BREAKING: Rep. Steve Stockman: Sgt. At Arms to Arrest Lois Lerner

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The way Darrell Issa seems to be coming unhinged, he may attempt to arrest Lois Lerner himself.
Your butthurt is both astounding and entertaining.

The IRS also went after Liberal organizations at the same time.

Bzzzzz.... you lose...... bzzzzzzzz....

Got bees in your bonnet boy? Fact of the matter is you're just echoing the same lie that's been proven a lie many times already. There was ONE prog outfit gone after compared to several dozen Con start ups. If you don't know you're lying you can always claim you're simply stupid. But I think you know you're a liar and, like I already said, are childish enough to think you can get away with it.
The 3 percenters spewing the thread with propaganda on lib organizations being targets is a joke.. that's why they're only 3 percent of the population.. They are extremists.
It was very confusing for IRS employees to sort through the fog after the wording was changed from "exclusively" to "primarily" for 501(c)(4) applications.
So, LGS, good to see you, babe!!

Now, please, tell me: has Lois Lerner been arrested yet?!?!?

Of course not .... Same as solyndra , fast n furious , & all the other fake ass scandals . Issa & the GOP are the laughing stalks of politics :badgrin:
While you cretins are giggling about the delay in arresting Lois the Loser, maybe you should consider what it is about her that you support. Do you support the IRS going after donors of the party out of power? Because if you do, WATCH OUT when the GOP is back in control in 2017. Not that any of you pay enough tax to bother with, or have any money to donate to a campaign. That's the thing with you never think of consequences....if it feels good just do it and hope when it bites you on the ass it let's go before you bleed out.

Your butthurt is both astounding and entertaining.

The IRS also went after Liberal organizations at the same time.

Bzzzzz.... you lose...... bzzzzzzzz....
From Wikipedia:

nitial reports described the selections as nearly exclusively of conservative groups with terms such as "Tea Party" in their names. Further investigation by media outlets revealed that some liberal-leaning groups and the Occupy movement had also triggered additional scrutiny, but not at nearly the same rate as conservative groups.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9] Congressional Republicans have argued that no liberal groups were targeted.[10] According to Salon, the only tax-exempt status denial by the IRS related to the targeting involved the revocation of a previously granted tax-exempt status for a progressive group.[11] The use of target lists continued through May 2013.[12]
So, LGS, good to see you, babe!!

Now, please, tell me: has Lois Lerner been arrested yet?!?!?

Of course not .... Same as solyndra , fast n furious , & all the other fake ass scandals . Issa & the GOP are the laughing stalks of politics :badgrin:

If all these scandals are fake, why does the obama administration happily and promptly comply with Congressional subpoenas?

If all of these "fake ass scandals" are bullshit, why the attempts to cover them all up? Why are Lerner and Holder in contempt of Congress when simply turning over requested documents would clear everything up and Justice and the IRS could get back to conducting their business?
So, LGS, good to see you, babe!!

Now, please, tell me: has Lois Lerner been arrested yet?!?!?

Of course not .... Same as solyndra , fast n furious , & all the other fake ass scandals . Issa & the GOP are the laughing stalks of politics :badgrin:

If all these scandals are fake, why does the obama administration happily and promptly comply with Congressional subpoenas?

If all of these "fake ass scandals" are bullshit, why the attempts to cover them all up? Why are Lerner and Holder in contempt of Congress when simply turning over requested documents would clear everything up and Justice and the IRS could get back to conducting their business?

Of course not .... Same as solyndra , fast n furious , & all the other fake ass scandals . Issa & the GOP are the laughing stalks of politics :badgrin:

If all these scandals are fake, why does the obama administration happily and promptly comply with Congressional subpoenas?

If all of these "fake ass scandals" are bullshit, why the attempts to cover them all up? Why are Lerner and Holder in contempt of Congress when simply turning over requested documents would clear everything up and Justice and the IRS could get back to conducting their business?

kindly stick to the thread topic which is not Bush.

So, as the OP, has Lerner been arrested yet?
If all these scandals are fake, why does the obama administration happily and promptly comply with Congressional subpoenas?

