BREAKING: Shooting at Ft. Hood

Yes. No ums about it! Research the other shooters including the cop. All on the same SSRI drugs. Time to prosecute these pharmaceutical cartels who are creating these dangerous drugs! Yes! It is!
Yes. No ums about it! Research the other shooters including the cop. All on the same SSRI drugs. Time to prosecute these pharmaceutical cartels who are creating these dangerous drugs! Yes! It is!

I was told it was the Muslims fault earlier on in this thread!
Now it's 'pharmaceutical cartels'!

Who am I to believe?!
Looks like those who defend our country are still not allowed to carry guns at their own facility

If those working there would be packing heat, this would've been over quickly..

Ft Hood does not have weapons???? That's kinda dumb isn't it?

Gracie, yes ,and here is more. Remember last night you and I were wondering how long bases had been gun-free ( basically ) and I had wondered under which president that law was implemented or had it always been that way? Well check this out. It was Bill Clinton, in 1993.

The grievous shooting at Fort Hood Wednesday claimed three innocent lives and left 16 wounded—the deaths occurred in a gun-free zone due to former president Clinton’s 1993 policy to disarm soldiers on military bases.

The attack at Fort Hood lasted 15 minutes before military police arrived and exchanged fire with the shooter who then shot himself, according to the Wall Street Journal.

“Only the most out-of-touch radical would try to disarm soldiers,” Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) noted in a press release. He urged House members Thursday to repeal the ban and support his “Safe Military Bases Act.”

This is the third mass shooting on a military base in five years, and it’s because our trained soldiers aren’t allowed to carry defensive weapons. Anti-gun activists have turned our military bases into soft targets for killers.

Only the most out-of-touch radical would try to disarm soldiers.----

more: GOP Rep. Stockman Urges House to Repeal Gun Ban on Military Bases - Sarah Jean Seman
Yes. No ums about it! Research the other shooters including the cop. All on the same SSRI drugs. Time to prosecute these pharmaceutical cartels who are creating these dangerous drugs! Yes! It is!

I was told it was the Muslims fault earlier on in this thread!
Now it's 'pharmaceutical cartels'!

Who am I to believe?!

It's gay hispanic muslims who work for the drug companies.
Even after we granted the Rep. of Ireland independence, men and women from Ireland are welcome to serve in Britain's armed forces, but since the troubles in Ulster it has always been made clear to potential recruits from Ireland that they face extensive and intrusive background checks to determine their loyalties and whether or not something from their past would render them vulnerable to blackmail. It takes several months and I know for a fact that investigators are so thorough that they ask recruits' parents what kind of pornography they suspect their son or daughter enjoys watching. And these were all White Catholics. So I see no reason why Muslim recruits shouldn't undergo an equally intrusive vetting procedure. Although I hasten to add that I believe all Muslims should be deported from Britain, and if I were American the same attitude would apply to Muslims in America.

Ah, but therein lies the problem. America is being overrun with those who can't lay claim to citizenship and they are being celebrated by those who seek the demise of the United States. We WELCOME those whose backgrounds would suggest that their loyalties lie with another government, or ideology and the left in this country, while demonizing those who follow Christianity, love the idea of a radical Muslim theocracy (as long as it serves their purposes of "bringing down" the Evil United States). I suppose that once their goal is accomplished, they'll "politely" ask them to return to the 14th century.

As to Britian. You guys have subjucated the Irish and the Scottish for the last 2,000 years and haved lauded over them in perpetuity. The Scots hate your guts, the Irish despise you and is it any wonder? Take a long look at your history. Scotland is close to (at long last) declaring Independence from the Crown. It's about time. I have dear friends whose families came here before the revolutionary war and settled in Kentucky and Tennessee. And STILL, their ancestors were hunted by the Crown. Fortunately, this evil country was able to send the "Red Coats" packing.

Think about it.
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First, it has been reported for days that they were looking for a Muslim, ex Army recruit who was planning another Ft. Hood style shooting rampage. And the sonofabitch gets on that very base and starts killing! Second, the only people who carry weapons and live ammo on military bases are Military Police.

Yup. All other arms are in the armory. No one walks around a base armed except for the MP's.

Too bad though. Some soldiers could have blown that SOB to hell and gone.

They should reverse the ban on Military personnel carrying arms.

Well, in all honesty, there is a bigger problem and it is just as pervasive in both the military as well as the civilian community.

Mental Health.

There was a time in this country when mental health issues were taken seriously. Sometimes TOO seriously. Now, however, some nut job is running around out in public and his "therapist" prescribed some pill. It's up to the patient to "self medicate". Sometimes they do - sometimes they don't. Then one day they go their rails, start hearing voices, and they go out and kill a bunch of innocents. What does the public do? Do they blame the patient? Do they blame the therapist that failed (miserably) at his job? No. After all, we're all VICTIMS today. No, instead, they blame an inanimate object - a gun for the carnage.

