Breaking: RNC Leader Reince Preibus Announces He Won't Turn Over Party To Trump If He Wins

This comes from Red State, about one of Donald Trump's additions to his team....

Donald Trump Admits To the RNC That He Hires Crappy People | RedState

No sh**. If you hire people who are basically morons you have no right to be surprised when they perform as, well, morons. Naturally, the Trump campaign disputed this because even though Trump, in an unguarded moment, admitted what has been patently obvious for months, that he hires dolts, he has to maintain the image that he only hires the best.

After the account of the meeting was published on Friday morning, Mr. Lewandowski and Mr. Glassner confirmed that the issue of Louisiana had been raised, but said the reports about Mr. Trump expressing aggravation with his team were untrue.

“Mr. Trump specifically asked the R.N.C., ‘Do I have a good delegate team, headed by Ed Brookover?’ They said, ‘Yes you do, he is one of the very best,’” Mr. Lewandowski said. “He said, ‘What else should I do?’” From there, he said, the R.N.C. listed some other types of staff additions he could make.

Yes. The same Lewandowski.

So, now with a contested convention an actual possibility, who does Trump have overseeing it? Via the douche-ilicious Roger Stone:

Paul Manafort? Paul Manafort? Where have I heard that name?

A senior aide to Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump helped a scandal-plagued Ukrainian oligarch with ties to political and criminal figures in Russia park millions of dollars in offshore real estate investments, according to documents released as part of a federal racketeering suit.

The lawsuit, brought by former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko, accused U.S. political consultant Paul Manafort of complicity in a complex scheme of retaliation against Tymoshenko and her political allies for impeding the business interests of Ukrainian gas tycoon Dmitry Firtash.

Tymoshenko claimed that CMZ and other Manafort-run firms were backed not just by Firtash but also by Semion Mogilevich, a Ukrainian national deeply involved in Russian organized crime. Tymoshenko’s lawsuit referred to Mogilevich as a “silent partner” in Group DF.

Mogilevich is “involved in weapons trafficking, contract murders, extortion, drug trafficking, and prostitution on an international scale,” according to the FBI.

In a meeting with the American ambassador to Ukraine in late 2008, Firtash “acknowledged ties to Russian organized crime figure Seymon Mogilevich, stating he needed Mogilevich’s approval to get into business in the first place,” according to a State Department cable released by Wikileaks.

“Firtash acknowledged that he needed, and received, permission from Mogilievich when he established various businesses, but he denied any close relationship to him,” according to the cable.

Firtash is currently wanted by the FBI, which has sought to extradite him to the U.S. on bribery charges since his 2014 apprehension in Austria.

The Trump campaign did not respond to questions about its knowledge of Manafort’s work for Firtash, or the latter’s alleged criminality or ties to the Russian mob. Efforts to reach Manafort were not successful.


In 1989, Manafort was hauled in front of a congressional panel for allegedly working to steer funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development into a slum-like New Jersey real estate development. Manafort, caused a stir then on the Hill with a tart defense of his profession. “You might call it influence-peddling,” he said, according to reports. “I call it lobbying.”

This is the perfect addition to the Trump team. A political fixer with strong ties to the Russian mob and various dictators. What could possibly go wrong?
The thing is Trump does have some leverage. He can run as a third party candidate. Probably won't win but will destroy the GOP's chance, I suspect they've thought of that.
The thing is Trump does have some leverage. He can run as a third party candidate. Probably won't win but will destroy the GOP's chance, I suspect they've thought of that.

With that understanding, Trump has the best chance of securing the nomination.

Every thing else is least likely speculation.
The GOP nominee is most likely Trump with a slight chance for Cruz.

There is no one else. Pleibus has allowed this season To go to far to pitch another candidate.

Plus, the guy he wants lost badly(Jeb).

The people talking about a Romney nomination, or even a Kasich nomination, are talking nonsense to stir up the base.

The GOP nominee is looking less and less likely to be Trump, actually. The numbers are getting worse and worse for him to be able to get the required delegates, and it's pretty certain he won't get it any other way.