If all of these "fake ass scandals" are bullshit, why the attempts to cover them all up? Why are Lerner and Holder in contempt of Congress when simply turning over requested documents would clear everything up and Justice and the IRS could get back to conducting their business?

kindly stick to the thread topic which is not Bush.

So, as the OP, has Lerner been arrested yet?

3 Percenter demanding something? :lol: Show me where "I" stated Lois Lerner would be arrested within a specific amount of time Petey? I'll wait.. Lastly- November is on the way.. Enjoy it while you can.. your boy king is floundering reall bad now.. even dems jumping ship.. It's just the batshyt crazy 3 percenters , the creepy kook brigade who swarms here like flies on dogshit who are extreme.. in other words, you don't matter. ;-)
kindly stick to the thread topic which is not Bush.

So, as the OP, has Lerner been arrested yet?

3 Percenter demanding something? :lol: Show me where "I" stated Lois Lerner would be arrested within a specific amount of time Petey? I'll wait.. Lastly- November is on the way.. Enjoy it while you can.. your boy king is floundering reall bad now.. even dems jumping ship.. It's just the batshyt crazy 3 percenters , the creepy kook brigade who swarms here like flies on dogshit who are extreme.. in other words, you don't matter. ;-)
You seem very defensive about my simple question about the assertion YOU made by taking the time to creat this thread.

Why so shrill about your own topic?
kindly stick to the thread topic which is not Bush.

So, as the OP, has Lerner been arrested yet?

3 Percenter demanding something? :lol: Show me where "I" stated Lois Lerner would be arrested within a specific amount of time Petey? I'll wait.. Lastly- November is on the way.. Enjoy it while you can.. your boy king is floundering reall bad now.. even dems jumping ship.. It's just the batshyt crazy 3 percenters , the creepy kook brigade who swarms here like flies on dogshit who are extreme.. in other words, you don't matter. ;-)
You seem very defensive about my simple question about the assertion YOU made by taking the time to creat this thread.

Why so shrill about your own topic?

So you can't show where I stated a specific time or date that Lois Lerner would be arrested? According to Petey, if one lists an article on this forum they are now responsible for everything the author states in that article. :lol:
The left and their gotcha games which never work.. They care more about creating illusions than holding their own accountable and America see's it.
3 Percenter demanding something? :lol: Show me where "I" stated Lois Lerner would be arrested within a specific amount of time Petey? I'll wait.. Lastly- November is on the way.. Enjoy it while you can.. your boy king is floundering reall bad now.. even dems jumping ship.. It's just the batshyt crazy 3 percenters , the creepy kook brigade who swarms here like flies on dogshit who are extreme.. in other words, you don't matter. ;-)
You seem very defensive about my simple question about the assertion YOU made by taking the time to creat this thread.

Why so shrill about your own topic?

So you can't show where I stated a specific time or date that Lois Lerner would be arrested? According to Petey, if one lists an article on this forum they are now responsible for everything the author states in that article. :lol:
Where have I asked for a specific time or date from you?

I just respectfully ask each day (and will continue to do so) if Lerner has been arrested yet. After all, that IS the topic of your thread, is it not?

I don't understand your off-topic rants at all.
3 Percenter demanding something? :lol: Show me where "I" stated Lois Lerner would be arrested within a specific amount of time Petey? I'll wait.. Lastly- November is on the way.. Enjoy it while you can.. your boy king is floundering reall bad now.. even dems jumping ship.. It's just the batshyt crazy 3 percenters , the creepy kook brigade who swarms here like flies on dogshit who are extreme.. in other words, you don't matter. ;-)
You seem very defensive about my simple question about the assertion YOU made by taking the time to creat this thread.

Why so shrill about your own topic?

So you can't show where I stated a specific time or date that Lois Lerner would be arrested? According to Petey, if one lists an article on this forum they are now responsible for everything the author states in that article. :lol:

Who is Petey? I see no one on this thread with that name...
You seem very defensive about my simple question about the assertion YOU made by taking the time to creat this thread.

Why so shrill about your own topic?

So you can't show where I stated a specific time or date that Lois Lerner would be arrested? According to Petey, if one lists an article on this forum they are now responsible for everything the author states in that article. :lol:

Who is Petey? I see no one on this thread with that name...

n00bs ...
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