Breaking: terror attack in London

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri
Hutus are mainly Roman Catholic

Go figure.

You were raised catholic I bet. Thats why you hate it so much now , just guessing. Catholics believe Lesbians are sinners. I have a friend who hates catholics as much as you. His brother committed suicide and people in his church told him his brother was going to hell.

You were raised catholic I bet. Thats why you hate it so much now , just guessing. Catholics believe Lesbians are sinners. I have a friend who hates catholics as much as you. His brother committed suicide and people in his church told him his brother was going to hell.

The Hutus didn't commit genocide in the name of Jesus, it was a tribal beef with them and the Tutsi. Saying they did this for Christ is lying.
That's demographically impossible.

According to the CIA Factbook:
Hutu (Bantu) 84%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 15%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%
Roman Catholic 56.5%, Protestant 26%, Adventist 11.1%, Muslim 4.6%, indigenous beliefs 0.1%, none 1.7% (2001)

In Burundi, where it also occurred:
Hutu (Bantu) 85%, Tutsi (Hamitic) 14%, Twa (Pygmy) 1%,
Christian 82.8% (Roman Catholic 61.4%, Protestant 21.4%), Muslim 2.5%, Adventist 2.3%, other 6.5%, unknown 5.9%

They Hutus and Tutsi's in the conflicts were the same religion. Here is another rather poignant article on survivors who ended up turning to Islam as a result:

The awful truth is it isn't truth - you haven't shown any facts to back up what you claim. Don't you think your extreme dislike of Muslims is shading things for you?

On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri
Hutus are mainly Roman Catholic

Again, the genocide in Rwanda was not based on religion.
The UN has been covering up this story from day one. As to the Hutu Muslims who massacred over one million Christian Tutsis - these hutu muslims murdered their own moderate muslims also which is why you will read the hutu moderates were murdered along with the christian tutsis. That is true. The Hutu Muslims murdered those they considered to be moderates. You'll notice they are never identified as muslim moderates just "moderates". Over 2 million Hutu Muslims were given safe passage of escape to Uganda, Tanzania, the Congo - while the UN put the nuns and priests on trial for the slaughter of 1 million people. How about that? This story doesn't begin to scratch the surface but it will have to do for now.

Islam was first introduced into Rwanda by Muslim traders from the East Coast of Africa in the 18th century. Since its introduction, Muslims have been a minority in the territory, while the Roman Catholic Church, introduced to Rwandans during the colonial period in the late 19th century is the largest religion in the country.

For the first time in its history in Rwanda, Islam is accorded the same rights and freedoms as Christianity. Estimates show that there are equal numbers of Muslims amongst the Hutus as there are amongst the Tutsis.[1] The estimates cannot be verified since in the wake of the genocide, the government has banned all discussion of ethnicity in Rwanda.

According to the 2002 census, the Muslim population constitutes 1.82% of the total population of Rwanda.[2]
Islam in Rwanda - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Go figure.

You were raised catholic I bet. Thats why you hate it so much now , just guessing. Catholics believe Lesbians are sinners. I have a friend who hates catholics as much as you. His brother committed suicide and people in his church told him his brother was going to hell.

The Hutus didn't commit genocide in the name of Jesus, it was a tribal beef with them and the Tutsi. Saying they did this for Christ is lying.

The UN blamed the catholic church and charged two catholic nuns and a few priests with murder for the slaughter of 1 million christian tutsis ( and moderate muslim hutus who didn't participate in the slaughter ) and allowed 2 million extremist Hutu Muslims to escape to Uganda, Tanzania and the Congo. It is the biggest cover up of this century.

To blame the Catholic Church for the genocide of over 1 million Christians and a few hutu moderate muslims is outrageous. Totally outrageous anyone would believe such a lie. Go rent the movie, Hotel Rwanda, Gravity and you tell me if you can read between the lines of this supposed "tribal" dispute. JOS claims Hotel Rwanda is a fictional movie. I beg to differ. Go rent the movie and you decide. - Jeri
Last edited:
You were raised catholic I bet. Thats why you hate it so much now , just guessing. Catholics believe Lesbians are sinners. I have a friend who hates catholics as much as you. His brother committed suicide and people in his church told him his brother was going to hell.

The Hutus didn't commit genocide in the name of Jesus, it was a tribal beef with them and the Tutsi. Saying they did this for Christ is lying.

The UN blamed the catholic church and charged two catholic nuns and a few priests with murder for the slaughter of 1 million christian tutsis ( and moderate muslim hutus who didn't participate in the slaughter ) and allowed 2 million extremist Hutu Muslims to escape to Uganda, Tanzania and the Congo. It is the biggest cover up of this century.

