Breaking: terror attack in London

Listening to uk radio shows all saying Islam is peaceful and tolerant. So explain the sectarian conflict as being peaceful and tolerabt
I suspect that you're not as big a man as the size of your mouth, Jeri. Please do carry on demonstrating your idiocy and ignorance, but preferably not in a thread about a dead soldier.

He didn't say anything wrong....he wasn't putting the soldier at fault. But he's telling the truth! Don't take the warning, we couldn't care less. Just keep trying to protect the will backfire on you one day. Well...actually, I could see you joining them just so you can kill all those horrible conservatives out there.

Oh, so I'm now protecting terrorists, am I? As for me joining them, you clearly are deranged if you think that. Killing conservatives? Really? Why would I want to do that? I'm a conservative myself! I suggest you buy yourself a crystal ball that works!

I apologize...I don't really know you. But Jeri was just trying to warn us...and I don't see it as him making it political. Shit...everything is political today! Each side are blaming the other for making all the "disasters" political. I think i'm getting to the point where i just can't stand what's going on, everyone blaming each other for everything that is going wrong, when it's BOTH sides that are doing it.

I've been wishing that all citizens on BOTH sides would agree that our government is corrupt, and we need to do something about it.
I am getting the impression that Islam isn't so much a religion, but a mental illness spread like a virus. We need to reexamine what this religion really IS (based on its actions, not rhetoric) and whether it deserves to be protected like any other religion. I really think we in the west have to confront what limits to freedom are, and in the case of “Islam”, is it outside that limit of acceptable behavior, as it seems Islam is antithetical to the very idea of freedom…
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Unfortunately the UK has become so accomodating to the rise of Muslim and Islamic influence for so many years now, that these brutal barbarians are frighten of nothing and feel all powerful! It is probably too late for the UK, which has bent over backwards to allow semi-independent Muslim areas throughout the country and in Londonistan.

No more accomodation, but drastic measures should be required to stop the spread of malignant Islam in the UK.

I'm not talking you directly, but people are often too quick to forget. Islam established its foothold in Europe after British, American and French warplanes began bombing Serbian positions in the former Yugoslavia during the break-up in the early '90s.

And what were the Serbians doing that was so bad? Defending their land and lifestyle against the rise of Islam from Bosniak muslims. We betrayed the Serbs, and what do we have now? That's right, a muslim country, Bosnia, in the heart of Christendom. And it spreads its insiduous, intolerant tentacles further each day. The West is reaping what it sowed twenty odd years after it bombed a Christian country that was taking measures to curb the rise of Islam within its borders.
What's interesting in this case is that the terrorists wanted people to take video.

Very strange tactic. Go figure.

18.22 One witness, who declined to be named, tells Jasper Copping the attackers were "praying like it was a sacrifice" and "making people take videos".

And another man had the same impression.

18.28 Fred Oyat, who saw the incident from the window of his flat, tells Josie Ensor that two black or Middle Eastern men were wondering around the street, walking over the dead body on the floor:

"The two men were shouting," he says. "They had three knives including a machete and a meat cleaver as well as an old gun.

"The white man was already dead on the floor, his fade covered in blood. He had a big neck wound and his neck was almost off."

"They seemed to be encouraging people to take photos and waited there until police arrived as if they wanted a fight.

"There was blood running down the streets. I still can't stop shaking."

'Shootings' and 'machete attack' in south east London: live - Telegraph

No they take the videos and use them for training their children ( madrassas are jihad training camps in Indonesia - over 38,000 of them - also in Pakistan - not sure on numbers there) - they also use them for intimidation, alot of things. All the beheadings such as Nick Berg, Daniel Pearl, .... were done on video tape. It is standard MO for these guys. They must have left home without their own video camera before the jihad. - Jeri

Oh I do understand the training tapes. This seems to be more about truly using the social media to provoke more terror.

New twist it seems. And waiting and wanting the police to arrest them. And I just picked up that one of the killers was giving an interview.

Whoa geeze. Stranger by the minute. New age of terrorism by social media. I guess it does make sense that this would be the future of terrorist acts.

Here's the link to ITV:

Exclusive video: Man with bloodied hands speaks at Woolwich scene

ITV News has obtained footage of a man with bloodied hands addressing a camera on a south London street.

He makes a series of political statements before walking towards a man, believed to be a soldier, lying prone on the street.

He then talks calmly to another man stood nearby.

Latest News - ITV News

I watched very strange!! He wanted to be a other answer!
I am getting the impression that Islam isn't so much a religion, but a mental illness spread like a virus. We need to reexamine what this religion really IS (based on its actions, not rhetoric) and whether it deserves to be protected like any other religion. I really think we in the west have to confront what limits to freedom are, and in the case of “Islam”, is it outside that limit of acceptable behavior, as it seems Islam is antithetical to the very idea of freedom…

I agree, but that won't happen under this present admistration. The DHS is too busy watching right wing groups such as American NRA members. anti-abortionists, returning veterans, born again Christians, you know those "Americans who cling to their guns and religion?
I've just read the first reports about this terrible murder.
It has to be the strangest terrorist attack I've ever read about.
First murder a man by hacking him to bits then appologise to a woman because she witnessed it.
"Strange" doesn't cover it.
He didn't say anything wrong....he wasn't putting the soldier at fault. But he's telling the truth! Don't take the warning, we couldn't care less. Just keep trying to protect the will backfire on you one day. Well...actually, I could see you joining them just so you can kill all those horrible conservatives out there.

