Breaking: terror attack in London

You are mistaken. Go rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and learn the truth. It is all in there although the producers who made the film were told to not point out the Tutsis were christians they showed them wearing crosses and praying to the Lord while they were in fear for their lives. The machete wielding Hutus were all Muslims, Coyote. Forget CIA Facts because the CIA is neck deep in their lies and coverups with UN and always have been. - Jeri

A film is not the truth, whatever your perception Hotel Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's been identified. It is called "Islam". Time to classify Islam as a terrorist organization and that announcement should come from the UN. If they refuse to make it, disband the UN and form a coalition of nations who are willing to defend their liberty against the terrorism of Islam.

Islam isn't a religion. It's a terrorist organization with religious underpinnings. Forget about the religious element and focus on what it does. That is how it must be approached.

So, all Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K. should be classified as terrorists?

Islam should be classified as a terrorist organization. Call it the Muslim Mafia. If you are part of the Fam? You're part of a terrorist organization. Period. Drastic times call for drastic measures. Time to stop tip - toeing around here.

- Jeri

So, all Muslims in the U.S. and the U.K. should be classified as terrorists? What do we do to them then?
You have disinformation there. I listened to the first hand testimony of priests and nuns who survived Rwanda and have told their story. The Hutus were ALL MUSLIMS. The Tutsis were Christians.

That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

The Hutus wanted to take the nation for Islam and the UN assisted them in the genocide of non muslims by telling the US military and the Belgian army to leave and then telling the UN peacekeepers to stand down while the slaughter took place. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the Muslim controlled UN. Blame them for the disinformation campaign and coverup of mass executions by machete on Tutsi Christians by Muslim machete wielding Hutus. They rounded them up into a soccer stadium and hacked them to pieces - 50,000 at a time - until they were all dead. That is the awful truth.

I care about the truth. Furthermore, the number of murdered Tutsis was over 1 million while the UN continues to lie and claim it was around 800,000 dead. I have a problem with that too. - Jeri

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri

But they are terrorists to you. "Likable terrorists"? :eusa_eh:
You have disinformation there. I listened to the first hand testimony of priests and nuns who survived Rwanda and have told their story. The Hutus were ALL MUSLIMS. The Tutsis were Christians.

That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

The Hutus wanted to take the nation for Islam and the UN assisted them in the genocide of non muslims by telling the US military and the Belgian army to leave and then telling the UN peacekeepers to stand down while the slaughter took place. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the Muslim controlled UN. Blame them for the disinformation campaign and coverup of mass executions by machete on Tutsi Christians by Muslim machete wielding Hutus. They rounded them up into a soccer stadium and hacked them to pieces - 50,000 at a time - until they were all dead. That is the awful truth.

I care about the truth. Furthermore, the number of murdered Tutsis was over 1 million while the UN continues to lie and claim it was around 800,000 dead. I have a problem with that too. - Jeri

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth.

But you are not - or least you are unwilling to provide evidence to back up your claim and you are unwilling to examine facts contrary to your belief.

As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri

I have never seen you post anything positive about Muslims and you've posted a lot stuff that isn't true or is more complex than simple relgion. What you are saying is as if someone said they hated Christianity but didn't hate Christians. Makes no sense.
You are mistaken. Go rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and learn the truth. It is all in there although the producers who made the film were told to not point out the Tutsis were christians they showed them wearing crosses and praying to the Lord while they were in fear for their lives. The machete wielding Hutus were all Muslims, Coyote. Forget CIA Facts because the CIA is neck deep in their lies and coverups with UN and always have been. - Jeri

It's not just the CIA factbook Jeri, it's multiple sources such as history sites, geography sites - you going to say it's all wrong and one fictional film is correct? Seriously?
You are mistaken. Go rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and learn the truth. It is all in there although the producers who made the film were told to not point out the Tutsis were christians they showed them wearing crosses and praying to the Lord while they were in fear for their lives. The machete wielding Hutus were all Muslims, Coyote. Forget CIA Facts because the CIA is neck deep in their lies and coverups with UN and always have been. - Jeri

A film is not the truth, whatever your perception Hotel Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the testimonies of nuns and priests of the catholic church that it was Muslim Hutus hacking to death Christian Tustis is a little hard to explain, Jos. Especially when these people were their own parishioners.

I challenge every person on this board to rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and ask yourselves do I want my nation to face a day when Machete Wielding Muslims hang off the backs of trucks shouting allah akbar and hacking my family to death on the front lawn?