To blame the Catholic Church for the genocide of over 1 million Christians and a few hutu moderate muslims is outrageous. Totally outrageous anyone would believe such a lie. Go rent the movie, Hotel Rwanda, Gravity and you tell me if you can read between the lines of this supposed "tribal" dispute. JOS claims Hotel Rwanda is a fictional movie. I beg to differ. Go rent the movie and you decide. - Jeri

Oh I've watched it, I didn't see religion mentioned in there at all.
Have a look at these pictures and tell me this wasn't about murdering Christians, Gravity. Notice the dead guy with the cigarette stuck in his mouth? They were mocking him as a dead christian during slaughters... take a look! It's time you knew the truth on what Rwanda was really all about. - Jeri

Muslims killing Christians in Rwanda burn Churches Beheading ... of Christians are killed in Rwanda # 2 . Islamic war against Christ and the Christians in Rwanda 1994 massacre. After killing a Christian man, they placed a ...
I don't see that either link worked, Gravity. If you google earlychurchofjesus rwanda massacre on christians you'll find it.. this is from the page. The truth has been covered up for far too long on this one.

Million of Christians are killed in Rwanda # 2

Islamic war against Christ and the Christians in Rwanda 1994 massacre

After killing a Christian man, they placed a wooden cross over his body and over his head. They placed a stick inside his ear, two cigarettes in his mouth, and one cigarette for the crucified Jesus.

This how Christians are forced to deny Christianity

For more pictures click on Christians of Rwanda 1

Or Return to The early Church of Jesus site's index

The source of this image is from Tortures au Congo

Orphan is breast fed from his dead Christian mother


Christian child morns over his dead mother

The source of this picture is from

Why Christians are been massacred for embracing Christianity? Why dead Christians bodies are been mocked for their living Christ? Why babies have to be breastfeed from their dead Christian mothers?

Do we have to forsake our faith to survive?

Who is killing Christians since 666 AD till this day?

Burned church

The source of this picture is from A Congolese man looks at a fire buring on the roof of the Roman Catholic cathedral that was hit during shelling of Kisangani

Burned church

The source of this picture is from Congolese residents attempt to extinguish a fire in the Kisangani Cathedral following artillery fire

Christian bodies' parts on sidewalks


Christian family

The source of this picture is from TUTSIS ARE KILLING CONGOLESE PEOPLE By Mr

Christians without heads

The source of this picture is from Photos chocs L

Dead children

Skeletons of Christians

The source of this picture is from HRW: Photos from Lasting Wounds: Consequences of Genocide and War on Rwanda’s Children, 1

Heads of Christians

The source of this picture is from Les massacres des populations Congolaises

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The UN has been consistent in covering up mass genocides, downplaying those they could not cover up on the continent of Africa and in other places and is the most useless organization on the face of the earth.

The Best thing to do with the UN is to abandon it for the corrupt organization it is. Period. If I were Israel I'd tell the UN to drop dead. - Jeri
Go figure.

You were raised catholic I bet. Thats why you hate it so much now , just guessing. Catholics believe Lesbians are sinners. I have a friend who hates catholics as much as you. His brother committed suicide and people in his church told him his brother was going to hell.

The Hutus didn't commit genocide in the name of Jesus, it was a tribal beef with them and the Tutsi. Saying they did this for Christ is lying. wasn't a religious issue, it was a class issue.
I don't see that either link worked, Gravity. If you google earlychurchofjesus rwanda massacre on christians you'll find it.. this is from the page. The truth has been covered up for far too long on this one.

Million of Christians are killed in Rwanda # 2

Islamic war against Christ and the Christians in Rwanda 1994 massacre

After killing a Christian man, they placed a wooden cross over his body and over his head. They placed a stick inside his ear, two cigarettes in his mouth, and one cigarette for the crucified Jesus.

This how Christians are forced to deny Christianity

For more pictures click on Christians of Rwanda 1

Or Return to The early Church of Jesus site's index

The source of this image is from Tortures au Congo

Orphan is breast fed from his dead Christian mother


Christian child morns over his dead mother

The source of this picture is from

Why Christians are been massacred for embracing Christianity? Why dead Christians bodies are been mocked for their living Christ? Why babies have to be breastfeed from their dead Christian mothers?

Do we have to forsake our faith to survive?

Who is killing Christians since 666 AD till this day?