Oh, so I'm now protecting terrorists, am I? As for me joining them, you clearly are deranged if you think that. Killing conservatives? Really? Why would I want to do that? I'm a conservative myself! I suggest you buy yourself a crystal ball that works!

I apologize...I don't really know you. But Jeri was just trying to warn us...and I don't see it as him making it political. Shit...everything is political today! Each side are blaming the other for making all the "disasters" political. I think i'm getting to the point where i just can't stand what's going on, everyone blaming each other for everything that is going wrong, when it's BOTH sides that are doing it.

I've been wishing that all citizens on BOTH sides would agree that our government is corrupt, and we need to do something about it.

I apologize too, Colin. I shouldn't have called you a putz. Sorry. I am very concerned for my friends in the UK. Your nation is under a great threat in my opinion and I'm also hearing about a considerable rise in anti - semitism ( from same threat ) and that concerns me too. I hope the best for you and your people I truly do. Just remember whatever the Muslims tell you it's a lie. - Jeri p.s. I am a woman not a man. thanks.
I've just read the first reports about this terrible murder.
It has to be the strangest terrorist attack I've ever read about.
First murder a man by hacking him to bits then appologise to a woman because she witnessed it.
"Strange" doesn't cover it.

Yes, this is a culture we are not quite accustomed to. I'd prefer to keep it that way.
I am getting the impression that Islam isn't so much a religion, but a mental illness spread like a virus. We need to reexamine what this religion really IS (based on its actions, not rhetoric) and whether it deserves to be protected like any other religion. I really think we in the west have to confront what limits to freedom are, and in the case of “Islam”, is it outside that limit of acceptable behavior, as it seems Islam is antithetical to the very idea of freedom…

I believe Islam needs to be redefined - as a terrorist organization - the fact that it has religious underpinnings is not a point to consider. Call it the Muslim Mafia. It is obvious what the fruits are here and if it is outlawed and put on the state dept - terror list - that would resolve the issue. imo.

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.

He's merely stating the obvious, that the deed was done by Muslim extremists. They are becoming increasingly emboldened in the US and the UK.

I have noticed lately the British have become very adamant about America being disarmed and embracing Islam as they have. It must be true. Misery DOES love company!

- Jeremiah

Those Muslim murderers are in trouble. Knives that long are banned in England. A lot of good that ban did, though. Just like banning guns. In fact, guns are banned in Chicago, the murder capital of the US.
I should say there are many British who are at a loss for what to do - do not like the Muslim invasion but worry about owning a gun too because their govt says they can protect them. It doesn't look much like that is working out though.
He's merely stating the obvious, that the deed was done by Muslim extremists. They are becoming increasingly emboldened in the US and the UK.

I have noticed lately the British have become very adamant about America being disarmed and embracing Islam as they have. It must be true. Misery DOES love company!

- Jeremiah

Those Muslim murderers are in trouble. Knives that long are banned in England. A lot of good that ban did, though. Just like banning guns. In fact, guns are banned in Chicago, the murder capital of the US.

My understanding is they also had a gun(s?):
When police arrived at the scene they then reportedly charged at them armed with machetes and at least one firearm.

Woolwich incident: Two men shot by police after hacking man to death | Metro News
Yes, I'm afraid to say we may be hearing about that here in the USA pretty soon. The Muslims are pretty radical in the UK because everyone has already been disarmed. You can't own a gun over there.

This is what happens when the Muslims know you have no permit to carry and don't own firearms. Better get involved in defending your 2nd amendment rights. ( if you are not already ) It can become personal real fast.

- Jeri

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.

Hey Colin the man doing the hacking was making political statements - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News
Oh, so I'm now protecting terrorists, am I? As for me joining them, you clearly are deranged if you think that. Killing conservatives? Really? Why would I want to do that? I'm a conservative myself! I suggest you buy yourself a crystal ball that works!

I apologize...I don't really know you. But Jeri was just trying to warn us...and I don't see it as him making it political. Shit...everything is political today! Each side are blaming the other for making all the "disasters" political. I think i'm getting to the point where i just can't stand what's going on, everyone blaming each other for everything that is going wrong, when it's BOTH sides that are doing it.

I've been wishing that all citizens on BOTH sides would agree that our government is corrupt, and we need to do something about it.

I apologize too, Colin. I shouldn't have called you a putz. Sorry. I am very concerned for my friends in the UK. Your nation is under a great threat in my opinion and I'm also hearing about a considerable rise in anti - semitism ( from same threat ) and that concerns me too. I hope the best for you and your people I truly do. Just remember whatever the Muslims tell you it's a lie. - Jeri p.s. I am a woman not a man. thanks.

Awww! You tricked us!! Lol! I thought you were a guy too :)
Idiots like you always seem to assume the minority represents the majority. Clearly you have no perception of what the British public feels about islam. Not surprising. Your type seems to know little of reality outside of your parochial bubble.

Baloney! I have dozens of blogger friends in the UK. Those are the people trying to save your sorry butts! You bunch of cowards! Start speaking up, Colin, because the tolerance that Islam demands from you will not be reciprocated when they are great enough in numbers to take you down. Wake up! - Jeri

I suspect that you're not as big a man as the size of your mouth, Jeri. Please do carry on demonstrating your idiocy and ignorance, but preferably not in a thread about a dead soldier.

Why don't you enlighten us then and tell us WHY that soldier is dead? We'll wait patiently.

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