Because that is precisely what they did in that movie! Driving from neighborhood to neighborhood wielding machetes... if you were a Tutsi Christian? You were executed!

Go rent it and watch for yourself. Yes, the movie producers didn't use word Muslim or Christian ( instead they made it clear by the Tutsis praying - wearing crosses - they let you know in other ways ) because they were intimidated by the UN and by CAIR who continually watches over every move Hollywood makes when Islam is involved. They whitewashed it but if you will watch the movie you cannot mistake the pattern. These Hutu Muslims mass murdered almost 1 million Tutsi Christians. Those are the facts and though the dead cannot speak those of us who know what happened can speak up for them. - Jeri
You have disinformation there. I listened to the first hand testimony of priests and nuns who survived Rwanda and have told their story. The Hutus were ALL MUSLIMS. The Tutsis were Christians.

That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

The Hutus wanted to take the nation for Islam and the UN assisted them in the genocide of non muslims by telling the US military and the Belgian army to leave and then telling the UN peacekeepers to stand down while the slaughter took place. It rests squarely on the shoulders of the Muslim controlled UN. Blame them for the disinformation campaign and coverup of mass executions by machete on Tutsi Christians by Muslim machete wielding Hutus. They rounded them up into a soccer stadium and hacked them to pieces - 50,000 at a time - until they were all dead. That is the awful truth.

I care about the truth. Furthermore, the number of murdered Tutsis was over 1 million while the UN continues to lie and claim it was around 800,000 dead. I have a problem with that too. - Jeri

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri
Hutus are mainly Roman Catholic
You are mistaken. Go rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and learn the truth. It is all in there although the producers who made the film were told to not point out the Tutsis were christians they showed them wearing crosses and praying to the Lord while they were in fear for their lives. The machete wielding Hutus were all Muslims, Coyote. Forget CIA Facts because the CIA is neck deep in their lies and coverups with UN and always have been. - Jeri

A film is not the truth, whatever your perception Hotel Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the testimonies of nuns and priests of the catholic church that it was Muslim Hutus hacking to death Christian Tustis is a little hard to explain, Jos. Especially when these people were their own parishioners.

I challenge every person on this board to rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and ask yourselves do I want my nation to face a day when Machete Wielding Muslims hang off the backs of trucks shouting allah akbar and hacking my family to death on the front lawn?

Because that is precisely what they did in that movie! Driving from neighborhood to neighborhood wielding machetes... if you were a Tutsi Christian? You were executed!

Go rent it and watch for yourself. Yes, the movie producers didn't use word Muslim or Christian ( instead they made it clear by the Tutsis praying - wearing crosses - they let you know in other ways ) because they were intimidated by the UN and by CAIR who continually watches over every move Hollywood makes when Islam is involved. They whitewashed it but if you will watch the movie you cannot mistake the pattern. These Hutu Muslims mass murdered almost 1 million Tutsi Christians. Those are the facts and though the dead cannot speak those of us who know what happened can speak up for them. - Jeri
Go see The Towering Inferno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It really happened, I know I saw the movie, LOL
The entire page is false. Don't bother. Islamists are known for altering Wiki pages so much so there is now a site to check out falsified reports by Muslims on Wiki. How about those apples?
The entire page is false. Don't bother. Islamists are known for altering Wiki pages so much so there is now a site to check out falsified reports by Muslims on Wiki. How about those apples?

It's not just Wiki that's sourced you know - there are a variety of sources.:eusa_eh:
A film is not the truth, whatever your perception Hotel Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the testimonies of nuns and priests of the catholic church that it was Muslim Hutus hacking to death Christian Tustis is a little hard to explain, Jos. Especially when these people were their own parishioners.

I challenge every person on this board to rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and ask yourselves do I want my nation to face a day when Machete Wielding Muslims hang off the backs of trucks shouting allah akbar and hacking my family to death on the front lawn?

Because that is precisely what they did in that movie! Driving from neighborhood to neighborhood wielding machetes... if you were a Tutsi Christian? You were executed!

