Breaking: terror attack in London

And I hope you really are 'seriously anti extremism'. However, you work so hard to downplay the role people such as Choudary play, and you are duplicitous when you pretend the message he promulgates is not Islam, so, who knows?

Downplay - are you joking?

Read my posts; I'm blaming the bastard and want to see him locked up for his part in this.
As far as I'm concerned, the person who trained the dog to bite is just as guilty as the dog.

This Muslim doth protest too much!

You keep claiming he is just a fool, but also allege you want him locked up and the key thrown away. I dont think we have legislation for doing that. Lol.
You, btw, have absolutely no idea how many people he influences. There are lots of causes and organisations and people I support or agree with, without taking to the streets and demonstrating that publically, for all sorts of reasons, and that is true of many people. If you are a Muslim, I can understand how he might be an embarrassment to you, or even how he is recognised as not good for Islam right now since he is way too forthcoming about what Islam is and what Islam wants. Too much information too early. Like I said, he is an example of a strict Muslim.
I'm sorry your friend has chosen to embrace the fairly common Islamic view of Jews, she sounds like she is also becoming a more strict Muslim. Does she do the one about the rock, the tree, the Jew? Let us hope that the people of Woolwich don't follow her example.

I don't believe the UK has a suitable law but it really needs one.
Chowary is exactly the sort of Idiot the UK (Muslims, Christians, whoever) does not need around.

"embarrassment" doesn't even come close.
It is the duty of all Musllims to promote Islam and never soil it; people of this nature are easily as much my enemy as yours because, apart from the death, destruction and misery you guys focus on, we have to put up with you hating us because of what they do.
As for al-Mahdi, given his rather notable anti Jewish outlook, I suspect she will probably have it on her bedroom wall.

The difference is, whist I can't agree with that lady, I can understand her but I can't understand violent thieves with a history of drug use and knife crime doing anything at all for Islam, regardless of how their warped ideas see it.

They are clearly mad morons, probably radicalised by Chowdary and some of his idiot pals.
I would love to see the whole bunch of his followers caught with something they can be arrested and locked up for, before any more of the dogs slip the leash and bite some other poor sod.

There will never be legislation for locking up 'idiots', than goodness, and I find the fact that you continue to label dangerous strict followers of Islam 'idiots' rather transparent. I guess we may as well leave that alone since It is clear why you do it and it is clear you aren't likely to stop. I will just say one more time, Choudary is an example of a strict Muslim who is doing what Islam demands of him.
Regarding your point about criminals not doing anything at all for Islam, why do you think it is Islam that is the fastest growing religion in prisons? I wonder why Islam has far greater appeal for the incarcerated than other religions?
I don't believe you, Indo. I believe there is more truth in your name and line underneath - extremist muslim - than you are letting on. Your video choice tells me all I need to know. You are busy working to present this poster child of Islam as some sort of abberation when in fact he is nothing of the sort.

After years of blogging I have learned to identify your type fairly easily and the only thing I can tell you is that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Islam is a dead end road. It is at its roots a terrorist organization with the goal of overthrowing whatever government / nation it moves in on and replacing it with Sharia law. If you are married I am sure your wife is under a burka as I'm writing this. She has my sympathy. - Jeri

When you can't construct a real argument; make up some shit in the hope of discrediting the poster.
In this case, your argument is based on my serious dislike of the extremists because you want to hate all for the actions of a few.

Your hate isn't so far removed from the like of Chowdary and his morons.
Be ashamed of yourself.
And I hope you really are 'seriously anti extremism'. However, you work so hard to downplay the role people such as Choudary play, and you are duplicitous when you pretend the message he promulgates is not Islam, so, who knows?

Downplay - are you joking?

Read my posts; I'm blaming the bastard and want to see him locked up for his part in this.
As far as I'm concerned, the person who trained the dog to bite is just as guilty as the dog.

You seem to be pretending to misunderstand my points.
The truth will out.

Michael Adebolajo, London terror suspect

Michael Adebolajo's sister Blessing grins as she is led away from her home | Mail Online

A drug puddled idiot with a long history of violence, theft and stupidity.
Hardly a good Muslim or good anything.
The British police, whist restricted by stupid European laws regarding human rights, still cocked up and allowed the drummer to be murdered by their failings.

