A true view of what Republicans are.

Here is George Carlin on what Republicans are:

and here is George Carlin on Republicans

and here is George Carlin on Republican Pro-lifers

and last but not least, a correct view on Politicians (on both sides)

George Carlin was a great comic but he was great because he had a way of bringing reality to you in a way you could relate to it. Laughing is makes people PAY ATTENTION to what faces us

Yet, year after year it’s people that ID as liberal that are far less charitiable then people that ID as Conservative.
So, door to door customers are your only source of data?

And you don’t believe that any of that is based on weaponization of the justice system? Remember, they were vowing to go after trump from the moment he announced his campaign. They were talking impeachment even before he was elected.

How does that figure into your data?

Sure trump has done some bad things, but some of it was weaponization, such as:

Carroll could provide no evidence (data) to back up her claim, she couldn’t remember what year it happened. That conviction was based on “feelings”. Preponderance of evidence means “do you think it’s possible he could have done it”. That’s not an admission of guilt, nor is it proof that he actually did anything.

Your research would have shown you that and you should realize that it was a bogus judgment.

What about Harris and her incarcerating people for minor drug offenses, and then keeping them in prison for longer than their sentence in order to get free labor for the city? That’s something you could have researched and reported on. Remember, data has no bias.

Really? You’ve been a member of this forum for just over 3 weeks, you’ve, no doubt, seen plenty of articles providing data and stats supporting trumps view.

So if someone links a story from Fox, newsmax, the blaze, or town hall, you’ll believe them?

Great, so you’re biased, which, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it is the antitheses of data and fact driven research. What good is data if you use all the findings that support your claim but discard all the data that refuted your claim?

I’m not faulting you for being biased, I’m just saying that, in your quest to research and use facts, in order to better yourself, you need to embrace all of the data, not just that which fits your agenda. To do that makes you the same as most others in this forum.

If you’ve researched any of my posts, you’ll find that I’m not a fan of Trump, and not defending him. I only push back on the games that the left are playing. I’ve stated that I would have rather someone else won in 2016.

Having said that, I have no problem admitting to trumps flaws, since I really don’t support “a person” but rather the party and the ideology.

I’ll only vote for Trump this time around because I’d rather have a Republican in office than a democrat.

Trump has been accused of doing some bad things. I’ll admit, I don’t know much about the details of his university scam, so i won’t argue that, I’ll take your word for it. The issues I have is that trump has been under the attack of leftists ever since he announced his presidency for 9 years now, they are acting on their intentions of 2016, where they vowed to impeach trump even before he was elected, then they started to use the courts to go after him. Letitia James even campaigned on going after Trump and this was before any of the information about his finances came out. Her election platform was based on lawfare. Alvin Bragg brought a case against him that even his own party was questioning as a legitimate case. Then he hands down an indictment that ran afoul of the rules and procedures for indicting someone.

Your data should have shown you these things. These are the games that lefty’s are playing that push back against. I don’t care what person occupies the White House, but I prefer them to be a Republican.
Nice honest info & reply's.
It is a difference of opinion as to what a fetus is and I am not the only one that thinks that way. Biologists and scientists disagree on the definition of life. Even the Supreme Court has no established definition and shifts the decision to the States themselves. Even the Republican States themselves disagree on the definition as some do not allow abortions after 6 weeks and others have different time frames.

As such, it is not my lack of morals, ethics, principles or humanity that is in play, it is my definition of life that is in play and I do not consider a fetus a human life. Simple as that.

If there is a disagreement, then men of honor go with the idea it is a baby and deserve our protection.

Just because it doesn’t look or function exactly like you, does not mean it is not as human as you.

You, nor do abortion supporters show honor.
If there is a disagreement, then men of honor go with the idea it is a baby and deserve our protection.

Just because it doesn’t look or function exactly like you, does not mean it is not as human as you.

You, nor do abortion supporters show honor.
Men of honor do what their learned guidelines tell them to do. Be faithful to what you believe. Men of honor do not do what others think is the right thing.

You (as a Republican) should know that "sticking by your guns" is the right thing to do.
But, the facts and statistics are YOUR facts and statistics. If someone provides facts and statistics to debunk you, but they are from a source you don’t like, you won’t find them credible.

So, the only way to debunk a left wing “fact” would be to find another left wing source…and that isn’t happening.

For as long as this board has been around, we’ve been arguing about news, and each side thinks the other sides sources are lying, or fake.

the truth is, on the world of media, there is no truth..it’s all biased.
Agree MEDIA IS BIASED, its all about the money. And with the political party's its all about power & money.
Maybe always has been, But what's missing now is Love of our country , First and foremost before any person or any political party.
Agree MEDIA IS BIASED, its all about the money. And with the political party's its all about power & money.
Maybe always has been, But what's missing now is Love of our country , First and foremost before any person or any political party.
Not true. MAGA loves this country. The demofascists don't.

That's the difference.
So, door to door customers are your only source of data?

