BREAKING: Shooting at Ft. Hood

Names don't mean much, Esmeralda. Booker is an american last name. Booker is aso a muslim obviously. This is a photo of the shooter. He doesn't look Spanish to me.

And he doesn't look the least bit Middle Eastern. He doesn't look like a North African and he doesn't look Indonesian of Pakistani. He could very well be Latino. He looks more like George Zimmerman than anything else, who is half Latino.

Regardless of ethnicity--a troubled individual. Too many of those, lately--even one is too many? That is what I perceive the problem to be.
That may be true, Esmeralda! I cannot tell from his photograph what he is but he didn't strike me as Spanish ( Lopez - common name in Spain ) I did find this news link about his social network. According to the people on it they all thought he was a Muslim. Another poster wrote he converted to Islam a year ago. Read it for yourself here:

9 Ivan Lopez Photos - Fort Hood Shooting Gunman: Is Religion Muslim?
The gunman of today’s shooting at Fort Hood has been identified as Ivan Lopez. According to initial rumors, he is a 34-year-old from Killeen, Texas who is currently an active member of the United States military. Right now, authorities are saying four people are dead including the gunman, who apparently committed suicide after his heinous crime spree.

Look down below to see pictures regarding Ivan Lopez and this Fort Hood shooting. At this point in the investigation, most everything is rumors and speculation — so we obviously can’t confirm the authenticity of all the images.

Prior to the gunman being identified, many on social networks speculated his religion was going to be Muslim. However, this guy has a Hispanic name, which has surprised many.

Click the right arrow in order to scroll through the gallery.....


It appears the people on the social networks were surprised to learn he had a hispanic name as they assumed he was Muslim. Why would so many social networks have assumed such a thing? It isn't that difficult of a thing to notice folks. There are Chinese Muslims, Hispanic Muslims, British Muslims, don't get hung up on ethnicity... the fruit of Islam is violence against non muslims.

Question! When did we ever have a problem with soldiers shooting their own brothers on military bases before 9/11? When has there ever been a case of a non Muslim shooter on a military base?
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That may be true, Esmeralda! I cannot tell from his photograph what he is but he didn't strike me as Spanish ( Lopez - common name in Spain ) I did find this news link about his social network. According to the people on it they all thought he was a Muslim. Another poster wrote he converted to Islam a year ago. Read it for yourself here:

9 Ivan Lopez Photos - Fort Hood Shooting Gunman: Is Religion Muslim?
The gunman of today’s shooting at Fort Hood has been identified as Ivan Lopez. According to initial rumors, he is a 34-year-old from Killeen, Texas who is currently an active member of the United States military. Right now, authorities are saying four people are dead including the gunman, who apparently committed suicide after his heinous crime spree.

Look down below to see pictures regarding Ivan Lopez and this Fort Hood shooting. At this point in the investigation, most everything is rumors and speculation — so we obviously can’t confirm the authenticity of all the images.

Prior to the gunman being identified, many on social networks speculated his religion was going to be Muslim. However, this guy has a Hispanic name, which has surprised many.

Click the right arrow in order to scroll through the gallery.....


It appears the peopel on the social networks were surprised to learn he had a hispanic name as they assumed he was Muslim. Why would so many social networks have assumed such a thing? It isn't that difficult of a thing to notice folks. There are Chinese Muslims, Hispanic Muslims, British Muslims, don't get hung up on ethnicity...

No, I'm not interested in social network gossip.
That may be true, Esmeralda! I cannot tell from his photograph what he is but he didn't strike me as Spanish ( Lopez - common name in Spain ) I did find this news link about his social network. According to the people on it they all thought he was a Muslim. Another poster wrote he converted to Islam a year ago. Read it for yourself here:

9 Ivan Lopez Photos - Fort Hood Shooting Gunman: Is Religion Muslim?

His wife is cooperating in the investigation. Home has been searched, computers and any relevant documents are being analyzed. I have no doubt that in 'due time'---the public will be informed. I have no doubt that beyond 'official' assessments--there are those who will investigate further. What should then be done, that is what I do not know.

I know one military wife and mother said that things 'seemed back to normal' at the end of the day yesterday--and I would hope that every effort is made to keep life on base on an even keel. That seems realistic. About all we can do--fresh horrors each day, I know.
Google "vietnam vet shooting spree" and you find a good few of them.
I don't normally use google but you could google 'couldn't back it up'.
I think PTSD has always been there for men who have seen active service and whilst I'm sure that statistically almost all of them either do not suffer, manage what they have seen or get the help that they need there will be a few who suffer in silence and and even smaller minority who will go off the deep end. Sad fact of war but I don't think that as there have been a couple of high profile ones of the past 18 months you can take that to be a trend or an indicator of a change in trend. They are just isolated tragedies.
Looks like a trend to me. Along with school shootings. Mall shootings. I think it has more to do with an undisciplined me generation throwing the ultimate temper tantrum.
If it is a shooting like the mall shootings or Newtown the shooter will be on psychotronic drugs like Solvay manufactures. Those drugs have been behind mass shootings all over America. He would have to be on an SSRI drug just as every single one of the former mass shooters were. They were all on SSRI drugs. Including the cop in California story. These drugs cause suicide and mass murder episodes. They should be banned completely.
The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.
If it is a shooting like the mall shootings or Newtown the shooter will be on psychotronic drugs like Solvay manufactures. Those drugs have been behind mass shootings all over America. He would have to be on an SSRI drug just as every single one of the former mass shooters were. They were all on SSRI drugs. Including the cop in California story. These drugs cause suicide and mass murder episodes. They should be banned completely.

