. It's ugly that posters were actually calling for the deaths of these people. Liberal posters. Progressive posters.

Feeling a little hyperbolic tonight? The Bundy's theft/occupation of public property for their own selfish purposes is not protected speech. No one wanted them blown away but yesterday before you turned into a government supporting nationalist you might remember how you all liked engage in flights of fancy where you are gloriously using your second amendment option against a tyrannical government bent on the destruction of your way of life. Remember that? I know it was such a long time ago. The left has no need of guns for courage, all they need is the first Amendment and your kind is not going to take that away. it just me or does the Left need mobs for courage?
There's this thing called democracy, it's also known as strength in numbers. I'm sure you proudly like to think the people spoke yesterday but, hate to break this to you, it was not exactly unanimous. You wanted your man in charge of this glorious mess of a country, you got it, now prepare to ride the tiger. You are going to get exactly what you gave this country the last eight years, opposition, get used to it.
And you get used to a president that won't hog tie the police and let you jerk offs riot and burn down cities. That shit is going to end.
They will accomplish nothing I know, but they are important for the sake of symbolism. The rest of this country needs to show the world that we reject that orange sack of shit as president.

Save for a little rioting, they've been peaceful. I hope they stay that way.

He is the president....

I don't like him.

But he is my president.

It really sucks.
Although there is little point in protesting, it does indicate that Trump is going to have a hard time once he actually starts his job. His supporters will dry up pretty fast because most of them didn't like him to begin with. He was just the lesser of two evils.

Suck on it.
They'll get over it. Or get arrested.

All those people got their safe spaces taken away from them. Welcome to cold hard reality kids!

All peaceful protests.

I juts hope that each and all of those protesters also VOTED yesterday.

Wouldn't it be more. . . . hmmmm, sweetly ironic if they hadn't though?

You know how these kids are, they go along just to get along, and move with the crowd just to be cool. You know, just like you, it is how they are so easily brainwashed.

Why do you think Hillary lost? Nobody volunteered to hold their hand and take them to the poll. And a sticker was not a good enough participation award, apparently.

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