Folks, this will go on forever until we go back and begin institutionalizing these nut cases. This cycle will (as it has already proven) repeat itself over and over. And, if we outlaw the inanimate object (the gun) the nut bags will use axes, or knives, or ball-peen hammers.
Yes. No ums about it! Research the other shooters including the cop. All on the same SSRI drugs. Time to prosecute these pharmaceutical cartels who are creating these dangerous drugs! Yes! It is!

I was told it was the Muslims fault earlier on in this thread!
Now it's 'pharmaceutical cartels'!

Who am I to believe?!

Reread the thread. I said if it wasn't a muslim it would have to be a shooter like Columbine, Newtown, mall shooters, cop in California shoot out. All were on SSRI's. I said he would have had to been on an SSRI. Off the rails. Go back and look. I was right.
Yup. All other arms are in the armory. No one walks around a base armed except for the MP's.

Too bad though. Some soldiers could have blown that SOB to hell and gone.

They should reverse the ban on Military personnel carrying arms.

Well, in all honesty, there is a bigger problem and it is just as pervasive in both the military as well as the civilian community.

Mental Health.

There was a time in this country when mental health issues were taken seriously. Sometimes TOO seriously. Now, however, some nut job is running around out in public and his "therapist" prescribed some pill. It's up to the patient to "self medicate". Sometimes they do - sometimes they don't. Then one day they go their rails, start hearing voices, and they go out and kill a bunch of innocents. What does the public do? Do they blame the patient? Do they blame the therapist that failed (miserably) at his job? No. After all, we're all VICTIMS today. No, instead, they blame an inanimate object - a gun for the carnage.

Folks, this will go on forever until we go back and begin institutionalizing these nut cases. This cycle will (as it has already proven) repeat itself over and over. And, if we outlaw the inanimate object (the gun) the nut bags will use axes, or knives, or ball-peen hammers.

It's the SSRI drugs. They have to outlaw those drugs in America and stop the madness. It is time to demand these pharmaceutical cartels are prosecuted. These drugs are synthetic. They do not leave the body. They accumulate. Do you have any idea what SSRI's do to your liver? I just lost a family member yesterday to cancer of the liver. They were on SSRI drug for over 10 yrs. That is what caused the cancer. I'm certain of it. These drugs have been proven very, very dangerous. The money being made is outrageous and the quack psychiatrists and psychologists who have never cured a single person in their lives should be sent packing! These drugs are not fit for anything but the trash bin!
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They should reverse the ban on Military personnel carrying arms.

Well, in all honesty, there is a bigger problem and it is just as pervasive in both the military as well as the civilian community.

Mental Health.

There was a time in this country when mental health issues were taken seriously. Sometimes TOO seriously. Now, however, some nut job is running around out in public and his "therapist" prescribed some pill. It's up to the patient to "self medicate". Sometimes they do - sometimes they don't. Then one day they go their rails, start hearing voices, and they go out and kill a bunch of innocents. What does the public do? Do they blame the patient? Do they blame the therapist that failed (miserably) at his job? No. After all, we're all VICTIMS today. No, instead, they blame an inanimate object - a gun for the carnage.

Folks, this will go on forever until we go back and begin institutionalizing these nut cases. This cycle will (as it has already proven) repeat itself over and over. And, if we outlaw the inanimate object (the gun) the nut bags will use axes, or knives, or ball-peen hammers.

It's the SSRI drugs. They have to outlaw those drugs in America and stop the madness. It is time to demand these pharmaceutical cartels are prosecuted. These drugs are synthetic. They do not leave the body. They accumulate. Do you have any idea what SSRI's do to your liver? I just lost a family member yesterday to cancer of the liver. They were on SSRI drug for over 10 yrs. That is what caused the cancer. I'm certain of it. These drugs have been proven very, very dangerous. The money being made is outrageous and the quack psychiatrists and psychologists who have never cured a single person in their lives should be sent packing! These drugs are not fit for anything but the trash bin!

And I agree. Psychiatrists and Psychologists are nothing more than bullshit witch doctors. They have forwarded this agenda that a "pill solves the problem" for years now, rather than accept responsibility for allowing the "monsters to live among us". Yes, there ARE people that can be helped by medication - I have little doubt of that. But to lump the entire human psyche into a medication - It's like treating a broken leg with spinal surgery, it makes no sense. Common senses dictates that there are SOME mental health issues that require hospitalization, if for no other reason than the good of both the patient and the public at large.

