BREAKING: Shooting at Ft. Hood

Yup. All other arms are in the armory. No one walks around a base armed except for the MP's.

Too bad though. Some soldiers could have blown that SOB to hell and gone.

Like who? According to the news only one lone cop lady stood bravely in a huddling pile of soldiers....and watched him blow his brains out.

The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.

Unless you're a Leftytoon. Then it's whether something went bang. Speaking of that.

Question for liberals: Why are virtually all of these mass shooters democrats?
Question for partisan fucktards: what happened to you in life that caused you to view every world event in terms of political spectrum and how it can used to attack the other team?

Agreed. It's a little soon. Maddow and Sharpton haven't even started their new gun grab campaign yet.

Alll afternoon long on CNN and MSNBC. Gun gun gun gun gun gun gun he had a gun he bought a gun his dog saw him with a gun. Gungungungungungun.

The loon train has officially descended just like I said. Take off the gloves boys. And while you're out there show some extra care for the dead people. They certainly aren't doing it.

Oh and all you assholes who are trying to make this a terror attack. Knock it the fuck off.
Yup. All other arms are in the armory. No one walks around a base armed except for the MP's.

Too bad though. Some soldiers could have blown that SOB to hell and gone.

Like who? According to the news only one lone cop lady stood bravely in a huddling pile of soldiers....and watched him blow his brains out.

The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.

Unless you're a Leftytoon. Then it's whether something went bang. Speaking of that.

Question for partisan fucktards: what happened to you in life that caused you to view every world event in terms of political spectrum and how it can used to attack the other team?

Agreed. It's a little soon. Maddow and Sharpton haven't even started their new gun grab campaign yet.

Alll afternoon long on CNN and MSNBC. Gun gun gun gun gun gun gun he had a gun he bought a gun his dog saw him with a gun. Gungungungungungun.

The loon train has officially descended just like I said. Take off the gloves boys. And while you're out there show some extra care for the dead people. They certainly aren't doing it.

Oh and all you assholes who are trying to make this a terror attack. Knock it the fuck off.
Maybe you need to turn off the TV if you can't take it.
You'd like that wouldn't you? Now just look thataway. Ima just gonna take all these guns over here. And those rights...nah you don't need those.
No pitbulls either.

And church is child abuse..don't forget that.....

Whatever you do, don't forget to send carrots in your kids' lunches or they will be expelled or possibly executed, depending upon the mood of the current school admin.

Cuz there are too many people anyway.
You'd like that wouldn't you? Now just look thataway. Ima just gonna take all these guns over here. And those rights...nah you don't need those.

Sadly, Military folks don't have the same civil rights as everyone else. Not till they are relived of their duty anyways.
Once again this has happened, and thanks again to Bill Clinton only the shooter, and MP's are armed on a military base.
Rather than make this about muslims or gun control, we can start a discussion about the increasing need for treatment for our returning soldiers?

PTSD is a serious issue.

Indeed it is. Equally so is the threat posed by al-Qaeda seeking to capture the hearts and minds of young military personnel with a view for them to harm their their colleagues.

You have to have one last attempt to blame Muslims, even though you're fully away it was nothing to do with religion.
You remind me of some guy trying to squeeze a final fart out and shitting his pants.
Do you feel like a fucking idiot now we know it wasn't a Muslim?

muslime or mexican...., what fucking difference make. :lmao:

You are a fucking dumb cocksucker.

I have to object to this post.
We can't be sure he sucks cock or has sex.

Of course, you could have misplaced the A. making the sentence read, "You are fucking a dumb cocksucker", but we are unsure Monica Lewinsky was involved in any way.
The first question on everyone's mind when they hear about something like this is whether the guy was Muslim. Where people differ significantly is how they take the answer.

The first question on every paranoid idiot or hate filled moron's mind when they hear about something like this, is whether the guy was Muslim.
PTSD is a serious issue? No. What is a serious issue is the fragility of what's in the military. Ivan here saw no combat. His PTSD issues are said to have come from his mother's death some time ago.

If his mental stability was so bas that he could not cope with his mother's death when he had a wife and children what is he doing in the military?
Well, we now know, he wasn't anything to do with Islam and he bought the gun at a local shop.
The issues are:
Should guns be so easily bought?
Should security on military bases be run by people with a clue?
Should American soldiers be allowed guns - at all?

After all, no American soldier has used his gun to defend America since 1945.
Also, quality of care available for mental health issues.

There were signs--it will take several weeks to get to that point--but there were signs.

I guess--go over and over the same ground that has already been covered--all that can be done.
Well, we now know, he wasn't anything to do with Islam and he bought the gun at a local shop.
The issues are:
Should guns be so easily bought?
Should security on military bases be run by people with a clue?
Should American soldiers be allowed guns - at all?

After all, no American soldier has used his gun to defend America since 1945.
Security should be handled by the Marines, like it once was. Yes, let's disarm the military, that way they can't hurt themselves. Good thinking.
Ambien strikes again it is not the guns it is the drugs.
This bozo was on Ambien aka Zolpidem
Ever read the side effects of this drug?
Anxiety, agitation, depression, nervousness, unusual behavior, thoughts of hurting yourself
Seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there
Severe confusion
You think our shooter had any of these?
We really need to address mental health issues of our vets but instead, the nutters are wanting to allow on-base military to carry concealed weapons.


Who said anything about concealed?

Exactly. I want them to be able to carry them out in plain sight.

Then demand that Bill Clintons ban on military personnel carrying firearms on base be repealed, Smilebong!

Congressman Steve Stockman proposed a bill to repeal it a long time ago.

Introduced by Congressman Steve Stockman

1. H.R.3199 Safe Military Bases Act
Repeals Clinton ban on military personnel carrying firearms on base, which made Fort Hood massacre possible.

If we don't get on the phone, write letters and complain to elected leaders before the 2014 election we'll miss the boat. Time is of the essence.

- Jeri
Ambien strikes again it is not the guns it is the drugs.
This bozo was on Ambien aka Zolpidem
Ever read the side effects of this drug?
Anxiety, agitation, depression, nervousness, unusual behavior, thoughts of hurting yourself
Seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there
Severe confusion
You think our shooter had any of these?

There it is! That is an SSRI! He went off the rails. Mystery solved.

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