BREAKING: Shooting at Ft. Hood

Well, well, well.
The Muslim haters have been shown up as the idiots they are and now we know it was just a nutter with a legally held gun, the right wing loons are defending easy access to firearms.

It was the drugs, it was a mental condition, it was a little pixie with a limp - anything but the truth


How dare you post facts.

Another fact: there were armed people there.

Actually, you fucking idiot, he was Puerto Rican. And I don't hate "Muslims". I hate Muslims that want to destroy my country. Get it you liberal fucktard?

Puerto Ricans ARE American citizens.

How did people get to be so damned ignorant?
We really need to address mental health issues of our vets but instead, the nutters are wanting to allow on-base military to carry concealed weapons.


Who said anything about concealed?

Exactly. I want them to be able to carry them out in plain sight.

Actually, someone did say "concealed" but, IMO, that is cowardly. Anyone who carries a gun should be required to carry it out in the open because we all have the right to be safe from these idiots.
Fort Hood Victims Danny Ferguson, Tim Owens Were Tragic, Heroic - ABC News

<Sgt. First Class Danny Ferguson died a hero, his fiance told CBS affiliate WTSP in Tampa, Fla.

Ferguson used his body to keep the door shut so Lopez couldn&#8217;t enter, said Kristin Haley, also a soldier stationed at Fort Hood.

&#8220;It seems the doors would be bullet proof, but apparently they&#8217;re not,&#8221; Haley, who was nearby but escaped uninjured, told the station. &#8220;If he wasn&#8217;t the one standing there holding those doors closed, that shooter would have been able to get through and shoot everyone else.&#8221;

Ferguson, from Mulberry, Fla., had just returned from Afghanistan, the station reported.

The third victim has yet to be named.

Major Patrick Miller was among the 16 wounded. Information about the 32-year-old Iraq war veteran&#8217;s condition has not been released. Miller is from Allegany, N.Y. but lives with his wife outside Austin, Texas.

This is someone who should be remembered. There are those who aren't all they should/could be in the military and the in the civilian population. No way to achieve perfection.

So many great men and women who serve this nation every day. That should be the focus.
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Well, well, well.
The Muslim haters have been shown up as the idiots they are and now we know it was just a nutter with a legally held gun, the right wing loons are defending easy access to firearms.

It was the drugs, it was a mental condition, it was a little pixie with a limp - anything but the truth


How dare you post facts.

Another fact: there were armed people there.

Actually, you fucking idiot, he was Puerto Rican. And I don't hate "Muslims". I hate Muslims that want to destroy my country. Get it you liberal fucktard?

Puerto Ricans ARE American citizens.

How did people get to be so damned ignorant?

No shit. He's a puerto Rican. American or not. He is not native to the United States - you ignorant fool. He is not a native born "citizen" born in the contiguous 50 states. Now, I am well aware that your boy thinks that there are 57 states. There are not. The others are a TERRITORIES of the United States. Those people are GRANTED citizenship per treaty.
No shit. He's a puerto Rican. American or not. He is not native to the United States - you ignorant fool. He is not a native born "citizen" born in the contiguous 50 states. Now, I am well aware that your boy thinks that there are 57 states. There are not. The others are a TERRITORIES of the United States. Those people are GRANTED citizenship per treaty.

Actually, since you forced the Spanish to give up Puerto Rico, you slowly gave the occupied citizens more power.
In time, they were considered Americans and were able to hold a U.S. passport.

United States passport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

By acts of Congress, every person born in Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands is a United States citizen by birth.[37] Also, every person born in the former Panama Canal Zone whose father or mother (or both) was a citizen is a United States citizen by birth

Sorry, Randall, old chap - you're a clueless idiot. :)

When are we going to learn?

you should be embarrassed for this but its you
Well, well, well.
The Muslim haters have been shown up as the idiots they are and now we know it was just a nutter with a legally held gun, the right wing loons are defending easy access to firearms.

It was the drugs, it was a mental condition, it was a little pixie with a limp - anything but the truth


How dare you post facts.

Another fact: there were armed people there.

Actually, you fucking idiot, he was Puerto Rican. And I don't hate "Muslims". I hate Muslims that want to destroy my country. Get it you liberal fucktard?

Puerto Ricans ARE American citizens.

How did people get to be so damned ignorant?

No shit. He's a puerto Rican. American or not. He is not native to the United States - you ignorant fool. He is not a native born "citizen" born in the contiguous 50 states. Now, I am well aware that your boy thinks that there are 57 states. There are not. The others are a TERRITORIES of the United States. Those people are GRANTED citizenship per treaty. those people are granted citizenship via treaty.

Hate to tell you, but everyone born after the ratification of that treaty is actually a U.S. born citizen.

And....................also hate to tell you, but some of those people who helped to get the treaty ratified could be grandfathered in.