Go rent it and watch for yourself. Yes, the movie producers didn't use word Muslim or Christian ( instead they made it clear by the Tutsis praying - wearing crosses - they let you know in other ways ) because they were intimidated by the UN and by CAIR who continually watches over every move Hollywood makes when Islam is involved. They whitewashed it but if you will watch the movie you cannot mistake the pattern. These Hutu Muslims mass murdered almost 1 million Tutsi Christians. Those are the facts and though the dead cannot speak those of us who know what happened can speak up for them. - Jeri
Go see The Towering Inferno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia It really happened, I know I saw the movie, LOL

I saw Jaws :)

and Bambi meets Godzilla...
You are mistaken. Go rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and learn the truth. It is all in there although the producers who made the film were told to not point out the Tutsis were christians they showed them wearing crosses and praying to the Lord while they were in fear for their lives. The machete wielding Hutus were all Muslims, Coyote. Forget CIA Facts because the CIA is neck deep in their lies and coverups with UN and always have been. - Jeri

A film is not the truth, whatever your perception Hotel Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But the testimonies of nuns and priests of the catholic church that it was Muslim Hutus hacking to death Christian Tustis is a little hard to explain, Jos. Especially when these people were their own parishioners.

I challenge every person on this board to rent the movie Hotel Rwanda and ask yourselves do I want my nation to face a day when Machete Wielding Muslims hang off the backs of trucks shouting allah akbar and hacking my family to death on the front lawn?

Because that is precisely what they did in that movie! Driving from neighborhood to neighborhood wielding machetes... if you were a Tutsi Christian? You were executed!

Go rent it and watch for yourself. Yes, the movie producers didn't use word Muslim or Christian ( instead they made it clear by the Tutsis praying - wearing crosses - they let you know in other ways ) because they were intimidated by the UN and by CAIR who continually watches over every move Hollywood makes when Islam is involved. They whitewashed it but if you will watch the movie you cannot mistake the pattern. These Hutu Muslims mass murdered almost 1 million Tutsi Christians. Those are the facts and though the dead cannot speak those of us who know what happened can speak up for them. - Jeri

I challenge *you* to print legitimate sources to prove your assertions.:eusa_eh:
The entire page is false. Don't bother. Islamists are known for altering Wiki pages so much so there is now a site to check out falsified reports by Muslims on Wiki. How about those apples?

LOL Towering Inferno is a 1974 American action disaster filmIts fantasy
The Towering Inferno - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

however there are groups who dedicate their lives to trying to change your "'perception"
Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups | World news | The Guardian
I can tell you that the muslims have whitewashed this story from one end to the other - Coyote - do you know who the UN international courts found guilty of murdering the tutsi Christians in Rwanda? The ones who were charged with murder and found guilty? Two nuns! Not sure how many priests. That's right. They put the blame on the Catholic priests and nuns. Oh those machete wielding catholics! I can just see all nuns and priests hacking their own people to pieces. They overplayed their hand with that one. Didn't they!! Do you know that one Tutsi who coverted to Islam to save his own skin actually had his testimony on line? He says - I couldn't hide at a church! Those were the worst places to hide! Everyone was getting killed! I hid at a Muslims house and I was safe! I converted to Islam! Of course! The Hutus were the ones doing the killing! Their home would be the safest place to be for any muslim convert! HA! Just read the testimonies and you'll see how fast it all comes apart. Their lies are big enough to drive a truck through! - Jeri
Last edited:
I can tell you that the muslims have whitewashed this story from one end to the other - Coyote - do you know who the UN international courts found guilty of murdering the tutsi Christians in Rwanda? The ones who were charged with murder and found guilty? Two nuns! Not sure how many priests. That's right. They put the blame on the Catholic priests and nuns. Oh those machete wielding catholics! I can just see all nuns and priests hacking their own people to pieces. They overplayed their hand with that one. Didn't they!! Do you know that one Tutsi who coverted to Islam to save his own skin actually had his testimony on line? He says - I couldn't hide at a church! Those were the worst places to hide! Everyone was getting killed! I hid at a Muslims house and I was safe! I converted to Islam! Of course! The Hutus were the ones doing the killing! Their home would be the safest place to be for any muslim convert! HA! Just read the testimonies and you'll see how fast it all comes apart. Their lies are big enough to drive a truck through! - Jeri

Where is your T shirt that says 'First kill all the muslims?' And what about the one that says, 'First kill all the Mexicans?' And the one that says, 'First kill all the rednecks?' How big of a circle will it take to get back around to yourself. When you first came on, I made the serious mistake of thinking you were well intended. But you are not. You throw around Bible you don't undertand, and lies disguised as facts, and your own righteousness as if you had any. Any Christian on this forum would do well to part company with you.
  • Thanks
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a fine looking young man. what a shame. his own country could not protect him at home
Drummer Lee Rigby of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (attached to the Regimental Recruiting)

a fine looking young man. what a shame. his own country could not protect him at home
Drummer Lee Rigby of 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers (attached to the Regimental Recruiting)

more ethnic African road rage?
That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri
Hutus are mainly Roman Catholic

Go figure.

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