People of this type are known to the police and should be at least tagged and monitored to keep them from their actions.
I have unconfirmed reports, Adebolajo tried to go to Somalia to fight for Islam there but was stopped.
Big mistake- He should have been allowed to leave but his passport taken away and his UK citizenship revoked.
That way he would have just been one more dead idiot and we would have one more live person on our street along with the bonus of no one blaming "Muslims" for the actions of a few.

Wrong. The TRUTH IS OUT. As in past tense! Islam is a terrorist organization hiding under a false classification: Religion. Time to get it reclassified under the right category: TERRORIST ORGANIZATION. Period. - Jeremiah
There will never be legislation for locking up 'idiots', than goodness, and I find the fact that you continue to label dangerous strict followers of Islam 'idiots' rather transparent. I guess we may as well leave that alone since It is clear why you do it and it is clear you aren't likely to stop. I will just say one more time, Choudary is an example of a strict Muslim who is doing what Islam demands of him.
Regarding your point about criminals not doing anything at all for Islam, why do you think it is Islam that is the fastest growing religion in prisons? I wonder why Islam has far greater appeal for the incarcerated than other religions?

Interesting take.

These drug users can't be called strict anything to do with Islam as their lives are about as haram as you can get without eating black pudding.
I believe, "epic fail" applies to both you and Chowdary.

As for prisons, I understand the gangs use Islam as a means of power.
I would hope they'd convert as part of a 'repent and restart' thing but I seriously don't think so.

However, I have no evidence either way without researching it so that remains an opinion and will be untested until at least after the weekend as I have a pile of work to sort out for a Christian school I do a little work for.
The owner and principals are all Christians but they have many Muslim teachers.
A fine example of tossing hate in the dustbin and teaching all the students to love and understand each other.

It's a pity you didn't attend such a place. :)
I don't believe you, Indo. I believe there is more truth in your name and line underneath - extremist muslim - than you are letting on. Your video choice tells me all I need to know. You are busy working to present this poster child of Islam as some sort of abberation when in fact he is nothing of the sort.

After years of blogging I have learned to identify your type fairly easily and the only thing I can tell you is that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Islam is a dead end road. It is at its roots a terrorist organization with the goal of overthrowing whatever government / nation it moves in on and replacing it with Sharia law. If you are married I am sure your wife is under a burka as I'm writing this. She has my sympathy. - Jeri

When you can't construct a real argument; make up some shit in the hope of discrediting the poster.
In this case, your argument is based on my serious dislike of the extremists because you want to hate all for the actions of a few.

Your hate isn't so far removed from the like of Chowdary and his morons.
Be ashamed of yourself.

Ashamed of exposing this doctrine of hell? NEVER! My bible tells me to speak out against evil not defend it. You had better wake up and smell the coffee here. You've been brainwashed to believe a lie. That is the bottom line here. Turn or burn. You're choice. - Jeri
I should say there are many British who are at a loss for what to do - do not like the Muslim invasion but worry about owning a gun too because their govt says they can protect them. It doesn't look much like that is working out though.

Yeah, the cops always arrive after the fact.

It also looks like they can't shoot too well, either. I'm assuming that as the perp ran toward the cop, he would have instinctively made a center mass shot to the chest at almost point blank range, yet the guy is still alive. Either the bullet didn't strike a major organ, or the cop, under duress, missed the center.

UK cops are supposed to attempt non lethal shots where possible and I understand one was disabled by stun gun.
However, this does not, in any way, suggest I would be sad if they had been killed and I suspect that may have been the criminals' intention when they attacked firearms officers with knives.

Martyrs and a place by Allah's side with a pile of sweet virgins.
Sod all chance - A large and not very friendly looking fire awaits these fools when they finally snuff it.
There will never be legislation for locking up 'idiots', than goodness, and I find the fact that you continue to label dangerous strict followers of Islam 'idiots' rather transparent. I guess we may as well leave that alone since It is clear why you do it and it is clear you aren't likely to stop. I will just say one more time, Choudary is an example of a strict Muslim who is doing what Islam demands of him.
Regarding your point about criminals not doing anything at all for Islam, why do you think it is Islam that is the fastest growing religion in prisons? I wonder why Islam has far greater appeal for the incarcerated than other religions?

Interesting take.