We've seen dips in Trumps numbers before, yet he comes back a little stronger!

Such resilience in politics has never been seen before. Also, I doubt Cruz could survive a scandal while Trump only needs to speak his mind.

Math, style and the upcoming regions all favor Trump. Cruz would be hard press to quit if he was against any other candidate in the party.

However, the party big whigs do not want Trump and are desperately lining up behind Cruz. Again, they hope Trump will implode. Again, Trump will astound them.

Yeah, keep bullshitting yourself. How else would you manage to believe that Donald Trump as President is a good idea in the first place?
The GOP nominee is most likely Trump with a slight chance for Cruz.

There is no one else. Pleibus has allowed this season Togo to far to pitch another candidate.

Plus, the guy he wants lost badly(Jeb).

The people talking about a Romney nomination, or even a Kasich nomination, are talking nonsense to stir up the base.

The GOP nominee is looking less and less likely to be Trump, actually. The numbers are getting worse and worse for him to be able to get the required delegates, and it's pretty certain he won't get it any other way.

Then you'll be stuck with Hillary and this country will swirl down the toilet.

You say that like you think Donald Trump is somehow the opposite of that.

He is 1000 times better than Hillary. He won't appoint any leftwing judges to the SC and we will put an end to illegal immigration. That alone is sufficient justification to vote for him.

Prove it. Prove ANY of it. And no, "He said so!" is not proof.
The GOP nominee is most likely Trump with a slight chance for Cruz.

There is no one else. Pleibus has allowed this season Togo to far to pitch another candidate.

Plus, the guy he wants lost badly(Jeb).

The people talking about a Romney nomination, or even a Kasich nomination, are talking nonsense to stir up the base.

The GOP nominee is looking less and less likely to be Trump, actually. The numbers are getting worse and worse for him to be able to get the required delegates, and it's pretty certain he won't get it any other way.

Then you'll be stuck with Hillary and this country will swirl down the toilet.

You say that like you think Donald Trump is somehow the opposite of that.

He is 1000 times better than Hillary. He won't appoint any leftwing judges to the SC and we will put an end to illegal immigration. That alone is sufficient justification to vote for him.

Prove it. Prove ANY of it. And no, "He said so!" is not proof.

We all know that Hillary will be a disaster, don't we?

he's a colossal prick. Just look at him. That's not a man. That's a snotty male feminist.

He should be stabbed, in the face, for all the times he's stabbed people in the back.
Yes...that threat of violence so much a part of the RW scene.

Violence occurs only when Soros funded leftwing stooges show up. Hmmmmm . . . . curious how that works.

Not at all curious. Violence occurs . . . when Trumpettes are presented with someone who disagrees with them.

It just happens that leftwingers are about the only ones with the time to spare to protest this loser.
tinydancerhe'llst: 13922464 said:
Third party is still possible. And watch people who haven't voted in years come out of the wood work in droves.
Its probably what he'll have to do in the end. He'll have to fill a majority and then mount a coup.
tinydancerhe'llst: 13922464 said:
Third party is still possible. And watch people who haven't voted in years come out of the wood work in droves.
Its probably what he'll have to do in the end. He'll have to fill a majority and then mount a coup.

If you get the ground game ready for the eventual outcome of being screwed over by the RNC I think he can take it. Especially if Bernie gets screwed over to. He'll get cross over from the ones that feel that they've been screwed over by the D's.
What's the RNC?

Republican National Committee.
The thing is Trump does have some leverage. He can run as a third party candidate. Probably won't win but will destroy the GOP's chance, I suspect they've thought of that.

I'm sure they have. Problem is, the more his unfavorable ratings climb, the more they have to consider whether letting him flounce off with all his little followers to have a pity party is better or worse for the GOP than being stuck with such a stinker of a candidate.
The GOP nominee is looking less and less likely to be Trump, actually. The numbers are getting worse and worse for him to be able to get the required delegates, and it's pretty certain he won't get it any other way.