Ever see that photo of that nut bag kid that killed all those babies? How in God's name was that wack Job EVER allowed to walk our streets? His "Doctor" should have his license revoked and the living hell beaten out of him by each of those families that lost a child that day.
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Since I first heard about this about 12 hours ago, I've had the news on several times (CNN, BBC, Sky News are the ones I get) and almost nothing is being said about this incident. Anyone got more details? It seems it is not a big news story. Why not?
Well, well, well.
The Muslim haters have been shown up as the idiots they are and now we know it was just a nutter with a legally held gun, the right wing loons are defending easy access to firearms.

It was the drugs, it was a mental condition, it was a little pixie with a limp - anything but the truth

What are you talking about Es? They have covered it too much. And did anyone see that anti gun diatribe Maddow went on? During said rant she flipped through all the 'mass' shooting stories at which time she referenced 11 people shot at the Empire state building by a gunman. Trouble is she left out the part that it was not a mass shooting. Just one guy shooting another. And that 10 of the people injured or killed were shot by POLICE who were spraying and praying on the sidewalk.That wasn't the only thing the hack lied about either. The gun gungrabber shitbags will sink as low as it takes to push an agenda.
What are you talking about Es? They have covered it too much. And did anyone see that anti gun diatribe Maddow went on? During said rant she flipped through all the 'mass' shooting stories at which time she referenced 11 people shot at the Empire state building by a gunman. Trouble is she left out the part that it was not a mass shooting. Just one guy shooting another. And that 10 of the people injured or killed were shot by POLICE who were spraying and praying on the sidewalk.That wasn't the only thing the hack lied about either. The gun gungrabber shitbags will sink as low as it takes to push an agenda.

Not from where I'm watching; maybe it's the time difference. I don't even know who Maddow is. I've watched the news what was last evening for me and now this morning, those 3 stations, and not more than a snippet of mention of this incident. I went to the CNN online news and got more just now.
Well, well, well.
The Muslim haters have been shown up as the idiots they are and now we know it was just a nutter with a legally held gun, the right wing loons are defending easy access to firearms.

It was the drugs, it was a mental condition, it was a little pixie with a limp - anything but the truth


Actually, you fucking idiot, he was Puerto Rican. And I don't hate "Muslims". I hate Muslims that want to destroy my country. Get it you liberal fucktard?
Well, well, well.
The Muslim haters have been shown up as the idiots they are and now we know it was just a nutter with a legally held gun, the right wing loons are defending easy access to firearms.

It was the drugs, it was a mental condition, it was a little pixie with a limp - anything but the truth


Actually, you fucking idiot, he was Puerto Rican. And I don't hate "Muslims". I hate Muslims that want to destroy my country. Get it you liberal fucktard?

Puerto Ricans are American. Puerto Rico is an unincorporated territory of the United States. "In 1917, the U.S. granted citizenship to Puerto Ricans. In 1948, it granted Puerto Ricans the right to elect their own governor. In 1952, under request by the United States, a local territorial constitution was adopted and ratified by the electorate. Under the tenets of the Puerto Rico Federal Relations Act, Puerto Ricans are still subject to the plenary jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress, and the island continues as a U.S. territory." Wiki . Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens.

Randall: You're an American and didn't know that? Ivan Lopez was an American citizen.
They were talking about 'motive' today--'It will be a while before those injured can be interviewed and we can discover more about a possible motive.'

I was surprised at myself--I don't even care what the motive might have been.

Whatever is learned--this individual had to have been having 'antisocial thoughts' for a while. Others have commented that certain antidepressants or psychiatric drugs can increase 'irritability' and other related issues. I would also be inclined to think that if sleeplessness was an issue--that could have been a side effect of the Rx's he had been given. This adds up to 'less than stellar' mental health services provided in this case.

Something 'they' already know. Not a lot to figure out--from my seat in the peanut gallery.
Yes. No ums about it! Research the other shooters including the cop. All on the same SSRI drugs. Time to prosecute these pharmaceutical cartels who are creating these dangerous drugs! Yes! It is!

I was told it was the Muslims fault earlier on in this thread!
Now it's 'pharmaceutical cartels'!

Who am I to believe?!

It's gay hispanic muslims who work for the drug companies.

They were talking about 'motive' today--'It will be a while before those injured can be interviewed and we can discover more about a possible motive.'

I was surprised at myself--I don't even care what the motive might have been.

Whatever is learned--this individual had to have been having 'antisocial thoughts' for a while. Others have commented that certain antidepressants or psychiatric drugs can increase 'irritability' and other related issues. I would also be inclined to think that if sleeplessness was an issue--that could have been a side effect of the Rx's he had been given. This adds up to 'less than stellar' mental health services provided in this case.

Something 'they' already know. Not a lot to figure out--from my seat in the peanut gallery.
They are essentially experimenting with drugs and giving them out like candy. People need to wake up to just how dangerous that can be.

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