These drug users can't be called strict anything to do with Islam as their lives are about as haram as you can get without eating black pudding.
I believe, "epic fail" applies to both you and Chowdary.

As for prisons, I understand the gangs use Islam as a means of power.
I would hope they'd convert as part of a 'repent and restart' thing but I seriously don't think so.

However, I have no evidence either way without researching it so that remains an opinion and will be untested until at least after the weekend as I have a pile of work to sort out for a Christian school I do a little work for.
The owner and principals are all Christians but they have many Muslim teachers.
A fine example of tossing hate in the dustbin and teaching all the students to love and understand each other.

It's a pity you didn't attend such a place. :)

Does the q'uran state that the drugs these people take are haram? I believe it is specifically alcohol that is proscribed. Maybe you can provide a quote from your book to to demonstrate I am mistaken?
On the other point, why do you think prisoners choose Islam 'as a means of power' over other religions, by a huge margin?

Indeed, a bloody terrible day.
Hate and stupidity leads to the death of a dad and leaves a kid without a father.

I really hope the family can get over this terrible crime without long term upset.
Imagine that poor kid, just two years old, wondering why daddy will never come home.

I don't believe you, Indo. I believe there is more truth in your name and line underneath - extremist muslim - than you are letting on. Your video choice tells me all I need to know. You are busy working to present this poster child of Islam as some sort of abberation when in fact he is nothing of the sort.

After years of blogging I have learned to identify your type fairly easily and the only thing I can tell you is that those who live by the sword will die by the sword. Islam is a dead end road. It is at its roots a terrorist organization with the goal of overthrowing whatever government / nation it moves in on and replacing it with Sharia law. If you are married I am sure your wife is under a burka as I'm writing this. She has my sympathy. - Jeri

When you can't construct a real argument; make up some shit in the hope of discrediting the poster.
In this case, your argument is based on my serious dislike of the extremists because you want to hate all for the actions of a few.

Your hate isn't so far removed from the like of Chowdary and his morons.
Be ashamed of yourself.

Ashamed of exposing this doctrine of hell? NEVER! My bible tells me to speak out against evil not defend it. You had better wake up and smell the coffee here. You've been brainwashed to believe a lie. That is the bottom line here. Turn or burn. You're choice. - Jeri

It always gives me a chuckle to watch christians say that with a gleam in their eye.

I agree with you about it being easy to spot bloggers whose main mission is to disingenuously convince the audience that Islamic Militancy and Radicalism is limited to handfuls rather than being epidemic.

I disagree with you about Islam being at its roots a terrorist organization.

Rightly or wrongly, I see it as a Warrior's Creed - saturated with blood - rife with examples of circumstances in which it is permissible to wage war or to kill in the name of their flavor of God or to advance The Faith or to support their co-religionists.

When your flavor of God and your Founder tell you it's OK to draw blood, and when any old street-corner cleric or layman is empowered to declare the criteria fulfilled to engage in Authorized Bloodletting, your culture and spirituality and practitioners are always on a hair-trigger; folks feel more empowered to draw blood on their own, and can also more easily be seduced into religiously motivated organized bloodletting than their counterparts adhering to other belief systems.

And I also believe - rightly or wrongly - that it is a Creed of more superficiality and mechanical rote ceremonial and less inner spiritual focus than may be found in other belief-systems; with its simplistic and droning and rhyming repetitive chants and mantra designed to be memorized by illiterate desert dwellers; proselytizing and evangelizing and insistent and intolerant and intrusive and obnoxious and aggressive and expansive; expansive in a manner similar to a virus; dangerous to health and liberty and peace.

My personal conclusion is: It is not a terrorist organization; it is an aggressive and intrusive political and cultural and judicial system married to a simplistic belief-system; a hybrid that is not, itself, a terrorist organization, but which spawns terrorist and warmaking offshoots and spinoffs and knockoffs far more frequently and easily than do its counterparts in our modern age.

In theory at least, the lowlifes who butchered that young puppy of a British soldier were just as empowered by their Sacred Texts and Traditions to rationalize their actions as Service to The Cause and as Service to Religious Brethren as any other Muslim on the face of the planet; allowed to make their own judgment-calls about such things, despite their great ignorance.
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I should say there are many British who are at a loss for what to do - do not like the Muslim invasion but worry about owning a gun too because their govt says they can protect them. It doesn't look much like that is working out though.

