BREAKING Revelation! Since President Trump Has Lifetime Secret Service Protection, He Can Never Be Jailed

The media is making bank from the Trump haters by playing them for fools. A lot of them seem convinced that they'll someday see him in an orange jumpsuit but the reality is that their heroes in DC know it will never happen. The goal doesn't even seem to be stopping his campaign but rather to convince enough fools on the Left that he is legally illegitimate should he win. These people are playing the long game. They are preparing to set the nation on fire should he win. They have become openly evil, IMO.
Liberals, not the left, but liberals are indeed very, very dangerous.
Anyone that wants to see Trump in prison are not patriotic Americans.
I figure Trump is the traitor, as the one in charge of trying to overthrow the election of 2020, to be able to stay in power. If you support overthrowing presidential elections, you are a traitor to the country also, just an unindicted one, probably because too scared to take an active part, or wife would not let you, or boss said you had used up your vacation and personal days, so you chose to work, rather than risk your job. Of course, possibly you just couldn't raise the money to go, so lucked up by missing out.
When the justice system is politically corrupted...if they want a guilty verdict, they'll get one...evidence be damned.
You know, that is not how it works.... :lol:

A jury of 12 citizens, all must find him guilty for Trump to be guilty, and the jury determines this based on evidence only.....

I've been called and sat as a jurist in a courtroom trial, a couple of times now....

It's pretty serious stuff and a huge sense of responsibility to get things right by the citizens on the jury.... sending someone to prison is not taken lightly by any jurist! At least not the juries I was on.
You know, that is not how it works.... :lol:

A jury of 12 citizens, all must find him guilty for Trump to be guilty, and the jury determines this based on evidence only.....

I've been called and sat as a jurist in a courtroom trial, a couple of times now....

It's pretty serious stuff and a huge sense of responsibility to get things right by the citizens on the jury.... sending someone to prison is not taken lightly by any jurist! At least not the juries I was on.
Then let's have the trial in rural Missouri.
Why can’t his SS go to the jail with him?
From what I've read about it, Club Fed could accommodate him and secret service duties.

Secret service doesn't sleep with him now, do they? Nope! :lol: They won't have to there either....not with key arrangements set up....monitoring his cell.... If this is what happens.

It's likely to be a house arrest..... But I don't think a Golf Resort is a home.... Maybe Trump Tower??
I'll say it again.

If the justice system is not corrupt, then it shouldn't make a difference whether the trial was held in far left Washington D.C. or far right Morgantown West Virginia 200 miles away... Right?
There is nothing "breaking". Every fool knows that former presidents have lifetime SS protection. Whether the Secret Service protection extends to coverups for (only) democrats and current presidents getting a pass for cocaine possession and other felonies is anybody's guess.
I figure Trump is the traitor, as the one in charge of trying to overthrow the election of 2020, to be able to stay in power. If you support overthrowing presidential elections, you are a traitor to the country also, just an unindicted one, probably because too scared to take an active part, or wife would not let you, or boss said you had used up your vacation and personal days, so you chose to work, rather than risk your job. Of course, possibly you just couldn't raise the money to go, so lucked up by missing out.
The Democrats cheated their way to the 2020 Presidential win. Those results should have been overthrown.
I hadn't thought of this. Thanks to investigative reporter Paul Sperry for eluding to this.

Glad to see you acknowledge your Orange Jesus is a criminal!

Unfortunately, he probably won’t go to prison. He’d spill his guts to criminals about top secrets!

So after Orange Jesus is sentenced to 641 years, he’ll spend his life with an ankle bracelet in home confinement!

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