BREAKING Revelation! Since President Trump Has Lifetime Secret Service Protection, He Can Never Be Jailed

The media is making bank from the Trump haters by playing them for fools. A lot of them seem convinced that they'll someday see him in an orange jumpsuit but the reality is that their heroes in DC know it will never happen. The goal doesn't even seem to be stopping his campaign but rather to convince enough fools on the Left that he is legally illegitimate should he win. These people are playing the long game. They are preparing to set the nation on fire should he win. They have become openly evil, IMO.
I hadn't thought of this. Thanks to investigative reporter Paul Sperry for eluding to this.

I've been saying this for some time now, and is the reason I keep telling the loons to stop gleefully fantasizing they're going to see him in prison. The reality is, no one is seriously talking about stripping him of his SS detail, and if they don't do that, the worst that could happen to him would be a fine, and in the worst case, house arrest in extremely opulent surroundings.
He's entitled to lifetime Secret Service Protection. You think they're going to let the secret Service be his cell mates? Or his protectors during chow time.

I believe that he could serve in solitary confinement, with Secret Service having access to him.

He could be confined to a place outside of prison, but still be confined. If he is to serve his sentence under house arrest, he would be living at a golf resort and unable to play golf.
If he's convicted. He might be under house arrest instead of jail. Kinda like Napoleon. And also forbidden to run for public office, which would be the big win.

If you know exactly what is happening, what are we planning?
You cannot force people to help other people as a nation declines.
The SS is under the command of the current President. There is no law saying that ex-Presidents have an infinite right to SS protection.

I'm sure that the SS could be confident in Trump's safety under the watchful eye of the prison guards.

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