Yeah, the cops always arrive after the fact.

It also looks like they can't shoot too well, either. I'm assuming that as the perp ran toward the cop, he would have instinctively made a center mass shot to the chest at almost point blank range, yet the guy is still alive. Either the bullet didn't strike a major organ, or the cop, under duress, missed the center.

UK cops are supposed to attempt non lethal shots where possible and I understand one was disabled by stun gun.
However, this does not, in any way, suggest I would be sad if they had been killed and I suspect that may have been the criminals' intention when they attacked firearms officers with knives.

Martyrs and a place by Allah's side with a pile of sweet virgins.
Sod all chance - A large and not very friendly looking fire awaits these fools when they finally snuff it.

Why is it even a thing that there are sweet revirginated virgins in jannah for islams martyrs?
Does the q'uran state that the drugs these people take are haram? I believe it is specifically alcohol that is proscribed. Maybe you can provide a quote from your book to to demonstrate I am mistaken?
On the other point, why do you think prisoners choose Islam 'as a means of power' over other religions, by a huge margin?

Grow up before you bother asking stupid questions.
You aren't worth the time to bother answering such a stupid question based on hate and stupidity.
It's haters such as yourself who cause so much misery and I hold you in the same contempt as the haters in Islam - you are the same.

Talk to me when you learn to love.
When you can't construct a real argument; make up some shit in the hope of discrediting the poster.
In this case, your argument is based on my serious dislike of the extremists because you want to hate all for the actions of a few.

Your hate isn't so far removed from the like of Chowdary and his morons.
Be ashamed of yourself.

Ashamed of exposing this doctrine of hell? NEVER! My bible tells me to speak out against evil not defend it. You had better wake up and smell the coffee here. You've been brainwashed to believe a lie. That is the bottom line here. Turn or burn. You're choice. - Jeri

It always gives me a chuckle to watch christians say that with a gleam in their eye.

Yes, you keep on telling these moon god worshipers they are headed to paradise for their latest jihad spree and I'll keep telling them the truth that if they don't turn from it they will burn in hell. We'll see how you like it when those who didn't heed the warning are blaming you for not warning them and your all roasting together down there. - Jeri

Indeed, a bloody terrible day.
Hate and stupidity leads to the death of a dad and leaves a kid without a father.

I really hope the family can get over this terrible crime without long term upset.
Imagine that poor kid, just two years old, wondering why daddy will never come

You 'hope' their wont be 'long term upset' in the family when their father, brother, son, husband was hacked to death and practically decapitated in the street?
Does the q'uran state that the drugs these people take are haram? I believe it is specifically alcohol that is proscribed. Maybe you can provide a quote from your book to to demonstrate I am mistaken?
On the other point, why do you think prisoners choose Islam 'as a means of power' over other religions, by a huge margin?

Grow up before you bother asking stupid questions.
You aren't worth the time to bother answering such a stupid question based on hate and stupidity.
It's haters such as yourself who cause so much misery and I hold you in the same contempt as the haters in Islam - you are the same.

Talk to me when you learn to love.

When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser. It is quite apparent who the loser here is. lol.. - Jeri
Does the q'uran state that the drugs these people take are haram? I believe it is specifically alcohol that is proscribed. Maybe you can provide a quote from your book to to demonstrate I am mistaken?
On the other point, why do you think prisoners choose Islam 'as a means of power' over other religions, by a huge margin?

Grow up before you bother asking stupid questions.
You aren't worth the time to bother answering such a stupid question based on hate and stupidity.
It's haters such as yourself who cause so much misery and I hold you in the same contempt as the haters in Islam - you are the same.

Talk to me when you learn to love.

Scratch the surface, and voila!
I'm not a hater, indo, but thanks for showing you cannot engage in debate about the nature of Islam, or even answer simple questions about it without very quickly jumping to insults and tantrums. Not exactly atypical, I'm afraid!

Indeed, a bloody terrible day.
Hate and stupidity leads to the death of a dad and leaves a kid without a father.

I really hope the family can get over this terrible crime without long term upset.
Imagine that poor kid, just two years old, wondering why daddy will never come home.


Such hypocrisy. Were you tossing candy while typing this out? I bet you were. - Jeri

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