Burned church

The source of this picture is from A Congolese man looks at a fire buring on the roof of the Roman Catholic cathedral that was hit during shelling of Kisangani

Burned church

The source of this picture is from Congolese residents attempt to extinguish a fire in the Kisangani Cathedral following artillery fire

Christian bodies' parts on sidewalks


Christian family

The source of this picture is from TUTSIS ARE KILLING CONGOLESE PEOPLE By Mr

Christians without heads

The source of this picture is from Photos chocs L

Dead children

Skeletons of Christians

The source of this picture is from HRW: Photos from Lasting Wounds: Consequences of Genocide and War on Rwanda’s Children, 1

Heads of Christians

The source of this picture is from Les massacres des populations Congolaises

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Mark Of The Beast
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666 And The Mark Of The Beast
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Understanding The Book Of Revelation
End Times

I totally don't get your point here. Of course the Rwandan dead were Christians - they were all Christians.:cuckoo:
The Hutus didn't commit genocide in the name of Jesus, it was a tribal beef with them and the Tutsi. Saying they did this for Christ is lying.

The UN blamed the catholic church and charged two catholic nuns and a few priests with murder for the slaughter of 1 million christian tutsis ( and moderate muslim hutus who didn't participate in the slaughter ) and allowed 2 million extremist Hutu Muslims to escape to Uganda, Tanzania and the Congo. It is the biggest cover up of this century.

To blame the Catholic Church for the genocide of over 1 million Christians and a few hutu moderate muslims is outrageous. Totally outrageous anyone would believe such a lie. Go rent the movie, Hotel Rwanda, Gravity and you tell me if you can read between the lines of this supposed "tribal" dispute. JOS claims Hotel Rwanda is a fictional movie. I beg to differ. Go rent the movie and you decide. - Jeri

Oh I've watched it, I didn't see religion mentioned in there at all.

You bet you didn't! Just a woman wearing a cross hiding in a hotel. They kept it very much out of the story. The truth is it was an Islamic jihad against Christians and one day they are going to stand before God Amighty and answer for it and those who have been complicit in the cover up? They are going to be judged for it too! - Jeri
You were raised catholic I bet. Thats why you hate it so much now , just guessing. Catholics believe Lesbians are sinners. I have a friend who hates catholics as much as you. His brother committed suicide and people in his church told him his brother was going to hell.

The Hutus didn't commit genocide in the name of Jesus, it was a tribal beef with them and the Tutsi. Saying they did this for Christ is lying.

The UN blamed the catholic church and charged two catholic nuns and a few priests with murder for the slaughter of 1 million christian tutsis ( and moderate muslim hutus who didn't participate in the slaughter ) and allowed 2 million extremist Hutu Muslims to escape to Uganda, Tanzania and the Congo. It is the biggest cover up of this century.

To blame the Catholic Church for the genocide of over 1 million Christians and a few hutu moderate muslims is outrageous. Totally outrageous anyone would believe such a lie. Go rent the movie, Hotel Rwanda, Gravity and you tell me if you can read between the lines of this supposed "tribal" dispute. JOS claims Hotel Rwanda is a fictional movie. I beg to differ. Go rent the movie and you decide. - Jeri

There weren't 2 million "extremist Hutu Muslims".

Rwanda's population was around 11,370,425 of which only 4.6% are even Muslim and the Muslims comprise both Hutu and Tutsi. You can't come close to 2 million out of that.

Even the math doesn't work for your claim.
I don't see that either link worked, Gravity. If you google earlychurchofjesus rwanda massacre on christians you'll find it.. this is from the page. The truth has been covered up for far too long on this one.

Million of Christians are killed in Rwanda # 2

Islamic war against Christ and the Christians in Rwanda 1994 massacre

After killing a Christian man, they placed a wooden cross over his body and over his head. They placed a stick inside his ear, two cigarettes in his mouth, and one cigarette for the crucified Jesus.

This how Christians are forced to deny Christianity

For more pictures click on Christians of Rwanda 1

Or Return to The early Church of Jesus site's index

The source of this image is from Tortures au Congo

Orphan is breast fed from his dead Christian mother


Christian child morns over his dead mother

The source of this picture is from

Why Christians are been massacred for embracing Christianity? Why dead Christians bodies are been mocked for their living Christ? Why babies have to be breastfeed from their dead Christian mothers?

Do we have to forsake our faith to survive?

Who is killing Christians since 666 AD till this day?

Burned church

The source of this picture is from A Congolese man looks at a fire buring on the roof of the Roman Catholic cathedral that was hit during shelling of Kisangani

Burned church

The source of this picture is from Congolese residents attempt to extinguish a fire in the Kisangani Cathedral following artillery fire

Christian bodies' parts on sidewalks


Christian family

The source of this picture is from TUTSIS ARE KILLING CONGOLESE PEOPLE By Mr

Christians without heads

The source of this picture is from Photos chocs L

Dead children

Skeletons of Christians

The source of this picture is from HRW: Photos from Lasting Wounds: Consequences of Genocide and War on Rwanda’s Children, 1