Debating with you is becoming a fool's errand. I never said it was my ONLY source of data. I said it was one of them.
And you don’t believe that any of that is based on weaponization of the justice system? Remember, they were vowing to go after trump from the moment he announced his campaign.
No, there were many tangible reasons why the justice systems went after Trump and it did not have to do with politics. It had to do with the fact that he has been a scam artist for 50 years.
They were talking impeachment even before he was elected.
BS, show me where this statement of yours has any validity
Carroll could provide no evidence (data) to back up her claim, she couldn’t remember what year it happened. That conviction was based on “feelings”. Preponderance of evidence means “do you think it’s possible he could have done it”. That’s not an admission of guilt, nor is it proof that he actually did anything.

Your research would have shown you that and you should realize that it was a bogus judgment.
You do not believe in reality do you?

Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse

A jury (not the judge) found Donald Trump liable Tuesday for sexually abusing advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996, awarding her $5 million in a judgment that could haunt the former president as he campaigns to regain the White House.

The verdict was split as jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse.

What about Harris and her incarcerating people for minor drug offenses, and then keeping them in prison for longer than their sentence in order to get free labor for the city? That’s something you could have researched and reported on. Remember, data has no bias.

What Kamala wanted (or did not want) to do is not important. She followed the law and nothing else

as far as your comment about keeping them in prison for longer than their sentence, that is pure and UTTER BULLSHIT on your part. Prove it.

Really? You’ve been a member of this forum for just over 3 weeks, you’ve, no doubt, seen plenty of articles providing data and stats supporting trumps view.

It is not Trump's view that I have been debating about, it is Trump himself (as a person) that I have been debating about.

So if someone links a story from Fox, newsmax, the blaze, or town hall, you’ll believe them?

I always listen to data, statistics and facts from whoever provides them. What I do not listen to is Opinion posts.
Great, so you’re biased, which, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it is the antitheses of data and fact driven research. What good is data if you use all the findings that support your claim but discard all the data that refuted your claim?

I am not biased. What I am against are immoral, unethical, unprincipled and inhumane people, no matter their color, their gender, their religion or what country they are from.

I NEVER discard data that refutes my claim. You have never submitted DATA that refutes my claim. The same way, you never produce data that supports your claim, such as your claim that Harris is refusing to debate on FOX. You are a bs artist that does exactly what you criticize others for
I’m not faulting you for being biased, I’m just saying that, in your quest to research and use facts, in order to better yourself, you need to embrace all of the data, not just that which fits your agenda. To do that makes you the same as most others in this forum.

More BS, empty words
The issues I have is that trump has been under the attack of leftists ever since he announced his presidency for 9 years now, they are acting on their intentions of 2016, where they vowed to impeach trump even before he was elected, then they started to use the courts to go after him.

The reality is that politics on either side have always been to attack the other side. It is expected that will happen.

In Trump's case though, even before he began running for president, he had shown the kind of person he was. For example and about the accusation of him working with or favoring Russia. Did you know that Trump in 2001 associated himself to the Bayrock Group, which was run by the Russian Mafia (proven). That he had the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow because he was asked by Putin to do so. Did you know that he wanted to open a hotel in Moscow? Did you know that he borrowed money from the Deutsche Bank (when no American banks would loan him money) and that bank has Russian connections? Did you know that Manafort, who was a protege of Trump, was officially working for Russia? All of this happened BEFORE he was even a candidate. Why wouldn't anyone have doubts about Trump favoring Russia?

Letitia James even campaigned on going after Trump and this was before any of the information about his finances came out. Her election platform was based on lawfare. Alvin Bragg brought a case against him that even his own party was questioning as a legitimate case. Then he hands down an indictment that ran afoul of the rules and procedures for indicting someone.

Trump has always proven himself to be a con artist. It is natural for people to go after con artist to being with, as they are CON Artists

I mean, he was involved in over 4000 lawsuits against him from people that he hired and did not pay, people he scammed, people that he failed to do what he promised to....................and all of this before he got into politics

From the 1970s until he was elected president in 2016, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in United States federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes.

Your data should have shown you these things. These are the games that lefty’s are playing that push back against. I don’t care what person occupies the White House, but I prefer them to be a Republican.

My data shows 10 times more proof, which you never show. You criticize a lot but never support your criticisms with data, statistics and facts.

Oh and by the way, you say you do not support Trump (simply don't want to vote Democrat), but you talk about Trump all the time and never about the Republican platform issues. It seems to me that you are LYING about not supporting Trump.
Men of honor do what their learned guidelines tell them to do. Be faithful to what you believe. Men of honor do not do what others think is the right thing.

You (as a Republican) should know that "sticking by your guns" is the right thing to do.
You believe what your death cult tells you.

Most simps do.

Honorable men protect the innocent
You believe what your death cult tells you.

Most simps do.

Honorable men protect the innocent
Innocent what? You mean fetus? something that is not breathing and depends on the mother to survive. If the mother dies, the fetus dies as well, no?

So say it correctly. Defend the Fetus and not Defend the innocent. The fetus is nothing.

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