Breaking: terror attack in London

This just gets stranger.
They hack this guy to death but leave the other people alone.
I've a feeling there is going to be a lot more to this story than some are making out.
As for the "Allah" comments; not heard anything clear either way so no idea at this point.
I have no idea why they did this yet but it's clear they're mad as spoons and Britain needs the death penalty.

[ame=]Woolwich machete attack caught on film - Truthloader - YouTube[/ame]
Take care with this one. The pictures aren't graphic but the body can be seen.

[ame=]Woolwich machete attack leaves man dead - ITV news - YouTube[/ame]
BBC News - their clip mentions on-site reports of the attackers yelling 'Allahu Ahkbar' while hacking the soldier to death...

[ame=]RAW: London Machete Attack, Killers Shouting 'Allah Akbar' while Hacking Soldier to Death - YouTube[/ame]
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The Boston bombing by two freakazoids that are extremists and now these guys in London. Jihad will continue..little by little. Hit here, a hit there. And that is what is scarey. You just don't know when you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time and wind up getting hacked to death. I can't imagine a more horrifying way to die.
What's interesting in this case is that the terrorists wanted people to take video.

Very strange tactic. Go figure.

18.22 One witness, who declined to be named, tells Jasper Copping the attackers were "praying like it was a sacrifice" and "making people take videos".

And another man had the same impression.

18.28 Fred Oyat, who saw the incident from the window of his flat, tells Josie Ensor that two black or Middle Eastern men were wondering around the street, walking over the dead body on the floor:

"The two men were shouting," he says. "They had three knives including a machete and a meat cleaver as well as an old gun.

"The white man was already dead on the floor, his fade covered in blood. He had a big neck wound and his neck was almost off."

"They seemed to be encouraging people to take photos and waited there until police arrived as if they wanted a fight.

"There was blood running down the streets. I still can't stop shaking."

'Shootings' and 'machete attack' in south east London: live - Telegraph

No they take the videos and use them for training their children ( madrassas are jihad training camps in Indonesia - over 38,000 of them - also in Pakistan - not sure on numbers there) - they also use them for intimidation, alot of things. All the beheadings such as Nick Berg, Daniel Pearl, .... were done on video tape. It is standard MO for these guys. They must have left home without their own video camera before the jihad. - Jeri

Oh I do understand the training tapes. This seems to be more about truly using the social media to provoke more terror.

New twist it seems. And waiting and wanting the police to arrest them. And I just picked up that one of the killers was giving an interview.

Whoa geeze. Stranger by the minute. New age of terrorism by social media. I guess it does make sense that this would be the future of terrorist acts.

Here's the link to ITV:

Exclusive video: Man with bloodied hands speaks at Woolwich scene

ITV News has obtained footage of a man with bloodied hands addressing a camera on a south London street.

He makes a series of political statements before walking towards a man, believed to be a soldier, lying prone on the street.

He then talks calmly to another man stood nearby.

Latest News - ITV News

I wonder why ITV choose to blur the face of the murderer with bloody hands?
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I would like to quote Dr King in the aftermath of this sectarian violence in UK. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” I think peace is possible between mulims and christians of UK. But in order for peace to occur, injustice has to be eradicated from both sides. UK as a country has to ensure that human rights of muslims must not be violated.

Having said that, there are some concrete steps that UK government needs to take to curb the fundamentalist elements in the country. The first and foremost would be to make sure that UK is no longer used as a launch pad to commit terrorism in foreign countries. At the moment terrorists organization such as LeT, JeM, etc. collect money in broad daylight to fund their Jihad operations. UK government has a policy of providing safe haven to the worst scums on the earth and I am not just talking about islamic terrorists. You would think that sooner or later these scums would cause havoc on UK society.
Take care with this one. The pictures aren't graphic but the body can be seen.

Woolwich machete attack leaves man dead - ITV news - YouTube

Bath salts?

What kills me about this video, is the guy taking it had obviously just witnessed a man beheaded, the guy is standing in front of him with bloody knives and dude just keeps filming the ranting crazed murderer talking to him. Uh, my ass would not be chatting or listening to this idiot.
Maybe that is the only way he was safe and not being attacked himself?

Maybe if the guy did not have a meat cleaver and a knife in his hands. It just struck me how technology has made it where we pull out phones to record events instead of taking cover. Similar to those in Watertown standing in windows recording relentless gunfire without taking cover.
I noticed it too that they called it terrorism.

No they called it an act of terror. We all know that is different lol.

CaféAuLait;7273505 said:
I don't know if this video has been posted already since this thread is not loading properly for me but here is the man taking to reporters before he was shot by police after he killed that poor man

Yes it was. Two posts ago.

Why don't you enlighten us then and tell us WHY that soldier is dead? We'll wait patiently.

Because no one stepped in and stopped them. They got their iphones out fast though.
Yes, I'm afraid to say we may be hearing about that here in the USA pretty soon. The Muslims are pretty radical in the UK because everyone has already been disarmed. You can't own a gun over there.

This is what happens when the Muslims know you have no permit to carry and don't own firearms. Better get involved in defending your 2nd amendment rights. ( if you are not already ) It can become personal real fast.

- Jeri

You fucking piece of shit! A serving soldier has been hacked to death with his head near severed and all you can do is politicize the event for your own agenda.


The UK's Muslim problem exists because their balls haven't dropped yet regarding immigration.
The UK is turning itdelf into the next European Pakistan, then acts surprised when fanatic wackos are not afraid to raise their heads anymore.

Do you think self loathing and guilt ridden liberals care? That's "diversity" to them, at any cost. That's what happens when you allow the mentally ill to rule you.
There are about 1.8 million Muslims in the UK.
The right wing are having wet dreams because two have gone off the rails and done something bloody stupid.

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