BREAKING Revelation! Since President Trump Has Lifetime Secret Service Protection, He Can Never Be Jailed

Nah, your fake outrage is scummier.
Such a valuable contribution to the thread, Bravo! Don't tax what passes for your brain too hard. I get that dirtbags like you can't comprehend the notion of concern for folks who just want to do their jobs. After all, with you degenerates it's all about yourselves. Pathetic.
Such a valuable contribution to the thread, Bravo! Don't tax what passes for your brain too hard. I get that dirtbags like you can't comprehend the notion of concern for folks who just want to do their jobs. After all, with you degenerates it's all about yourselves. Pathetic.
No, that's not it. :rolleyes: I fully support LEO. You feigning sympathy for SS is funny tho.
Like a dog chasing a car in the street. The dog has no real motive. It can not kill the car, or even hurt it. It's just an instinct that some dogs have. They usually end up getting run over.... Democrats are the dog,... but Trump is NOT the car. The car is 80 million angry Americans that just want to Make America not suck so much. Trump is not the car!....... And the dog will get hit eventually.
From what I've read about it, Club Fed could accommodate him and secret service duties.

Secret service doesn't sleep with him now, do they? Nope! :lol: They won't have to there either....not with key arrangements set up....monitoring his cell.... If this is what happens.

It's likely to be a house arrest..... But I don't think a Golf Resort is a home.... Maybe Trump Tower??
SS is there to provide security in places that are not secure. Prison is secure. They coulld assign shifts to have a couple of agents with him when he is not in his cell. Easy duty.

Well, no. But you’re free to make that empty claim.

Well, yes. The entire thread is speculation.

What else would you call it? The entire thread is about whether Trump will serve time, if convicted. There has never been a former president convicted of crimes that call for jail time, and he has not even been to trial yet, so any discussion of his punishment is pure speculation.

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