Fail on the "not a native citizen" front.
Fort Hood gunman's dad says son 'not in his right mind'

--They/The Army--are going to review everything about this soldier's life. Scrutinize medical issues and care provided. As far as I am concerned--no decision can ever be reached. 'We did this and we did that...' and yet it was not enough.

--Apparently in addition to purchasing the hand gun and ammunition last week he made several trips back to the gun store to purchase more ammunition.

--'It was not premeditated.' 'It was not a psychological break--he didn't 'snap.' I have heard both and both may be correct.

--Knowing nothing but the few facts that were first available--I surmised that there are pressures inherent to military life and life in general. Financial pressures can certainly complicate depression/anxiety. Someone with expertise confirmed this. Having recently transferred from another base --his family had just joined him. He was making $28,000. Older than most in his classification and likely frustrated over a number of things.

-I hope some solutions can be found---how the military can change 'the stigma' associated with mental illness--I don't know. Some have suggested that if 'a person' is diagnosed with depression/anxiety, etc --then they should not be able to purchase a gun. I can't see that happening.

--In another forum--posters in the military described the complexities of allowing each soldier to be armed while on base. They felt that wouldn't work, either. They were absolutely certain that there was no chance that hand guns would ever be authorized and that the weapons issued on post could easily be lost or stolen.

ie---<We lack the finances to keep everybody qualified at all times. In the AF we (non-SFS) go years between qualifications because we can't afford bullets. We qualify before deployments because that's when we'll be carrying weapons.

I can't even imagine the cost associated with acquiring enough M-16s, M-9s, and M-4s to arm everyone on base. My goodness, the clusterF that would occur trying to arm up and turn in weapons with that many thousands of other people every day would be crazy.

I read that the gunman used a .45. That's not military issue, so he went there with the intention of using his gun.

I also read that he was an OIF veteran. I'm relieved you read his TBI evaluation was for an in-garrison injury because I was really concerned about the years between OIF and this. >
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Gee he wasn't in his right mind. What a shocker. Maybe they should have diagnosed that sometime in the three fucking years he was telling them that.
Gee he wasn't in his right mind. What a shocker. Maybe they should have diagnosed that sometime in the three fucking years he was telling them that.

There should be screaming and yelling about 'Reduction In Force'.

? The Army--? I think they just said The Army--is getting ready to let 100,000 people go.

Just tell me that isn't on everybody's minds.
No one else has said--'I'm surprised that there aren't more such incidents'--so I'll be the first--because I am.

Just how low can we go. Rhetorical question for the Commander in Chief.

I try to 'live with' the realities--so much going on in my own life--but I truly am frightened by what is proposed for Defense--and all those who have sacrificed so much. 'Heartbreaking'---yes, it is--this is no way to treat those that defend our country. Money--they don't have the money and cannot provide enough qualified medical professionals to adequately care for personnel.

No need to analyze much further.

What does the POTUS say about that? I haven't heard anything. He's sorry--fine. 'Military families are resilient'--that has been said. There comes a point when that is just not enough. This should be the 'handwriting on the wall'---more money ASAP.
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Fort Hood gunman's dad says son 'not in his right mind'

--They/The Army--are going to review everything about this soldier's life. Scrutinize medical issues and care provided. As far as I am concerned--no decision can ever be reached. 'We did this and we did that...' and yet it was not enough.

Ah, I get it.
The poor lad just went loopy and shot a load of people as he cracked.
I didn't realise you could buy a pistol and take it with you that day - I thought there was a cooling off period.
You learn something new every day.
Fort Hood gunman's dad says son 'not in his right mind'

--They/The Army--are going to review everything about this soldier's life. Scrutinize medical issues and care provided. As far as I am concerned--no decision can ever be reached. 'We did this and we did that...' and yet it was not enough.

Ah, I get it.
The poor lad just went loopy and shot a load of people as he cracked.
I didn't realise you could buy a pistol and take it with you that day - I thought there was a cooling off period.
You learn something new every day.

Actually--if 'reading between the lines' is permitted--this guy seems to have been holding a number of grudges for quite some time. Is that a mental disorder? or lack of character?

The issue of Traumatic Brain Injury--was he trying to 'work the system'? That is not out of the realm of possibilities.

Anyone who wants to get back on the merry-go-round of 'what can be done about mental health'--feel free.
Ah, I get it.
The poor lad just went loopy and shot a load of people as he cracked.
I didn't realise you could buy a pistol and take it with you that day - I thought there was a cooling off period.
You learn something new every day.

There is a federal 7 day waiting period on all hand gun purchases.

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not here if you have a CCW. I believe that applies to those with no permit. I've had a few guns follow me home the day we first met.
Ah, I get it.
The poor lad just went loopy and shot a load of people as he cracked.
I didn't realise you could buy a pistol and take it with you that day - I thought there was a cooling off period.
You learn something new every day.

There is a federal 7 day waiting period on all hand gun purchases.

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Not here if you have a CCW. I believe that applies to those with no permit. I've had a few guns follow me home the day we first met.

Did the shooter have a CCW?

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