Heads of Christians

The source of this picture is from Les massacres des populations Congolaises

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End Times

I totally don't get your point here. Of course the Rwandan dead were Christians - they were all Christians.:cuckoo:

According to the survivors who gave testimony on this website with photos ( link doesn't open to site for some reason ) it was an islamic attack on Christians in Rwanda 1994. Muslim Hutus murdering Tutsi Christians and a few moderate Muslim hutus - the fact that the UN covered up the story on Muslims mass murdering Christians - churches becoming death traps was covered up by claiming the hutus who massacred them were Christians. They claimed they were acting in union with the nuns and priests. What a lie. They were not. They were extremist Muslims. Now I am not going to aggravate myself by trying to convince you of that fact here but be sure that one day? God will judge this thing and you'll see the entire thing in living color like one big movie picture. In that day? Every liar will be found out. Every person who assisted these Muslims to commit these atrocities will be answering to God. EVERYBODY. That day is fast approaching. - Jeri
Last edited:
I don't see that either link worked, Gravity. If you google earlychurchofjesus rwanda massacre on christians you'll find it.. this is from the page. The truth has been covered up for far too long on this one.

Million of Christians are killed in Rwanda # 2

Islamic war against Christ and the Christians in Rwanda 1994 massacre

After killing a Christian man, they placed a wooden cross over his body and over his head. They placed a stick inside his ear, two cigarettes in his mouth, and one cigarette for the crucified Jesus.

This how Christians are forced to deny Christianity

For more pictures click on Christians of Rwanda 1

Or Return to The early Church of Jesus site's index

The source of this image is from Tortures au Congo

Orphan is breast fed from his dead Christian mother


Christian child morns over his dead mother

The source of this picture is from

Why Christians are been massacred for embracing Christianity? Why dead Christians bodies are been mocked for their living Christ? Why babies have to be breastfeed from their dead Christian mothers?

Do we have to forsake our faith to survive?

Who is killing Christians since 666 AD till this day?

Burned church

The source of this picture is from A Congolese man looks at a fire buring on the roof of the Roman Catholic cathedral that was hit during shelling of Kisangani

Burned church

The source of this picture is from Congolese residents attempt to extinguish a fire in the Kisangani Cathedral following artillery fire

Christian bodies' parts on sidewalks


Christian family

The source of this picture is from TUTSIS ARE KILLING CONGOLESE PEOPLE By Mr

Christians without heads

The source of this picture is from Photos chocs L

Dead children

Skeletons of Christians

The source of this picture is from HRW: Photos from Lasting Wounds: Consequences of Genocide and War on Rwanda’s Children, 1

Heads of Christians

The source of this picture is from Les massacres des populations Congolaises

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Online Bible Study
Bible Study Online
Holy Ghost
Mark Of The Beast
Gospel Of Jesus
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Free Christian Chat Rooms
Bible Prophecy End Times
666 And The Mark Of The Beast
Book Revelation
Prophecies Of The Bible
Understanding The Book Of Revelation
End Times

I totally don't get your point here. Of course the Rwandan dead were Christians - they were all Christians.:cuckoo:

According to the survivors who gave testimony on this website with photos ( link doesn't open to site for some reason ) it was an islamic attack on Christians in Rwanda 1994. Muslim Hutus murdering Tutsi Christians and a few moderate Muslim hutus - the fact that the UN covered up the story on Muslims mass murdering Christians - churches becoming death traps was covered up by claiming the hutus who massacred them were Christians. They claimed they were acting in union with the nuns and priests. What a lie. They were not. They were extremist Muslims. Now I am not going to aggravate myself by trying to convince you of that fact here but be sure that one day? God will judge this thing and you'll see the entire thing in living color like one big movie picture. In that day? Every liar will be found out. Every person who assisted these Muslims to commit these atrocities will be answering to God. EVERYBODY. That day is fast approaching. - Jeri

There is no other evidence to support it beyond a link that doesn't work. Survivors (for instance in the article I posted) even stated they were all Christians. This has entered Conspiracy Theory territory.
On your last statement here. I am telling you the truth. As to your claim that I have an exteme dislike of Muslims. Not true at all. I have met some very likable Muslims. I have nothing against them as to personality traits - etc. it is Islam I have a problem with. Not the individual. Get rid of Islam and we can get these people the help they need and deserve. That is my take on it, Coyote. It isn't anything personal. Not at all. - Jeri
Hutus are mainly Roman Catholic

Again, the genocide in Rwanda was not based on religion.

Please stop telling the truth.
When you do this, it makes the liar look like a steaming dog turd and that is really unfair.
I may have to report your post as I'm so disgusted. :D
Choudary and idiots of his like are more my enemies than they are yours.
Fools of this sort make us all look like bastards so I probably want to see him with a one way ticket to the moon more than you do.

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