BREAKING: Shooting at Joel Osteen's megachurch

The transvestite was armed with a rifle. The child was hers. (She brought her own child to a gun battle)

"She" wasn't going to get away with anything. They found no bombs.

Churches are NOT "Gun Free Zones".

Other than the publicly available information I know nothing as I don't have friends who currently attend Joel Olsteen's church.

But I have attended several large megaChurches....people who patrol are armed. I have never feared I'm going to get ever. I don't do anything that would cause anyone to draw their gun on me....I might irritate them by bringing better food to a potluck or have better knowledge of Doctrines....but that's not a reason to shoot me. My singing ability? Whole nuther story....I can't sing whatsoever. Don't have that gene. I sound really worse than imaginable.
But I'll catch a ride on a golf cart by an armed driver without even a long look at their firearm. It's just so normal to me at least.
Do you have a link to her being a transvestite?

I ask again, why was she able to get a gun if she was so disturbed.

Oh, right, Second Amendment.
This happened for one reason: The Progressive Movement's constant invective against Christians and Christianity. They tell these transfolk and other self-marginalizing individuals that the Christians want them dead, so in their mental illness, they think such a shooting is "self-defense."
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Gee, maybe we'll finally do something about guns in this country.

🙄 how about actually attacking the issue and getting idiot control? Guns don’t sprout legs and walk, they need a human. What will probably come out because it always does is

1 everybody knew the shooter was bat crap crazy.

2 everyone knew the shooter had anger management issues.

These are mental health issues that tend to go untreated because the United States mental healthcare system is underfunded and overwhelmed.

Now what makes this unique is it’s a woman with a child. I’m curious to see the motive on this one but sane women don’t put children in harms way because mama bear instinct is strong, so I’ll go out on a limb and say she was nutty as a fruitcake.

Oh and Osteen couldn’t stop smiling even when talking about something as serious as this. Has the dude had a facelift? I’m sure he was upset but he looked less than sincere because he couldn’t stop smiling. Doctors stop pulling these faces so tight, it’s creepy!
When even safety training for firearm handling is rejected, there is little hope of reasoning on anything else.
how about actually attacking the issue and getting idiot control? Guns don’t sprout legs and walk, they need a human. What will probably come out because it always does is

1 everybody knew the shooter was bat crap crazy.

2 everyone knew the shooter had anger management issues.
And 3) Despite all that, she had no problem getting a gun.

When I applied for my current job, I got a thorough background check. Didn't matter I was a Veteran with a 35 year work history, they still checked me out.

When I applied for my current mortgage, I underwent a thorough background check.

I am now sponsoring my wife for immigration. Even though she's lived and worked here for 8 years, we are undergoing a thorough background check.

When I applied for a FOID card, I paid $11.00, and got it in a few weeks.
Are you saying that this woman would not have done what she did, if she had attended a firearms safety course?
How will we ever know?
What could have been avoided in the past by such a requirement? How much future carnage could be avoided if proper training were considered part of adult 'rights'?
Uh, guy there are nice mansions in the most awful third world countries, it doesn't make them any less third world countries.

You should know all about that living in the Chicago area.

You should do some research on the surrounding areas. Marco Island area, just as an example, isn't exactly a dump. That is why it is chalk full of wealthy ex-New Yorkers. These nice homes are surrounded by other nice homes. I don't expect you to comprehend this because you live where you live.
Are you saying that this woman would not have done what she did, if she had attended a firearms safety course?
Probably not. The instructors would have realized she was nuts and said something, in a sane world.
You should know all about that living in the Chicago area.
Again, let me know what state and city you live in, and we can compare.

I'm guessing you wouldn't come off very well.
Again, let me know what state and city you live in, and we can compare.

Compare what? Standard of living for somebody even making your money? Compare taxes? Homelessness? Weather? What would you like to compare?
How will we ever know?
By using our common sense?

How will we ever know whether a law requiring all gun purchasers to sing "The Internationale" on Youtube would not have stopped this senseless tragedy? We know because one has nothing to do with the other.

We only "don't know" in the sense that it is impossible to know as a fact the outcome of a hypothetical situation. But we're (so far) still allowed to use common sense.

How will we ever know whether a New Years moratorium on anti-Christian invective by progressives would have stopped this shooting?
What could have been avoided in the past by such a requirement? How much future carnage could be avoided if proper training were considered part of adult 'rights'?
No doubt.

I strongly encourage you to take an NRA safety course, even if you don't own a gun, and never plan to.
Compare what? Standard of living for somebody even making your money? Compare taxes? Homelessness? What would you like to compare?

A whole bunch of stuff... salary, poverty rates, crime rates.

I'm guessing, Chicago will come out a lot better.

But since you are hiding it like Trump's Tax records, you know this, too.
By using our common sense?

How will we ever know whether a law requiring all gun purchasers to sing "The Internationale" on Youtube would not have stopped this senseless tragedy? We know because one has nothing to do with the other.

We only "don't know" in the sense that it is impossible to know as a fact the outcome of a hypothetical situation. But we're (so far) still allowed to use common sense.

No doubt.

I strongly encourage you to take an NRA safety course, even if you don't own a gun, and never plan to.
"Common sense" is realizing that no 'right' exists without responsibility.
By the time firearms were confided to me, the training was already engrained. My police officer dad and hunter brother-in-law had gently and firmly taught me the essentials.
Firearms are far too dangerous to be distributed willy-nilly by other than mindless negligence.
"Common sense" is realizing that no 'right' exists without responsibility.
It tells me something that you put the word "right" in dismissive quotes.
By the time firearms were confided to me, the training was already engrained. My police officer dad and hunter brother-in-law had gently and firmly taught me the essentials.
Oooof course.

If your brother-in-law was a hunter, then he possessed a "long gun" as the media reported the shooter had. Should he now lose it, so we can avert more tragedies?
Firearms are far too dangerous to be distributed willy-nilly by other than mindless negligence.
Good thing that they are not, then.
Look closer. So called christians are training people to hate Christians. They were so much nicer when they were loving and forgiving, instead of so sarcastic and hateful as they have become.
What are you saying? The different Christian denominations have had opinions on who was the closest to God. Today, the large congregations have many less members as they are corrupted to a degree and changed the bible scriptures.
Violent and hate filled people ALWAYS have an excuse to be violent. Just because they claim to be a Christian doesn't mean they actually are. So stop with the blanket accusations. Used to be that Democrats were peace loving they are funneling guns, starting wars, and responsible for zombies so stoned on drugs and mob stealing parties that retailers are leaving cities.

That's the problem with broad brushes....anymore from you and I'll believe you to be a mob thief transvestite ready to mow down church members or children.
You rail against generalities by spouting generalities. You must find that absurd ?

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