Breaking: State Department says zero (not 2) documents were marked classified

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
At the time of being sent/received by Hillary Clinton. This contradicts James Comey's assertion that 2 documents were marked as such during the time of being sent or received by Clinton.
Eric Boehlert on Twitter
Hmm, we can trust the FBI or a person from Obama's State Dept. I will trust the investigation over a Twitter post. You are aware that the guy can say anything to help Hillary since he's not under oath, right?

We still have the failure to turn documents over to the State Dept. and the destruction of emails.
Hmm, we can trust the FBI or a person from Obama's State Dept. I will trust the investigation over a Twitter post. You are aware that the guy can say anything to help Hillary since he's not under oath, right?

We still have the failure to turn documents over to the State Dept. and the destruction of emails.

But but but but but there's a tweet!
"At this point, what difference does it make" says Freewill screeching the best he can.
From Comey's statement to your Media Matters Eric Boehlert, you might want to inform him-
LA Times
From the group of 30,000 e-mails returned to the State Department, 110 e-mails in 52 e-mail chains have been determined by the owning agency to contain classified information at the time they were sent or received. Eight of those chains contained information that was Top Secret at the time they were sent; 36 chains contained Secret information at the time; and eight contained Confidential information, which is the lowest level of classification.
I bet the goddamn gop is going to want to abolish the fbi and state department now. These people are nutz!!!! Be sure to vote democrat in Nov!
Why? Because democrats are panicking because their clean as the driven snow message went over like a flaccid erection with the people? :lol:
At the time of being sent/received by Hillary Clinton. This contradicts James Comey's assertion that 2 documents were marked as such during the time of being sent or received by Clinton.
Eric Boehlert on Twitter

Yo, the Fishy is alive in D.C.!

How were they marked? Was it part of an email chain that had been forwarded? Lets see the marks!
Hmm, we can trust the FBI or a person from Obama's State Dept. I will trust the investigation over a Twitter post. You are aware that the guy can say anything to help Hillary since he's not under oath, right?

We still have the failure to turn documents over to the State Dept. and the destruction of emails.

And perjury when she swore to a federal judge that she had turned over ALL work related emails.

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