Another issue that should be 'thrashed out'. By whom?--Not me of that I am certain.
Sometimes 'some' drugs are effective--'difficult to find the right dosage or combination of drugs'---very true.

Once again--'it is up to the people involved with a 'troubled person' to report any changes or erratic behavior'. Yes, I guess it is--ultimately.

Yesterday's shooter is said to have been evaluated by military psychiatrists last month--nothing exceptional--no suicidal intentions, no violent tendencies--so continue the Rx's and monitor. So help me --I don't know what more can be done.

Little consolation to the families of those killed--and 3 others still in critical condition -one with a spinal injury, one abdominal injury and another with a neck injury.

He bought the gun legally, passed security clearance checks. I assume he didn't share with those around him --'I am going to buy a gun today.' Likely did not share his true thoughts and feelings with many people. Making the task of identifying changes in moods or behavior quite difficult.

Pretty much the same--each time.
The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.

That's true. A person with Muslim beliefs could also be suffering from depression/anxiety, etc. A person with Muslim beliefs could be an extremist--intent on a terroristic act.

My response to each would be different.

This came up at the congressional hearing on the military budget today. fwiw.

That is where I feel the issue should be addressed.
He wasn't in a position to change policy, it's above his pay grade. To say otherwise is an early retirement.
The answer is obvious, let soldiers carry on post. If they can't be trusted, remove them from active service. The news said he was 34.

I know PTSD is real but wonder how soldiers dealt with it in the past without this sort of thing going on.

They shot the assholes who posed a threat before they got going.

Our soldiers at Ft Hood and our kids at every school that advertises as "unarmed" are sitting ducks. They're just targets. The soldiers know it. And the kids are terrified because they don't feel safe.

It would be fun to arm the teachers.
Well some of them anyway.

There are cases where school shootings have been stopped/prevented by either teachers or school employees, or just random citizens walking buy, who had a weapon and stopped the attacks. More than one.

But you don't hear about that in the news, do you. Notice the emphasis on the fact that this killer was a SOLDIER. Obviously, the problem is SOLDIERS. If it wasn't for soldiers and guns, I'm sure nobody would ever die, anywhere. Makes me sick.
The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.

Was he?

I hadn't even thought of it, but suppose I should have, given the location and the history of shootings at Ft. Hood....
First, it has been reported for days that they were looking for a Muslim, ex Army recruit who was planning another Ft. Hood style shooting rampage. And the sonofabitch gets on that very base and starts killing! Second, the only people who carry weapons and live ammo on military bases are Military Police.

Yup. All other arms are in the armory. No one walks around a base armed except for the MP's.

Too bad though. Some soldiers could have blown that SOB to hell and gone.
The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.

That's true. A person with Muslim beliefs could also be suffering from depression/anxiety, etc. A person with Muslim beliefs could be an extremist--intent on a terroristic act.

My response to each would be different.

This came up at the congressional hearing on the military budget today. fwiw.

That is where I feel the issue should be addressed.

Article and picture of killer, below:

Authorities on Thursday were still investigating why an Iraq War veteran shot and killed three people and wounded 16 others at Texas’ Fort Hood before committing suicide — and have not ruled out terrorism.

“We’re going to keep an open mind. … Possible extremist involvement is still being looked at very, very carefully,” Army Secretary John McHugh told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Thursday.

Much, much more:

Possible ?extremist involvement? probed in Fort Hood shooting spree | New York Post
Fort Hood shooter showed no suicidal tendencies, U.S. Army says | Reuters

I would be curious to know how it was determined he showed no suicidal tendencies. If they asked him, 'Do you have thoughts of suicide?' and he said, 'No'. That is questionable.

<Shaneice Banks, 21, a self-described Army wife, was with Lopez's wife when news of the shooting broke.

"She heard her husband's name on the news and she just lost it," Banks told Reuters.

Another neighbor, Mahogoney Jones, 21, said the wife was in a state of panic. "She's calling and calling her husband because she feels something is wrong. She kept screaming 'No answer! No answer!'".

Jones said she last saw Lopez when he came home for lunch on the day of the shooting.

"He was calm. He petted my dog and then went back to base," she said.>

Perhaps he was calm because he had made a decision?

Far be it from me to pretend that I can analyze anyone--much less those employed in high stress jobs such as I imagine those in the military to be.
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First, it has been reported for days that they were looking for a Muslim, ex Army recruit who was planning another Ft. Hood style shooting rampage. And the sonofabitch gets on that very base and starts killing! Second, the only people who carry weapons and live ammo on military bases are Military Police.

Yup. All other arms are in the armory. No one walks around a base armed except for the MP's.

Too bad though. Some soldiers could have blown that SOB to hell and gone.

They should reverse the ban on Military personnel carrying arms.
Why? Soldiers are men and women, they like guns, many of them have families, a fort or base or post is like a small town to a medium size city.

People hurt each other, unfortunately.

Fort Hood is the largest military installation in the world. It's the second largest city (in terms of square miles) in Texas. Nearly 50,000 soldiers and their dependents there at any one time. A military installation is no different than any other town or city. Same demographic as any other town. Men, Women, Children. Police and Fire, Hospitals, Stores, movie theaters, restaurants, day care, swimming pools.

Unfortunately, as a result of that, you have the same problems with crime as any other city.

And that place is huge!!! 340 sq. miles or 217,600 acres !!:eek:

My house is half a dozen miles south east of Fort Hood. My daughter is an ER nurse for the trauma 1 center where the victims went. Small world.

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