Then you'll be stuck with Hillary and this country will swirl down the toilet.

You say that like you think Donald Trump is somehow the opposite of that.

He is 1000 times better than Hillary. He won't appoint any leftwing judges to the SC and we will put an end to illegal immigration. That alone is sufficient justification to vote for him.

Prove it. Prove ANY of it. And no, "He said so!" is not proof.

We all know that Hillary will be a disaster, don't we?

I'm failing to see how that means we must choose a candidate who's arguably just as shitty to run against her. If you were going for, "Quick, PANIC and go along with us!" you're talking to the wrong person.

he's a colossal prick. Just look at him. That's not a man. That's a snotty male feminist.

He should be stabbed, in the face, for all the times he's stabbed people in the back.
Yes...that threat of violence so much a part of the RW scene.

Violence occurs only when Soros funded leftwing stooges show up. Hmmmmm . . . . curious how that works.

Not at all curious. Violence occurs . . . when Trumpettes are presented with someone who disagrees with them.

It just happens that leftwingers are about the only ones with the time to spare to protest this loser.

Why should Trump or his supporters have to tolerate protesters in a private venue paid for by Trump? Apparently that's your position. When did you stop believing in property rights? Why do only leftwing protesters have rights?
Then you'll be stuck with Hillary and this country will swirl down the toilet.

You say that like you think Donald Trump is somehow the opposite of that.

He is 1000 times better than Hillary. He won't appoint any leftwing judges to the SC and we will put an end to illegal immigration. That alone is sufficient justification to vote for him.

Prove it. Prove ANY of it. And no, "He said so!" is not proof.

We all know that Hillary will be a disaster, don't we?

I'm failing to see how that means we must choose a candidate who's arguably just as shitty to run against her. If you were going for, "Quick, PANIC and go along with us!" you're talking to the wrong person.

Sorry, but the claim that he's just as shitty as Hillary doesn't hold water. Is Hillary going to control illegal immigration? Nope, she's going to open the flood gates. If she's elected, the Democrats will be the permanent majority for the next 100 years.

That's what you're supporting: 100 years of Stalinist rule.

he's a colossal prick. Just look at him. That's not a man. That's a snotty male feminist.

He should be stabbed, in the face, for all the times he's stabbed people in the back.
Yes...that threat of violence so much a part of the RW scene.

Violence occurs only when Soros funded leftwing stooges show up. Hmmmmm . . . . curious how that works.

Not at all curious. Violence occurs . . . when Trumpettes are presented with someone who disagrees with them.

It just happens that leftwingers are about the only ones with the time to spare to protest this loser.

Why should Trump or his supporters have to tolerate protesters in a private venue paid for by Trump? Apparently that's your position. When did you stop believing in property rights? Why do only leftwing protesters have rights?

Well, for one thing, because they aren't private venues, and protesting has long been considered a valid exercise of the First Amendment. Apparently, YOUR position is the newly-popular leftwing one of "Why should I have to tolerate people disagreeing with me?! I need a SAFE SPACE where I only hear what I like!"

When did YOU stop believing in butching up and acting like a man and a freedom-loving American?

As to the whole "we rented it and didn't invite them, so that means we should beat the shit out of them" concept so popular with Trumpettes these days, let me advance the outrageous notion that we have law enforcement and a legal system, and taking those activities into private hands is not the hallmark of civilized individuals or a civilized society.
You say that like you think Donald Trump is somehow the opposite of that.

He is 1000 times better than Hillary. He won't appoint any leftwing judges to the SC and we will put an end to illegal immigration. That alone is sufficient justification to vote for him.

Prove it. Prove ANY of it. And no, "He said so!" is not proof.

We all know that Hillary will be a disaster, don't we?

I'm failing to see how that means we must choose a candidate who's arguably just as shitty to run against her. If you were going for, "Quick, PANIC and go along with us!" you're talking to the wrong person.

Sorry, but the claim that he's just as shitty as Hillary doesn't hold water. Is Hillary going to control illegal immigration? Nope, she's going to open the flood gates. If she's elected, the Democrats will be the permanent majority for the next 100 years.

That's what you're supporting: 100 years of Stalinist rule.

If the best argument you have in favor of Donald Trump is "He's not Hillary! Hillary sucks! HILLLLLLARRRRRYYYY!!!" then you've already lost. The nation is filled with 300 million-plus people who are not Hillary Clinton, and that doesn't make any of THEM a good choice for President, either.

Any time you'd like to stop deflecting off onto why Hillary is a shit candidate and answer the question of "How does that make Donald Trump NOT a shit candidate?" let me know.
He is 1000 times better than Hillary. He won't appoint any leftwing judges to the SC and we will put an end to illegal immigration. That alone is sufficient justification to vote for him.

Prove it. Prove ANY of it. And no, "He said so!" is not proof.

We all know that Hillary will be a disaster, don't we?

I'm failing to see how that means we must choose a candidate who's arguably just as shitty to run against her. If you were going for, "Quick, PANIC and go along with us!" you're talking to the wrong person.

Sorry, but the claim that he's just as shitty as Hillary doesn't hold water. Is Hillary going to control illegal immigration? Nope, she's going to open the flood gates. If she's elected, the Democrats will be the permanent majority for the next 100 years.

That's what you're supporting: 100 years of Stalinist rule.

If the best argument you have in favor of Donald Trump is "He's not Hillary! Hillary sucks! HILLLLLLARRRRRYYYY!!!" then you've already lost. The nation is filled with 300 million-plus people who are not Hillary Clinton, and that doesn't make any of THEM a good choice for President, either.

Any time you'd like to stop deflecting off onto why Hillary is a shit candidate and answer the question of "How does that make Donald Trump NOT a shit candidate?" let me know.
Is Trump the libertarian dream candidate? No. If you're waiting for the libertarian dream, then why don't you just quit altogether because that is never going to happen?

If Trump was running against Adolph Hitler himself, apparently you would vote third party and help Hitler get elected because Trump isn't the ideal libertarian candidate. The claim that Trump is no better than Hillary doesn't pass the laugh test.
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he's a colossal prick. Just look at him. That's not a man. That's a snotty male feminist.

He should be stabbed, in the face, for all the times he's stabbed people in the back.
Yes...that threat of violence so much a part of the RW scene.

Violence occurs only when Soros funded leftwing stooges show up. Hmmmmm . . . . curious how that works.

Not at all curious. Violence occurs . . . when Trumpettes are presented with someone who disagrees with them.

It just happens that leftwingers are about the only ones with the time to spare to protest this loser.

Why should Trump or his supporters have to tolerate protesters in a private venue paid for by Trump? Apparently that's your position. When did you stop believing in property rights? Why do only leftwing protesters have rights?

Well, for one thing, because they aren't private venues,

When you rent them, they are. IF you rent government housing, do you think protesters are allowed to walk through your door without an invitation and help themselves to the content of your refrigerator?

and protesting has long been considered a valid exercise of the First Amendment. Apparently, YOUR position is the newly-popular leftwing one of "Why should I have to tolerate people disagreeing with me?! I need a SAFE SPACE where I only hear what I like!"

They can protest all they want outside at a safe distance from Trump and his supporters. The have no right to disrupt Trump's events, just as your brother-in-law has no right to walk into your house uninvited.

When did YOU stop believing in butching up and acting like a man and a freedom-loving American?

As to the whole "we rented it and didn't invite them, so that means we should beat the shit out of them" concept so popular with Trumpettes these days, let me advance the outrageous notion that we have law enforcement and a legal system, and taking those activities into private hands is not the hallmark of civilized individuals or a civilized society.

"Freedom" includes the right to exclude others from property that you own or rent. That seems to be what you don't understand. The protesters aren't the only ones with rights. No one is advocating beatings for the protesters, but if the refuse to leave peacefully, then the use of force is both legal and justified.

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